#378E: Could iterative refinement of governance philosophy, from to-date "subtraction" principles to future "addition" trends, prevent the Tytler Cycle from occurring and what benefits could such refinement bring to all of us, also where and how could the implementation of this refinement be attempted in practice?
Jak zawsze, polskojęzyczna wersja tego angielskiego wpisu #378E z jego częściami #2A do #2J jest też opublikowana jako polski wpis #378 poniżej tego #378E (As always, the Polish version of this English post #378E with its parts #2A to #2J is also published as Polish post #378 blow this #378E) Summary of this blog #378E , the content of which was adapted from parts #2A to #2J of the "chapter #2" in the web page "2026totalizmparty.htm" available at addresses provided at the end of this post. The blog #378E and its parts #2A to #2J briefly, initially and generally try to explain the "intentions" and philosophical foundations, as well as engineering procedures "how", for democratic attempts to achieve "adding" group of goals specified in "part #1A" from the web page named "2026totalizmparty.htm". (The content of that web page is to be written down gradually in the form of a report from the course of life's path in th...