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#299E: Why the Kabbalah and its tree of life most probably are the revealed by Biblical Elijah and rediscovered by the Concept of Dipolar Gravity God's system for managing people and institutions

Motto: "The created by God system of governing over the fate of people and institutions, which we learned from the discoveries and evidence earned due to the Concept of Dipolar Gravity, forms an effectively working mechanism of management, education and judgement, which with its structure and work resembles a tree of life from a tool called Kabbalah shared with people by the biblical Elijah probably in order to develop with it inducing growth improvements in human management systems that previously were known for causing downfalls."

If the reader looks closely at my scientific achievements (from the area of knowledge usually referred to as my research "hobby"), then he will discover that most of this output is trying to scientifically identify, define, work out, and describe for the use of other people all God's tools that have the decisive impact on the course, quality and results of our lives. The process of collecting my scientific achievements, in a conscious manner I have been carrying out continuously since 1985. This is because in 1985 I formulated three most important components of my "hobby" scientific output, i.e. my Theory of Everything called the Concept of Dipolar Gravity, and the resulting from this concept descriptions of the philosophy of growth named totalizm, as well as descriptions of the philosophy of decline named parasitism. In turn unconsciously I have been accumulating this scientific output since the beginning of my life. Thus, until the time when on 17th June 2018 I started to work on item #J5 of the web page named "petone.htm" (on which this post is based), my publications have identified and revealed to interested readers the names, definitions and descriptions of a huge number of such tools used by God. Hence efforts that I assumed then to define of what I am explaining in numerous my web pages, namely that in our physical world absolutely nothing happens, for example, by a "coincidence", made me realize that it is time to join together all these tools into one effective system, and to graphically illustrate the final system that affects the course, quality and results of life of each person and each institution. For this reason I undertook the formulation of descriptions from this post, as well as the formulation of illustrations which I am showing in subsequent parts of "Fig. #J5" below.

In my efforts to describe and illustrate the impact of particular God's tools on the life of each considered person or institution, I try to show the results of comparisons of the process of managing people and institutions in two opposite philosophical approaches, which in my publications are repeating the literature names: (1) "a priori", and (2) "a posteriori" - for explanations of these names, see links to these terms given on my web page named "skorowidz.htm". In the area of scientific research which I am carrying out, "a priori" approach (i.e. from cause to effect, that is from God to the reality that surrounds us) is represented by my Concept of Dipolar Gravity and by the philosophy of growth named totalizm - both of which together created a new kind of science, in my publications called the "totaliztic science". In turn, "a posteriori" approach to research (i.e. from effects to causes) is used by the old, oriented towards the decline, "official atheistic science" - which, due to its transition to practicing the philosophy of decline (in my publications called the philosophy of parasitism) is responsible for the swamp into which its activities and its methods of governing of people and institutions have pushed the today's humanity. The major tools and systems used by both these mutually opposite sciences (i.e. by oriented toward growth the "totaliztic science", and by oriented toward decline the "official atheistic science") to manage the lives of people and institutions subjected to their influence, I will try to name, describe and link in this post, then present them graphically below on "Fig. #J5".

My philosophy of totalizm informs that in order to change the current decline of humanity into the growth of it, it is necessary to use in the management of human lives the same (or very similar) tools and systems that God uses. Only the copying of far-sighted and timeless methods, tools and principles of God's actions guarantees that in practice they will prove to be building progress and growth. My analysis of God's tools, which I identified that during "a priori" approach they shape the course, quality and results of life of people and institutions, showed that God's tools can be subdivided into three different categories. The first and the most important their category can be called "enforcers" (or "executors") - because they implement everything that determines the course, quality and results of the life in question. In all parts of "Fig. #J5" I illustrated these "enforcers" with numbered rectangles. The second category of God's tools can be called "managing mechanisms" - because they govern the action of all other God's tools. In parts "a", "b" and "c" from "Fig. #J5" I showed these God’s management mechanisms as numbered symbols of "heart" - because the main reason for which God created them and constantly maintains their action, is the love for God's creations and the resulting from this love the care for best possible future of these creations. In turn in parts "d" to "g" from "Fig. #J5", the same management mechanisms, but used by people in the human management systems oriented towards a decline, I showed as symbols of "shield" - because the main reason for which the declining human institutions develop and maintain these, is to shield and defend their interests, income, fame and power against the rest of the world that may attempt to rationalize their influence and methods of governance, and to eliminate the monopolies of these declining people and institutions. Notice, however, that all these "management mechanisms" are always established and controlled by the "enforcer number 1", which is a kind of creator or sender of everything that defines the life results of "enforcer number 10" who is the recipient of management practices and products of that sender. The third and last category of tools discussed here and used for management can be called "products of the recipient's actions" - because they are generated in the result of actions and life of the enforcer number 10. (Enforcer number 10 is the person or institution which is the "recipient" of the management practices of the "sender (1)", thus the life of which is considered by given analyzes.) Throughout the entire "Fig. #J5", these products of the recipient's actions are illustrated with numbered circles. There are also two types of connections between the different tools in all three above categories. The first type of these connections are "transmission channels". On "Fig. #J5" these are shown as segments of straight lines. In each diagram they link every two tools that send each other some kind of products of their operation. An example of these is the transmission channel connecting God's tools number 3 and 6. The second type of these connections are "channels of supervision and communication". However, they occur only in the growth diagrams - below shown in parts "a", "b" and "c" from "Fig. #J5". They link and form "feedback" between the "enforcer number 1" and every other element or tool. On "Fig. #J5" they are shown as curved fragments of red arcs or ellipses. An example of these can be the connection between the sender 1 (i.e. God) and the recipient 10 (i.e. the enforcer number 10) - which the direct connection with God in real life works in us as the so-called "conscience". In the diagrams of decline, the channels of "supervision and communication" are lacking. Their absence is also one of the main reasons for the decline of institutions that manage without their use. We can see this best in the examples of today's governments - the less consultation and feedback between the government and the nation, the faster is the decline, while the life is in there fuller of oppression and fear. It is regrettable to think about what is awaiting the humanity, since in today's even most democratic countries, the consultations, communication with the nation, and feedbacks are disappearing at the moment when politicians are elected to govern. After all, regardless of what "gold-coloured" claims are advertised in the so-called "election promises", after the election each of the politicians either implements their own "ideas", or pays back his/her debts owed to rich people for financing to be elected. As a result, the wishes of the nation are taken into account only if they coincide with the intentions of the ruling politicians - just as documents this situation the fate of the referendum on "anti-smacking law", described in item #B5.1 from my web page named "will.htm".

