#311E: How the miracle causing devices of the fifth technical era of humanity are to allow us to overcome the flow of time and the inevitability of death
Motto: "The majority of humans limit their knowledge of the future to the present moment."
My analysis of the results of human predictions of the future indicate that if we do NOT discover and work out the principle which God used to formulate in His "Omniplan" what is going to happen in the area that we are interested in, then whatever people predict just on the basis of their own knowledge and views, always over time turns out to be wrong. In turn, principles that God uses to formulate in the "Omniplan" His designs for the future, are best illustrated by the regularities contained in my "Cyclic Tables in the Development of Earth's Propelling Devices". The cyclic table which I discovered first and which turned out to be the most important, was the one published in 1976 in the article entitled "Teoria rozwoju napędów" (in English meaning: "The theory of propulsion systems development") from the Polish magazine "Astronautyka", issue 5/1976, pages 16 to 21. Starting from the time of its discovery, I continually analyze and research these cyclic tables until today - discovering in them increasingly more interesting regularities and principles, which in turn allow me to predict increasingly more precisely the principles of operation and features of the propelling devices for the future humans.
From principles and regularities that God has pre-planned into the development of human propelling devices and are reflected by my first cyclic table, the strongest influence on the devices from the "fifth technical era of humanity" (which I intend to describe in this post), exerts "the principle that in the propelling devices of increasingly higher technical eras used are increasingly more hidden, deeply located and difficult to access by people components of the reality that surrounds us." This principle causes that in order to be able to build ever more powerful propelling devices of subsequent technical eras, people are forced to overcome in their views and philosophies the subsequent "barriers of awareness" (meaning to overcome "philosophical limitations" rooted in their worldviews), which God utilises for precise pre-planning in His "Omniplan" the technological progress of humanity, and then in careful governing over implementation of this progress. (Notice, that what are and how these "barriers of awareness" do work, I tried to explain a long time ago on the example of a barrier that already for around 70 years has been limiting the majority of people, including the Polish so-called "UFO researchers", to get stuck on answering the question "does UFOs even exist" and thus make these people to constantly "trot in the same place". My explanation of this barrier, I published, among others, in item #F6 from the web page named "evil.htm", and in subsection O3 from volume 12 of my monograph [1/4].) Because the crossing through subsequent "barriers of awareness" ("philosophical limitations") in human worldviews is controlled by God, the existence of these barriers allows God to grant to humanity the permission to build only those propelling devices, powers and capabilities of which are appropriate to the level of morality, civilization advancement and obedience to God among these generations of people who will have access to the power and to the destruction capabilities of these propelling devices.
Let us now analyze my most completely and precisely developed and fine-tuned "Cyclic Table in the Development of Earth's Propelling Devices", illustrated as "Tab. #J4" from the web page named "propulsion.htm", and also published in the posts number #309E (in English) and #295 (in Polish) to blogs of totalizm, as well as in my monograph [12] (in Polish) and in publication [13] which collects all my posts to blogs of totalizm (almost half of which posts is in English). This table allows for a better understanding "what is all about" that used by God and explained above "principle of using in the propelling devices of subsequent technical eras the increasingly more hidden, deep and difficult to access by people components of the surrounding reality". Well, from that "Tab. #J4" it follows that the six successive technical eras on Earth are arranged in three pairs of eras that are increasingly more difficult to complete. Each of these three pairs uses for propelling purposes the increasingly more deeply hidden and invisible for people components of the reality that surrounds us. In addition, from both technical eras of each such pair, the first era always uses the "naturally" available to people (i.e. easier to identify and use by people) attributes of the working medium that provides the propulsive power to all the propelling devices of this pair. In the second era of each pair, for the purposes of propelling are used different attributes of the same working medium, only that this time attributes are released technically by people. Let us analyze now these three pairs of technical eras in more detail (see "Tab. #J4" on the web page named "propulsion.htm"):
(1) The first of these three pairs, which includes the first and second technical eras of humanity, for the purposes of propelling utilises only the most visible and accessible to people the circulation of "direct interactions of matter". Thus, the propelling devices of these first and second technical eras are the easiest to invent and to build by people - although their powers and capabilities are the most primitive and limited. At the same time, slightly more technically advanced propelling devices of the second technical era from this first pair (i.e. such propelling devices as: an internal combustion engine, a "jet engine", a rocket) so intensely pollute the natural environment that they threaten human health and survival. (The reader is probably aware that at the moment humanity is in the final phase of using mainly the propelling devices of these first and second technical eras.)
