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#351E: Manifestations of the living intelligence of God in the laws that govern the solving of human problems

Summary: In this post #351E to blogs of totalizm I am presenting an example of a whole group of related laws governing over the solving of problems that trouble people, thus in learning about work of which laws everyone should be interested. Here I am using this example to confirm with it and make the reader aware of my discovery that all laws that govern the phenomena of our "world of matter" in their actions reveal the presence of most effective methods of achieving the goal of educating people, thus that they display behaviours which characterize people and intelligent creatures but are absent in mindless matter. Furthermore, either by themselves, or together with laws related to them, they display also the highly intelligent and goal-oriented feature described by the name "self-regulation" - more generally explained in item #B3 while confirmed by the example in item #B4.4 from my web page named "mozajski_uk.htm". In other words, laws, which according to claims of present "official atheistic science" allegedly were formed by thoughtless nature, in fact display features characteristic for the behaviour of highly intelligent living creatures, NOT just for thoughtless mechanisms of inanimate matter operation. In the examples of laws discussed here, the methods of their operation and their behaviour remind me personally the reliable methods of operation and behaviour of my teachers who were educated still in times before the Second World War and at these times yet undistorted by "political correctness" gained their proven professional experience and teaching methods - i.e. those teachers who still had the courage to apply proven for centuries of use the most effective teaching methods, which I described more comprehensively in item #K1 from my web page named "wszewilki_uk.htm", but which present atheistic politicians and scientists forbid us to use only because these methods are consistent with the recommendations of the Bible. So if our perception of reality allows us to accept the existence of such behaviours of living intelligence in the examples of laws described here, and also in all other laws of nature, then logically there is NO other option than to admit that behind the operation of all "natural laws" there is the wisdom and omniscience of the creator, the actual father and chief "teacher" of all people, who is also our God.

Motto of this post #351E to blogs of totalizm: "The problems that bother us are like women from the English proverb 'hell has not fury like a woman scorned' (see ) - i.e. if we ignore these problems and do not solve them on time, then they will resolve themselves in the way that hurts us the most." (Summary of the essence of this post #351E, which describes the laws that God instituted to govern the solving of problems with painful consequences, the ignoring by people of the need for which solving results in spoiling the quality of humanity's life.)

#C9. Seven vital laws [A] to [G] governing over the solving of problems that trouble people, which laws confirm my discovery that the operation of all "natural laws" demonstrates attributes characteristic for logically thinking highly intelligent creatures (i.e. God, people, etc.) and thus the actual origin of which contradicts claims of present "official atheistic science" that these laws are derived from mechanisms of behaviours of a thoughtless nature deprived of the ability to think and to act intelligently:

The Bible contains data which reveal to us, that our world of matter was created by God only around 6000 "human years" ago. In addition, in two verses of the Bible was also encoded the confirmation of my discovery made in February 2022. Thus, this discovery fulfilled the prophecy which these verses of the Bible contained so far-sightedly encoded into them for over 2000 years. After all, my discovery from February 2022 revealed to us the consequences of the fact that in the world inhabited by God (which world my "Theory of Everything from 1985" calls the "counter-world"), neither exists the "elapse of time" nor the aging work of "time". On the other hand, it is the ever moving liquid which is contained in this "counter-world" that our wise God used as the building material thus creating from it our entire "world of matter". (Elementary components of this liquid building material I named "God Drobinas" because in Polish the word "drobina" means "something very small but greatly loved" - see #K1 and #K2 from my web page "god_exists.htm". In turn the eternal mobility of this liquid the ancient Greeks and NZ Maoris called "chaos".) Thus, the lack of "elapse of time" and the aging work of "time" in this "counter-world" practically means that both the "elapse of time" and the aging work of "time" must be "invented" by God and then technically pre-programmed only into the work of our "world of matter". The verses of the Bible containing the encoded confirmation of the truth and essence of the above my scientific discoveries and facts about the lack of elapse of time in the counter-world, I summarized and interpreted e.g. in #I5 to #I5a from the web page named "1985_theory_of_everything.htm" and in post number #346E to blogs of totalizm. In turn it so happens that these scientific discoveries and findings of mine have significance for a whole range of areas of human life. Hence, their significance for e.g. religion I explained in the INTRODUCTION to my web page named "bible.htm" - where I justified, among other things, that in order verses of the Bible would be able over 2000 years ago predict and confirm the essence and truth of the most important findings of my "Theory of Everything from 1985" (that one described on the web page "dipolar_gravity.htm"), it is absolutely necessary that their content was inspired by someone with the knowledge of the future and with above-humanly far-sighted knowledge possessed only by God, which fact in practice represents another empirical proof that God really does exist. In turn the meaning of these discoveries e.g. for human science and history I explained a bit more thoroughly e.g. in {9} from item #B8.2 of my Polish web page named "rok.htm" - where I emphasized, among other things, that the non-existence of "elapse of time" in the counter-world practically means that all movements and effects of phenomena that take place in there (such as: telepathy, telekinesis, hypnosis, death review of the entire life, etc.) must occur in there with infinitely high speed - and this in turn reveals that the stubbornness of official dissemination "the theory of relativity" wrongly telling us the alleged existence of a limitation of the highest possible speed in the universe to the value of speed of light, in practice results in forcing into us a lie and in blocking our progress. Unfortunately, the above findings of my "Theory of Everything from 1985" still remain almost unknown, because still awaits our solving the short-sighted and close-minded problem of cleverly depriving people of the freedom to express and to learn about scientific discoveries and views that reveal truths considered to be "taboo" and "forbidden knowledge" by our monopolistic "official atheistic science" trying to assume the role of "atheistic religion" - means problem still practiced by many present decision makers. It is this problem that, among others, manifests itself in the fury of hidden attacks, silencing and blockades of my discoveries and theories. As a result, I am still forced to disseminate my "Theory of Everything from 1985" under its initial, different, and not reflecting its versatility, the name "Concept of Dipolar Gravity" - see web page "dipolar_gravity.htm". On the other hand, this "Theory of Everything from 1985" revealed to us so many previously unknown truths, that they suffice to create a completely new science, which I call the "totaliztic science" and for years I postulate to create from it a competition for healing scientific problems for the currently monopolistic one, promoting non-selective rewarding with "money" all actions of people (even those that should be punished) and already notoriously misleading people, the "official atheistic science". (This new "totaliztic science" and its possible role as a "science fixer" is described in more detail in items #C1 to #C6 from my web page named "telekinetics.htm".) One of the examples of these discoveries of my "Theory of Everything from 1985" is the finding that we people age in the "human time" which elapses with a much slower speed than the time of the so-called of "inanimate matter" that ages e.g. atoms, isotopes, fossils, carbon, etc. - as I documented it in a number of my publications, e.g. briefly in the INTRODUCTION and in item #G4 from the web page named "dipolar_gravity.htm", while in full extend in the Polish monograph [12] disseminated via the web page named "tekst_12.htm". Furthermore, our "human time" passes in leaps, is reversible, and was technically pre-programmed by God in a manner almost identical as we program the time of heroes of e.g. computer games - for more details about it see explanations from item #D3 from my web page named "god_proof.htm". Thus, this "human time" should be called e.g. with the phrase "reversible software time", while its elapse should be expressed in "human years". In turn all inanimate matter ages in a different, faster elapsing time, which would be best called with the phrase "irreversible absolute time" assigned to it in my publications, while the elapse of which should be expressed with different units than our human time, because according to the Bible it elapses at least 365-thousand times faster than our "human time". Unfortunately, the "official atheistic science" refuses to accept the findings of my Theory of Everything from 1985 - which creates yet another problem for it and for humanity that also awaits its resolving. After all, the original goal of establishing the "official atheistic science", which was "revealing the truth and implementing progress", by the phenomenon of "reversal of function" has already managed to change into the exact opposite of this goal, perfectly expressed by the Malaysian proverb "your fences eat your rice" - which more thoroughly together with the procedure "how" I am explaining in (B1) from item #E3 of my web page named "pajak_for_mp_2017.htm", while additionally I supplement with the actual example in item #D3 from the web page named "portfolio.htm".

