#304E: WORD reversed (descending) page numbering (supposedly impossible) - instruction and explanation how to program with an already working example and template
Motto: "Everything that is possible to define in our thoughts, is also possible to accomplish in the physical reality - we only have to contribute the appropriate hard work and wisdom to find a way of accomplishing it" (disclosure of the philosophy of totalizm)
In today's world, increasingly greater emphasis is placed on speed and convenience. For example, in order to find the latest information as quickly and as conveniently as possible, instead of using the previously traditional way of adding every new message to the end of given document, nowadays such a new message is added to the beginning of document - as for example this is currently practiced in the so-called internet "blogs". However, adding a new message to the beginning of the document raises the problem with page numbering. After all, if a given document has its own "list of content", and its pages are numbered in the traditional way (i.e. ascending, from the first to the last), then after adding something to the beginning of the document it is necessary to renumber the pages in the entire "list of content". Fortunately, this problem can easily be eliminated if the pages are numbered in a descending order, i.e. when the first page has the highest number, and each next page has a number by one smaller, up to the last page - which has the number 1. With such a decreasing numbering of pages, if something new will be added to the beginning of the document, then in the "list of content" it is enough to give the page number of this newly-added information - without the need to renumber all pages of the entire "list of content". No wonder that increasingly more users of computer word-processors are seeking a way of numbering the web pages in a document into such a descending order. Here, in these explanations, I am to inform the reader how to do such a reverse numbering in Microsoft's WORD - and I am to provide a working example and a template showing how I pre-programmed my own WORD for solving this particular problem of descending page numbers. (Notice, that about the fact of solving the problem of making WORD to number pages in the descending order in my publication [13], I have already directed the reader's attention above on this web page in §2 from the "part #F".)
The Microsoft word-processor called "WORD" at present is probably the most widely used in the world generator of written documents. I have been using it since 2011 - when available to me became its version enabling easy pre-programming and use of the Polish alphabet. (Previously I used "Word Perfect", in which the programming and use of Polish letters was possible much earlier than in WORD - so then from Word Perfect I only needed to translate my documents into the WORD format.) The reader probably also uses the WORD. On 2018/11/11, Google reported that in the entire world WORD is used by around 1.2 billion people - i.e. WORD uses almost every seventh present inhabitant of Earth. In spite of this, if in the worldly internet someone is looking for information, how in WORD the pages of a document can be numbered in the descending (reversed) order, the answer which he/she probably will find in there, will be that in the Microsoft WORD the descending page numbering is impossible - for an example of just such answers see at the following address: https://www.stl-training.co.uk/post-15303-inserting-descending-page-number.html - I quote: "Word's page numbering is designed to number in ascending order, not descending therefore there is nothing you can change in the page numbering that would make Word do this - sorry."; or see the address: http://www.wordbanter.com/showthread.php?p=496350 - I quote: "reverse page order is what you are trying to do is impossible". If in turn one seeks a similar information in the Polish-language internet (i.e. seeks the information about the descending/reversed numbering of pages in WORD), then it turns out that until my publication of these descriptions, absolutely nothing about such numbering could be found in Polish. In other words, although almost every seventh present inhabitant of Earth uses WORD, also almost every seventh present inhabitant of Earth does NOT know how to make his/her WORD to number pages in the descending order.