In the example of "a priori" approach to life and research, illustrated in "Fig. #J5a" and "Fig. #J5b", and in real life practically applied by my Concept of Dipolar Gravity and by the philosophy of totalizm (and hence also by the new "totaliztic science" that I am just creating through my research), the most important "enforcers", means the most important creations, persons, tools, or mechanisms, is God and the person or institution which life is just analyzed. God is the "executer of number 1" (meaning "the sender"), while the person or institution, the life of which we are just analyzing (e.g. the reader, some particular person, official science, government, religion, etc.) is the enforcer number 10 (i.e. the recipient). In turn, the driving enforcer, whose operation is a kind of "engine" for the whole given management system for e.g. a given institution, state, planet, or our entire physical world, is "enforcer number 6".

There are many reasons why today's people, including myself, have such difficulties when attempting to understand and to accept the truth which I try to describe and illustrate here, i.e. the truth that due to God's creation of the enforcer number 6 (i.e. Omniplan), every event from our physical world, even the most trivial one, is first carefully pre-planned by God, then exhaustively tested in action whether in fact it is the most optimal amongst all possible courses of this event (i.e. using God's phrase from the Bible, whether it is the most "very good"), and only at the very end it is pedantically enforced. Such laborious planning, testing and enforcement of each event by God (i.e. by the "executer number 1" from "Fig. #J5abc" - that manages the entire humanity and everything that happens in the physical world), is possible because a long "human time" before this event occurs, God has already pre-programmed it into His Omniplan (i.e. into the enforcer number 6). In turn as such, regardless of the physical intention of a given event, God has time, opportunity and reasons to additionally include into it various multilevel messages of knowledge, feelings, patterns, moral principles, examples, etc., intended as a way to increase our knowledge, morality, maturity, level of awareness, etc. - as I tried to explain it in items #J3 and #J4 from the web page named "petone.htm".

The most important reason for our difficulties in understanding and accepting the truth described here (i.e. the truth that in our physical world there is NO such a thing as a "coincidence") is the corruption of all today's key institutions, including today's religious institutions, today's official atheistic science, politics, banking, mass media, publishers, etc. As a result of this corruption, for most of our lives we are bombarded with false statements of priests, deceptive assurances of the official science, politicians, bankers, television, press, etc., which notoriously contradict what the Bible says and the truth of what independently from the Bible confirmed scientific methods and the findings of my Concept of Dipolar Gravity and my philosophy of totalizm. After all, both today's official statements of priests of almost all religions of the world, as well as official scientific theories and declarations of politicians, tell us a false picture of our physical world, in which either God is completely missing, or God exists - but supposedly nowadays He does NOT enforce His ability to manage with "iron-handed" over everything that happens in our physical world. However, the Bible and my Concept of Dipolar Gravity as well as the philosophy of totalizm reveal to us the opposite situation - namely that there is NOT only omnipotent and omniscient God, but also nothing in our physical world does occur without prior pre-programming of it by God into the Omniplan in an almost perfect, versatile and far-sighted manner. So let us bring back the truth to our understanding of the world that surrounds us and let us know how God's situation and behaviour really look like in the light of the findings of my Concept of Dipolar Gravity.

According to my Theory of Everything called the Concept of Dipolar Gravity, our entire physical world has the form of a precisely functioning software-hardware mechanism - on "Fig. #J5" shown in the place of "enforcer number 6". In this mechanism, the hardware component is the material structure intentionally created by God from the programmable counter-matter, whose correct operation is controlled by the software component being the programs prepared by God and residing in this counter-matter. This "enforcer number 6" resides in the four-dimensional world called the "counter-world" that exists separately from our three-dimensional "physical world". In my publications, the entire mechanism of this enforcer number 6 most often is called the "Omniplan". That "Omniplan", means also our entire physical world which it forms and acting of which it controls, consists of a huge number of separate, extremely thin layers, overlapping each other along the endlessly long dimension of "inward (G)" axis of the counter-world (i.e. along the fourth linear dimension of the counter-world). With its physical structure, Omniplan resembles a wrinkled stack of thin "pancakes" overlapping along the "inward (G)" axis of the counter-world. (More information about the fourth "inward (G)" linear dimension of the counter-world is provided in item #D3 from my Polish web page named "god_proof_pl.htm".) In each of these layers (or pancakes) God pre-programmed "frozen" in immobility one of the almost infinite situations of our entire three-dimensional physical world - including all objects existing in our entire physical world at a given moment represented by each single layer or pancake. In turn each one of us, that is, each one of the people, institutions and living creations, i.e. each one out of the enforcers number 10 whom are the recipients of God's actions, with the frequency executed by the control mechanisms contained in his/her/its genes, leaps with his/her/its consciousness from one such layer (or pancake) into next. Measurements of one of the people (DM) cooperating with me, determined that the frequency of these leaps between layers of Omniplan is equal to one of the harmonics from 11 Hz - for details see item #D2 from the web page named "immortality.htm". Each one of us (i.e. each of the enforcers number 10, means each recipient of governing decisions and actions of God), perceives this jumping just as the passage of our "human time" - i.e. the artificial time programmed for us by God, in which we humans (and all other living creatures) get older, and which in my publications is called "reversible software time". As a result of this jumping, whatever God has programmed as motionless and similar to the situation from a single film frame, these fast jumps of our consciousness from a layer to a layer, Omniplan makes moving, alive and having a course and features changing over time in a discrete manner - just like a picture in a cinema changing in fast leaps, becomes alive and moves as a result of fast jumps of individual frames of the film with frozen situations captured on them. The above explanation of the structure and operation of Omniplan is also the essence and summary of the findings of the Concept of Dipolar Gravity about the work of "human time" and about the construction and operation of our physical world - which findings, apart from items #J5 and #J6 of the web page named "petone.htm", I also explained even more extensively on a whole range of other my web pages (reading of which I would highly recommend to those people interested in the content of these items #J5 and #J6) - for example, I explained in items #J2, #C3 to #C4.1, as well as #D1 and #D2 from my web page named "immortality.htm", in item #D3 from my Polish web page named "god_proof_pl.htm", and also, amongst others, in the introduction, item #G4, and partly in item #D4 from my web page named "dipolar_gravity.htm". From these findings arises a very important for us conclusion, namely that everything that happens in our physical world has previously been carefully and far-sightedly pre-programmed by God into the time layers of his Omniplan - so nothing ever happens, for example, by a "coincidence", and everything contains inscribed into it multi-level goals and information that God intends to achieve and communicate to us.