The fact that our world of matter is only 6000 human years "young" brings many unfavourable consequences. For example, it means that everything in it is still young, inexperienced, containing many problems awaiting for God and people to find ways to solve them in a joint effort, and also that everything in it requires educating people about the procedure "how" these problems should be solved. This is best seen in the treatment of "truth" by official science and people (hence my "Twelve Truths about Truth", which I explained in "chapter N" of my monograph [5/3] disseminated via the web page "text_5_3.htm", while I also briefly discuss them in item #B4.1 from my web page named "tapanui.htm"), and also in the matter of treatment the so-called "problems" by people, the solving of the most important of which problems can be accomplished, for example, with procedures "how" described in items #A2.1 to A2.12 from the web page named "totalizm.htm". This is because our schools and colleges - still run almost exclusively by the old "official atheistic science" that jealously guards its lucrative monopoly on education and research, avoid teaching us truths and the effective solving "problems" that bother us. Meanwhile, it turns out that in order to be able to effectively solve problems that bother us, we first need to learn what laws govern over them. After all, for everything that has a repetitive nature, our God developed strict algorithms for his management of their course and effects, which we know under the name of "laws" - see descriptions of the manner of their implementation by God from item #J5 of the web page named "petone.htm". Most of these "laws" still remain unknown to people - in spite that a significant part of them concerns procedures "how" for managing the operation and fate of human "problems". Furthermore, in addition to learning the laws governing over "problems", one also needs to "learn" how to use these laws in order to be able to solve problems - which requires learning the differences between "what" and "how" and the totaliztic definitions of the concept of "knowledge" and the concept of "wisdom" which I provided and explained in items #G3 to #G5 from my web page named "wroclaw_uk.htm". Meanwhile, the most urgent to learn out of these laws that govern over "problems" is at least seven. Let us list and explain in the following paragraphs [A] to [G] those of them which my philosophy of totalizm has already identified, described comprehensively, and about which it has already established that their fruits and work are the consequence of leaving unsolved most of the problems that bother us most in present times. Here are these laws:

[A] Each problem contains the build-in its own solving - so if people affected by it for a too-long time avoid solving it, then in a natural and at the same time in the most educational, because the most painful way, this problem will solve itself. This is why both, the laws described here, and practically all other laws of nature, were explicitly or implicitly formulated by God as "self-regulating" laws (see web page "mozajski_uk.htm"). A good example of the operation of such "self-regulating" laws are predators and the situation with their victims, and also are their human equivalents (e.g. exploiters or tyrants and their victims). Thus, if e.g. too many predators multiply, then they eat almost all of their victims and then they themselves must die of hunger. It is similar, for example, with the balance of human sources of the so-called "dirty energy" (i.e. commercially sold fuels polluting nature). For example, we currently observe a situation that cars and other devices running on these dirty fuels almost poisoned out their own existence by themselves. Yet another such example is today's covert printing of excess money by some governments - which causes their currency to rapidly decline in value, increase discontent and riots, and ultimately the loss of power by these enthusiastic money printers. This ability for a natural self-solving of problems results from the ingenious pre-programming by God of all mechanisms that govern events in our world of matter. Namely, these mechanisms are pre-programmed on principles of "self-regulation" described e.g. in items #B3 and #B3.1 from my web page named "mozajski_uk.htm". In the simplest way this principle of "self-regulation" is explained by my philosophy of totalizm with descriptions of the operation of the overriding balancing mechanism, expressed for ages by an old Polish proverb, and then extended by totalizm in the form of two contradictory findings of the truth in life, informing that: "There is NO such evil that would NOT work out for good" (in Polish: "NIE ma takiego zła co by na dobre NIE wyszło"), and at the same time "There is NO such good that would NOT generate some form of evil" (in Polish: "NIE ma takiego dobra, co by NIE wygenerowało sobą jakiejś formy zła") - for descriptions of both these opposite findings on life truths see e.g. item #F3 from the web page named "wszewilki_uk.htm" or see other publications linked with their Polish wording in the Polish indexing web page named "skorowidz.htm". But because every principle can be expressed in various words, another presentation of the above totaliztic truths is e.g. the Arabic saying: "Hard times make people strong, strong people make good times, good times make people weak, weak people make hard times" assigned to Sheikh Rashid (founder of Dubai) - which, together with the video illustrating it, I provided, amongst others, as the "motto" to item #J4 from my web page named "1985_theory_of_everything.htm". In turn the English express the same principle either with the words "when the going gets tough, the tough get going" (see - which into Polish I would translate as "im trudniejsza podróż tym silniejsi nią podróżujący"), or with words "what doesn't kill you will make you stronger" (see - which in the Polish language means "co cię nie uśmierci uczyni cię silniejszym"). In a scientific manner mechanisms of action most frequently used by God for the systemic implementation of such "self-regulating" laws are explained in more details in item #A2.11 from my web page named "totalizm.htm" and in other publications linked from there, and also in the based on that item #A2.11 post #283E to blogs of totalizm. Formerly people tried also to implement this principle of "self-regulation" in the formulation of human laws. For example, I used to read that in former times France obeyed the law that the water intake from a river for a given factory or city must be located downstream from the sewage outlet of that factory or city to this river. Thus, if dirty sewage was discharged into the river, then this sewage later polluted also the water collected by the intake of the ones who released it.

[B] The problem that people do NOT want to solve correctly, will continually increase to the extend that any further ignoring it will force it to solve itself naturally. In turn people are always warned about the upcoming self-solving of it - although typically most of them do NOT want to know about the existence of these warnings and refuse to hear them. For example, if this problem is a badly constructed bridge, then first it will wobble, creak, and reveal its weaknesses, while if people ignore these warnings, then it will collapse by itself in the most painful way - although always also in accordance with the requirements of absolute justice. It is interesting that God so wisely pre-programmed our world of matter that every problem repeatedly reminds people of the existence of this problem, while each time it does this reminding with ever increased force. Furthermore, for every kind of problem God developed and made available to people a way of determining that its painful self-solving is just coming. For example, in order to warn about the arrival of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, already over a thousand years ago God inspired a Chinese man named "Zhang Heng" to invent a telepathic warning device, currently known under the erroneous name Zhang Heng Seismograph (see ) and shown below in Fig. #C9a. This incredible device, with sufficient time advance for an effective escape, warns that an earthquake or a volcanic eruption is about to begin and the damage caused by it is already on the way and is coming. The operation of this telepathic device I am describing systematically in my publications since 2003, among others on my web page named "seismograph.htm". In 2005, after hiding the "telepathic" principle of work of this device under the scientifically acceptable name "hydraulic principle of operation", I even managed to present it on a scientific conference - see editorial data of my paper listed in item #I1 of the above web page "seismograph.htm". But in spite of all these my efforts, the old "official atheistic science" still ignores these descriptions until today and does NOT carry out any research on its telepathic principle that I developed nor starts attempts to investigate it - although this telepathic device which detects already initiated earthquakes, works very effectively with a detection range of several hundred kilometres. For a large proportion of problems, the warning about the imminent arrival of their natural self-solutions are issued through people in the Bible called "prophets" (do NOT confuse them with so-called "false prophets" also precisely defined in the Bible). What form their warnings usually take, one can find out, for example, from quotations from the Bible that I provided in item #T1 from my web page named "woda_uk.htm".

[C] Problems prefer self-solving in large herds, i.e. all of a given origin at once and always in the most permanent and educational way that will cause the greatest amount of damage and human pain to those guilty of causing it. Today, in many areas of the Earth, we see just such examples of problems transition to the phase of self-solving - for example consider the consequences of deforestation in Africa and Madagascar, or the results of devastating nature in both Americas. In addition, this preference for their self-solving in large herds is well documented by proverbs and folk wisdom. For example consider the old Polish saying "misfortunes come in flocks" (in Polish: "nieszczęścia chodzą stadami"). Therefore, it is very important to learn how to solve them as soon as possible after they reveal themselves to us. Totalizm offers various methods for this, descriptions of which are collected in #A2.1 to #A2.12 from the web page named "totalizm.htm". In turn from all of these methods I most recommend the method that uses God's help, i.e. the so-called "law of the highway through the sea" - links to extensive Polish descriptions of which "prawo autostrady przez morze" the reader can find under its Polish name on the web page named "skorowidz.htm". However, it is worth remembering that one needs to deserve God's quick help, for example, by carrying own life in accordance with the verse 14:15 from the biblical "Gospel according to St. John" stating "If you love me, you will keep my commandments". Moreover, when one wishes to receive God's help in solving a serious problem with which we are confronted, this help must be prayed for - e.g. if the situation allows us to do so and we have time to do so, then it is best to pray in a place where God has already made people to understand with miracles done in there that God established this place to be a "holy area". An example of such a place in NZ is the area marked with the "Celtic cross" described in #J3 to #J3z from the web page named "petone.htm" and in #A3 to #A3abc from another web page (in Polish) named "klasa.htm". In turn examples of such places existing in Poland include the basilica of Jasna Góra in Częstochowa (see ), probably well known to all people of Polish origins, as well as the baroque church of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Święta Lipka, which I described in more detail e.g. in #D6.1 from my web page named "timevehicle.htm", and from my own experience I also believe that the Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Warsaw (the one right next to the President's Palace) - from which I experienced a miraculous transfer to another church standing in a place that also is "holy area", probably to Święta Lipka, which I described in more detail, among others in #E3 and #E2 from my web page named "malbork_uk.htm".

