#305E: Monograph [12] on the reversible "human time" wisely programmed by God, the truth of which, after acceptance, lifts to the top level of consciousness and knowledge about the meaning of life
Motto: "If you fully learn and accept how the reversible "human time" really works - the passage of which shapes and allows God to judge: your personal history and remembered moments, experience and wisdom, character and habits, morality and attitude towards other people, relationship to God and nature, etc.; then this fundamental knowledge about the work of the reversible human time will lift you to such a high level of consciousness, the achieving of which previously you have not been able to even imagine."
On 2018/10/17 I realized that in spite of having the status of a retired pensioner and exceeding the age of 72, it is my duty to write another monograph [12] for the use by all these people, who by Christian Bibles are called with presently rather a misleading term "neighbours". The reason for volunteering to this duty is that in the new monograph [12] I am able to collect the essence of results from my own research accumulated practically during the entire life on the subject of highly complicated mechanism that makes the reversible "human time" work. A reason why I also made the decision to immediately start writing that monograph [12], was my finding which I tried to express in the above "motto" to this post, namely that according to my personal experience, no other knowledge raises our consciousness equally quickly and to equally high level, nor opens our horizons of thoughts, nor motivates us to so drastic improvements of our views, attitudes, interests, efforts, behaviours, etc., as does the empirical learning of the correct knowledge about the true work of reversible "human time" that governs over our lives and that is confirmed by reality that surrounds us. Unfortunately, the writing an explanation that would be understandable for the majority of ordinary people and that tells in simple words how actually works the highly complex mechanism of the reversible "human time", is not easy at all. After all, from the period of my life, when while creating languages for programming machine tools that are controlled by computers, I myself programmed our human software systems for modelling the operation of artificially formed time which governs over the behaviour of these machine tools, I remember quite well how complex models of "machine reality" I was forced to create and to program in order to make these simple the machines correctly processed "machining time". But we must remember that people and the human realities are indescribably more complicated than our machines and their limited "machine reality". This in turn means that the software mechanism of "Omniplan", which runs the work of the reversible "human time", is probably the most complicated software creation from the entire universe that has ever been created, now exists, and continually works. Therefore, the content of this post, tries to summarize briefly what shape and course of explanations I finally used in that my monograph [12] - the Polish language version of which is already published and available in Interned for interested readers since December 2018 - which extends, collects together, and refines the outcomes of my research for describing of which in 2001 I have developed, among others, the entire web page named "timevehicle.htm". (Please notice here, that although at present only a "proof copy" of the PDF version of monograph [12] written in the Polish language is already published and available to interested readers, in the future, e.g. in a couple of years - should God grant me the life long enough to complete such a task, my intention would be to translate it into English and make it available also to English speaking readers soon after I finish all the final tuning and improvements to the content of the Polish version of that monograph [12] - as with more details I am informing about this my intention in the message from "P.S." at the very end of this post.) Moreover, the content of this post I decided to publish later in the English version of monograph [12], as the "introduction" to it, as well as publish it in the post number #305E to blogs of totalizm (thus also add it to the content of "volume T" from my publication [13] that contains all Polish and English posts to blogs of totalizm). In turn those readers who after reading this post would like to learn further technical details of my explanations on how the reversible "human time" really works, I refer to a copy of that monograph [12] - available in the safe format PDF and free of charge on the internet via the web page named "tekst_12.htm". After all, by defining and opening to judgment the results of each person's life, that reversible "human time" defines and opens to judging by God the life of the reader of these words, and also the life of his/her relatives. In addition, due learning of the work of this reversible time, we earn for ourselves a gigantic increase in consciousness caused by the emphasised in the "motto" from this post the gaining of knowledge about the working mechanism of the reversible "human time".
Imagine that you existed in, or have been moved to, a hypothetical world in which time does NOT exist. Unfortunately, if you wanted to do anything in there, it would turn out to be impossible. After all, absolutely every action consists of a series of phases, which must follow one after the other, and which final result is the completion of the entire action. But because time would NOT exist in there, it would turn impossible to implement individual phases of a given action, hence it would also be impossible to implement the whole action. (To better understand this fact, consider eating anything - in order to eat something first you would have to put it in your mouth, then you would have to swallow it: but if the lack or non-existence of time does NOT allow you to implement any of these phases, then you are unable to eat anything.) Furthermore, if for example you want to see what is happening around you, it would also be impossible. After all, noticing anything is also a kind of process extended in time, but because the time would NOT exist in there, also noticing anything would be impossible. In a similar way, it would turn out that you would NOT be able to think in there, be aware of your existence, nor even exist at all.