I personally deeply believe in the truth of the findings of my philosophy of totalizm (with which the reader can become familiar through the web page named "totalizm.htm") - one among which findings I quoted in the "motto" to this item. This finding, taking the form of the intellectual law working in our physical world, states that "everything that is possible to define in our thoughts, is also possible to accomplish in the physical reality - we only have to contribute the appropriate hard work and wisdom to find a way of accomplishing it". The truth of this law I established as a result of many years of development of still the only in the world true Theory of Everything called the "Concept of Dipolar Gravity" (Kodig) - with which theory the reader can become familiar through my web page named "dipolar_gravity.htm". Just in order to identify and confirm the existence and actual work of this intellectual law, I had to analyze a huge amount of evidence, and to draw many logical conclusions that are supported by empirical observations resulting from my previous discovery of the existence and operation of the so-called "ULT" - means the "universal language of thought" described (together with the above intellectual law) in subsection I5.4.2 from volume 5, and in subsection JB7.3 from volume 7, of my monograph [1/5]. In turn the evidence confirming work of this law, as well as the language of "ULT", I researched practically and analysed theoretically for the period of almost entire my life - links to some among results of this research and analysis I provided on my Polish web page named "skorowidz.htm" under the key words from above motto (which key words in the Polish langauge read: "wszystko co jest możliwe do pomyślenia, jest też możliwe do urzeczywistnienia - tyle że pracą i mądrością trzeba znaleźć sposób jak tego dokonać"). So when on the internet I read this information, which discourages people to act and hides the truth (i.e. that allegedly in the WORD the descending page numbering cannot be achieved), my mind refused to accept what other people have written on this subject. After all, to facilitate and enable the creation of many different algorithms for numbering subsequent pages, WORD introduced the possibility of defining page numbering with simple and unambiguous equations and arithmetic operations (similar to the expressions used in the first computer programming languages and the first electronic calculators), as well as with simple and unambiguous logical expressions (type "if" or "compare" from the first computer programming languages). In addition, to the WORD were embedded two "system variables", which contain quantitative data enabling calculations required for implementing many different page numbering principles, including calculations for the descending numbering of pages. Namely, WORD introduced a system variable named PAGE - in which the current number of a given page is contained, and a system variable called NUMPAGES - in which the total number of pages of a given document is stored. Only that the complete information, how to use properly all these tools, for example to program the descending numbering of pages, until the time of writing these explanations here, somehow could NOT be found on the internet. In other words, although in a rather primitive form, still WORD contains all the tools allowing numbering of pages in descending order - while the problem of the to-date inability of users to get such a descending page numbering comes down to the lack of commonly available knowledge and skills how to properly use of these tools.
After drawing the above logical conclusion that the WORD includes all the tools required to obtain the descending (reversed) page numbering, and after determining from the descriptions and examples of these tools that they were programmed in WORD according to principles of the simplest and the most unambiguous coding, I decided to contribute my personal time into the laborious finding of a way, "how to accomplish" in WORD such a descending page numbering. It took me almost a full day of work, but I finally found the way to do it. The secret of this success turned out to be the knowledge of how must be programmed a formula that calculates in WORD such a descending (reversed) page numbering. My formula, which works, is programmed as follows:
T-{ = { NUMPAGES } - 3 - { PAGE } + 1 }
- where the number shown above as 3, actually represents the page number of the last page from the "list of content" section of my document numbered in ascending order. My ability to correctly develop this formula resulted from the practical knowledge I accumulated during my studies and at the beginning of my scientific career. This is because at that time I had a lot to do with the very first languages of computer programming, which were just formulated on very similar to these WORD-like page numbering principles of the simple and unambiguous way of formulating commands given to a computer. For example, such a demanding of the strict observance of principles for simple and unambiguous formulating of commands was the famous first Polish programming language called MOST (meaning "BRIDGE"), with the use of which during the times of my university studies in 1964 to 1970, and also around times of my preparation to the defence of my doctorate in 1974, were programmed first Polish-produced computers "Odra" from the Wrocław's factory "Elwro". In addition, at a time when I was still living in Wrocław, I additionally supplemented the scarce full-time earnings of a scientist-adjunct at the Technical University of Wroclaw, working simultaneously part-time as a scientific adviser to the research and development centre of the Wrocław computer producing factory called at that time the MERA-ELWRO. In that capacity of a scientific adviser I carried out industrial research on the principles of programming arithmetic operations carried out by the electronic calculators produced at the time - although the main reason for which I was employed by Elwro of that time was the development of engineering software - including engineering programming languages such as NEL and 2CL developed in Elwro, or my own JAP ("JAP "=" Language of Automatic Programming ": see the descriptions of this first Polish semi Object-Oriented language in the scientific articles of my authorship published in: "The Journal of Technology of Aerospace and Motor Industry", number 2/1973, pages 16-19, and also the scientific journal called "Mechanik", issue 4/1973, pages 175 -178). An example of the most sophisticated form of such programming with the strict adherence to principles of simple and unambiguous formulating computer commands was the used at that time in electronic calculators, the so-called "Odwrotna Notacja Polska (ONP)" - in English called the "reverse Polish notation (RPN)". (I wonder if the reader has ever encountered, or still remembers, electronic calculators using such ONP-RPN.) About the results of my research on electronic calculators later I even wrote a scientific article of the following editorial data: Dr Eng. Jan Pająk - "Construction and operation of electronic calculators", Polish scientific and technical journal "Przegląd Mechaniczny", no. 17/1979, pages 5-9). That practical experience in programming that required observance of strict rules of a simple and unambiguous formulating commands to computers was additionally deepened and expanded with the theoretical knowledge during my post emigration from Poland lecturing in Software Engineering on a number of different universities - on several of which I was employed on positions of a Professor. That lecturing included, among others, the most basic programming language called "Assembler" - although its main component were almost all the programming languages of these times. In addition, one of many topics that I practically worked through with my students during the so-called "case studies" was the preparation of software that simulates the operation of electronic calculators. In turn one of the practical fruits of those research on programming calculators has become, among others, the preliminary development in May 2005 of the type of universal virtual calculator called "All in One" (currently available on my web page named "all_in_one.htm"). Although in order to be able to "conquer the world", that calculator would require further refinement so that it would be made more "user friendly" than in its initial version, still the knowledge that I gathered during programming of it remains with me until today. Note that shortly after developing this "All in One" calculator, I lost my employment in New Zealand. Thus also disappeared simultaneously a need to invest my further effort and time into this topic with strictly professional orientation, which I researched just to earn my "everyday bread".