[D] For every problem people can work out a great number of correct ways of solving it, each of which ways differs from other ways of its solving by the level of perfection. The best example that confirms this is the engineering problem "how to build a car" repeatedly indicated on my web pages - hundreds of different cars that are different solutions to this problem (while differing in terms of perfection, price, manufacturer, colour, etc.) each of us can watch every day on roads and streets. Unfortunately, in schools and colleges - especially on lessons of mathematics, a cleverly designed lie was forced into our minds, which is extremely destructive for the development of our creative thinking, and which claims that allegedly: "every problem has only one correct solution" (e.g. that: 2x2 = 4). On the other hand, the manifestations of the world of matter in which we live constantly prove to us that "for every problem there is a large number of correct solutions, each one of which differs from others in the level of its perfection". For example, only if we perform a given mathematical operation on integers (i.e. of the "integer" type numbers) then in fact in this ideal (unreal) situation we multiply: 2 x 2 = 4. But in real life such an ideal situation happens only sometimes and in fact almost never is completely ideal - for example, if we had two very rich uncles and each of them would decide to give us two cars, then in this almost ideal situation we would actually land as owners of 2x2 = 4 cars (unfortunately, almost for sure each of these cars would display level of perfection different from the other three, thus in practice we would still live as if we were given one or two cars, NOT as many as four). But if the real life requires working on non-integer real numbers (i.e. of the "real" type), then the same real operation of, let's say, multiplying 2,000 x 2,000, may give several different results. For example, if this action is carried out by today's computers, then depending on the memory units that these computers use and the algorithm used in them to perform multiplication operations, the same operation may give results e.g. between e.g. 2,000 x 2,000 = 3,999 and 2,000 x 2,000 = 4.001. In turn such a situation will appear in most solutions to problems of our everyday life - for example problems of "purchase". Hence, if we regularly visit two shops, e.g. two butchers, and in each of them we regularly buy e.g. two kilograms of beef, then at home, after weighing what we have purchased, we could discover that depending on the quality of scales that these butchers and we would use, together we have NOT exactly 4.0 kilograms of beef, but let's say somewhere between eg 3,999 and 4,001 kilograms - and in addition also each piece of this meat probably will be of a different quality and taste from other pieces. Almost never the weight of these purchases will be the ideal 4 kilograms that promises us "knowledge" implanted in our minds by schools. Both, the above examples, as well as the huge range of other examples from real life, confirm that this belief forced into us in schools that "every problem has only one correct solution" is untrue, while in fact "absolutely every problem has many correct solutions". In turn if today's economists, bankers, or politicians tell us something completely different - just as we are overwhelmed with the problem of fair "remuneration for work that according to them is supposed to be possible only with money", then this persuasion is either a proof of their ignorance, or a proof of their "political beliefs" which they are trying to force into us. In turn, if the reader does NOT believe that there are also many solutions to the problem of remunerating work NOT only with money, then I suggest that he/she reads in items #C7 and #C8 of the web page "nirvana.htm" about the political "System of Nirvana" (and/or see our Polish-language film about it with subtitles "cc" in English, with the Polish title "Świat bez pieniędzy: Ustrój Nirwany" meaning "The Nirvana System: World that Rid of Money" - available free of charge on the Internet at ), or read (or watch videos) about the principles of life of people living far from today's cities and centres of civilization. This is because such learning about the "Nirvana System" should NOT be treated as my attempt to convince e.g. readers who like profits and money to implement the Nirvana System (after all, God gave each person a "free will" to do what he/she deems appropriate, however, God also informs him/her through the Bible and religion that he/she will later bear the consequences of whatever he/she chose to do), but just as the opportunity to learn the following truths that: [D1] absolutely every problem has many solutions with different levels of its perfection, [D2] solutions to problems are also ruled by laws pre-programmed by God and, among others, described here, [D3] learning the essence and history of the "Nirvana System" solution to the very troublesome problem of "rewarding with money work already done" opens our eyes to a wide range of other problems related to the use of money, [D4] it is worth being aware that, contrary to the phenomenon of "earned nirvana" already pre-programmed into our bodies - which rewards selectively only "physical work" performed in a moral manner, the "rewarding with money" hides a serious problem because it works "non-selectively" rewarding all kinds of actions focused on profit - including also purely criminal activities which should be punished instead of rewarded, [D5] blocking, concealing or silencing the truth about the existence of the problem of "paying with money" does NOT solve this problem, but only intensifies the accumulation of power with which it can later burst to self-solving itself, [D6] it is in the interest of every person to start discussing with his/her family and neighbours the currently fast growing power of the problem of "paying with money", and [D7] one must be prepared for the situation that if the humanity itself will NOT solve the problem of "paying with money" soon, then around the years 2030s this problem will begin to self-solve itself in highly for everyone painful way (e.g. see web page "2030_uk.htm"). In turn the fact that the use of money to reward the work done is NOT approved by God, is perfectly confirmed e.g. by following two verses of the Bible, namely by the warning from verse 6:10 in the biblical "First Letter to Timothy" - I quote: "For the root of all evil is the greed of money ", and the advice-command from verse 10:8 from" Matthew "- quote: "You received free, give free!". Furthermore, it is also confirmed by the fact, that God has long ago pre-programmed into the bodies of all people the phenomenon of "earned nirvana" described on the web page named "nirvana.htm", which nirvana is impossible to naturally evolve, only that our relatives from Orion planets still every month secretly "milk" us with almost all "moral energy" that we generate with our physical labour - as it is explained in more details in {2} to {2b} from #A1c of my web page named "tapanui.htm". On the other hand, because of the hidden and systematic "sucking" of so much "moral energy" from us by Orionians, earning nirvana by people on Earth so-far becomes extremely difficult. However, while stubbornly carrying out physical work with correct motivations, the acquisition of which is described in item #A2.12 from my web page named "totalizm.htm", long-term accomplishing and experiencing nirvana by people is still possible - as evidenced by the fact that I myself managed to keep experiencing of earned nirvana for about 9 months.