(2) The second of these three pairs, covering the third and fourth technical eras, for propelling purposes uses a bit more hidden from human eyes, because invisible, "circulations of counter-matter" - which in the most known way manifest themselves to people as the so-called "magnetic fields". The existence of counter-matter is still negated by the official atheistic science - in spite that counter-matter is the major component of the reality that surrounds us from which God created all the matter from our physical world. (It is shocking that it is still negated by official atheistic science, in spite that the existence of the counter-world, and thus the existence of counter-matter prevailing in the counter-world, has already been proven by my formal scientific proof presented, among others, in item #D3 from a different my web page named "dipolar_gravity.htm", and also in subsection H1.1.4 from volume 4 of my monograph [1/5].) Therefore, in order to be able to build subsequent propelling devices of the third and fourth technical eras, humanity will first have to overcome the "barrier of awareness" which depends on the necessity to overcome the current intellectual resistance of the official atheistic science, which today's selfish intentions are mainly focused on immoral use of its monopoly for research and for education, and on resulting from this monopoly the denying of the existence of the counter-world and counter-matter in which can reside the authority much higher than that of present scientists (which authority is God Himself). How in turn difficult is for the institution of current official atheistic science to cross this barrier of awareness, it is perfectly illustrated by the repetitive attacks on the outcomes of "hobby" research that I am carrying on, which attacks, while being unable to undermine my findings, evidence and theories, resort to "grips below the belt" - what the reader may quickly notice when reviewing the opinions on these outcomes widely disseminated on the internet. As a result of this situation, this barrier of awareness stops the humanity from building increasingly more advanced propelling devices of the third and fourth technical eras, in spite that the first most primitive propelling device from the third technical era (i.e. the so-called "electric motor") was invented in 1836 and until today it is being built almost without any major changes in the principle of its operation, while the historical information also indicates that the first propelling device of the fourth technical era was built NO later than in the year 1150 - for details see e.g. item #J2 from my web page named "free_energy.htm". It is a great pity, that the moral state of the group intellect of today's institution of official atheistic science has fallen so low that this science is NOT able any more to cross also through this barrier of awareness. After all, the propelling devices of the third and fourth technical eras do NOT pollute the environment - as do the propelling devices used today, while for example the building of the Magnocrafts of my invention would open for humanity access to the unlimited resources of the vast cosmic space. In turn, the construction of the Time Vehicles of my invention would open for people access to the so-called "imprisoned immortality", and thus would eliminate the to-date human fear of death.
(3) The third of these three pairs, covering the fifth and sixth technical eras, for the purposes of propulsion uses completely hidden from human eyes (the circulation of) "the work of programs from the memory of counter-matter". These programs are, after all, the components of the counter-matter which define all behaviours and qualities of this intelligent, weightless and eternally moving substance from the counter-world - from which God created all the matter of our physical world. This is why the software from counter-matter defines the attributes and behaviours of everything that is manifested in our physical world - including the pre-programmed and later gradually being improved by God, the action of all laws of nature. Therefore, in order to be able to build subsequent propelling devices of these fifth and sixth technical eras, the humanity will first have to overcome one more "barrier of awareness" that manifests itself in the tendency of people (including the most of today's scientists) to not recognize everything that can NOT be shown and visually demonstrated that it exists - in this number the unrecognizing also that in the memory of counter-matter there are programs controlling behaviours of this intelligent, weightless and eternally moving substance, and to not recognize that to the humanity have already been revealed ways of initiating the work of these programs - e.g. ways such as: (a) orders in the language of "Ulot" understood and obeyed by these programs, while described, among others, in item #E4 from my web page named "prophecies.htm" (while the software that translates from "Ulot" to human spoken languages is described in item #F11 from the web page named "soul_proof.htm"), (b) "spells", and (c) sound vibrations - described near the end of this post. Unfortunately, neither the counter-matter nor the programs contained in its memory can be demonstrated to anyone. After all, even verse 11:3 from the biblical "Letter to the Hebrews" states (I quote it from the English "Good News Bible"): "... the universe was created by God's word, so that what can be seen was made out of what cannot be seen" - which verse in the Polish "Biblia Tysiąclecia" confirms the same message, namely that: "... słowem Boga światy zostały tak stworzone, iż to, co widzimy, powstało nie z rzeczy widzialnych." (Notice from my explanations provided in caption under "Table #J1b" on the web page named "propulsion.htm", that what in the Bible is named "word", in the present terminology of Informatics is named "information", "algorithm" and "program" - hence in the totaliztic definition of God provided in item #A0 from my web page named "god_proof.htm" and in posts #308 and #308E to blogs of totalizm, God is defined as a huge program that self-evolved in 12th level of memory from the intelligent counter-matter.) Overcoming this barrier raised for the humanity between the fourth and fifth technical era will take place only when God recognizes that the humanity as a whole voluntarily has reached the level of its morality and civilization advancement, which will be required for the responsible use of almost unlimited power and capabilities (among others for destruction) which propelling devices of these last two technical eras will give into human hands. However, if humanity finally manages to overcome this next barrier of awareness, then it will gain access to propulsion systems and devices with almost unlimited capabilities - which I am trying to describe in more detail in this post #311E and in previous post #309E (as well as in items #J4.5 and #J4.6 from the web page named "propulsion.htm").