Because of my Concept of Dipolar Gravity, until now I have managed to collect and describe in my publications a huge body of evidence which confirms that in fact the Omniplan described above was created by God in the way that I described it and it works exactly as I described it. I presented this material relatively well in other my publications, while links to it can be found in the web page named "skorowidz.htm". Also there are increasingly more free videos on YouTube on this subject - only that you need to know my Concept of Dipolar Gravity in order to be able to correctly understand and interpret these videos. In order to NOT extend this post unnecessarily, I will NOT repeat here the descriptions of this body of evidence. I will only mention here that they include empirical evidence: that our "human time" really elapses in jumps, that our time is reversible - because many people, beings, or objects are shifted back in time or accidentally "falling out" through temporary "portals" to times other than their own, that shifting back of "human time" often change around us the previously remembered reality, that there is a "deja vu", etc., etc.

Due to the above described structure and operation of our entire physical world, all events occurring in it take place only because previously God has pre-programmed them into Omniplan - means to the "enforcer number 6" from "Fig. #J5abc". In other words, in spite of whatever scientists, priests, politicians, sceptics, lazy people, etc., falsely are telling us, in our physical world absolutely everything happens only with the participation and agreement of God. After all, people and all living creations and inanimate objects, in the physical world can implement only those actions that God has already pre-programmed into His Omniplan - and only when in their jumping through subsequent layers (pancakes) of the "human time" they reach the time-layer (pancake), in which the completion of these activities is designed and already pre-programmed (although due to the 365 thousand times slower passage of our "human time" than "God's time", God always has enough time to pre-program to Omniplan the majority of details of events that are less important, only after we make a mental and motivational decision to implement these events). The consequences of the human paths through Omniplan are also only such as God has pre-programmed. In turn the reason for which it seems to us that events happen mainly because of human (our) efforts, is because in order to NOT take away our "free will" in His pre-programming of actions and events into Omniplan, God abides by certain rules. For example, the rule that none event introduced into Omniplan can break the "free will" of people who implement this event, and thus that details of the course of a given event and the outcomes resulting from it, typically are pre-programmed into Omniplan only if the implementing person or institution actually wishes to carry it out from its own "free will" (i.e. with his/her/its own will and with own motivations already possessed) and is taking active efforts/steps to implement this event. In addition, the rule that a given action and event resulting from it, are prevented by God by NOT pre-programming them into Omniplan only if there is a person or institution deliberately and actively trying to prevent them, or if God has already pre-programmed into Omniplan a sequence of events or phenomena which clearly illustrate that this action and event are impossible to implement. As a result, in our world the "free will" of people does NOT depend on doing what people want to do (after all, they can do only what God has already pre-programmed into Omniplan), but it only boils down to the freedom of generating of what can be named the "products of the recipient's actions", and what on "Fig. #J5abc" I showed with circles numbered 2, 4 and 7 (that is, people can only generate "morality (2)" in the totaliztic understanding of it as "voluntary obedience with which we fulfil commandments and requirements of God described in the content of the Bible" - see the totaliztic definition of morality provided in item #B5 from the web page named "morals.htm", as well as they can accumulate the "knowledge (4)" and manifest "physical achievements (7)" - which actually implements God, but in most normal events He does it according to our efforts and intentions). Notice here that each of these "products of the recipient's actions" has numerous components - for example, the components of "morality (2)" are our: memory, thoughts, feelings, attitudes, mental stands, intentions, statements, some character traits, etc., which in the "recipient (10)" are induced by every event that the recipient will be aware of. In other words, according to the findings of my Theory of Everything called the Concept of Dipolar Gravity, absolutely all "events" that affect individual people are directly managed by the "fate" and "destiny" of these people previously written by God into the Omniplan's time layers, while the direct "free will" of people is limited only to the freedom of thoughts, feelings, attitudes, etc., which these affecting them events are to induce in them. Fortunately for people, with the help of link 1 with 10 (the red one) from "Fig. #J5abc", God carefully monitors and analyzes every thought and every feeling that in subsequent people induce the occurring events. After all, the fragment of God's program is written in the 12th level of memory of every corpuscle of counter-matter, from which the matter of our world was formed - for details see items #D3 and #A0 from my web page named "god_proof_pl.htm". Hence, God follows "from the inside" absolutely everything that happens in every molecule of the body and mind of each one of us. On the basis of this knowledge of human senses, sensations, feelings and thoughts, God appropriately reprograms Omniplan. So if with moral thoughts and feelings these people deserve appropriately beneficial consequences for them, God pre-programs in Omniplan future events so that these events reward previous thoughts and feelings of these people. In this way, although the human "free will" does NOT give to people a direct influence on events that will affect them in the future, the factual feedback of their "free will" (i.e. their thoughts, feelings, attitudes, prayers, etc.) combined with reprogramming introduced by God into Omniplan, causes that indirectly this human "free will", still influences what everybody encounters, only that this influence acts as a kind of "cause-and-effect" chain going from human thoughts, feelings, etc. - induced by given events, through analyzes and decisions of God leading to reprogramming of the Omniplan, and finally to the events that God pre-programmed into the future (or into the past) of these people after learning their thoughts, feelings, attitudes, intentions, etc.