[E] There is one already known foolproof way for people to learn the wisdom of correct problem solving: it is to voluntarily perform many productive so-called "physical works" which are the generators of "wisdom" - especially when done with motivations of love of all our fellow humans and voluntary work for the good of others. (An effective method of acquiring such motivations is explained e.g. in item #A2.12 of the web page named "totalizm.htm".) Simultaneously, the so-called "mental works" are only fillers of memory with "knowledge" stating "what" and freeing thinking deprived of real limitations and requirements, that is, deprived of "wisdom" suggesting to people the procedures "how", i.e. with "knowledge" showing the path to decline rather than to growth. This in turn means, that "educating oneself" solely through putting into education only "mental work" (as this is done by today's schools and universities) can only fill the memory with information "what" but cannot teach the correct skill "how" to solve confronted problems. This is explained more extensively in items #G3 to #G5 from my web page "wroclaw_uk.htm", while the requirement to include in teaching practical procedures "how" with the help of subjects on "manual works" I briefly address in #I5 of the web page named "1985_theory_of_everything.htm". After all, the vast majority of today's productive "physical labour" boils down to finding such a solution to the problems of carrying out production of whatever is the final goal and effect of a given "physical labour", that from many possible solutions of a given product of this work the one is find and implemented that in a given situation proves to be the highest level of perfection, or it is either the cheapest, or the easiest to implement with the possessed set of tools and materials, etc. This is why in items #G3 to #G5 from the web page named "wroclaw_uk.htm" I warn readers that "mental work" allows only to stuff the memory with descriptions of "what" is provided to us by school textbooks under the name "knowledge". However, in order to gain "wisdom" it is necessary to know how to find procedures "how" - which finding is taught only by performing productive "manual labour". On the other hand, present scientists, politicians, decision makers, nor other "white-collar workers" typically do NOT do any "physical work". As a result, they did NOT learn to find "how" which generates "wisdom" necessary to solve any confronted problems. So in life it is worth teaching oneself and others to voluntarily undertake various productive "physical works", which reveal to those who perform them just this intuitive "wisdom", which states that "every problem can be solved in many ways that differ from each other by their level of perfection, while the natural self-solving one of these solutions is already permanently inscribed into the problem itself". As I have already emphasized, this wisdom is the easiest to notice on the streets of today's cities. For example, we can clearly see in there that this engineering problem "how to build a car" can be solved in thousands of different ways, e.g. only in the category of passenger cars as Marcedes, BMW, Toyota, Mazda, Ford, Morris, etc., etc., in turn each one of them in a further number of types, versions, varieties, etc., etc. Each of them also has different from others a level of perfection, cost of production, price, type, fuel consumption, etc. In turn the natural self-solving of the problem of "how to build a most perfect car" nowadays are provided by deadly exhaust fumes, which released previous cars on "dirty fuel" and which caused that these cars poisoned themselves out of market, painfully poisoning also a significant proportion of humans and nature.

[F] For every problem there is at least one "perfect" solution, which is morally correct and brings the biggest variety of advantages to people who use it. It is, among others, "how" to find this "perfect" solution for various categories of problems, that the philosophy of totalizm (i.e. that my "totalizm" - always written and inflected with the letter "z") tries to work out and teach us. In turn an example of one amongst such solving, already found by my philosophy to the problem of "money" as the source of almost all evil on Earth, is the "Nirvana System" described on the web page "nirvana.htm" in items #C7 and #C8, and also, amongst others, here in this post #351E. In best way the fact of the existence of such a solution is expressed by the finding of the philosophy of totalizm stating: "everything that is possible to imagine, is also possible to be implemented - only that with work and wisdom one needs to find a way 'how' to do it" - described more extensively in publications linked with the Polish wording of this finding (i.e. with wording: "wszystko co jest możliwe do pomyślenia, jest też możliwe do urzeczywistnienia - tyle że pracą i mądrością trzeba znaleźć sposób 'jak' tego dokonać") by my Polish indexing web page named "skorowidz.htm". Only that a component of human nature (especially prominent in people educated by forcing into them today's "what" but without providing the knowledge on "how" procedures) defends itself against learning this truth and resists searching for, and learning, correct solutions to problems that bother all of us. Therefore, the task of parental education, schooling and universities, political actions of governments, as well as religions, should be to teach people how to overcome such resistance and attempts to defend themselves against the implementation of progress.

