#351E: Manifestations of the living intelligence of God in the laws that govern the solving of human problems
Summary : In this post #351E to blogs of totalizm I am presenting an example of a whole group of related laws governing over the solving of problems that trouble people, thus in learning about work of which laws everyone should be interested. Here I am using this example to confirm with it and make the reader aware of my discovery that all laws that govern the phenomena of our "world of matter" in their actions reveal the presence of most effective methods of achieving the goal of educating people, thus that they display behaviours which characterize people and intelligent creatures but are absent in mindless matter. Furthermore, either by themselves, or together with laws related to them, they display also the highly intelligent and goal-oriented feature described by the name " self-regulation " - more generally explained in item #B3 while confirmed by the example in item #B4.4 from my web page named "mozajski_uk.htm". In other words, laws, which accordin...