Explaining our path through the "human time" modelled in Omniplan, I have an obligation to further explain here that according to the Bible, each person God shifts back in time several times. However, in order to NOT provide ready-made solutions for lazy persons and idiots, and to NOT break anyone's "free will", the fact of this multiple shifting back in time of each one of us, just like every other important fact that determines our consciousness and our civilizational advancement, the Bible reveals to us only in the encoded way in verses 33:25-30 of the "Book of Job". Thus for understanding these verses, one must either first intellectually discover (as I done myself), or accept my discovery, that we all are repeatedly shifted back in time. A well-encrypted information contained in these verses I have more thoroughly and widely interpreted in item #B4.1 from my web page named "immortality.htm". This is because the knowledge about the fact of us being repetitively shifted back in time by God is extremely important to us for reasons of the to-date misunderstanding of the concepts of "future" and "past" by people. After all, what God decides as a result of the analysis of someone's mature or final life, can for that person be then pre-programmed into the Omniplan, for example into "human times" of his/her childhood or learning years - and then enforced after the shifting of this person back to those years. This multiple shifting people back in time by God, causes that the concepts of "future" and "past" only exist when measuring the passage of time in accordance with the so-called "irreversible absolute time of the universe" - which the absolute "time of God, atoms and minerals" always flows forward only. Our "human time", on the other hand, can either pass forward or be shifted back. So for us, "the future" - in understanding of this absolute time, can also be our "past". For example, into the Omniplan of people who are deaf to the voice of their conscience and hence about whom in their adult life God looses the hope for their proper upbringing, their deaths can be programmed into their childhood and implemented after shifting them to their childhood years - as I described it, for example, in item #D3 from the web page named "god_exists.htm".

Of course, the common in today's people believing in the supposed existence of "past" and "future" in relation to our "human time" (according to the above description requiring to be changed), is just one of the huge number of issues that need to be researched, redefined and understood after working out my Theory of Everything called the Concept of Dipolar Gravity - which was the first and still the only scientific theory today available to people, which revealed to us, among others, the truth about the construction and operation of the entire physical world and time. An example of another similarly complex matter is identifying and describing the mechanism that God uses to always develop, test and implement for the use by people the most optimal (i.e. using the expression from the Bible - the most "very good") and at the same time also agreeable with God's plans, solution to every problem that arose in our physical world. (Which the most optimal and therefore "very good" solutions accomplished by God, people then with maniacal stubbornness spoof with their short-sighted "improvements", as they already spoiled, for example, originally very good: food, water and their bodies - which fact I explained in more detail, among others, in items #A1 to #A5 from my web page named "cooking.htm", on the entire web page (in Polish) named "woda.htm" and in item #I3 from the web page named "healing.htm".) About this "testing" mechanism and about its operation so far I have NOT found even a single mention in the Bible, nor a single hint in the reality that surrounds us. However, my life experience, scientific training, and empirical knowledge that I gained during wandering around the world "for bread" while needing to lecture at the professorial level all these different disciplines that my employers ordered me to lecture (e.g. lecturing mechanical engineering, machine tools, numerical control, propulsion systems, machining, metrology, computerization, classical mechanics, programming, computer languages, electronics, physics, mathematics, electrical engineering, logic, technical drawing, CAD, software engineering, and several dozen more), tell me unequivocally that such mechanism of working out, testing and implementing, God must possess and use. However, since I have no external hints as to how this mechanism could be created by God, or "how" and "where" it works, in the matter of its identification and description, I will also use the same method of solving mysteries of the surrounding reality, which I typically use "hobbystically" while doing almost all of my scientific discoveries. Namely, firstly I will consider how I would solve this problem myself, if I was in a situation where it needs to be solved, then I will integrate this solution into the structure of models illustrated in "Fig. #J5", and finally I will look for evidence that will allow me to confirm the correctness of my models and allow to correct or refine the details which yet are NOT compatible with the empirical evidence I come across. Using this method of solving the puzzles of nature, my knowledge and experience tell me already that the only way to create such an effective God’s mechanism for developing, testing and implementing optimal solutions to problems of our physical world requires that the main component of this mechanism is a software model of the whole our physical world, means a "testing copy of Omniplan". This model on "Fig. #J5" is shown in the position "enforcer number 11" - the existence of which is carefully hidden from people, and the action of which develops, tests and supports the action of the most important for us "enforcer number 6" (that is, supports the operation of the actual Omniplan). At the same time, my Concept of Dipolar Gravity implies that the only place where this "testing copy of Omniplan" can physically be located, is the second direction of the "in-depthly (G)" axis of the fourth dimension of the counter-world - i.e. the direction opposite to the "upward" direction in which God programs the subsequent time layers (pancakes) of Omniplan and entire our physical world. After all, this "in-depthly (G)" axis of the counter-world stretches infinitely in both directions. Meanwhile, when during the biblical Great Deluge God transformed the bodies of people from life in the "irreversible absolute time of the universe" into life in the "reversible software time", these time layers in Omniplan are programmed and imposed only in the "upward" direction of our physical world. Hence the direction "downward" starting from the zero moment during time of the Great Deluge, is NOT used for direct management of the physical world in which we actually live. So God had the possibility of placing in this other direction "downward" of this "test" copy, or version, of the entire Omniplan for our physical world - containing copies of everything that exists in our physical world, including copies of all Omniplan's time layers (pancakes), and copies of each one of us. Only that all these copies from the "test version of Omniplan" do NOT live like us, but are only used for testing and for developing the most optimal solutions to world's problems. Of course, naming here the "test version of Omniplan" with the term "a copy" of entire our physical world (i.e. a copy of Omniplan), which for the explanation with the human language I am forced to use here to describe this "testing world", is a significant imperfection. After all, that additional copy of Omniplan with a copy of our entire physical world must have completely different software from our software. In addition, to the software of: physical laws, all objects and creatures, and the psychology, history and characteristics of each one of us, which will be almost identical like in our physical world, there must be added the software, which, for example, after each test run, with which God works out some of the most optimal (i.e. the most "very good") solution for a particular problem appearing in our physical world, the software of that "testing world" must be able to automatically restore itself to the state of our physical world. Also, in order to be able to quickly develop the best solutions to the problems of our world, that copy of Omniplan and the physical world must work thousands of times faster than an original of the actual Omniplan and our real physical world. From my old UFO research (i.e. from research of divine "angels of death" - for details see item #G1, 1 from item #B2, and 3 from item #A2 of my Polish web page named "2030.htm" and see item #M1 from the web page named "antichrist_pl.htm") results that the entire process of finding and testing a "very good" solution for some problem of our physical world, typically lasted about two "human weeks" - while in our Omniplan, the work of our world until the "end of the world" that supposed to occur only in, or after, the year 2656, it still required then at least 650 "human years" to pass. It is worth to add here that this "testing copy of Omniplan (11)" God developed only after, or during, the biblical Great Deluge. Some premises suggest that before the biblical deluge its role was probably fulfilled by the neighbouring planet Mars. (Notice that in order to NOT increase the already large volume of descriptions from this post, if in the future I come across any evidence that in this description I am on the right track to identify and describe the truth about the "testing copy of Omniplan" used by God as a mechanism to develop, test and implement the optimal, i.e. very good and timeless, solutions to problems of the physical world, then I present this evidence in some other place of my publications, while below I only indicate a link that will tell readers where this evidence can be found.)