The above brief placing of the reader in such a purely hypothetical situation of impossibility to exist in places where time does NOT exist at all, reveals to us that the essence of time is to force the reality that surrounds something, to arrange the elementary phases of events occurring in this reality (such as processes, phenomena, actions, etc.) into a kind of elongated sequence that causes their non-simultaneous occurrence in relation to each other - what is actually the overriding requirement that both, these entire events, as well as their subsequent phases, could occur at all. This in turn means that all previous definitions of time proposed by the "official atheistic science" are wrong, because they emphasize the inappropriate and unimportant features of this phenomenon - as an example, it is worth considering any of the definitions of time, which during the preparation of the content of this post (i.e. on 2018/12/7) were disseminated, for example, in the google.com. It also means that, for example, the so-called "big bang", which according to the claims of "official atheistic science" supposedly occurred when there was NO time nor matter yet in the entire "universe", in fact it had no right to occur, since before this "big bang" the time supposedly did NOT exist.
So in order to repair this mistake of "official atheistic science" and propose a definition of time that underlines that most important and absolutely necessary feature of this phenomenon, below I provide the totaliztic definition of time, i.e. the definition developed by the philosophy of totalizm on basis of the Concept of Dipolar Gravity. Here is one of several possible formulations of this totaliztic definition. "Time is the most important out of the fundamental phenomena of the universe, which causes that the individual phases of each event originating from one and the same source (i.e. each process, phenomenon, action, etc.), are dismembered and clearly separated from each other, then arranged into a homogeneous sequence of cause-and-effect events that allows each phase to benefit from the outcomes of the prior occurrence of its previous phases."
The written formulation of the above definition suddenly makes us aware of a series of quite revolutionary truths about time. An example of such a truth revealed to us is that in spite of existence and work in the entire universe of only one fundamental type of natural time, which in my publications is called the "irreversible absolute time of the universe", the actual use of intelligence and knowledge allows to create countless versions of artificial time derived from this single absolute time (although linked through relationships and through conversion coefficients with this fundamental kind of absolute time of the universe and also similarly linked with all other versions of time). And so, for example, in "chapter C" of the monograph [12], I am indicating numerous examples from the vast body of evidence which reveals to us that regardless of the existence and operation of this natural "irreversible absolute time of the universe", God created for the use of each person an unique kind of a reversible "human time" - which I scientifically named the "reversible software time" because it has been deliberately (i.e. artificially) pre-programmed by God, so that every person can be repeatedly shifted back in time to years of his/her youth or to the beginning of his/her life, then again and along already a different path go through his/her whole life in a way similar as today's developers of computer games create a reversible time that interactively governs over the "life" of heroes from these games, allowing these heroes to repeatedly re-appear on the screen, so that human players could once again play the same games. (This artificially programmed by God's reversible "human time" passes by short leaps and - as the Bible states in verse 3:8 from "2 Peter", approximately "365 thousand times slower" than the natural, smoothly passing, fundamental, "irreversible absolute time of the universe" in which God lives, and which also affects the course and effects of all inanimate matter, including the "aging" of elementary particles, atoms and, for example, radioactive isotopes.) In turn, we humans are already creating various types of "technical time", such as "computer time" in which repeatedly elapse "lives", among other things, of the heroes of computer games, "TV time" in which elapse "lives" of heroes of films watched through our TV sets, "robot time" in which repetitively age robots that we already are building, etc. (For example, myself, in the Polish period of my life, where while remaining a lecturer-"adiunkt" at the Wrocław Technical University I also worked part-time in industry as a scientific advisor, in my engineering programming languages I laboriously modelled and created the "time of computer controlled machine tools" which governed over the "life" of these relatively simple machines.) In fact, each clock also creates its own kind of time, because its time elapses in a way described by some kind of conversion factor in relation to this fundamental time of the universe, and to own times of all other clocks.