However, before I start to summarize the operation and capabilities of propelling devices from the fifth technical era of humanity, it is worth to emphasize the conclusions that follow from the above described intelligently designed rules clearly visible in subsequent inventions of propelling devices for all the technical eras of the humanity. The first of these conclusions, which is immediately striking, is that inventing and building such a perfectly designed sequence of subsequent human propelling devices can NOT be governed just by "random chances" (with which the official atheistic science explains the occurrence of everything that happens in our physical world). The perfection and intelligence of these rules therefore confirms that there must be the divine supervision behind them, carefully pre-programmed for the future in the "Omniplan" (as I have explained this pre-programming in item #J5 from my web page named "petone.htm"), as well as must also be involved the superior knowledge and intelligence of our God. The second conclusion is that when the humanity enters the path to meet the requirements for building a given propulsion system, God gradually makes available (and controls) the discoveries and inventions that the total effect will lead to the construction of this system. For example, regarding the propelling devices of the fifth technical era of humanity described here, the knowledge of how to use the counter-matter software was made available to selected people since a long time ago, e.g. through: (a) initiating the work of this software with the use of commands in the described above language of "Ulot", (b) use of hidden from people methods with which this software is initiated by some so-called "magicians" or other "initiated insiders", or (c) use of sequences of properly modulated vibrations generated e.g. by saying "spells", using e.g. "pipes/bagpipes" or through vibrating correct "tuning forks" - as it is described near the end of this post.
From my research and analyzes follows that the fifth "technical era" was designed by God to exist in times when the humanity learns to use, among others, for transporting purposes, these already existing, ready made programs stored in the memory of "counter-matter" (which programs control the behaviours of this eternally mobile fluid). In turn such use of already existing programs that control the counter-matter will enable the humanity to carry out many different activities, which long time ago I have described, among others, in subsection H11 from volume 4 of my monograph [1/5]. For example, in the use as propelling devices, this application of counter-matter programs allows that instead of travelling or transporting something physically through space or time, it is enough to start the program for changing the position of this something in the "Omniplan" from the counter-world, and this program immediately relocates this something into another (pre-programmed in the "Omniplan") place and time from our physical world and from the reversible (human) time. (Please notice that a whole range of further non-propelling applications of the human abilities to use ready-made programs contained in the counter-matter, for example for purposes of healing, communicating, or for transferring thoughts, I described more comprehensively in item #E4 from my web page named "prophecies.htm".)
However, the most powerful and the most useful possibilities such use of already existing programs from counter-matter will give to the humanity in the area of production and building. After all, through the use of programs contained in the counter-matter, God Himself (or more strictly: humanly-looking God embodiments sent to Earth to educate people) created for the use of first humans on Earth a whole range of megalithic structures existing to this day practically on all continents. Examples of these structures made of stone by God can be those that I described more precisely e.g. in (4) from item #B2 on my web page named "humanity.htm", or in item #H1 from the web page named "god_exists.htm". The more famous of them include, among others, the Sphinx and the great pyramid of Giza in Egypt, the Great Chinese Wall (including those fragments of the Chinese wall, which later were NOT restored by the Chinese rulers, and hence have already been destroyed) and many others very long walls similar to Chinese Great Wall found recently on almost all continents and shown on YouTube, as well as a series of these incredibly precise walls of megalithic buildings with curved surfaces between different stones (i.e. walls most commonly available to be viewed by tourists in Peru and Bolivia, though existing also in China, Southern Europe, Egypt, Asia, and even New Zealand). A photograph of one of these impossible to build "Inca walls" with curved surfaces of the contacts between particular stones is shown in "Fig. #I1" from my web page named "god_proof.htm", while a whole series of further similar walls from megalithic buildings is shown on my video "playlist" with "Inca music" played from the web page named "p_12fi.htm" (available, for example, at http://totalizm.com.pl/p_12fi.htm ). On the other hand, if we would want to build any of these stone structures with our present technology, then it would turn out that our present knowledge, technology, machines and tools, are NOT able to erect such megalithic constructions. It is for this reason that various atheistic UFOlogists, in order to divert the attention of humanity from the truth that these buildings were created by God, promote various theories on the Internet, that these structures are supposed to be of cosmic origins. But the truth is that after earning the ability to use ready-made programs contained in the counter-matter from which any matter is formed, erecting such incredibly precise buildings from colossal stone blocks would only require launching properly selected programs from counter-matter - so that these programs first would shape stones in the required forms, and then they would order these stones, that regardless of the weight, they would fly themselves in the air and set up in their respective walls or building locations. After all, programs contained in the counter-matter allow to do with stones exactly what many local mythologies state that it happened when such megalithic structures were originally erected by the superior beings sent to Earth by God for organizing and civilizing the humanity - such as the Israeli Melchizedek mentioned in the caption under "Tab. #K1" from my web page named "tapanui.htm", or the Egyptian couple Osiris and his sister and the wife named Isis.