Independently from the "enforcers" described above, the divine management system discussed here also contains "the reality that surrounds us (9)", which exerts various kinds of pressures on yet another enforcer, namely at the "recipient (10)", that is at each one of us.

Another category of three essential God's tools that make up the systems described here are "management mechanisms" - shown in Fig. #J5 as numbered outlines of "hearts" for the "diagrams of growth", or "shields" for the "diagrams of decline". In His system of management from "Fig. #J5ab", God established three such mechanisms, namely "God's methods of administering justice (3)", "Goals, plans and intentions of God (5)", and "God's commandments and requirements (8)" - explained to us in more detail in the content of the Bible.

Taken together and combined into a consistently functioning system, all the above-described components work in a manner that gradually increases knowledge of people and God, as well as causes the awareness and civilizational growth of people and institutions that obey God's commandments and requirements described in the Bible. As such, "a priori" system shown in "Fig. #J5ab" can be called the "diagram of growth".

In order to understand the work of this God's system for governing people and institutions illustrated with "diagram of growth" from "Fig. #J5ab", it is enough that from my descriptions of the Concept of Dipolar Gravity and the philosophy of totalizm one learn about the work and mutual interaction of each component used in it. For example, if in the surrounding reality (9) occurs an event that introduces something new (i.e. a change) to the morality (2) of the recipient under consideration (10) - i.e. to the morality of a person or institution from operator number 10, then this change will be immediately noted by God through channels of constant tracking of thoughts, attitudes, feelings, etc., of this recipient (i.e. channels connecting 1 with 2 to 10 - shown in red), as a result causing God (1) and God's methods of administering justice (3) to work out and test in the copy of Omniplan (11) the most optimal changes in future events, and then to pre-program these changes into Omniplan (6), while Omniplan changes will cause the change of the surrounding reality (9), and thus also change in the fate and situation of the recipient (10) (i.e. in the fate and situation of the person or institution under consideration). Similarly, changes in the recipient's fate and situation will also cause changes in his/her knowledge (4) or/and his/her actions (7).

Surprising and puzzling in my "diagram of growth" from "Fig. #J5ab" is that in spite that I developed this diagram due to my discoveries resulting from the Concept of Dipolar Gravity, means independently of similar diagrams discussed in literature, its structure and work show intriguing similarity to the so-called "trees of life" from the system called "Kabbalah". I was very surprised and provoked to search after discovering this intriguing similarity. So I started to look for reasons why it could become so. As a result of this search, I came to the conclusion that the reason is probably the origin of Kabbalah. According to literature, the Kabbalah was revealed to the ancient Israelites by Elijah - i.e. by the same previously twice tried and tested in action on Earth "soldier of God", about which I explained in "part #H" from my Polish web page named "2030.htm", that both the biblical verse 9:12 from the "Gospel of St. Mark", as well as the prophecies by the Hopi Indians, quite agreeably inform us that he will be sent back to Earth before the incoming cleansing of Earth in 2030s, to repair everything that so-far people have spoiled. (Interestingly enough, in the past, including times of Elijah, the tree of life from Kabbalah did NOT contain the "enforcer number 11" - until today not included in a proportion of trees of life displayed on the Internet. This, along with the lack of description of Kabbalah in the Bible, seems to suggest that the "testing copy of Omniplan" has been introduced to use by God relatively recently.) For the first few hundreds of years after the disclosure of Kabbalah by Elijah, the knowledge of it was transmitted only verbally, without the preparation of any written document that would consolidate its purpose and work. In the course of its oral repetitions, many elements of the Kabbalah probably were distorted and changed. Thus, even if Elijah was originally revealing to people (with the help of Kabbalah) the described here and shown in "Fig. #J5" God's important mechanism for managing events of our physical world and life, still these later distortions and changes in the understanding of it, introduced orally into it by downstream users, would turn it into what today's literature sources and mystics describe.