[G] An indicator which allows to identify people who have already learned correct problem solving, is that to all their ideas and explanations they are able to include descriptions of a correctly functioning engineering "how" and to indicate the most competent "3 witnesses" defined in my publications which will confirm the correctness of this " how". Therefore, my advice is that, for example, during the democratic elections of representatives to the authorities, the most important verification whether a given candidate deserves our vote is to check whether the only thing he/she can do is announce "what", or whether he/she already has this absolutely needed to solve problems the habit and skill of revealing the proposal "how" to accomplish of that "what" he/she proposes. The most examples of such descriptions "how" together with "3 witnesses" confirming them, are contained in my presentations of truths from the web page named "2020life.htm". In turn several next examples of them the reader can find in #I2 of the web page "pajak_jan_uk.htm" or in #A1 of the web page "evolution.htm". Furthermore, the explanation of the absolute need for such presentation of new truths and ideas is discussed in the abovementioned items #G3 to #G5 from the web page named "wroclaw_uk.htm".

The times today are precisely the time when a whole pack of problems that humanity's leaders have been ignoring for too long has now chosen to reveal its natural way of self-solving. We see it in everything that surrounds us, e.g. in: the amount of rubbish and plastic in the oceans and soil, and chemicals in food, water, air and soil; in the on-going extinction of nature; printing money in unreasonable amounts; the rise of terrorism, armed conflicts and wars; climate change; the increasingly more dangerous diseases that plague us but for which "modern" pharmacy lacks effective medications; the intensification of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions when at the same time the "official atheistic science" ignores for years the research and development of the telepathic "seismograph", which has already proven itself in operation over 1000 years ago and the operation of which I described in detail on the web page "seismograph.htm" while the appearance I illustrated on Fig. #C9a below in this post #351E; the limiting of interests of an increasing proportion of people mainly to the matters of money, sex, food and pleasure; the ineffectiveness and corruption of governments that multiply "prohibitions" to conceal their inability to find "how" to solve the ever-mounting problems; turning people away from God; etc., etc. In turn, the best illustration of what attitude to problems and their solution is still demonstrated by the entire humanity is the to-date development of the history of the "Nirvana System" described above and in items #C7 and #C8 of the web page "nirvana.htm", and also in #A5 to #A5bc of the updated after 2022/2/14 my web page named "totalizm.htm".

* * *

We already know that the laws governing over the solving of people's problems show cause-effect relationships with all other laws that God established and pre-programmed into our world of matter (as I explained this more comprehensively in item #B3 on my web page named "will.htm" and in item #V7 on my web page "2020life.htm"). So we can already predict, that at some stage of the continuous removal of the sources of evil and the improvement of the world of matter by our God - as described in item #C8 of the web page "nirvana.htm", people may discover and will already know the full list of the remaining laws [H] to [Z] supplementing the above-listed laws [A] to [G], which I already indicated and described in this item #C9. In turn, because it is God who establishes and pre-programs all these laws [A] to [Z], which in the Greek alphabet are represented by the letters [Alpha] to [Omega], at the moment when humanity discovers all of them and gets to know them thoroughly, each of us people will indisputably acquire full knowledge of the truth why our God sometimes refers to Himself as "Alpha and Omega"! (Zhang Heng Seismograph in Google)