While explaining above how useful in my own case was the knowledge that I gathered during time of my learning and researching, I cannot refrain from digressing here, that shockingly many people I talked to in my life criticized programs, principles and methods from the period of their learning. They also expressed regrets that the schools and universities to which they attended did NOT teach them anything useful - that would be beneficial for their later adult life. In my own case, everything that I learned at school, at the university, and while researching and writing my doctorate, repeatedly and often turned out to be useful in my adult life and at my professional work. Furthermore, the discussions I often had with my professional colleagues (i.e. with other scientists), including those who graduated from the most famous universities in the world, unambiguously revealed that my professional knowledge and preparation are several levels better than theirs. It is for these reasons that in my publications I do not keep secret that my life experience shows that in times when I was studying and working in Poland, The Technical University of Wrocław was one of the best, if not actually the best, technical university in the world - for details in this matter see "part #E" (e.g. item #E1), from my web page named "rok_uk.htm", or see links under the key words "Politechnika Wrocławska najlepszą uczelnią świata 1960-80" (meaning "The Technical University of Wrocław, the best university in the world 1960-80") from my Polish web page named "skorowidz.htm". What a pity that when after working at several professorial post at foreign universities I tried to donate my knowledge and experience to my native country, and one of the new universities in Poland offered me the position of a Professor in Information Technology, the Polish Ministry of University Education which usurps the right to dictate to the Polish universities whom they are allowed or NOT allow to employ, did NOT approve that job offer - its decision was justified by the claim that I do NOT have the required IT knowledge!
The essence of practical knowledge resulting from the above-mentioned my life experiences in programming with the observance of principles of pedantically simple and unambiguous formulation of commands to computers could be summarized in several items - which I am going to provide below in the order from the most important to increasingly less important. In these items I am to omit everything that is NOT associated with programming in WORD the descending page numbering (there is more requirements similar to those provided below - however, there is no point in listing them all). And so, when writing the commands as to "what" and "how" WORD should do while implementing our formula for calculating the number assigned to a given page, we must make sure that:
1: The implementation of our formula never generates a negative value (i.e. less than zero). After all, while pre-programming of the page numbering algorithms, WORD creators have NOT prepared their programs for the situation that at some phase the calculations of next page number, a negative page number can be generated. Thus, for example, entering the simple command of the subtraction { PAGE - 2 } into one's formula, would generate a negative value while calculating the PAGE number equal to 1 - the effect of reaching such negative value would be the jamming of WORD and suspension of further implementation of one's formula.
2: All variables, numerical values and operators from our formula were written in a way that allows them to be easily and unambiguously identified. For example, WORD requires that each number, each variable, and each operator, are surrounded by single spaces on both sides, while "system variables" are additionally enclosed in curly braces { } entered NOT by typing them from a keyboard, but by pressing "Ctrl + F9".
3: Each formula was unmistakably calculated in one-step phases, from its left side to its right side. Therefore, at every stage of calculating this formula the WORD must be clearly informed "what" and "how" should be done.
4: The page numbering formula did NOT use our private variables, but only numeric values. This in turn means that whenever in a given document changed are numerical values inscribed in our page numbering formula, we must also update the written form of this formula.
