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#313E: How and why motors and propulsors of "perpetual motion" from "fourth technical era of humanity" will fill themselves with energy required for their work by utilizing "eternal mobility" of intelligent "counter-matter"

Motto: "Declaring one's 'scepticism' in spite of the lack of proven arguments which rationally indicate error in the criticized matter, is in fact a sign of a philosophical impairment manifesting itself by the lack of the ability to accept the truth."

The "fourth technical era of humanity" will be characterized by the construction and use of propelling devices, i.e. both motors and propulsors, which will operate on the principles of "perpetual motion", and thus which will automatically fill themselves with the energy consumed to do their work - which energy they will continuously acquire from the phenomena of the "perpetual motion" of the intelligent substance from the "counter-world" called the "counter-matter". As a result, due to the development of the propelling devices of this "fourth technical era", the humanity will gain access to unlimited amounts of free energy, and hence to unlimited capabilities, both for a production and for a destruction. The unlimited capabilities of humanity for the production will result from the ability of these propelling devices to generate and supply any amount of free energy and power to the linked with them human machines and devices that they drive, thus eliminating restrictions on the length of the work, range, processing capacity, etc., of these machines and devices. Therefore, if they are used in a wise, far-sighted and fulfilling moral criteria manner, means only for the purpose of doing good aimed at improving the quality of life and improving the situation of all living beings and nature, then these machines and devices will be able to change the physical world around us into a place that is much better, happier, and richer than today. However, if these unlimited potentials of human machines and devices would fall into the hands of people with today dominating deviated morality and degenerated thinking, then they would be able to inflict practically unlimited amounts of evil. After all, for example, drone-bomber planes, drone-tanks, or robots designed for murdering people, would then gain unlimited operational range and powers, while, for example, propulsors called "Oscillatory Chambers" that I invented to propel my interstellar spaceships, after filling them with huge amounts of energy, instead of being used for their true purpose could also be turned into powerful bombs with the ability to cause the depths of destruction that our planet experienced only a few times, e.g. during the Tapanui explosion on 19th June 1178, the Tunguska Explosion on 30 June 1908, or the tsunami in the Indian Ocean on 26th December 2004. Hence, I personally believe that although the principles of operation, construction, phenomenon such as the "Telekinetic Effect" (which forms the operational foundations of these devices) and even the first constructed and working prototypes of these propelling devices have long been known and widely described (among others in my publications), still various kinds of obstacles created by immoral people, such as the "curse of inventors" and "inventive impotence", corruption, bureaucracy, human greed, lust for power, misunderstood authority, etc., etc., will continue to make impossible the mass factory production of these devices up to the time when either all humanity voluntarily and drastically improves its observance of moral standards, or when the majority of morally degenerate individuals will be removed from our planet by the advent of The Great Purification announced by many prophecies (including those proclaimed by the Hopi Indians) as well as by the content of warning free video in Polish entitled "Zagłada ludzkości 2030" (available from addresses: ) - in the scientific preparation of the script of which, among others, I also took part. Fortunately for us, although by stopping the official acceptance and mass production of these miraculous propelling devices, these obstacles will NOT be able to stop the more talented creators from building such devices for the use by themselves or by their loved ones, as well as for protecting the knowledge on "perpetual motion" until the arrival of more moral times.