By the way, it is interesting whether the reader realizes that such still impossible to build by humans, because erected with the method of programming the counter-matter, giant megalithic structures made by God, are spread over practically the entire surface of the Earth - i.e. NOT only in China , Egypt, or Peru, but also on the small islands of New Zealand that used to be cut off from the rest of the world. For example, in New Zealand there is a so-called "Kaimanawa Wall" - which in April 2018 I could analyze more closely, among others, from the 8.5-minute video in YouTube with the address https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vP3hZrbVdd8 - which I discuss in the caption under "Video #J3z" from the web page named "petone.htm". After all, those who try to personally examine this structure are treated in the same way as I was treated during my researching of the New Zealand Tapanui Crater (for details see e.g. "introduction" and item #B5 on my web page named "tapanui.htm"). For example, it is officially proclaimed deceptively and discouragingly that the Kaimanawa Wall is "a natural creation", the area in which it is located is closed for easy public access, and also researchers who are trying to investigate this structure are harassed and scared. In spite of all this, several courageous hobbyists were still able to determine that the Kaimanawa Wall is probably the still not covered by ashes from the nearby volcano fragment of the upper platform of a huge pyramid similar to American pyramids and composed of multi-tone stone blocks. According to the Maori legends, in a different area of forests growing in New Zealand there is also still undiscovered by Europeans the "Sleeping Giant" - means a gigantic sculpture of a man (probably of the legendary giant-demigod called Maui) lying on his back (i.e. the giant, which I described, amongst others, in item #J3.3 from my web page named "god_proof.htm"). The information that results from the analysis of sculptures created in ancient times indicates that the details of these sculptures were shaped by kinds of spoons, after the prior use of programs contained in the counter-matter that soften the stone to the consistency of soft butter without simultaneous changing of its temperature.
It is also worth adding to the above that the propelling devices built in the "fifth technical era of humanity" described here will utilise the work of already existing, ready-made programs contained in the counter-matter. However, these programs will NOT be created by people, but only run by people using, among others, appropriate "keys" - for example, appropriately modulated vibrations, or "spells". As such, in spite that both eras number 5 and 6 will use for propulsion the software from counter-matter, the propelling devices of the "fifth technical era" - described in this post #311E (and in item #J4.5 from the web page named "propulsion.htm"), will significantly differ in their construction, operation and capabilities from the propelling devices built in the next, "sixth technical era" - described in item #J4.6 from the web page named "propulsion.htm" (and in post #309E). This difference in the best way can be illustrated on an example of the use of today's computers. After all, for example, a "software engineer" programming these computers, and for example a "store salesperson" using specific computer software (package) that facilitates his/her sales, accounting, and inventory of store stock, both of them use computers. However, the "software engineer" knows exactly how to program whatever he/she wants his/her computer is to do. On the other hand, the shop assistant knows only which computer key is to be pressed to make his/her computer to do work which for him/she needs to be done. So a salesperson is NOT (nor will be) able to accomplish from his/her computer anything that was NOT previously pre-programmed into it. Extrapolating this comparison to the propelling devices of the 5th and 6th "technical eras", devices of the 5th technical era will only utilise programs (i.e. ready-made software "packages") already existing in the counter-matter (because God installed them in there). These ready-made programs (software "packages") from counter-matter will cause effects on which the owners of these devices depend (e.g. will transport these owners and their vehicles and luggage to another location, e.g. from a different historical period and other time - the luminous effects accompanying such transporting are explained in the next item #J4.6). Thus, in their use the devices of fifth technical era will be like the use of computers by shop assistants, but instead of pressing the keys to cause them to work, the "keys" which trigger the action of these devices will be, for example, some appropriately modulated vibrations, "spells", orders issued in the language of "Ulot", etc. On the other hand, devices of the 6th technical era will allow people to program everything that the owner of these devices wishes. Thus, in their use the devices of sixth technical era will be like equivalents of using of computers by software engineers. The activities carried out in the sixth era will therefore include not only "what" is to be done, but also "how", "when", "in what manner", "with what accompanying effects", etc., this doing is to take place.
Nowadays, there is still a relatively large body of evidence available, which confirms the fact of existence, and relatively frequent use by someone of such ready-made software "packages" from the counter-matter - which packages allow for the implementation of a whole range of activities physically impossible to implement (e.g. allow shaping and levitating huge stone blocks, moving fragments of sculptures, etc.). Into the category of this evidence belongs almost everything that has been documented to exist, but what either breaks the known laws of physics, or also evades of the natural passage of time. The majority of such evidence is currently available on YouTube, where documented on film are for example: sculptures that move their limbs or head, or cry, or drink liquids, museum exhibits that themselves perform various activities, cases of people or objects made industrially (e.g. screws, hammers , watches, telephones) transferred to different times (e.g. to antiquity), and sometimes even documented with today's CCTV cameras behaviours of human-like beings breaking the laws of physics - for their examples see YouTube videos e.g. from addresses: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y0nIpcnxpgs , or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QcCI9vhpYY8 . Although it is easy to deduce that the only rational explanation for the indisputably documented such events is that they must be caused by appropriate software stored in the counter-matter from which is created the matter of these objects behaving oppositely to the laws of nature, only on the basis of documented evidence of these events, unfortunately, it is impossible to determine what is the mechanism of triggering such behaviours of these objects, people, or beings. I mean, looking at, for example, physically solid stone sculptures moving their limbs or heads, it is NOT possible to determine for example if this movement is caused e.g by launching a "package" of counter-matter software (as this will be done by devices of the fifth technical era described here), or caused by introducing completely new programs into the counter-matter (as by devices of sixth technical era this will be done in manners described in post #309E and in item #J4.6 from the web page named "propulsion.htm"). Fortunately for our civilization, the learning about this mechanism is facilitated by legends and by empirical research on a relatively recent past. After all, we already know from the old legends that one of the "keys" for starting propelling programs from the counter-matter are appropriately modulated sequences of vibrations, or "spells". In turn another such a key are mental orders issued in the language named "Ulot". In fact, the most frequently implemented programs of standard actions performed by counter-matter God programmed in such a way that those who know how to do this could run them, for example, with appropriately modulated sequences of vibrations, "spells", or with orders in the language of "Ulot", which people (or other beings similar to humans) were able to generate in a whole range of different ways. And so, the implementation of these programs from counter-matter could be initiated, for example, by:
(A) The generating of required sequences of vibrations by singing "spells" with proper voice intonation (as in ancient times "spells" were cast by the so-called "wizards" or "witches").
