#352E: Search for laws and principles of effective praying that govern over requests which God promises to fulfil, inspired by miracles that bind the names "Arawa" from New Zealand and "Arava" from Israel
Summary: In my life I am already used to seeing with my own eyes and to experiencing in person, events the courses of which are contrary to the work of laws of matter recognised by our "official atheistic science", and thus which events deserve to be called "miracles". After all, the linked below list of only the most important among such miraculous events that I have already experienced exceeds the significant number 30. However, starting since 2012, when in the New Zealand (NZ) township called Petone described on my web page "petone.htm" I bought for myself a flat (already then around 50 years old) in a housing company which in the language of local Maoris is named "Arawa", the experience of these miraculous events that cannot be explained solely with principles of "materialistic reductionism" (see https://www.google.com/search?q=materialistic+reductionism ) has increased even more. In this post #352E I report the consequences of the...