Nowadays, almost everyone already knows that the idea of building on Earth the propelling devices working on "perpetual motion" principles, subdivided the entire humanity into two mutually conflicted camps. The most powerful of these two camps, which has all the power, funds and means of coercion that is necessary for its anti-progressive activities, is composed of key monopolistic institutions grouping the "elites that govern our civilization". This camp is doing everything in its power to prevent every single attempt on our planet to build wonderful "perpetual motion" propelling devices. The list of monopolistic institutions (and explanation of their motivations) which belong to this anti-progressive camp of the deadly enemies of "perpetual motion" propelling drives is described in detail in item #D3 from the web page named "god_proof.htm". However, in order to NOT interrupt the reading of this post by sending the reader back to those descriptions, I will repeat here briefly "who" and "why" belongs to this camp. And so, the key role in it is currently played by (a) the institution of the old "official atheistic science", which still holds an absolute monopoly on education and on research. This old official atheistic science blocks the entire humanity from every publicly known attempt to officially start the construction of "perpetual motion" devices. For this it uses the misleading claim that alleged "laws of thermodynamics" supposedly exist which make it impossible to build such propelling devices - and on the base of this claim it persecutes everyone with different views. These are also atheistic scientists, who while being invited to officially examine the existing and operating "perpetuum mobile" devices, always give the verdict that such devices are NOT working, and if someone does NOT watch them in their activities, then when they conduct their tests they also spoil the devices that they examine. Another institution fiercely blocking the progress of humanity in the construction of "perpetuum mobile" devices are (b) all "corporations generating their profits through the sale of energy". After all, the development of devices that would generate energy for free would mean their inevitable bankruptcy. Still another of these anti-progressive institutions are (c) "banks". After all, banks refuse to finance any projects that could in any way contribute to the creation of devices generating free energy. (A very famous and widely known in the world is the case when the American banker refused the request of famous inventor Nikola Tesla to finance the development of devices for generating and distributing of free energy – now us, and probably also descendants of this banker, are chocking of smoke because of his decision.) Banks are interested that everything that happens on our planet is to generate "cash" flow (money) through their accounts - thus generating significant profits and power for them. Meanwhile, the "perpetual motion" devices would drastically reduce the flow of "cash" through banks, and in addition they could induce people's confidence in the existence of God and in the resulting from this confidence the certainty of social changes which could result in a complete elimination of cash, fees, taxes and banks from use by our civilization (for details see the "rewarding work with nirvana, instead of forcing it with money", explained e.g. in items #E1 and #F1 to #F3 from my web page named "nirvana.htm"). Still other such anti-progressive institutions include (d) "governments" of virtually all countries. After all, it is from the sale of energy that originates a significant proportion of taxes, which supplies cash for politicians from these governments, thus allowing them to maintain their power and income, to multiply social problems instead of solving them, to NOT be accountable to ruled people, to escalate corruption, cronyism, bureaucracy, etc. To the blocking of developmental works on "perpetuum mobile" devices are also contributing (e) "priests" - whom the Bible openly accuses of "rejecting knowledge" (e.g. see verse 4:4-9 from the biblical "Book of Hosea" quoted and explained in (1) from items #T2 and #U1 of the web page named "woda_uk.htm"), and thus who instead of balancing and disagreeing with the above ruling elites in order to persuade them to act in accordance with the mission to the guarding of obedience of which God has established priests, priests rather prefer to compromise their role and to become "YES people" whom thus accept (means who silently support) immoral activities of the previously mentioned institutions (a) to (d) - which fact I also discuss further in next parts of this post (as well as item #J4.4 from the web page named "propulsion.htm" - from which this post was adapted). After all, the Bible explains these matters quite clearly, unambiguously and uncompromisingly. It states: "No one can serve two masters ... You can not serve God and Mammon" (verse 6:24 of "St. Matthew") and "Whoever is not with me is against me; he who does not gather with Me, he dissipates" (verse 11:23 of "St. Luke"). In other words, regardless of whether someone is a priest, politician, banker, industrialist, scientist, or any other man, in fact with his/her behaviour he/she chooses only one Lord for himself/herself - namely either serves God and "accepts knowledge" contained in biblical truths, recognizes creation of the physical world, all life forms including us humans, and in everything that does is trying to implement into practice the patterns of conduct, truth, commandments and requirements conveyed to us by the words of the Bible; or he/she "rejects knowledge" and serves these anti-truth and anti-progressive forces: which increasingly more openly and loudly proclaim in the world that supposedly there is NO God, which explain everything by "accident", Big Bang and evolution - although have NO indisputable evidence that such phenomena actually are the causes, and which instead of respecting and considering the encoded into the Bible information that "time of people" passes hundreds of thousands of times faster than "time of God" (see verse 3:8 from "2 Epistle of St. Peter the Apostle"), perversely and deceptively use information from the Bible which for example document that the creation of the physical world took place only thousands of "human years", to be able to accuse the Bible of untruth by for example arguments such as the universe exists "billions of years" - but without explaining, whether this age is counted in "years" measured by the speed of the passage of "time of God", or in "years" measured by the speed of passage of "time of humans".

If we carefully analyze behaviours of all the above institutions (a) to (e) that compose the key "elites ruling over humanity", then in these behaviours a whole range of amazing features begins to be seen. For example, all these institutions act as kinds of "monopolies" jealously guarding their monopolistic position over the dominion they rule. The features of such jealously guarded monopolies even show (d) "governments" that boast of alleged affiliation to leading democracies - but which are very far from real democracies known, for example, from ancient Athens. After all, for example, just because of the behaviours of governments, many of whom are calling themselves "democracies", nowadays, many demonstrators still have to die before the situation can force these governments to fulfil the wishes of the nation which they allegedly "serve". NOT without a reason that the Bible symbolically admonishes us: "Every tree is known from its fruit ..." (see verses 6:43-45 from "Saint Luke"). Furthermore, in spite that all these institutions supposedly make decisions independently from each other, still regarding the construction of "perpetual motion" propelling devices all of them proceed with amazing compatibility, coordination and mutual similarity, the probabilities of randomness of which are the negation of independence of their decisions and actions. These highly coordinated actions seem to suggest that there is a "headquarter" for them, in which decisions are made and strategies are developed, while all these institutions subsequently implement these in a consistent manner and with high discipline. Perhaps, therefore, it is NOT far from the truth to call with the word "collusion" of this astonishing agreement of their anti-progressive actions. However, regardless of what the name is given to these anti-progressive activities of the institutions grouping the ruling elite, the creators of the "perpetual motion" motors and propulsors for their own good and security should be aware of their intentions, methods and means of action. After all, these elites still have at their disposal several groups of effective tools, with the use of which they are able to prevent the implementation of mass production of practically any invention that for some reasons does NOT serve their interests. The most important groups of these tools, which I personally experienced painfully myself, include:

(I) Preventing the dissemination of truth, information and knowledge. It is the use of this group of their tools which causes that all intensive efforts to disseminate reliable knowledge about: the Concept of Dipolar Gravity, formal scientific proofs that "God exists", our ability to build and use the "perpetuum mobile" motors and propulsors, and a number of other results of my scientific research which try to correct errors and lies of official atheistic science, I started as long ago as in 1985 and carried out in several languages and with all methods available to me. However, despite of the availability of descriptions (including on the internet) of the fruits of my research already for over 34 years, at the time of writing this post (and writing item #J4.4 from the web page named "propulsion.htm") in July 2019, they were almost never officially taken into account, the results of my research were still NOT referenced and the existence of my evidence and theories is still stubbornly almost never mentioned. This prevention of dissemination is made by many deceptive methods, for example by blocking, sabotaging, ridiculing, accusing, depriving necessary resources, cleverly assigning different and discouraging concepts to the same names as the ideas being blocked (e.g. the assigning and dissemination of the second name "totalism" to negative ideology of "totalitarianism", entitling the entertaining film "The Theory of Everything" to surround the descriptions of the only true Theory of Everything in existence on Earth with the dense bush of Internet noise), buying patents or prototypes, then "burrowing" them forever, etc., etc.

(II) The refusal of official consents, permits, financing, etc. This group of tools experienced hard the NZ inventor of the "sonic boiler" described in more detail on the web page named "boiler.htm". In spite that he had working prototypes and production facilities, for almost entire his life under various excuses he was denied official permit to start production of his invention. So he died with the feeling of "life defeat". Personally, I think that many of today's inventors of the "perpetuum mobile" motors and propulsors unduly disregard the power and effectiveness of this group of anti-progressive tools still at the disposal of the ruling elites. After all, cases of similar "life defeats" are also known even in such a small country as Poland (e.g. consider the recent Polish breakthrough inventions: computer K-202, Łagiewka's car bumper, Polish graphene). Thus, the history of mankind will almost certainly be supplemented by a large number of further inventors who will experience a similar "life defeats".

(III) Killing the inventor. Unfortunately, most inventors and discoverers do NOT understand that keeping details secret in order to supposedly NOT help the competition is associated with significant risks. This is because if their invention or discovery turns out to be too unfavourable for someone's interests, then the easiest solution to get rid of it, is to kill the inventor. I have understood this painful truth for a long time. That is why all the results of my research and creative searches, as well as what I invent, I publish immediately without concealing any detail. Nevertheless, still I have found myself as many as around 30 times in situations when only a miracle saved me from almost certain death (these situations are described in my electronic-book-like autobiography available through the web page named "tekst_17.htm"). Other inventors, however, opt to conceal the most important details of their solutions. This is why e.g. in July 2019 it was possible to watch videos describing the cases of, for example, the inventor of a car fuelled with just water (Stanley Meyer - see: ), whose car itself acquired hydrogen from water on a "perpetual motion" principle and then burned this hydrogen as its fuel. (The invention and death of Stan Meyer discusses an English-language video entitled "Water Fuel-Cell Inventor Murdered by Government" and available at the address .) Similarly was with the inventor (Troy Reed - see: ) of a car engine working on the "perpetuum mobile" principle and discussed in an English-language video entitled "Government killed inventor! Electric car without Battery invented" in July 2019 available at the address .

To the anti-progressive propaganda and behaviours of the above camp of the "elite that governs over humanity" that is doing everything in its power to block and prevent the construction and dissemination of "perpetuum mobile" motors and propulsors, is opposed by rapidly growing numbers of "people being ruled". This is because taking a practical part in forging of progress, as well as standing hard on Earth and constantly seeing the actual manifestations of the surrounding reality, these "people being ruled" increasingly more often encounter various forms of evidence which convinces them that the propelling devices of the "fourth technical era of humanity" - the work of which is to implement the principle of "perpetual motion", are feasible, and after their actual implementation they will supply their owners with an unlimited amount of free energy useful for powering any other human machines and devices. Let us now list in numbered items at least the most important groups of this evidence, which convinces an increasing number of "people being ruled" that correctly working "perpetuum mobile" motors and propulsors can be built. Later, in paragraphs of this post that are to follow, I am to explain each of these groups in more detail. Here they are:

(1) Religious sources. Both, from the content of the Christian Bible, as well as from the information available in practically every religion, it clearly follows that "God can do everything." (This is why one of the religious definitions of God states: "God is a being that can do everything" - note, however, that the "totaliztic definition of God" is more complete, because it explains "where do the powers of God come from" and "how and from what God does this everything" - for details see item #A0 from my web page named "god_proof.htm".) This, in turn, means that God also has the knowledge and the power that for the good of people He guarantees with laws of nature wisely established by Him, that the 'perpetuum mobile' machines can be build and they will work correctly on Earth. More information about the powers and capabilities of God is provided in item #A0 (with the totaliztic definition of God) from my web page about the scientific proofs for the existence of God - i.e. page named "god_proof.htm". From the content of item #D3 and the "introduction" of that web page named "god_proof.htm" it is also worth noting that for numerous reasons described in there, each working "perpetual motion" machine is also an irrefutable "technical proof" for the existence of God. Thus, if the truth of having this technical proof people in the end will understand and accept, then the present belief in God (still burdened with numerous doubts) will be replaced with the certainty and knowledge of the existence of God (which the author of these descriptions has long ago scientifically developed for himself), and thus also replaced with potentially drastic changes in life values and deep social reforms that will automatically result from this certainty and knowledge. After all, if there were NOT that eternally mobile, weightless and intelligent "counter-matter", in the memory of which the almighty program of God lives, then the "perpetuum mobile" machines really could NOT be built.

(2) My Theory of Everything called the Concept of Dipolar Gravity. This theory reveals to us, among other things, that the continuous "perpetual motion" is a natural behaviour of the original substance of the universe endowed with intelligence, which I call "counter-matter" (the Bible much more aptly calls this substance the "Ancient of Days" - in English, and the "przedwieczny" - in Polish). It is just from this counter-matter that God created everything that surrounds us - see verse 11:3 from the biblical "Letter to the Hebrews" quoted in (3) from item #J4.5 of the web page named "propulsion.htm". More about this perpetually moving substance, which gives us the assurance that there must be a way to use this perpetual motion of counter-matter to drive human-made perpetuum mobile devices, I will explain in further paragraphs of this post #313E.

(3) The idea of "chaos" from the original mythology of many nations of the world. Many original myths, for example: ancient Greek - see: , NZ Maoris - see: , Old Chinese about the superior God "Shang-Di" - see: , and yet a number of others, clearly states that before the creation of the physical world, living creatures, and humans, in the universe was an eternal "chaos" - means an uninterrupted, uncoordinated movement. This in addition confirms from different sources the finding of my Concept of Dipolar Gravity, that the perpetual motion is a natural behaviour of the original substance of the universe called "counter-matter", and hence that there is some well-hidden way how to use this motion to perpetually propel and to fill with energy the human devices.

(4) "Perpetual motion" devices that were made in antiquity and that survived in working condition up to present times. Both in the literature, as well as on the Internet and in my publications indicated below, one can find information about many "perpetual motion" devices, which survived in working conditions until our times, although were built in antiquity. Unfortunately, virtually all of them, after being passed to the hands of scientists, were destroyed under the excuse of researching them.

(5) Numerous prototypes of "perpetuum mobile" machines already built in current times and working correctly. The work of the largest number of these machines readers can see in "", e.g. at the addresses which I will provided in further parts of this post #313E. I personally contacted a number of creators of these machines and discussed their ideas, problems encountered and results of the operation. So I know that their machines are a technical reality, NOT just empty claims.

(6) The conduct of the ruling elites who, in order to continue to exploit people and maintain their power, superiority, wealth, benefits, comfortable life, etc., resort to anti-progressive blocking of access of ordinary people to the truth, knowledge, familiarity of God, confirmation of the Bible truths, inventions such as "perpetuum mobile", etc. If in fact, just like these elites tell people, there was NO God, "perpetuum mobile" motors and propulsors could NOT be build, the world was NOT created, etc., then practically none of the described in this post #313E anti-progressive moves of these elites would NOT have to be implemented. However, since life constantly proves to us that such anti-progressive blockades are everywhere and notoriously imposed, it practically means that there is, and is well known to elites, the potential opportunity to achieve much better perspectives and situations on Earth than those that prevail on it today - hence these elites are fiercely blocking ordinary people from the discovering and experiencing the truth about the existence of such better perspectives and situations.

(7) The incoming of the "Great Purification of the 2030s" announced by many prophecies. On the one hand, the progress of human civilization requires that people voluntarily and with their own effort, while maintaining the "free will", increase knowledge, morality, own usefulness as "soldiers of God", care for nature and for divine creatures, etc. On the other hand the described here negative forces blocking the progress of humanity have already managed to create such powerful obstacles that any further progress in these areas becomes impossible. So the only way to somehow unlock these blocks without breaking anyone's "free will", is to cause a worldwide "Great Purification" which will have features that will NOT broke anyone's "free will". Just such a fast approaching the "Great Purification of the 2030s" I have already mentioned above in this post and wrote about it on my web page bearing the name "2030_uk.htm" as well as in the filmed warning about its arrival taking the form of 34-minutes long free YouTube video (in Polish) entitled "Zagłada ludzkości 2030". Increasingly more people are already beginning to notice that over the heads of humanity the clouds of God's Wrath are accumulating, and that atrocities which people are committing today increasingly frequent, soon will be no longer tolerated and irrevocably is to come the time when everyone has to pay for them (for an example regarding this matter, see post number #314E to blogs of totalizm published in "volume S" available through my web page named "tekst_13.htm"). Because already now from what is happening in the world can be seen that the evidence manifested in the world coincides with what I described in item #C2 from my web page named "tornado.htm", it can be predicted in advance that the occurrence of the "Great Purification of the 2030s" will NOT break anyone's "free will". At the same time people who think and believe will receive the reassurance they need from the compliance of this purification to numerous prophecies, and from the knowledge that for such the "Great Purification" to be able to come, there must exist both, the reason and power capable of causing it. So since all signs on Earth and in the sky are already around us and they clearly indicate the irrevocable coming of this "Great Purification", it actually means that Someone is interested in removing obstacles that stop our progress, morality, the increase of knowledge by mankind, etc., and that this Someone has very much in heart to open to all people the currently blocked road to increase of advancement of our civilization - including also the opening roads to building perpetual motion devices of the future, "Time Vehicles", my Magnocrafts and Oscillatory Chambers, etc. So let us hope that people start to understand what's actually going on, will apologize to God for their evil conduct, will correct their behaviour and their relationship to other people and nature, so that the coming of what is approaching could be cancelled or at least reduced in force.