Fig. #C9a: Here is an example illustrating how God inspires people to actively solve problems caused by selfish actions, as well as to actively shake off the lethargy that introduced to people the approval of lies that caused an apparently "comfortable life" which briefly and temporarily occurred on Earth in the second half of the twentieth century as a result of breaking the commandments and requirements of God in the pursuit of profit and non-selective rewarding with "money" also for types of activities that deserve more punishment than reward (see #A1 to #A4 from my web page "partia_totalizmu_uk.htm"). Namely the above example is a photograph of a model of a telepathic device for remote detection of impending earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, which device is today highly erroneously described under the name of "Zhang Heng's "Seismograph". The most comprehensive descriptions of it are provided on my web page named "seismograph.htm". Unfortunately, the truth about the "telepathy" that is used in its principle of operation - about which my research determined that "telepathy" instantly propagates with infinite speed throughout the entire universe (for evidence of infinitely fast telepathy see [A5] from item #I3 of my web page named "1985_theory_of_everything.htm") caused that this wonder device also was doomed to be silenced and treated as "forbidden knowledge" by powers that secretly rule over our civilisation - similarly as doomed to be silenced by them is the truth of my theories, inventions and scientific discoveries. Therefore, on Earth officially and vigorously, it is still blocked and impossible to carry out rational research on telepathy, and various lies are sown about this phenomenon and about my results of its research. On the other hand the technical mastery of telepathy would bring countless benefits, among which the "seismograph" described here is only a modest example. For example, telepathic transmitters are able to send strong signals of deterrence, terror, and panic, which will also be picked by nearby predators and other living creatures, thus scaring them away from people. Therefore, after the technical mastery of telepathy, people will create new types of non-lethal weapons that will protect them from attacks by sharks, lions, crocodiles, dogs, poisonous snakes, scorpions, wasps, mosquitoes and other dangerous creatures, thus saving countless people from death. Exactly this manner of protecting oneselves from attacks we have been observing for a long time in UFOnauts - as described in more detail, for example, in {1} and {6} from item #K2 of my web page named "petone.htm" and from post #348E to blogs of totalizm. The implementation of telepathic communication devices would also eliminate today's deception, would increase the general level of morality, and would completely remove crime. After all, these devices allow to clearly "hear" what other people think. Hence, after they are introduced, e.g. lying and evil intentions will become impossible to hide. Unfortunately, this trait generates them numerous enemies. After all "telepathy" technically processed by future advanced communication devices, ordinary people could also start to use in order to find out what really think about them individual rulers, decision-makers and other people who currently have so much to hide that they established special laws such as the so-called "RODO" law currently in force in Poland (see - i.e. the Polish equivalent of "GDPR" - see ). (In my case it was, for example, this RODO (GDPR) law that completely prevents me from completing the noble and altruistic goal which generally I described in #A1a to #A1c from my web page "tapanui.htm" and also in entries #350E and #349E to blogs of totalizm, while specifically which I reported in "Część #J" - means in "Part #J", from my Polish web page "tekst_3b.htm"). Furthermore, the technical mastery of telepathy would also allow in the future to detect whether someone who has power over larger numbers of people imposes on them such thoughts, beliefs, or post hypnotic suggestions (see ), which most effectively serve his interests and his maintaining the power. As a result, still no-one researches telepathy, nor builds devices that use the work of telepathy - in spite that my research has revealed a long time ago how, e.g. by inducing a stream of electric sparks, we can "jam" telepathic signals intercepted from us or artificially forced into our minds by telepathic communication devices. On a similar principle no-one still tries to build e.g. a "revealing device" which allows to detect the nearby use of telekinesis-forming devices, especially those which allow to hide by switching on the so-called "state of telekinetic flickering" which makes people and any objects invisible, and which is described more comprehensively in item #C1 from my web page named "dipolar_gravity.htm". On the other hand, the design of this defensive "revealing device" is described for a long time in our Polish treatise [7b] (see "tekst_7b.htm") that we disseminate free of charge and discuss in publications linked by the abovementioned Polish web page "skorowidz.htm". This defensive device was given to our civilization by the totaliztic civilization from stars that was trying to help humanity. So in this situation we should NOT be surprised that, amongst others, both the phenomenon of telepathy and the principle of operation of the above telepathic "seismograph" built and working perfectly still in ancient China, as well as the "revealing device" bringing to visibility those who hide from us in invisible to us state of telekinetic flickering, are considered by our rulers as "forbidden knowledge" which should be eliminated, blocked and fought on Earth by all means - while prohibitions of whose rulers the decision makers of "official atheistic science" scrupulously obey. After all, the building by people of any technical devices that use infinitely fast telepathic waves as information carriers, such as the above "seismograph", and also a kind of "telepathic pyramid" discussed e.g. in #I5 to #I5a from the web page "1985_theory_of_everything.htm", and repeated in the post #346E to blogs of totalizm, would quickly allow people to discover and confirm the reality of the existence of countless highly advanced civilizations in the huge universe, whom no longer use very slow, obsolete and primitive radio communication with help of which the human scientists still carry on the expensive SETI program (see ), and also whom already for thousands of years stopped to use "money" as a form of non-selective remuneration, while instead of "money" they use for selective remuneration the miraculous phenomenon of happiness of earned nirvana supernaturally managed and served just by God Himself while comprehensively described in items #C7 and #C8 from the web page named "nirvana.htm" and in posts #328E and #343E to blogs of totalizm, and also explained in the INTRODUCTION and in "part #L" of the web page named "smart_tvs.htm" and in entry #335E to blogs of totalizm.

Notice that the appearance and the telepathic operation of the above "seismograph" developed during my research, together with my friend, we also illustrated on our film entitled "Dr Jan Pajak Portfolio" available in English free of charge at the internet address .

Of course, neither my inventions, e.g. such as the "Oscillatory Chamber" (see web page "oscillatory_chamber.htm" - ancient technical drawings of which are documented by the so-called "Thangka" shown in illustrations #D3a to #D3d from the web page named "eco_cars_pl.htm") or my "Magnocraft" (described and illustrated on the web page "magnocraft.htm"), or the above telepathic "seismographs", are NOT the only technical devices, the construction of which God tries to inspire on Earth, in order to equalize the chances of the present struggle between good and evil entering a critical phase in present humanity. Another example of such devices, which I also researched for a long time, are "generators of pure free energy" - operating on the principles of "perpetual motion" - see e.g. item #B3 from the web page "fe_cell_pl.htm" or see the post number #324E to blogs of totalizm based on this #B3 - the text of which is also published in "volume S" of my publication [13] disseminated via the web page "tekst_13.htm". Some results of my research on these "perpetual motion devices" are also illustrated in our film entitled "Future Propulsions" (see ) discussed extensively on my web pages and blogs of totalizm, including this one.

The model of the above telepathic "seismograph", built and working perfectly well in ancient China, by some miracle landed in a museum distant only a short city bus ride from my place of residence. So first I saw it there in 2003. Nevertheless, I knew about the existence of this telepathic "seismograph" since my professorship in Kuala Lumpur in the years 1993 to 1996. My friend, also a professor and a Chinese, who heard about it thanks to his family spoken tradition, told me about it in there. Unfortunately, he did NOT know further details, e.g. principles of its operation, nor the place in China where it could be seen. So although I wanted to see this miraculous device at that time, unfortunately I had NO funds nor the possibility to fly to huge China at my own expense and to find this device in there first and then to research it privately. Thus, when in 2003, with great amazement, I saw this device by some miracle displayed in a museum away from my flat by only a short ride on a city bus, its sudden appearance in there made an unforgettable impression of almost the equivalent of an impossible situation that: "since I was unable to go to China and find this device in there, this device came to me from China and it found me". In turn the appearance of the model of this telepathic "seismograph" in a museum so close to my flat created an opportunity for me to see and analyze this model more precisely over there, and to develop for it engineering principles of "how" it works.