(B) The playing of the right notes on the correct kind of instruments (as did so the "rat catchers" with their "magic pipes" - to descriptions of which I am linking the interested readers by key words of their Polish names "szczurołapy" or "myszołapy" from the web page named "skorowidz.htm").
(C) The singing of a properly sounding "mantra" (e.g. the one that is to unlock the famous door to the treasury of the "Golden Temple of Padmanabhaswamy" in India - discussed e.g. at around 7-minute of video from the address: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8mcholglur0 ).
(D) The generating of the required vibrations by hitting the ancient Egyptian tuning forks shown, among others, from 4:40 minutes of English-language video available at address https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7H2-BawRLGw and on many other YouTube videos selected by using the keywords: tuning forks Egypt.
(E) The correct directing of the so-called "chi" energy. The Chinese are cultivating the tradition of using something that they usually name "chi" energy. However, if we analyze what under the name "chi" is hiding, then it turns out that the Chinese concept of "chi" includes everything that is invisible to human senses, and thus includes NOT only energy, but also telepathy, telekinesis, counter-matter and even programs contained in the counter-matter. During my professorship in Kuala Lumpur, I had the honour and pleasure of being invited to the demonstrations by Chinese school of Buddhist monks from the Shaolin monasteries in the Chinese province of Henan. They practice a kind of Chinese "martial art" called "kung-fu". These monks smashed into dust hard steel rods with just their heads, cut through powerful concrete blocks with one blow of their bare hands, and pushed whole trucks in front of them through only a spear - which was resting on their larynx with its sharp point. Their bodies proved to be more powerful and more resistant to cuts than steel and concrete. More information about the feats of masters of "kung-fu" from Shaolin, which I had the pleasure and privilege to personally watch, is described in subsection JB3.3 from my monograph [1/4]. At present I believe that what monks described as the mastering of the use of "chi" energy, actually boils down to various ways of triggering the programs contained in the counter-matter - that is, boils down to the beginning of biological implementation of what will technically be the propelling devices of the "fifth technical era". It must be remembered that everything that is able to do a human body, after the proper progress of knowledge and technology, is also able to do a technical device invented and built by people.
(F) The use of magical methods of Chinese "death-walkers". I have briefly described the methods of these unusual people (or beings), among others, in item #H2 of my web page named "sw_andrzej_bobola_uk.htm", in subsection I5.7.1 from volume 5 of my monograph [1/5], and at the end of item #D1 from my web page named "god.htm". They operated in ancient China in times when there were NO refrigerators. This is because the Chinese tradition requires that the dead are buried in tombs of their family. So when a Chinese died away from his/her homeland, the "death-walkers" were immediately called. These people (or beings), with their "spells", caused the dead to get up and walk to their family cemetery, where they could be buried.