From what I was able to determine so far about the "fourth technical era of humanity", the construction of various correctly functioning devices that self-inflate with energy was successfully undertaken already in antiquity. Unfortunately, in the 19th century, the "ruling elites" described above (e.g. industrialists, bankers, politicians) discovered that it is easiest to exploit and tax ordinary people if energy starts to be "sellable" (means in NOT for free). Hence, they deliberately used the then emerging authority and power of the "official atheistic science" - to which already at that time elites gave an absolute monopoly on educating people and on research thus replacing with the role of science the prior roles of church and priests. Namely, it was caused at that time that the "official atheistic science" formally announced that allegedly there are "laws of thermodynamics", the content of which supposedly makes it impossible to build "perpetuum mobile" machines. However, contrary to the alleged existence of these impossible laws of thermodynamics, from time to time the working "perpetuum mobile" devices build and used in ancient times were discovered (as an example see the reported by my students during the professorship in Northern Cyprus, descriptions of the fate of "Pakistani Boiler"- which I described, amongst others, in item #H3 from my web page named "newzealand_visit.htm", or see links under the keywords "wieczne lampki", meaning "eternal lights", from my Polish web page named "skorowidz.htm"). But under the "peer pressure" from other scientists these ones who were researching such accidentally discovered and correctly working old "perpetuum mobile" devices, officially declared them NOT working, while taking the opportunity of this research they kept destroying the newly found working copies of such "perpetuum mobile" devices. As a result of many years of continuing this type of "intellectual terrorism" and scientific "burning at the stake" of those people who either learned the evidence or logical confirmation, or intuitively felt that the "perpetuum mobile" devices can be built, all attempts to develop these miraculous devices were almost completely extinguished by the blocking of progress behaviours of corporations selling energy, banks, official science, politicians, and also the "rejecting knowledge" and quietly cooperating with them priests (i.e. priests who comfortably "forgotten" their own definitions stating that "God can do everything" - meaning that God also has the power to guarantee with the wisely established by Him laws of nature, that the 'perpetuum mobile' machines will operate on Earth). Fortunately, in 1985 I developed to this day the only existing in the world real Theory of Everything called the Concept of Dipolar Gravity, which indicates that immobility is the condition artificially pre-programmed by God and achieved by directing into the closed vortexes the eternal movements of the ever-mobile, weightless and intelligent substance that fills the entire universe - which substance to distinguish it from completely dissimilar "matter" and "antimatter", I named "counter-matter". From the behaviours of this "counter-matter" is obvious that the "perpetual motion" is a natural feature of the universe - hence the "perpetual motion" by original beliefs and myths of e.g. ancient Greek people in "chaos", New Zealand Maori in God "Io", or Chinese people worshiping the highest God "Shang-Di", was confirmed by their own concepts of the eternal "chaos". However, the "immobility" of the matter from our physical world is only a phenomenon artificially and purposefully caused (pre-programmed) by our God. This meant that there must be a way that such "perpetual motion" of "counter-matter" can be utilised for propelling motors and propulsors built technically by people. So starting from the date of developing my "Concept of Dipolar Gravity" I began searching for people and devices that in secret and in spite of being constantly persecuted (or at least ignored and discouraged) by the "official atheistic science", by energy corporations, bankers, politicians and those "rejecting knowledge" priests (the quotation from the Bible about "rejecting knowledge" by priests I repeat and discuss in (1) from items #T2 and #U1 of my web page named "woda_uk.htm"), represented attempts at building modern versions of "perpetuum mobile" machines - only that in these attempts, to avoid persecution, they named their machines differently (namely they named them "free energy devices"). Soon, my searches gave me unexpected fruits and I found a number of people who worked on these devices. By contacting them, I also got to know the principles of operation and constructions of "perpetuum mobile" devices that they were trying to build. At the same time due to series of "coincidences" and findings from my "Concept of Dipolar Gravity" I also discovered the existence and operation of the phenomenon which represents the reversal of friction and which I named the "Telekinetic Effect". (My descriptions of the work of the "Telekinetic Effect" as the "reversal of friction" I presented, amongst others, in item #B3 from my web page named "dipolar_gravity.htm", and in items #J2 and #J3 from another my web page named "free_energy.htm".)