Another of such revolutionary truths about the reversible "human time" is that our civilization is to be able to build Time Vehicles, which will transport people to different periods in their "human time". Yet another of these truths is that the creation and work of our "reversible software time" is very complicated. Hence, on the one hand, learning the truth about its existence and complicated work rapidly provides us with proof and with awareness that this time could NOT appear spontaneously in the way that today's "official atheistic science" calls "natural" (e.g. "accidentally" in a "great bang"), but it had to be intelligently programmed by a wise superior being that has the knowledge and capabilities of God, and thus that could far-sightedly design its work. On the other hand, to learn how this complicated time works, it is necessary to put in a lot of effort and motivation. So let us now learn some further details about these revolutionary truths.
The complicated and precise work of the "reversible software time" (i.e. the time in which people and other living creatures age) causes that the work of it can NOT be described in a few sentences. Therefore, a full description of the work of this time requires the volume of the whole monograph [12] - in which I collected together the descriptions of work of this time, previously published on a number of web pages, including: (a) the web page named "timevehicle.htm" - describing mechanisms of time and whatever follows from these mechanisms, (b) another web page named "immortality.htm" - describing how to build Time Vehicles and how they work, and (c) web pages "dipolar_gravity.htm" (see INTRODUCTION and item #G4 in there), "god_proof.htm" (see item #D3 in there), and "petone.htm" (see item #J5 in there) - describing how God utilised the capabilities of "counter-matter" to practically implement (i.e. pre-program) the work of our "reversible software time".
And so, in order to explain in the monograph [12] this (quite difficult to understand by untrained minds) work of our reversible "human time", firstly in its "chapter A" I briefly explained this work by comparing it to the work of something (i.e. computer games), which is already well known to most of people, and which imitates the operation of this artificially pre-programmed by God, highly complicated "human time". I also had to explain at the same time how this artificial and reversible "human time" differs from the irreversible natural time of the universe in which God lives and acts, i.e. from the time which I call the "irreversible absolute time of the universe". Unfortunately, from experience I know that for many people of today, even reading only such a short "chapter A" from monograph [12] probably will prove to be too labour-intensive. After all, the longest texts read by them are probably those single-sentence SMSs from their mobile phones and the titles of films on watching which they spend almost entire their free time. Therefore, in order to inspire them with the ambition of trying to read also next chapters, in my writing I have implemented two principles. The first of these, is the principle of such formulation of each chapter and subsection of monograph [12], that the descriptions contained therein could be understood without having to read and remember what the previous or other chapters and subsections of it have stated. This principle, which I have used for a long time in all my publications, allow readers to read them in short "sessions" and for a longer period of time, and also to select from them for reading only those fragments, in learning of which readers are interested. Unfortunately, this principle also has the disadvantage, which is the necessity of frequent repetitions of brief summaries of what has been explained elsewhere - fortunately, if the reader already knows what these summaries try to explain, then he/she simply can skip forward without reading them. The second one, is the principle that after each explanation of "how" something works, I immediately provide also the information "what benefits it creates for us" and "which evidence confirms that this my 'how' actually asserts the truth".
So, according to both of above-mentioned principles of my writing, in the further "chapter B" from monograph [12] I described the most important benefits resulting from knowing how the "human time" really works. (Most important of these benefits I summarized below immediately after completing these paragraphs which describe the content of all chapters that make up the monograph [12] - note in there that quite significant among these benefits is the possibility of building during the "third technical era" (which is just starting) and at today's technical level of humanity, the so-called "time vehicles of the third technical era", which will be able to repetitively shift us back in time, e.g. to years of our youth, thus infinitely prolonging our lives and providing us with a kind of "imprisoned immortality".) Then in "chapter C" I explained which widely available and shockingly large body of evidence definitely confirms that such a reversible "human time" actually exists, works on Earth, and rules over the life of each one of us. A perfect example of this evidence is the described in the "subsection C1" a case of noticeable mutual correspondence between the dating of the age of our "physical world" and humanity provided by the Bible in units of the reversible "human time", i.e. the dating expressed in the units which we can call "human years" - and thus amounting to slightly over 6000 "human years", and the scientific dating of age of the "universe" in the "irreversible absolute time of the universe", i.e. dating in totally different units which we can call "isotopic years" - and thus, for example in April 2015 estimated by the "official atheistic science" at around 14 billion "isotopic years". In order to see the negligible (at the present level of our knowledge) differences between both these ages, it suffices if the difference in the rates of elapse of the "reversible software time" expressed in units of "human years" is converted into the "irreversible absolute time of the universe" expressed in units "isotopic years" using that provided in the Bible conversion factor equal to "365000 times". (Quite well visible mutual correspondence between outcomes of both these dates is then immediately apparent in spite that at the present level of our knowledge there is a lack of data for completing precise calculations - e.g. we do NOT know when precisely was the biblical Great Flood, we do NOT know precisely for how many years our world existed already when the Great Flood appeared, we do NOT know how long in comparison to present "human year" lasted each "pre-flood year" - which because of preceding the Great Flood for sure elapsed with a much different speed, and we also do NOT know for sure how big is the error with which the "atheistic official science" determined the age of "universe" and our Earth.)