(G) The re-use of methods for cutting with bare hands and then levitating large stones, discovered by a number of old "stonemasons". From my research it seems to emerge that a number of people who in past practiced the hard profession of "stonemasons" independently from each other discovered ways allowing them to split with bare hands and to carve large stones, finally to order these stones where they should levitate and to align themselves in walls. If we analyse these almost "miraculous" skills of past stonemasons, then the only rational explanation of "how" it was possible to do what they did, requires learning how to run ready-made software "packages" contained in the counter-matter, plus how to utilise the work and capabilities of these "packages". From the family stories of my own parents and grandparents, I know that exactly such a method of "ordering to stones" what they should do, was used by a stone mason that before World War Two lived somewhere near the town of Jarocin in Poland. Together with my grandfather and father he was helping in constructing the church, and probably also the foundations for the cottage of my grandparents from the village of Cielcza near Jarocin. That is because this stonemason, about skills of whom I have heard a lot in times of my youth, with his bare hands was able to split huge stones along the surface which he considered the most useful for a given purpose - which unusual skill I described a bit more widely, among others, in item #D3 and in the caption under "Fig. #G1a" from my web page named "cielcza_uk.htm". In other words, with his bare hands, he was able to do almost the same things as in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, I saw being demonstrated by "kung-fu" masters splitting huge blocks of concrete with their bare hands. Intriguingly, shortly after I emigrated from Poland and started to work at the Southland Community College in Invercargill, New Zealand, I was very fascinated by the history of the township of Cromwell located relatively close to Invercargill - which I visited many times. It was in times before the electricity dam was built on the Clutha River flowing through the Cromwell township - which dam flooded a large fragment of its old town. In that township there was a stone cottage once inhabited by a local stone mason. Old people said that he was also able to split and to shape stones with his bare hands. In past roughly shaped stones still were visible near his "cottage". Unfortunately, when I visited the town after the dam on Clutha River was finished, it turned out that the place where his "cottage" once stood was flooded with water. All cases of stonemasons indicated in this post seem to reveal that in the past some of them learned how to execute ready-made software "packages" contained in the counter-matter from which stones were made. In this learning, masons probably were helped by the hard labour with stones that lasted for many years, which labour significantly raised the level of their "moral energy" - often up to the moment of achieving by them the phenomenon of totaliztic nirvana. In turn my own experience indicates that people who, due to their hard physical work, managed to achieve the phenomenon of nirvana, are distinguished by God with a special guidance and fate. Thus, after getting to know how to execute programs contained in the counter-matter, the stonemasons either with mental orders in the language of "Ulot", or with "spells" or sounds generated during work, caused that stones were obeying their wishes. Thus, for example, the stones cracked along surfaces ordered by the mason, or they themselves levitated and settled where the stonemason ordered them. No wonder that these were former "stonemasons" who created the foundations of a world-wide organization, which in the course of time in English was called "Freemasons" while in Polish - "Wolnomularze". (Note that both of these names represent refined and noble words replacing formerly regarded as common and unworthy of the rulers or the wealthy people name "mason".) Of course, now it is difficult to find official explanations why the one among most powerful organizations on Earth, the attribute of which is to govern and to maintain secrets and different levels of initiations among people, called itself by a word meaning "stonemason". The knowledge, however, what old-time masons could do - explains also this puzzle. This is because it is easy to understand how even people in power and wealth, seeing, for example, someone who was able to split the huge boulders with just the touch of his bare hand and then ordered them to levitate, willingly enlisted themselves into the organization that promised also to them the initiation into secrets, how they themselves will eventually be able to do such miracles. It is a great pity though that this knowledge and ways to learn these skills in reality have NOT been permanently and openly documented, but are still covered in mysteries and require going through various levels of initiations. After all, when one passes through these initiations and enters the higher spheres of this organization, he begins to enjoy such attractive personal benefits, that his intentions and reasons for revealing to the rest of humanity the secrets learned in the meantime, are to disappear completely. In turn, keeping this knowledge secret, makes to our entire civilization more difficult (if NOT almost impossible) the learning of truth and progressing. It is also a pity that what I discovered until now due to my laborious research, I was NOT aware in times when I experienced my own totaliztic nirvana. After all, knowing this already then, I would include into the scope of my experimental research also the attempts to learn how to order inanimate matter what it is supposed to do, through designing and carrying-out during this research a series of practical experiments aimed at learning how to initiate the work of programs contained in the counter-matter.
(H) The getting to know the manner and skills (NOT explained yet) which was used by a Latvian stonemason named Edward Leedskalnin (1887/1/12 - 1951/12/7). His skills allowed him to cut huge blocks of solid rock, then levitate these blocks in the air to their place of destination. (Consider the meaning of word "skalnin" in his name.) This stonemason almost with his bare hands, alone, mysteriously, at nights, built in Florida the USA the entire so-called Coral Castle - means built a huge structure which currently is a local tourist attraction of mesmerizing mystery. If one analyzes the information about this stonemason, it looks that he used "spells" to chip out and to levitate multitone blocks of local sedimentary rock called oolite limestone. From these huge blocks he gradually built his unusual castle. Because naming his structure, for example, a "castle made of oolitic limestone" would be difficult to pronounce and devoid of the romantic charm, while in his sedimentary rock people could see fragments of shells and corals, the masterpiece that he created was later poetically renamed the "coral castle" (he originally named it the "Ed’s Place"). The information that lasts till now on the subject of this mason seems to suggest also, that secrets of the "spell" with which he did all his work, are recorded for us in the words "sweet sixteen" - only that it is NOT known in what language and tune these words should be sung. For it were just these words that in an encrypted way he tried to pass-on to the posterity by continually repeating the phrase "sweet 16" at every occasion when someone asked him how he did what he did. On the other hand, that the "spell" should be sung with the appropriate "singing" intonation and the level of strong feelings, the vibrations of which initiated for him the work of counter-matter programs, are confirmed by the facts: (1) that he always emphasized the word "sweet" (often used in descriptions of someone's singing, for example to emphasize a feminine tone and melodiousness), and (2) that in a very scant collection of tools left after him, there were also two or three "tuning forks" - unfortunately all of them later went missing, while at present it is extremely difficult to learn anything about