According to the information to which I was then able to "dig out" about people who have started building modern versions of "perpetual motion" devices, the rebirth of the "fourth technical era of humanity" probably can be attributed to an Austrian citizen named Adalbert Béla Brosan (address in 1965: Schiffmeisterplatz 5, Ybbs/Donau near Linz, Austria). With the help of the "gold hand" from Linz named Nitschel, he managed to build the first two modern "perpetuum mobile" motors (with the principles of operation based on the electrostatic version of Topler's electrostatic machines transformed into motors). As I discovered later, these motors acquired energy from counter-matter through the "Telekinetic Effect". The first two operational "perpetual motion" motors, Mr. Brosan named "Testatica" - see: . Unfortunately, shortly after their construction, he died, while both these motors, together with the third one called "Thesta-Distatica" (based on the principle of the Wimshurst two-disc electrostatic machine - see: ) which Nitschel supposedly had built himself in a Swiss prison, through an entangled string of luck got to the Swiss religious group called "Methernitha" - which probably has them up to this day (but whose repeated efforts to successfully replicate these machines without the help of "Nitschel", as I have heard so far, have not been successful). I described the strange story of these machines in item #D2 from my web page named "free_energy.htm". The success of existence of these first self-inflating with energy motors named "Testatica" and "Thesta-Distatica" and numerous their public shows, plus (as I believe) my publications based on the findings of the "Concept of Dipolar Gravity" - which explained the naturalness of origins of motion and driving power for these machines, slowly managed to overcome the prejudices imposed on the idea of the "perpetual motion" devices by the progress-blocking "collusion" of official atheistic science, energy producers, bankers, politicians and the "rejecting knowledge" priests. Thus, the number of people working on the construction of "perpetuum mobile" machines started to grow. In 2017 it turned out that successfully working prototypes of such machines already exists in dozens - and now one can watch videos in "" showing the operational success and the work of many of them. Nowadays it remains probably only a matter of time, when seeing the gradual improvement of human morality, the restoring in the faith of God and in the content of the Bible, also new ideas such as the philosophy of totalizm or the Concept of Dipolar Gravity, in the country fastest returning to the morally correct behaviour (I hope it will be Poland) God will help one of the ever-growing builders of "perpetuum mobile" motors to overcome this "anti-progressive" collusion that blocks the production of these miraculous machines, and hence the first of these already self-inflating with energy motors of the "fourth technical era of humanity" starts to be disseminated in there at some avoiding the blockades way, thus being available to those private people who deserved to have such miraculous machines. I also hope that God will provide this builder with wisdom and common sense, so that he will notice how little are his chances to officially break through the blockades of the "ruling elites" discussed at the beginning of this item (the truth in this matter well illustrates, for example, the fate and "life defeats" of the "creator" of the "sonic boiler" described, for example, on the web page named "boiler.htm"). After all, the power of these blockades is so large that despite of thousands of films and interviews about generators of free energy published on the Internet by various authors, in none of them there is any mention of the truths described here, resulting from the findings of the Concept of Dipolar Gravity or from principles operation of my "telekinetic battery" (see the web page named "fe_cell.htm") - although they reconfirm the truth and indicate the correct operating principles for these generators. This is why seeing how powerful these blocks are and knowing how easily after falling into "bad hands" these miraculous propulsion devices could do more harm than good, if it is me who developed an effective prototype of the "perpetuum mobile" motor and also had the possibility of launching a small scale production of it, then instead of concealing its details and "seeking" profits through attempting to start mass production and sale, which, after all, could easily be "blocked" by the participants of the "collusion" described here, I would rather first publish all the details, dimensions, parameters and principles of building this invention, and only then I would turn to illustrating the truth and to making the good with prototypes that we would produce for the purpose of private sharing of these prototypes (means only after covering my production costs) to be used by individuals and well-known to me people, who in the light of my knowledge deserve to have them, as well as for the use of relatives and friends of the people recommended to me in trust.

As I have already mentioned, in these motors and propulsors self-inflating with the energy required for their work, that will propel the humanity starting from the "fourth technical era" on Earth, I personally became interested since 1985 - that is, from the moment when after the formulation of my Theory of Everything called the Concept of Dipolar Gravity I discovered that everything that exists in our physical world was created from an eternally moving, weightless and intelligent "counter-matter". After all, immediately after this discovery, the logic began to tell me that it remains only a matter of time when people will work out technically and economically profitable principles of operation and construction of propulsion devices (i.e. first motors, then propulsors of the type of my Oscillatory Chamber), which this eternal mobility of "counter-matter" will be using to propel our machines and to generate free energy. So starting from that 1985 in my publications I promoted as much as I could the idea that the "perpetuum mobile" machines can be built, and that they are able to satisfy all energy needs of our civilisation. Unfortunately, my rational and substantive explanations, publications, and descriptions of already constructed and working prototypes of such devices have been blocked for many years by this "collusion" and by the resulting hard wall of irrational "skepticism", malicious criticism, and often also hostility.