It was only after these descriptions that I could explain to the reader in "chapters D and E", how looked-like the unlimited in size, four-dimensional, invisible counter-world, before from the invisible for human and potentially intelligent counter-matter which displays the characteristics of a liquid computer, through the appropriate programming of this counter-matter, God created our entire "physical world", matter, the reversible "human time" prevailing in our world, people, and all other material objects that people are able to see. (In practice, all the above material objects taken together are turned out to be a highly complicated software entity which I named "Omniplan", about the existence and work of which the expensive, old, "official atheistic science" still has NO idea, because "Omniplan" remains invisible to human eyes and to today's instruments - as we are informed in verse 11:3 from the biblical "Letter to the Hebrews" which states: "... the universe was created by God's word, so that what can be seen was made out of what cannot be seen.")
After the explaining of this original (initial) state of the universe, I could in "chapter F" describe how God programmed the work of the "reversible software time" by "fragmenting" this fourth linear dimension of the counter-world into thin layers ("pancakes") - jumping through which by our consciousness creates in us the impression that our time "flows" similarly like in cinemas jumping of the picture frames gives the impression that everything is "happening" in movies. Of course, the explanation of how this fourth linear "depth directed dimension (G)" was "fragmented" into thin "pancakes", is supplemented in "chapter G" with items of evidence which document that in the counter-world actually do exist this fourth "depth directed (G)" linear dimension, only that during the re-programming of our physical world in the middle of biblical Great Deluge, God removed this fourth dimension from then created "Omniplan" and from our physical world (as since that time entire our "physical world" was programmed into each of these thin "pancakes"). However, if one knows what must be sought in order to confirm the existence of this fourth dimension, then a lot of evidence can be found in the reality that surrounds us, from analysis of which the existence of this fourth dimension is identifiable in an obvious way. One example of this evidence is the "transverse nature of electromagnetic waves" (i.e. displaying by, for example the light, the character of "surface waves" that can occur only when these waves are formed and propagated along a surface - as marine waves do). This means, that electromagnetic waves are formed and propagated along the surface of these "time layers" (i.e. along these thin "pancakes") from the fourth dimension of the linear counter-world. Another excellent (and providing us with a lot to think about) examples of this evidence are the described in "subsection G2" of monograph [12] unusual features and capabilities of creatures created before the biblical Great Deluge, such as human giants or some monsters of a well-documented existence, which for some reason have survived that biblical deluge and are still found today, while bodies of which, created for living in as many as four linear dimensions and in the "absolute time of the universe", emit a powerful stench by today's people perceived as the smell of "carrion", but which are also able, for example, to move with the speed of lightning, and to manifest powers today considered to be "supernatural."
After completing the explanation of how our reversible "human time" works, I was able to describe in "chapter H" the principle of operation of even more advanced "Time vehicles of the sixth technical age". These starships people will learn to build as late as in the sixth "technical era", i.e. immediately after they learn how to program counter-matter. However, the lighting effects accompanying the drilling in "Omniplan" by these most advanced Time Vehicles, precise "portals" to strictly calculated years from the human past or future, the researchers interested in learning about their operation, already can analyze on numerous free videos published in YouTube - as a highly educational example of such videos watch the one disseminated at the address https://youtu.be/c5mzW-4wXi0 . The next information that needs to be described contains the content of "chapter J" - explaining why the counter-world must have unlimited size and time of existence, and the content of "chapter K" - explaining the complex mechanism that God uses to educate people into the hardened in face of difficulties "soldiers of God", i.e. the mechanism which as a main tool uses the control over the course of events (which control is possible only due to the introduction of this reversible "human time"). The next "chapter L" describes the characteristics, advantages and possibilities of our "physical world" ruled by such a reversible "human time".