Before I provide and describe here the precise instruction and examples on how to program "step-by-step" our WORD for the descending numbering of pages, I should first describe here my document, for which I have solved and pre-programmed this page numbering problem. The reason is that the description of such a document will allow the reader to better understand from where are derived numerical values from my formula shown previously, which values the reader also needs to enter into the WORD according to the "step-by-step" instructions given below. And so, the solution to the problem of descending page numbering in the Microsoft's WORD, in my case was needed for preparing the "volume T" of the publication [13] distributed for free from the web page named "tekst_13.htm" - which although written mostly in Polish still includes the vital sections translated to English to explain for the benefit of English-speaking readers the key information that one may need. The entire publication [13] contains a set of all my posts to blogs of the philosophy of totalizm (almost a half of which posts is written in English). For writing publication [13] I used the English version of the word-processor "Microsoft Office Word 2003", and only then I translated the ready [13] into PDF format, thus making it resistant to possible attachment of computer viruses - after all, documents written WORD are NOT protected against such attachment of viruses by persons, institutions or software with criminal motivations. (As I live in New Zealand, it is impossible for me to get a Polish version of WORD.) In my publication [13] the "volume T" is composed out of three multi-page so-called "sections". These sections are mutually separated from each other by appropriately pre-programmed "section breaks" - means by "intersectional boundaries". To place such a "section break" somewhere into WORD document, in the "menu" one needs to click on the English command called "Insert", then to choose from "Section break types" the right type of section one wants to be implemented on the pages preceding a given "section break". The first "section" in my "volume T" is the "title page" of that volume. The second section is the multi-page "list of content" (which includes the titles of posts published in all volumes of the publication [13]). The page numbers from these first two sections are programmed into ascending order - except that traditionally for the "title page" I have suspended the showing of page number, while page numbering from the "list of content" is a continuation of page numbering from the title page. It is only the third section of my "volume T" that contains the contents of most recent posts to the blogs of totalizm. Thus, I have decided to number in the descending order only the pages from this third section, adding a capital letter T before each page number and a hyphen separating this T from the given page number. I have introduced this decreasing numbering of pages so that I do NOT have to renumber all "lists of content" concerning this "volume T" after each addition to the beginning of it the newest post to blogs of totalizm that I just published on the internet.
To provide the reader with the examples that illustrate of what I am explaining in this post, independently of the descriptions provided here, I also attach here two sample documents in WORD containing just such a descending page numbering that I developed. The first of these examples is simply the attached in WORD the entire "volume T" from my publication [13] - here is the link to it:
Volume T (posts number #333 to #300, 12pt) - in WORD format:
Notice, however, that the "volume T" I add here only after publishing in the internet this post number #304E to blogs of totalizm with the information provided here - so that I am able to include into the "volume T" also that post #304E. Moreover, in order to NOT increase later the consumption of my labour due to need for exchanging the older "volume T" for its newer versions each time I publish the next new post - after this first publication on the internet the above "volume T" in WORD format will NOT be updated any more. (Hence, the content of "volume T" in WORD format available here, with the passage of time will become increasingly shorter than the content of "volume T" in PDF format that is offered from the web page named "tekst_13.htm".) The second example of the document that I attach here, also is the prepared in WORD format short sample "template" based on the structure of the "volume T". In this template, instead of content, individual pages are only provided with subtitles informing to which section of the document they belong. Here is the link to this template:
The template of the "volume T" in WORD (contains: the "title page" and 2 pages of the "list of content" with the ascending numbering of pages, plus 5 pages of the text of "volume T" with descending page numbering):
It is worth noting here that the sections named the "title page" and the "list of content" from this template can be partially deleted - which means that after such a deletion a document in the WORD will be produced, in which, for example, all pages are numbered in the descending order. Alternatively, its "title page" and "list of content" can be extended to more than the current number of pages - but it must be remembered that in the numbering of pages from the third section, the number 3 of pages numbered in ascending order should be replaced by the total number of pages to which the first two of its sections will be stretched. In addition, the symbol "T-" in the page numbering from the third section can also be replaced with any own symbol, or even can be completely deleted.
It is time now to provide here "step-by-step" instructions, informing with what commands of WORD the last "section" from the "volume T" of my publication [13] obtained the automatically calculated descending (inverted) page numbering. Please note that in these instructions I am using English-language commands for WORD, because I do NOT know e.g. Polish-language equivalents for these commands - as I do not have access to the Polish-language version of the word-processor WORD. Nevertheless, Polish readers will probably easily determine what are the Polish-language equivalents of these commands - after all, they have in front of themselves the Polish version of WORD, and have also the attached to this guide two examples described above that document page numbering in descending (reversed) order. Here is the instruction:
Step 1: Reveal for yourself the areas on pages where page numbering is pre-programmed and shown. To do this, firstly set your document onto presentation of it in the appearance (layout) of printing. For this presentation, click the mouse on the "View" menu, then click in this "View" on the command "Print Layout" (i.e. on its "appearance or layout after printing"). Then, click also the mouse in the same "View" menu at the command "Header and Footer" - to reveal in the reprogrammed document the area of its header or of its footer where the numbering formulas are entered, while when printing a given document - where the numbers of subsequent pages are printed automatically. Because after revealing the headers and footers, WORD can flip through your document to the first page (e.g. my WORD does this), so if this happens then as the last action of this "step 1" you have to move its cursor back to one of the pages in the section where the formula for descending page numbering is to be entered.