Copyrights © 2022 by Dr Eng. Jan Pająk

* * *

The above post #351E constitutes an adaptation of the content of items #C9 to #C9a from my English web page named "nirvana.htm" (update of 12 August 2022, or later) and is available, among others, at the following addresses:

Notice that the above web pages are my main publications updated many times later. On the other hand, this post #351E to blogs of totalizm is only a "harbinger" of publishing the presented here results of my research - which later is NOT updated. Therefore, these web pages typically contain texts that are more improved than this post to blogs of totalizm, with the elapse of time they collect more evidence and fewer research mistakes or writing errors, and because of their repeated updating they also contain the latest findings of my continuously carried out research.

At each of the addresses provided above, I also try to make available the most recently updated versions of all my web pages. Therefore, if the reader wishes to learn from "first hand" the truths explained on any of my web pages, then either at the above addresses he/she may start the web page "menu2.htm" that contains green links to names and topics of all web pages that I developed so-far, then in this web page "menu2.htm" can select the link to the web page that he/she wishes to view, and through clicking the "mouse" start that web page. For example, in order to start this "menu2.htm" from the above-indicated address , it is enough if in that address the name of the web page "nirvana.htm" is replaced with the name of the web page "menu2.htm" - then to the search engine will be entered the new address obtained in this way. In a similar manner as starting this "menu2.htm", the reader can also start instantly any of my web pages, the name of which he/she already knows, because e.g. I provided it in the above post or because it appears in the "menu2.htm". For example, in order to run any other web page of mine, the physical name of which I have already given anywhere - e.g. to run a web page named "smart_tvs.htm", let's say from a web site with the address , it is enough that instead the previous website address, he/she entered the following new address in the address box of a search engine.

It is also worth knowing that almost every NEW topic which I already researched for the "a priori" approach of the new "totaliztic science" and presented on this blog, including the topic from this post #351E (i.e. from my English translation of the Polish post #351), I intended to publish on all mirror blogs of totalizm which until now remain accessible by me and on which I am still able to publish my posts. Until 2022/9/1, as many as 8 such blogs of totalizm were established and maintained for a short time. As from 2022/9/1 to 2022/9/29 only 2 out of these 8 blogs of totalizm I could still access, update and use for publishing my posts. These 2 blogs of totalizm still accessible for me can be found at the following addresses: (in "Small Print" 12pt: posts starting from #89 = i.e. since 2006/11/11) (in "Large Print" 24pt: posts starting from #293 = since 2018/2/23)
Fortunately, the impossibility to further publish my posts on 6 of these blogs of totalizm did NOT cause the loss of their posts. This is because after complementing with illustrations, colours, underlining and working links of all my posts that I published so far on blogs of totalizm, including this post, I systematically make them available also in my free electronic publication [13] in a safe PDF format and in two sizes of print (i.e. in large size 20pt and in normal size 12pt) - which everyone can free download, for example, through the web page named "tekst_13.htm" available on all the web sites indicated above, including, for example, at htm . Almost half of the posts to blogs of totalizm are also published in there after my translation to the English language, and thus they should be understandable for inhabitants of countries other than Poland.

Other posts extending and supplementing this #351E:

#350E, 2022/8/20 - where and why to build monuments of engineering-precision for UFO models (#A1 to #A1c of "tapanui.htm")
#349E, 2022/7/20 - the truths about light, encoded into the Bible (#J1 to #J4 from "1985_theory_of_everything.htm")
#346E, 2022/5/18 - how the Bible corrects the distortions of official science (#I5 of "1985_theory_of_everything.htm")
#343E, 2022/2/20 - roles of God and people in implementing ideal "Nirvana System" (#C8 to #C8bc of "nirvana.htm")
#341E, 2021/12/27 - only "physical works" teach wisdom "how" (#G3 to #G5 of "wroclaw_uk.htm")
#339E, 2021/10/38 - "how" to start loving our neighbours as ourselves (#A2.12 in "totalizm.htm")
#335E, 2021/5/25 - Polish movie "World without money: Nirvana System" ("Part #L" in "smart_tvs.htm")
#331E, 2021/1/25 - my "Theory of Life of 2020" (#H1 to #H6 in "2020life.htm")
#328E, 2020/11/20 - "Nirvana System" that eliminates money (#A1 to #A4 in "partia_totalizmu_uk.htm")
#325E, 2020/8/20 - "God Drobina" versus the drobina of counter-matter (#K1 and #K2 from "god_exists.htm")
#324E, 2020/6/20 - principle of operation of "perpetual motion" devices (#B3 from "fe_cell.htm")
#316E, 2019/10/3 - what and when God perfected in the human race (#A1 from "evolution.htm")
#282E, 2017/3/27 - my "Theory of Everything of 1985" (#A0 in "dipolar_gravity.htm")
#273E, 2016/7/1 - the density of "counter-matter" is a proof of the infinity of the universe (#D4 from "dipolar_gravity.htm")
#269E, 2016/3/25 - 100% corruption = prosperity into "vestibules of hell" (#E1 to #E5 from "pajak_for_mp_2017.htm")

Let totalizm prevail,
Dr Eng. Jan Pająk


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