them. (For example, the only information about these tuning forks that I managed to find so far, comes from someone "ge45ge Called", who in a commentary to a 12-minute YouTube video from the address https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C-YEsbgh20U wrote - quote: "years ago the tools on the wall had 2 or 3 tuning forks, they are missing".) How could the "singing" of his spell look like, it well illustrates to us about 4-minute English-language video entitled "Special Head - Monk Levitates Above and Pyramid and Disappears - America's Got Talent 2013", dated on 2013/7/24, while available at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QVi0vFRjMXk - which documents the achievements of a monk who publicly demonstrated the ability to initiate with his singing the "spell" of starting counter-matter programs, which (programs) first caused his levitation, and then his teleportation to a different building. Personally, I believe that if in the future there will be a consistent researcher who will accept the knowledge contained in this post #311E and the knowledge deliberately made available to us by the late Edward Leedskalnin, then probably this researcher will be able to rediscover truths about the mysterious spell that allows people to effortlessly cut from solid rock, then levitate, huge stone blocks. Of course, before someone actually discovers these truths, in the meantime hundreds of "armchair theoreticians" for whose the only practical skill that they have mastered so far is moving the spoon from the plate to their own mouths, will boast on the internet that by using e.g. just a hoist and rollers they supposedly managed to explain all the secrets of the late Edward Leedskalnin - although the analysis of their explanations will reveal that, for example, they "overlooked" virtually every more important fact, such as that e.g. to raise with a machine a multi-tone block cut from solid rock, first one must be able to place the chain under this block (which placing cannot be done without raising the block first), or that in order to move this block, for example, on rollers, first one have to place it on these rollers - which also cannot be done without raising the block first. So how useful and practical is the knowledge of such "armchair theoreticians", best illustrates the fact that the giant stone rotary gate to the "coral castle" originally even children were able to rotate wth the push of their small hands. However, when the experts "fixed" the damage to the gate, now nobody is able to rotate the gate - see the end of the 23-minute video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6iUsKOn8raY entitled "Secrets of Coral Castle, with Leonard Nimoy - Telekinesis and Anti-gravity". (I.e. the gate originally rotated as easily as the stone gate to the UFO tunnel under the mountain called "Babia Góra" from Poland - which stone gate I described and showed with the help of the Irish video in item #G3 from my web page named "aliens.htm", as well as in entry #298 to blogs of totalizm. However, after the gate to the "coral castle" were "repaired" by today's "experts", the same gate is now surrounded by a metal fence and no one is able to rotate it around.)
(I) My own ability to use strong feelings for causing a stone to strike a selected target. As a young boy, I worked out a method by myself, how to hit with a stone into some target, the hitting of which target I especially wanted - while which target lay within the range of my throws of a stone. (This method is described a bit further in subsection JG5.1 from volume 8 of my monograph [1/5].) It depended on the fact that I held my breath until almost self-suffocation and getting a tingling sensation in the lower part of my spine, and only then throwing the stone with a strong will that it will hit a given target. In the result, the stone always hit the target. At present I believe that the high level of feelings caused by such accomplishing of almost a self-suffocation, issued the command to counter-matter in the language of "Ulot" that the stone has to hit a given target, and the counter-matter performed that mental command. The fact that strong feelings cause the sending to the counter-matter a command in the language of "Ulot", and that this command is carried out by the counter-matter, confirms also the experience of numerous other people. For if there are any life threatening situations that stimulate someone to a high level of feelings (e.g. someone is in danger), then suddenly such someone could perform actions that bordered on miracles. For example, he/she could lift huge loads which weighted many tons - see YouTube videos searched, e.g. through the English keywords: man lifts ton save miracle. Note that examples of another kind of lifting, also apparently accomplished with the use of software from counter-matter - could be seen starting from 4th-minute of the YouTube video which in June 2019 had the address https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wU3AyXwpWao , or at the beginning of another video which had then the address https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jVG0f_DHf50 .
Of course, the above is only a small percentage of activities carried out in the past, and sometimes also currently, which in accordance to my research show all the features of being implemented through the use of ready-made software "packages" from the counter-matter. Only that in the case of further of such activities, about which it is also known that they were in past (and sometimes are even until today) repetitively implemented, unfortunately information has NOT survived to our times, or those people who still know how to carry them out do not intent to pass their secrets to anyone "uninitiated". Hence I have NO way to determine with what, nor how, these activities were, or they still are, carried out. However, in order to have some idea as to what kind of activities these are, it is enough to look more closely at the so-called "tricks" of some among today's "magicians". This is because, as I do NOT hide it in my publications, my research indicates that at all times there are numerous beings staying on Earth, some of which probably work here as so-called "magicians", who look like people, but have the knowledge and devices corresponding to the levels of 5 and 6 technical eras of humanity. So if for example any of these "magicians" demonstrates that in the blink of an eye he can so much reduce the size of today's large mobile phone, that this phone can be inserted into a glass bottle, but it still works in there, then in my opinion it means that in the counter-matter already exists a ready-made program ("package") to reduce the size of any object by any value, while this "magician" only has some way of running this program to reduce the size of a given phone. After all, now we know that if we develop a computer program that controls the manufacturing of something in a specific size, the same program can also be designed in such a way that this something can be manufactured in any possible size. Similarly can be prepared the discussed here standard programs ("packages") contained in the counter-matter. Therefore, we should not be surprised if somewhere we encounter further examples of activities that similarly break the laws of physics and that are carried out with the use of counter-matter software - but about which we do NOT know "what" they are, nor "how" they are initiated, although the features and capabilities of which coincide with those already described here. The further among such examples of these type of activities include: Arabian flying carpets, walking statues from India, climbing to the clouds along self-standing flexible cords by "magicians" from India, zombies, walking on water, stopping or causing rain, human self-levitation, lighting fires with hands, "crying with diamonds" (this cry has been documented at 30 seconds in the video addressed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T3DXISp-Chs ), and a number of others. The wider descriptions of these among such examples - for which I can already indicate the source documentation, I provided in "part #H" from my web page named "sw_andrzej_bobola_uk.htm".