The final part of the monograph [12], from the "chapter M" to its end in the "chapter Z", reveals to us various benefits and perspectives resulting from the pre-programming of our "physical world" into this form of "Omniplan" stratified in the shape of a wrinkled stack of thin "pancakes" and allowing for the effective operation of our "reversible software time". And so, "chapter M" describes the most important benefits that our God draws since thousands of years due to the creation of the reversible time, while after Time Vehicles have been built by people and after people obtain immortal bodies, which benefits and perspectives will also be available to selected people who deserve to have them. The next "chapter N" presents numerous world-outlook benefits that people will already accomplish if they motivate themselves to learning and accepting the truths from the monograph [12], describing how our reversible "human time" really works. This is because the "chapter N" presents, among other things, items of evidence which confirm that it is NOT an "accidentally occurring" some "natural" phenomenon, like the "big bang" - mistakenly invented by the costly, monopolistic, old "official atheistic science" while currently forced into us because of the educational monopoly of that official science, but our self-conscious, intelligent and omnipotent God created this "reversible software time" in which people are now aging. In turn, the "chapter O" describes how and why from the creation of the reversible "human time" is also benefiting the entire universe. After all, letting constantly improve our physical world, the creation and constant use of this reversible time also causes the spread of knowledge and consciousness, and thus the growth and intelligent evolution of the entire universe.
Summarizing the above in other words, since the level of complexity, implementation difficulties, as well as the consumption of motivation and effort was so high for me - although the only goal I set for myself in the monograph [12] was to merely collect in it the understandable to ordinary people explanation of my previous discoveries how this reversible "human time" works, just realizing how high is this level of difficulty and effort, should reveal to everyone how complicated, difficult, ambitious and demanding on the superior knowledge and wisdom, God's intention had to be, to re-program from the potentially intelligent counter-matter the correct work of this "reversible software time". So how then it is possible that the monopolistic institution of today's "official atheistic science", together with the growing multitude of supporters blinded by it, NOT only that turn back to such an unspeakably wise and omniscient God and deliberately close eyes to the unsurpassed perfection with which God pre-programmed from counter-matter of both us and everything that surrounds us, but also that for the gratification of own greed this institution and its supporters unceremoniously devastate this entire divine masterpiece. So it is hard not to start being afraid that such behaviour must someday bring to the wicked people the events that are described on my Polish web page named "2030.htm", while which are illustrated in a free Polish video from YouTube entitled "Zagłada ludzkości 2030" (i.e. the "Holocaust 2030") available at the address https://youtu.be/o06UvHgahr8 .
Getting to know and accepting the existence and operation of a reversible "human time" brings many benefits to everyone. An example of one of the quite significant such benefits is reaching by the learner a level of intellectual maturity allowing him/her to add his/her own contribution to the efforts of building a simplest "Time vehicles of the third technical era", described more comprehensively in item #C1 from the web page "timevehicle.htm" and in "subsection B2" from my monograph [12]. (Notice here that virtually everyone in his/her own interest and for the good of own descendants can effortlessly contribute to the construction of Time Vehicles by, for example, very simple and occasional dissemination of knowledge about them, revealing the benefits of their possession, explaining their operation, presenting material evidence, discussing with other people, influencing decision-makers, etc.) After all, these vehicles, after we detect that we have made a significant error, allow us to repetitiously shift back in reversible time, so that in the next passing through time and life we do NOT commit these previously made mistakes. In addition, after reaching an old age, or after catching some disease, these vehicles will also allow us to go back, for example, to the years of our youth in order to regain a young look, energy, strength and health, or simply to avoid an impending death.
Perhaps the most important benefit, however, derived from the knowledge of the existence and operation of the reversible "human time", is the realization that something as complex as our reversible "human time" was NOT able to spontaneously come to the existence in nature, but some highly intelligent being (i.e. our God) had to pre-program it. In turn, knowing that our reversible time had to be programmed by God, we have very convincing evidence that in spite of the deceitful claims of the "official atheistic science", God does exist. Knowing that God exists, we have a reason to finally understand that the inspired by God Bible contains truth and nothing but truth. On the other hand, being able to rely on the truth of the Bible, it also reaches our awareness that after the end of the world we only can get a chance and be able to spend all eternity closely in harmony with God and with other God-saved people, if we previously voluntarily improved our character and morality - as the Bible commands us to do. This in turn motivates us to implement increasingly more moral life and to constantly work on improving our character, attitudes, behaviours, knowledge, experiences, morality, and everything else upon which we have a personal impact. When we begin such improvement, we will quickly determine that its foundation is to know the God's commandments and requirements described in the Bible, and also to learn from the philosophy of totalizm and from the Concept of Dipolar Gravity, among others about the methods and tools that God uses to manage our physical world, about the mechanisms of acting which God uses in His governing over the world (for example: learning the operation of karma, moral laws, moral field, mechanism of managing our future - i.e. the mechanism described in item #J5 from the web page named "petone.htm" and in "chapter G" from my monograph [12], moral energy, nirvana, etc. - see "subsection M2" from the monograph [12]), etc., etc.