As a result of such strong blockades, the wider public interest in the construction of "perpetuum mobile" motors and propulsors began to be visible only in 2017 - that is, already after the year 2016 when there were published in Internet several videos and interviews promoting the results of my research, including the explanations of the groundbreaking meaning of the "Concept of Dipolar Gravity". It was just in 2017 that on YouTube appeared numerous videos informing about the rebuilding on Earth (or recompiling) long-known "perpetuum mobile" motors of the first and second generation. At first I thought it was the beginning of a "breakthrough" for the causing of which I worked hard for so long. However, after a closer analysis of the content of what, for example, in was published on this subject, I started to recognise the same features I once identified in methods of operation of these "elites" (a) to (e) specified at the beginning of this post #313E. For example, suddenly a huge number of videos appeared on, many of which instead of informing and revealing the truth, in fact, sowed confusion or turned out to be deliberately falsified fabrications. So it means that someone suddenly decided to start a new kind of campaign, into which he put a surprising amount of effort and means to continually camouflage his previous anti-progressive actions that discouraged the construction of "perpetuum mobile" machines. Despite the multiplicity of these videos, it was very difficult to find among them any internet presentation that would reveal the parameters of work, the principle of operation, and phenomena used in the really working technical solution. At the same time, a huge number of such unproductive, deprived details and data, and often falsified film presentations acted discouragingly, because it made difficult to find and review these few reports on technical solutions that actually work and have already been confirmed in practice. Moreover, practically to this day, I have NOT found amongst the multitude of technical solutions published on the Internet at least one mention or link to my publications which explain the principles of operation and phenomena that are actually able to generate motion in "perpetuum mobile" devices. All in all, the results of these amazingly discouraging online presentations were highly in line with the strategy of this anti-progressive power, which strategy I learned painfully since 1985, as it blocked and sabotaging the results of my research. (This strategy in a best way can be expressed with saying: "if you cannot hide a tree, plant a huge forest around it". In other words, it appears that these anti-progressive powers and institutions, seeing that is rapidly growing the number of people convinced of the feasibility of building the perpetuum mobile devices, suddenly started a massive, and therefore rather expensive, new campaign of confusing people that seek truth and information, in which new campaign instead of blocking, they started an excessive publishing of everything that only can fall into heads of someone, including many falsifications, fabrications and truly magical "tricks".

Despite the discouraging work of this new campaign of "planting a huge forest to hide individual trees", I encourage everyone interested in progress to systematically browse YouTube. Among the multitude of solutions shown in there, one can always find a few that can work inspiringly for the seeker of truth and information. After all, in order to look probably, even videos that falsify the displayed results are also forced to weave some truth into intended untruth. People working on this topic will then be able to quickly differentiate between the truth and untruth due to their checks, while the inspiration and information that these videos sow in them may save them many days of work and provide the right direction for creative explorations. In addition, these videos reveal to us truths, which are hard to find - as an example of such truths consider the idea of the "perpetuum mobile" pseudo-motor called the Bhaskara Wheel (see: ) that was invented in India in 1150, and shown, among others, on the video with the address - which makes us aware that the efforts to build "perpetuum mobile" devices have been ongoing for at least 900 "human years". If one is systematically browsing YouTube, then from time to time one can also come across videos presenting the already built and actually working "perpetuum mobile" machines. For their examples, see the previously linked videos showing machines "Testatica" and "Thesta-Distatica" from the Swiss Methernitha, or the South Korean "perpetuum mobile" motor of the second generation with permanent magnets only, which in July 2019 was still shown at the address . Because this motor works a bit like today's multi-cylinder internal combustion engines, its idea is relatively easy to implement by most DIY enthusiasts (there are also many other constructions with a similar principle of operation). In my opinion, however, it is worth to follow the fate of "perpetuum mobile" motors for permanent magnets, which are already good enough for starting a mass production - only that their creators still awaits the "Sisyphean effort" to overcome elite blockades - i.e. to overcome the "collusion" described in this item. One of such motors is a Korean 10 kW permanent magnets motor from the firm already demonstrated in public (an example of a video from such a demonstration is shown at the address ). Another is the permanent magnet motor of the Turkish inventor (Muammer Yildiz - see: ), also publicly demonstrated in several universities around the world (a video from one such demonstration including, among other things, the motor's disassembly and showing its internal design, is available at the address ). It is also worth to look at the "pseudo-motor" built by a Norwegian and called "Reidar Finsrud's Perpetuum Mobile", shown for example, on the free video from the address .

