#331E: Findings of the "Theory of Life of 2020" on what is the phenomenon of life, where does it come from and what are its components together with the data of "three witnesses" confirming the truth of these findings
Motto of this post number #331E for blogs of totalizm: "The less we know about God and life or the more what we think that we already know but instead on the reliable truth confirmed by the '3 witnesses' recommended in the Bible is based only on humanly erroneous interpretations or on ignorant beliefs, the more we break God's commandments and requirements thus exposing ourselves to punishments served by karma, Boomerang Principle, and by the foretold in the Bible judgment of God Himself." (The justification why it is in the interest of our own good, that instead of believing in the interpretations of "rejecting knowledge" priests - see verses 4:4-9 from the biblical "Book of Hosea", we should rather build our knowledge of God and His requirements for our lives by studying reliable results of research on God, the compliance with the truth of which is constantly and unanimously confirmed by the three independent "witnesses" described