There are probably also ways to find out somewhere the knowledge about methods of initiating also those less-known activities that use the counter-matter software. So if I ever encountered the required information, then I will add it to the list above. However, even on the basis of the list that now I provided above, quite interesting conclusions can be drawn. The most important of these conclusions is that there have been known many ways of initiating the implementation of programs from the counter-matter. Another conclusion confirms that the implementation of these programs made it possible to carry out actions that bordered on miracles. Yet another conclusion is that, unfortunately, the old knowledge about these capabilities has been lost almost completely - although the above list reveals, among other things, in what areas this knowledge should be searched for. So, although we currently do not know, for example what words represented the formerly used standard "spells" initiating the operation of standard programs from the counter-matter, or with what vocal intonation and feelings these words should have been uttered, or how to command the initiation of actions of these programs on other ways described above, we still know that all this was possible and that it is worthwhile to start research these areas that with a great detriment to humanity are ignored by the present official atheistic science. Although in order to discover this old knowledge from scratch, in the future there will be a need to do a lot of research, it will still be worth the effort. After all, this knowledge means a higher level of consciousness and civilisation for the humanity, and thus a better future for all people. Therefore, it is about the time, to take up the idea of re-discovering this long-lost knowledge, and to let it begin to be used for the good of all people in accordance with the commandments and requirements of God. Personally, I am also happy that by pointing out with my publications (including this one) where the research effort should be directed to build the progress of future humanity, I am contributing toward disclosing to the rest of the world the ability of Polish scientific thoughts to "reach out where there are no longer able to reach eyes of nations drowned in materialism" - for the better tomorrow, and for the progress of consciousness and civilization of all the inhabitants of the Earth.
Copyrights © 2019 by Dr Eng. Jan Pająk
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The above post is an adaptation of item #J4.5 from my web page named "propulsion.htm" (updated on 10th of July 2019, or later). Thus, the reading of the above descriptions would be even more effective from the web page "propulsion.htm" (or from "volume T" of my publication [13] - see the web page "tekst_13.htm"), than from this post - after all e.g. on the totaliztic web pages are working all (green) links to other related web pages with additional explanations, important texts are highlighted with colours, the descriptions are supported with illustrations, the content is updated regularly, etc. The most recent update of the web page "propulsion.htm" can be viewed, amongst others, through addresses:
(*) Notice that every address with totaliztic web pages, including all the above web addresses, should contain all totaliztic (my) web pages - including all the web pages indicated in this post. Thus, in order to see any totaliztic (my) web page that interests the reader, it suffices that in one amongst the above addresses, the web page name "propulsion.htm" is changed into the name of web page which one wishes to see. For example, in order to see the web page named "god_exists.htm" e.g. from the totaliztic web site with the address http://totalizm.com.pl/propulsion.htm , it is enough that instead of this address in the window of an internet browser one writes e.g. the address http://totalizm.com.pl/god_exists.htm .
It is worth to know as well, that almost each new topic that I am researching on principles of my "scientific hobby" with "a priori" approach of the new "totaliztic science", including this one, is published in all mirror blogs of totalizm still in existence (the above topic is repeated in there as the post number #311E). So far 8 such blogs ware created and maintained. At the moment only three out of these 8 blogs of totalizm still remain undeleted by adversaries of the new "totaliztic science" and of the moral philosophy of totalizm. These three blogs of totalizm still available can be viewed at following internet addresses:
https://drjanpajak.blogspot.com (or https://drjanpajak.blogspot.co.nz )
Fortunately, the deletion of oldest blogs of totalizm has NOT erased their content. This is because as from 30 October 2018, all (i.e. currently as many as 311) posts to blogs of totalizm (almost half of which are in two languages, i.e.: in Polish and English) are also published in an electronic "book-like" volumes marked [13] and available in safe PDF format and in two print sizes (i.e. large 20pt and normal 12pt) from the web page named "tekst_13.htm", available on all addresses indicated above (i.e. addresses finished on http://pajak.org.nz/tekst_13.htm ).
With the totaliztic salute,
Dr Eng. Jan Pająk
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