Yet another benefit that results from learning how works the reversible "human time", is the intellectual independence from the shackles and hypnotic trance into which virtually all the deeply corrupt institutions of today's world have locked us out. In turn, due to us being intellectually independent, it is possible to undertake real efforts to start repairing these institutions, and to let the world in which we live begin to have correct and required by God character - which over time will result in ever better living conditions for ourselves and for our fellow humans.
P.S. Of course, my intention would be to translate the content of monograph [12] to English soon after I complete the fine tuning and all the improvements to the Polish version of it - if God grants me the life long enough for completing such a task. In the meantime I encourage the reader of this item to read my monograph in the Polish language, hoping that he/she knows the Polish language well enough to be able to read in my native Polish the free copies of monograph [12] that already are available in Internet in the safe PDF format. (After all, the old Polish prophecy states that "the Polish language is to be voluntarily learned and used by all nations of the world", and thus that Polish is to become the official international language for the entire humanity, in which all inhabitants of the Earth are to communicate with each other - for details of this old Polish prophecy see item #E4 from my web page named "prophecies.htm".) But if you do NOT know Polish yet, then you still have several options to be able to familiarize yourself with the content of monograph [12]. The first of these options is provided by the current availability in Internet of free computer translators that roughly translate texts from the Polish language into the English language (although these translators are still NOT very good, they already provide a rough idea as to what a given text is about). In turn the second option is to look at the beginning of each chapter of monograph [12] to find out from which other my (English) publication the main ideas of that chapter originates - after all, almost all web pages, monographs and treatises, that I wrote, are available in at least two languages, i.e.: Polish and English. Also the most essential parts of my monograph [12] were previously published, and still are available, in blogs of totalizm and in following my web pages and their items: Introduction, G4 and #D4 from the web page "dipolar_gravity.htm", in almost entire my web page named "immortality.htm", in Introduction, #D3 and #A0 from the web page named "god_proof_pl.htm", and in items #J5 and #J7 from the web page "petone.htm".
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The above post is an adaptation of item #A3 from my web page named "timevehicle.htm" - updated on 7th January 2019, or later. Thus, the reading of the above descriptions would be even more effective from the web page "timevehicle.htm", than from this post - after all e.g. on the totaliztic web pages are working all (green) links to other related web pages with additional explanations, important texts are highlighted with colours, the descriptions are supported with illustrations, the content is updated regularly, etc. The most recent update of the web page "timevehicle.htm" can be viewed, amongst others, through addresses:
(*) Notice that every address with totaliztic web pages, including all the above web addresses, should contain all totaliztic (my) web pages - including all the web pages indicated in this post. Thus, in order to see any totaliztic (my) web page that interests the reader, it suffices that in one amongst the above addresses, the web page name "timevehicle.htm" is changed into the name of web page which one wishes to see. For example, in order to see the web page named "skorowidz.htm" e.g. from the totaliztic web site with the address http://totalizm.com.pl/timevehicle.htm , it is enough that instead of this address in the window of an internet browser one writes e.g. the address http://totalizm.com.pl/skorowidz.htm .
It is worth to know as well, that almost each new topic that I am researching on principles of my "scientific hobby" with "a priori" approach of the new "totaliztic science", including this one, is published in all mirror blogs of totalizm still in existence (the above topic is repeated in there as the post number #305E). In past there were 5 such blogs. At the moment only two out of these first 5 original blogs of totalizm still remain undeleted by adversaries of the new "totaliztic science" and of the moral philosophy of totalizm. These two original blogs of totalizm can be viewed at following internet addresses:
Fortunately, as from 30 October 2018, all (i.e. over 305) posts to blogs of totalizm (almost half of which are in English) are also published (in Polish) "book-like" volumes marked [13] and available in PDF format from the web page named "tekst_13.htm".
With the totaliztic salute,
Dr Eng. Jan Pająk
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