Unfortunately, the false statements of today's official atheistic science explain the operation of the "world without God" postulated by this science (i.e. our physical world) completely differently (and erroneously) than the above-explained action of "the world with God" discovered and described only due to my Concept of Dipolar Gravity. After all, according to these erroneous (and thus impossible to prove as correct) claims of today's official atheistic science, all events occurring in the entire "scientific universe" are caused NOT by the action of God's Omniplan, but by the action of "coincidences" (i.e. accidental occurrences) which the official science typically explains with the invented by itself "scientifically sounding" phenomena of probability, random events, placebo effect, etc. (which phenomena, however, are only "effects" which science is unable to ignore, but for which after denying the existence of God the official atheistic science does NOT know the mechanisms of "causes" enabling the manifestations of these "effects"). The most widely known examples of such "accidental occurrences" (that in spite of being just "effects" do NOT have their "causes") which the official science is still using to "explain everything", is: accidental "big bang", accidental work of the laws of nature, accidental evolutions of living creatures, accidental evolutions of people or other human-like intelligent beings, e.g. UFOnauts (about the existence of which, however, the official atheistic science is still uncertain), etc. These "coincidences" in the claims of official atheistic science fulfil the role of the "enforcer (6)", which according to this science is the "driving force" for all events in the whole "universe". In such a ruled by coincidences "world without God", described with theories and statements of today's official atheistic science, supposedly nothing is accomplished with the hands of God. God, therefore, is NOT needed in it. Along with the lack of need for God, in this invented by science, unrealistic, and NOT having the driving nor implementing mechanisms of the "world without God", neither are needed laws nor standards of morality, nor observance of God's commandments and requirements, nor extending knowledge, nor care for the nature, nor, of course, are needed either love and caring for other fellow human beings, etc. In turn, in order to force into humans the faith in the correctness of such a scientific "world without God", in spite that manifestations of the surrounding reality indicate otherwise, the official atheistic science resorted to a "lie" performing for it the role "executor (11)"- which executor in the God's management mechanism is used to test the correctness of each solution. (Examples of the "lie" that have already been exposed by my Concept of Dipolar Gravity, may be: (1) that God is NOT existing, despite the fact that many not undermined formal scientific proofs for the existence of God have already been published - see #G2 and #G3 from the web page named "god_proof.htm"; (2) that the universe has finite dimensions and time of existence, and that it is just expanding, although the invariability of physical laws and attributes of matter testifies otherwise - see #D4 of the web page "dipolar_gravity.htm"; (3) that "perpetual motion" machines supposedly are NOT buildable, despite the fact that since 1150 the perfectly working in that function Bhaskara Wheel has been known on Earth - see items #J1 to #J3 from my Polish web page "free_energy_pl.htm"; (4) that supposedly telepathy does NOT exist and telepathic waves are gravitational waves, despite what I document in, among others, #E1.1 and #F1 from my web page named "telepathy.htm"; (5) that the atoms and inanimate matter are aging in accordance with the elapse of the same kind of time as age men and other living creatures, despite what I am explaining in this post, as well as in #C3 to #C4.1 from the web page "immortality_pl.htm"; in addition, also a whole range of other lies of the official atheistic science, descriptions of which I linked from my Polish web page named "skorowidz.htm".) After all, in contrast to God, the official atheistic science does NOT have any model or mechanism that would check in action its "improvements" of our physical world that harm humanity, as to how these "improvements" would work in the long-term passage of time - the absence of which model or mechanism is best illustrated for example by the unintentional introduction by the science for the wide implementation such unfortunate "improvements" as antibiotics, plastics, pesticides, chemicals, theory of relativity, and other harmful for people and nature products of science - the deplorable effects of which we can see today. In the absence of such a checking mechanism, in its role science uses lies - with which it hides its mistakes and harmfulness. (In a similar way, due to the lack of any checks, many other today's key institutions also use lies - that's why in my election campaigns in Poland I postulated assigning a special function to the President's office, so that all decisions and actions of the government were checked by this office whether they are consistent with the content the Bible or are copies of God's solutions for given kind of problems, and are NOT contradictory to God's methods of action - after all, the Bible and the copying of God's methods of acting and solving problems are still the most perfect models and requirements for the far-sightedly correct acting.) So in eyes of today's scientists, our physical world is like a "wilderness", where everyone eats everyone, where counts only wealth, fame and power, and where can survive only the strongest ones - who can bite their fellowmen in the most painful way and lie to them in the most convincing manner, while where the key governing institutions that rule over this world use the oriented toward decline tools illustrated in "Fig. #J5de". As such, the operation of this declining world that is invented and disseminated by the official atheistic science, while currently implemented by almost all other key institutions of the humanity, can NOT be depicted by the "diagram of growth" shown in "Fig. #J5ab", but it must be depicted by a different "diagram of decline" - shown in "Fig. #J5de" while briefly described and explained in captions under these drawings. The understanding of its operation is also easy, if one understands the operation of the previously discussed "diagram of growth", and if one learns from my descriptions of the Concept of Dipolar Gravity and the philosophy of parasitism the operation of all its constituent components.

It is a pity that today only very few uncorrupted ordinary people (but NOT already corrupt priests, scientists, politicians in power, etc.) are interested in the explanation described here as to "how" and with "help of what" God rules over our physical world. After all, knowledge on this subject allows us to get to know and understand what is the most important in our lives and in the world, hence at the fulfilment of what we should pay the biggest attention. In addition, this knowledge allows, for example, to compare the operation of the "diagrams of growth" from "Fig. #J5ab", with the "diagram of decline" from "Fig. #J5de". After all, nowadays, regardless of the official atheistic science, after only slight changes, this "diagram of decline" is also used by practically all other key institutions of humanity - e.g. by governments, state administrations, religions, financial systems, banks, health care, taxes, industry, international organizations, etc., causing them to fall, and thus pushing the humanity toward cleansing. Thus, a comparison of the "diagrams of decline" of these institutions, with the work of the "diagram of growth" shown in "Fig. #J5ab" would make aware of the reasons and mechanisms of their declining behaviour, and thus allow to stop further damage to the humanity by these key institutions, as well as gradually redirect them toward the trend of growth. This in turn would probably prevent the cleansing of humanity in 2030 - described in more detail on my Polish web page named "2030.htm" and shown on our Polish video entitled "Zagłada ludzkości 2030".