Step 2: Reveal the formula that is used to calculate the page numbering in each section of your document. For the purpose of this disclosure, press two keys on your computer keyboard, namely the keys: "Alt + F9" (which pressing, in the "Header" or "Footer" of your written or analyzed document will reveal the formulas that in particular sections of a given document calculate the current numbers of subsequent pages).
Step 3: Modify the page numeration formula for a given section, or enter a completely new (own) formula. For this purpose, if you only change the values of the numbers in my formula that I provided before, or change in it the symbol "T-", then use the keyboard to write the new values, or a new symbol in place of "T-", while deleting the old values contained therein (e.g. old 3 from "template", or the old equivalent of this 3 from "volume T"). However, if you enter a completely new (own) formula, then remember that the required braces pairs { } are NOT allowed to be typed from the keyboard, but you must enter them by pressing the two keys "Ctrl + F9", and also remember that each "system variable", each mathematical or logical operator, as well as each numerical value, have to be surround by a single "space" character on both its sides.
Step 4: Close the page numbering formula from the given section of the document that you made visible in "step 2". To do this, press the two keys of your computer keyboard again, i.e. the keys: "Alt + F9". This should cause that in the "Header" or in the "Footer" of the document being written or updated, such pressing will change the display of the formula in there, into the calculation from this formula, and displaying, the current page number (i.e. into the displaying of current numerical values representing the numbers of subsequent pages of a given document).
Step 5: Close the area revealed in "step 1" where the page numbering is programmed and displayed, and then save the so-completed document. To do this, click on the "View" menu again, then on its "Header and Footer". After their closure, in the place where the formula is located, the numbers of subsequent pages should be correctly calculated, formatted and displayed. Also, do not forget that after completing all of these activities, and after convincing yourself that they produce the correct page numbers, you should save on the disk the finished version of the completed document.
* * *
I wish you that in your own endeavours you use productively the above information, explanation, example and template that I altruistically provide here in order to help any God's fearing neighbour who needs this type of solution or knowledge.
P.S.: This post #304E presents the exact translation to English of the content of Polish post #304 published below. Since the Polish post #304 is already published on blogs of totalizm (e.g. see #304 on blogs https://kodig.blogi.pl or https://drjanpajak.blogspot.co.nz), I prepared this English translation to also publish it on blogs of totalizm as post number #304E - which publishing means that the information from this post appear also in "Volume T" from my publication [13], where it is adopted as the content of post number #304E.
* * *
The above post is an adaptation of item #I2 from my Polish web page (with sections available also in the English language) named "tekst_13.htm" - updated on 17th November 2018, or later. Thus, the reading of the above descriptions would be even more effective from that web page, than from this post here - after all e.g. on the totaliztic web pages are working all (green) links to other related web pages with additional explanations, important texts are highlighted with colours, the descriptions are supported with illustrations, the content is updated regularly, etc. The most recent update of the web page "tekst_13.htm" can be viewed, amongst others, through addresses:
(*) Notice that every address with totaliztic web pages, including all the above web addresses, should contain all totaliztic (my) web pages - including all the web pages indicated in this post. Thus, in order to see any totaliztic (my) web page that interests the reader, it suffices that in one amongst the above addresses, the web page name "tekst_13.htm" is changed into the name of web page which one wishes to see. For example, in order to see the web page named "skorowidz.htm" e.g. from the totaliztic web site with the address http://totalizm.com.pl/tekst_13.htm , it is enough that instead of this address in the window of an internet browser one writes e.g. the address http://totalizm.com.pl/skorowidz.htm
It is worth to know as well, that almost each new topic that I am researching on principles of my "scientific hobby" with "a priori" approach of the new "totaliztic science", including this one, is published in all mirror blogs of totalizm still in existence (the above topic is repeated in there as the post number #304E). In past there were 5 such blogs. At the moment only two out of these first original blogs of totalizm still remain undeleted by adversaries of the new "totaliztic science" and of the moral philosophy of totalizm. These two can be viewed at following internet addresses:
Fortunately, as from 30 October 2018, all posts to blogs of totalizm (almost half of which are in English) are published in Polish "book-like" volumes marked [13] and available in PDF from the web page named "tekst_13.htm".
With the totaliztic salute,
Dr Eng. Jan Pająk
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