The principles of operation of the devices from the "fourth technical era of humanity", i.e. machines which self-fill with the energy required for their work, relatively accurately describe and illustrate repetitive regularities and principles of operation described in the third and fourth form of my "Cyclic Tables for the Earth's Propulsion Systems", illustrated on the web page "propulsion.htm" as "Tab. #J3" and "Tab. #J4". The fourth era is also explained and illustrated in items #J1, #J2 and #A3 from my web page named "free_energy.htm", and it is supplemented with additional explanations in item #D3 from another of my web page named "god_proof.htm". Therefore, I will omit here its additional discussion.

Quite helpful for inventors working on the propelling devices of the "fourth technical era of humanity" may be the analysis of rules and similarities contained in the construction and principles of operation of propelling devices of the first and second technical eras of humanity. After all, from this analysis we already know that much information about the construction and operation of the propelling devices of the "fourth technical era of humanity" actually tells us the construction and operation of propelling devices from the "third technical era of humanity" already relatively well known and described in my publications (i.e. from the construction and operation of electric motors, my Magnocrafts, and Oscillatory Chambers used to propel Magnocrafts). After all, according to what I am explaining in item #J4.5 of the web page named "propulsion.htm", the principles of operation of motors and propulsors of particular technical eras of humanity God have been designing in pairs, each second era of these pairs always contains propelling devices similar to the devices of the first era of a given pair, only enriched with the use of further phenomena triggered technically by people. This in turn means that the motors and propulsors from the "fourth technical era of humanity" will be similar to the motors and propulsors from the "third technical era of humanity" which I have already worked out well - only that in their principles of operation they will be additionally using the phenomena such as the "Telekinetic Effect". For example, the self-inflating with energy propulsors from the fourth technical era of humanity will actually be Oscillatory Chambers of my invention, similar to the Oscillatory Chambers used in Magnocrafts already built in the third technical era of humanity - only that in the fourth era they will be improved by using the Telekinetic Effect for self-filling them with the energy required for their work, while in the third technical era the Oscillatory Chambers of the Magnocraft will be filled with the external energy generated by the Earth's power plants. Therefore gradually (in my free time) in the blogs of totalizm (and in the web page named "propulsion.htm") I will also try to briefly write down what will be the principles of operation of the motors and propulsors from this fourth technical era of humanity, and what will be the characteristics and driving capabilities of these revolutionary motors and propulsors of our future.

However, because the evolution of my Cyclic Tables (forecasting the actual evolution of the propelling devices that the humanity will use throughout its entire history) has NOT ended at the point described here (i.e. recently re-accepted to continue - after deciding to ignore the previously blocking progress lies of official atheistic science), in two items #J4.5 and #J4.6 from the web page named "propulsion.htm" the "fourth technical era" is supplemented by detailed descriptions of propelling devices from the fifth and sixth "technical eras" shown and defined in the fourth in turn form of my "Cyclic tables for the Earth's propulsion systems" - illustrated as "Tab. #J4" from the web page named "propulsion.htm".

Copyrights © 2019 by Dr Eng. Jan Pająk

* * *

The above post is an adaptation of item #J4.4 from my web page named "propulsion.htm" (updated on 17th of August 2019, or later). Thus, the reading of the above descriptions would be even more effective from the web page "propulsion.htm" (or from "volume T" of my publication [13] - see the web page "tekst_13.htm"), than from this post - after all e.g. on the totaliztic web pages are working all (green) links to other related web pages with additional explanations, important texts are highlighted with colours, the descriptions are supported with illustrations, the content is updated regularly, etc. The most recent update of the web page "propulsion.htm" can be viewed, amongst others, through addresses:

(*) Notice that every address with totaliztic web pages, including all the above web addresses, should contain all totaliztic (my) web pages - including all the web pages indicated in this post. Thus, in order to see any totaliztic (my) web page that interests the reader, it suffices that in one amongst the above addresses, the web page name "propulsion.htm" is changed into the name of web page which one wishes to see. For example, in order to see the web page named "nirvana.htm" e.g. from the totaliztic web site with the address , it is enough that instead of this address in the window of an internet browser one writes e.g. the address 

It is worth to know as well, that almost each new topic that I am researching on principles of my "scientific hobby" with "a priori" approach of the new "totaliztic science", including this one, is published in all mirror blogs of totalizm still in existence (the above topic is repeated in there as the post number #313E). So far 8 such blogs ware created and maintained. At the moment only three out of these 8 blogs of totalizm still remain undeleted by adversaries of the new "totaliztic science" and of the moral philosophy of totalizm. These three blogs of totalizm still available can be viewed at following internet addresses: (or )
Fortunately, the deletion of oldest blogs of totalizm has NOT erased their content. This is because as from 30 October 2018, all (i.e. currently as many as 313) posts to blogs of totalizm (almost half of which are in two languages, i.e.: in Polish and English) are also published in an electronic "book-like" volumes marked [13] and available in safe PDF format and in two print sizes (i.e. large 20pt and normal 12pt) from the web page named "tekst_13.htm", available on all addresses indicated above (i.e. addresses finished on ). Almost a half of these posts is published in English, and thus will be understood also by inhabitants of countries other than Poland.

With the totaliztic salute,
Dr Eng. Jan Pająk


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