A shocking conclusion can be drawn from the described in this post findings of my Theory of Everything called the Concept of Dipolar Gravity on the subject of used by God system for managing people and institutions. This is because the findings reveal that the reality in which we live works completely opposite to what seems be suggested to us by everyday experience and what believes and publicizes the entire institution of current official atheistic science based on the highly misleading "a posteriori" approach to research. Namely, this shocking conclusion states that absolutely no event from our physical world takes place just by "accident", by the action of the forces of nature, or because we humans (or other creatures) implement it, but everything that happens occurs, receives the course that is revealed to us, and generates the results that we get to know, only because God pre-programmed it into Omniplan in such a far-sighted, superhumanly intelligent, and exhaustively checked on the testing copy of Omniplan, that it always leads to the growth and progress of individual people, humanity as a whole, and the entire physical world. The only reasons for which we people get the impression that it is NOT God, but all these other causes that accomplish every event, is a set of supremely intelligent principles and methods that God carefully keeps in carrying out each event, so that due to their observing a breaking anyone's "free will" is avoided.

Fig. #J5a-g: Shown below are diagrams illustrating the basic similarities and differences in the structure and operation of the system of mechanisms that govern over the course and effects of life of individual people or institutions in two examples of fundamental philosophical approaches to research, namely: (1) in "a priori" approach used by my Theory of Everything called the Concept of Dipolar Gravity and by the resulting from this theory new "totaliztic science", and also (2) in "a posteriori" approach used by the old, monopolistic, official atheistic science.

Each one out of the both examples of systems shown below works on the same principle of using three different types of numbered elements or tools, namely: (a) "enforcers" shown below as rectangles, (b) "management mechanisms" - shown below as "hearts" or "shields", and (c) "products of recipient's activities" - means products of life of the managed by this system people and institutions, shown below as circles. Individual of these components are connected with each other by "transmission channels" in the form of straight line sections, while in the diagrams of growth the "enforcer number 1" is additionally connected directly to every other element by means of a red, elliptical "supervision and communication channel".

At this point, I feel obliged to mention that when I identified, studied and described both illustrated below systems, I was intrigued by their resemblance to the so-called tree of life drawn and described by Kabbalah practitioners. After all, the "tree of life" has all elements of my "diagram of growth", only that slightly differently configured, named, and connected with each other - for example, it even has these red "channels of supervision and communication", which on the last Figure ("Rys. 8 – Drzewo Życia") from the Polish web page are shown with blue vectors (with arrows). In turn about the "Kabbalah" is known that among the ancient Israelites it was popularized by the same "God's soldier" who in the Bible is called Elijah, while about whom in "part #H" of my web page named "2030.htm" is explained that both, the biblical verse 9:12 from the "Saint Mark's Gospel", as well as the prophecies of the Hopi Indians, quite agreeably inform us that he will be sent back to Earth before the incoming great cleansing to repair everything that people have spoiled. Unfortunately, the Elijah's knowledge on Kabbalah for the first few hundred of years was disseminated only verbally. On the other hand, according to my research e.g. of those religions that originally had NO written form, but were repeated from mouth to mouth in a verbal manner (e.g. the pre-Christian religion of NZ Maoris, or original religions of Greece and Rome), such verbal repetition of knowledge typically significantly distorts many important details and replace them with ideas of those who repeats them. So my personal hypothesis on the subject of similarity of my diagrams explained here and the Kabbalah, is that in fact Elijah's Kabbalah originally tried to reveal to people (for later copying in order to optimally solve future human problems) a rational description of the-same proven as very reliable God’s system of managing of fates of people and institutions that currently I try to show and describe in above item #J5. Only that later distortions and human ideas that were introduced to Kabbalah transformed it into a tool of magic and mysticism that Kabbalah is now considered to be.

I would like to thank here Mr Dominik Myrcik for generating with his computer the diagrams shown below. My manual drawing of them is NOT suitable for online showing - which fact I try to illustrate and emphasize in drawn by myself "Fig. #J5f" below.

Fig. #J5a: A generic diagram of growth. It illustrates the general design and operation of the God-created system of inducing growth through management of life of individual people and institutions. This system was discovered, identified and described by my Concept of Dipolar Gravity. The diagram for some intriguing reasons, is surprisingly similar to the "tree of life" from "Kabbalah" revealed to people by biblical Elijah.

Fig. #J5b: An example of a descriptive version of the "diagram of growth", which due to my "a priori" approach to research, was discovered, identified and described by the findings of the Concept of Dipolar Gravity as a system that God uses to manage the lives of individual people and institutions. This descriptive diagram of growth was created by supplementing with the blue descriptive names the numbered operators (i.e. circles, rectangles and hearts) from the diagram of the same system of growth illustrated in a general manner on "Fig. #J5a". Descriptive names assigned to individual operators result from the action of the divine tools which I described in item #J5 above, and these named state the following: 1 = God (sender), 11 = Testing copy of Omniplan, 2 = Morality of the recipient, 3 = God's methods of administering justice, 4 = Knowledge of recipient, 5 = Goals, plans and intentions of God, 6 = Omniplan, 7 = Recipient's actions, 8 = God's commandments and requirements, 9 = The surrounding reality, 10 = Person or institution managed toward growth (recipient).

Fig. #J5c: The descriptive version of "tree of life" for growth. It is drawn to the same configuration of its constituent elements as those typically used by today's Kabbalah practitioners when they draw their trees of life. This tree of life, however, has been deliberately described so as to illustrate the system of God's management of the life of individual people and institutions explained here. This "tree of life" aimed at growth is shown here to illustrate that the descriptive version of the "diagram of growth" from "Fig. #J5b" displays the existence of exactly the same elements having exactly the same connections (interactions) as have "trees of life" from the Kabbalah (revealed to the humanity by biblical Elijah) - which fact supports my hypothesis that Kabbalah originally represented a report on the system of tools used by God for managing humanity. Note here, however, that the described configuration of above "tree of life" drawn by Kabbalah practitioners, has several imperfections compared to my "diagram of growth" from "Fig. #J5ab". For example, improperly located operators with numbers (11), (6) and (9) make it impossible to divide this tree with the boundaries marked (G) and (Z) on "Fig. #J5ab" into three segments with differing attributes, i.e. into: (upper - positioned above the border G) with enforcers previously unknowable for people, (middle - between borders G and Z) intellectually knowable, because remotely managing people, and (lower - below Z) physically knowable for people (including the knowable, although incorrectly, even for today's official atheistic science). Moreover, the use of "transmission channels" which in the Kabbalah are connecting (6) with (7) and (8), incorrectly represents the presence of God's programs in the highest, 12th level of memory of every corpuscle of counter-matter that forms all physical matter, and thus in the God-administered system of these functions. "transmission channels" are provided by red "supervision and communication channels", more correctly shown on my "diagram of growth" from "Fig. #J5ab" above.

Fig. #J5d: A generic version of "diagram of decline" for "a posteriori" approach to management. It illustrates how the lives of individual people and institutions are erroneously, irresponsibly and deceptively governed by any person or institution on earth practicing the philosophy of parasitism (e.g. by today's: official atheistic science, government, religion, factory, family, etc.). It differs from the "diagram of growth" from "Fig. #J5ab", because all the tools of growth have been replaced in it by their declining reversals, the symbol of love and religious caring for the neighbour (i.e. the heart) has been replaced in it by the symbol of protecting themselves and defence (i.e. by the shield), and moreover it does NOT have "channels of supervision and communication" because today's human rulers typically avoid consultations, checks, and feedbacks of the people they rule - which channels on the diagrams from part "a" and "b" above are illustrated by red curved connections between (1) and the other components of these diagrams.

Fig. #J5e: A descriptive version of diagram of decline, developed for the example of management system utilised by today's institution of official atheistic science, practicing the philosophy of parasitism and "a posteriori" approach to research. It was created by supplementing numbered operators (i.e. circles, rectangles and disks) from "Fig. #J5d" with blue descriptive names of represented by them enforcers, management mechanisms and products of recipients actions - which I described above in item #J5 for a non-existent "world without God" deceitfully instigated by official atheistic science - i.e. by supplementing: 1 = Official atheistic science (sender), 11 = Lie, 2 = Power, 3 = Corruption and intimidation, 4 = Fame, 5 = Favouritism, 6 = Coincidence, 7 = Wealth, 8 = Monopoly, 9 = Public opinion, 10 = Person or institution managed toward decline (recipient).

Fig. #J5f: A generic version of "tree of life" bringing decline - which typically is used by human management systems. It was drawn for the same configuration of its constituent elements that typically is used by today's Kabbalah practitioners when they draw their trees of life. (The same tree bringing decline, already described by Dominik Myrcik with computer graphic tools, shows "Fig. #J5g" below.) The goal of this illustration is to show that although for the increase of informativity, I designed my diagrams differently than people who cultivate Kabbalah configure their trees of life, still the operators in my diagrams have the same connections and goals as operators in the trees of life from Kabbalah (except for connections from "coincidence (6)" to "wealth (7)" and "monopoly (8)" - which in the diagrams of decline caused by today's official atheistic science, do NOT influence the pursuit of wealth and monopoly by the majority of people and institutions). In addition, showing here the illustration that I personally drew by hand, I also show how much more pleasant it is to see illustrations generated by tools of computer graphics - which masterly uses Dominik Myrcik (and for the purchase and mastering of which I do NOT intend to commit myself financially or timewise), than to see illustrations which I am able to prepare with only the old hand-drawing technique.

Fig. #J5g: The descriptive version of "tree of life" bringing decline. It depicts the management system which caused the fall of today's official atheistic science adhering to its unfortunate traditions, practices, actions and mistakes. The professional-look of this illustration was accomplished due to being computer-generated by Dominik Myrcik. I am NOT showing it here, but readers can see it in "Fig. #J5g" from my web page named "petone.htm" - addresses of which are provided below.

* * *
The above post is an adaptation of item #J5 from my web page (available in the English language) named "petone.htm" - updated on 17th July 2018, or later. Thus, the reading of the above descriptions would be even more effective from that web page, than from this post here - after all e.g. on the totaliztic web pages are working all (green) links to other related web pages with additional explanations, important texts are highlighted with colours, the content is supported with illustrations, the content is updated regularly, etc. The most recent update of the web page "petone.htm" can be viewed, amongst others, through addresses:

(*) Notice that every address with totaliztic web pages, including all the above web addresses, should contain all totaliztic (my) web pages - including all the web pages indicated in this post. Thus, in order to see any totaliztic (my) web page that interests the reader, it suffices that in one amongst the above addresses, the web page name "petone.htm" is changed into the name of web page which one wishes to see. For example, in order to see the web page named "dipolar_gravity.htm" e.g. from the totaliztic web site with the address , it is enough that instead of this address in the window of an internet browser one writes e.g. the address .

It is worth to know as well, that almost each new topic that I am researching on principles of my "scientific hobby" with "a priori" approach of the new "totaliztic science", including this one, is repeated in all mirror blogs of totalizm still in existence (the above topic is repeated in there as the post number #299E). In past there were 5 such blogs. At the moment only two out of these first original blogs of totalizm still remain undeleted by adversaries of the new "totaliztic science" and of the moral philosophy of totalizm. These can be viewed at following internet addresses:

With the totaliztic salute,
Dr Eng. Jan Pająk


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