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#325E: Why individual "drobinas of counter-matter" described in Kabbalah from the book Zohar confirm the truth of the Bible verse, that God created man and woman in His image and likeness, and confirm the benefits that humanity will derive from learning the structure and operation of these "God Drobinas"

Motto: "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them." (Bible, verse 1:27 from "Genesis")

#325E: Why individual "drobinas of counter-matter" described in Kabbalah from the book Zohar confirm the truth of the Bible verse, that God created man and woman in His image and likeness, and confirm the benefits that humanity will derive from learning the structure and operation of these "God Drobinas"

My scientific theory, which is the first real and still the only existing scientific "Theory of Everything of 1985" - see (also called the "Concept of Dipolar Gravity" - see my web page named "dipolar_gravity_pl.htm") from the very first moment of its development over 35 years ago tries to explain to us that our "physical world" is as much as the third world existing in universe of infinite size. Furthermore, it explains that our "physical world" was artificially created by God from an intelligent and ever mobile fluid, the substance of which I named "counter-matter" in my publications - to be able with this name clearly distinguish attributes of counter-matter from the opposite attributes of stupid and stagnant "matter" from our "physical world" and at the same time distinguish these attributes also from the opposite to them features of the non-existent in reality substance called "antimatter" that was speculatively invented by the old, monopolistic, "official atheistic science". Counter-matter exists for eternity (i.e. for an infinitely long time) in another original world of the infinite universe - which my Theory of Everything of 1985 calls the "counter-world" - for details see item #D4 from the web page named "dipolar_gravity.htm" or see post #273 to blogs of totalizm (addresses of which blogs are provided in item #Z3 near the end of the web page named "god_exists.htm"). The existence, attributes, structure, and operation of this extraordinary substance called "counter-matter", my Theory of Everything of 1985 allowed to deduce scientifically from the very first moment of its development. The process of deducing them with the use of methods of logic which this theory indicated, along with the attributes of counter-matter that were established from the very beginning, is explained in subsection H2 from volume 4 of my monograph [1/5] - available through the web page "text_1_5.htm". And so, the deduced then physical attributes of counter-matter include, among others: weightlessness, self-mobility, super-slipperiness, perpetual mobility, and several others (each one of them being the opposite to the corresponding physical attribute of "matter" from our "physical world", i.e. the opposite of, among others: mass, inertia, friction, stillness, and some others). But because our "matter" is "stupid", logic indicates that its opposite must also be that the counter-matter is "hardware intelligent in its natural state". Hence, the attributes of this "intelligence" of counter-matter must also include: input (i.e. the ability to collect information), memory, processor (i.e. the ability to process information, i.e. to "think"), and output (i.e. the ability to share information and make it available to others).

Such hardware intelligence of the "counter-matter" described here, as well as its perpetual motion (by the ancient Greeks called "chaos" - see ) caused that at some stage of its infinite existence, in the "memory" of counter-matter self-evolved a self-conscious and thinking program that responds intelligently to its situation, which we know under the name of "God" or more precisely under the name of the thinking and self-aware component ("mind") of God in Christianity called "Holy Spirit" (after all, the component representing the type of God's "body" is just this eternally existing "counter-matter" in the English translations of the Bible usually called "The Ancient of Days" (while e.g. in the Polish translation of the Catholic "Millennium Bible" called "Przedwieczny" meaning "One From Before the Time"). The process of self-evolution of God is described in subsections A1 and A2 from volume 1 of my monograph [1/5] - available through the web page "text_1_5.htm", while the definition and features of so self-evolved God are explained, amongst others, in item #A0 from my web page named "god_proof.htm".

Because the self-evolution of this gigantic program of God located in the memory of every "drobina" of counter-matter actually brought to life each "drobina of counter-matter" that was occupied by this program of God, the consequence of this breakthrough event of God self-evolution included several extremely important phenomena. The most important of these was, that from the previous only components of the perpetually moving fluid, suddenly every "drobina of counter-matter" in which God's programs are contained, transformed into a living creature that form what in English Bibles typically is called "The Ancient of Days" (while e.g. in the Polish Catholic "Millennium Bible" is called "Przedwieczny" meaning "One From Before the Time"). After all, God is a living being, and thus every component of "God Drobina" is also a living being - which shows self-awareness, ability to think, intelligent reactions, intelligent obedience, etc. Another consequence of this self-evolution of God in the memory of counter-matter was that the sum of the memory capacity of all counter-matter produced another (third) world of our universe, which in my publications I call the "virtual world". In turn in this third world (i.e. in the memory of counter-matter) suddenly appeared a free space capable of accommodating NOT only the gigantic program of God, but also an infinite number of new "consciousnesses" of the kind of "human souls", "souls of animals and all living creatures", souls of all existing physical objects, separate spiritual beings (e.g. "angels"), etc. This is why my scientific Theory of Everything of 1985 states that the unlimited in size universe in which we live consists of three worlds, namely consists of: (I) the original eternally existing "counter-world" filled with perpetually moving "counter-matter", (II) the "virtual world" contained in the memory of counter-matter - in which God lives, while all souls and spiritual creatures are stored, and (III ) our "physical world" which God created artificially through the appropriate programming of the behaviours of "whirls" of perpetually moving counter-matter. With such a structure of the universe, the components of our God (or more precisely, three components of the entire God Trinity - i.e. God Father, Holy Spirit and God Son) could be compared to human components, in which, however, (i) "counter-matter" from the counter-world is the equivalent of the entire physical "God's Body" in which each individual "drobina of counter-matter" is an equivalent of a single living "cell" from the human body, (ii) programs contained in the memory of entire counter-matter occupied by God are equivalent to the "mind of God", and (iii) all matter from our physical world is the equivalent of human "skin", which, although it is also made up of individual cells and also contains nerve cells capable of understanding the perceived information, but actually differs from the rest of the body in its structure, features, and role that it is to fulfil.

Unfortunately, the three component worlds of the universe indicated above, and the structure and operation of the universe that result from them, deduced "free of charge" within my "scientific hobby" on the basis of the behaviour of the surrounding reality and confirmed by the whole ocean of evidence indicated in my publications, are diametrically opposed to what for "big money" we are falsely told about the structure and creation of the universe by the monopolistic institution of our present "official atheistic science". (No wonder that even God is against the use of "money" that harms the progress of humanity, which disapproval of money He showed by creating a wonderful happiness of earned nirvana (see the web page named "nirvana.htm") that allows for the establishment of the "nirvana political system" which will get rid of "money" in the near future, replacing the today's "forced performing of useful work" (for which "money" is used), by the future voluntary will to perform productive "moral work" just in order to generate "moral energy" which sustains the constantly ongoing phenomenon of nirvana - as I described this more comprehensively in items #A1 to #A4 from my English web page named "partia_totalizmu_uk.htm".) Because out of both the above drastically opposite to each other descriptions of the structure and operation of the universe, compiled first by the "official atheistic science", and then by my scientific "Theory of Everything of 1985", only one can be correct, it is worth to read this entire post #325E and analyze its evidence and illustrations in order to be able to develop own view of what is closer to the truth in this matter. The learning of this truth is of great importance for our choice of the correct path that will lead us throughout our entire lives, and thus also for the effects of our own lives, and for the future fate of our descendants, successors and the entire humanity.

In the course of these more than 35 years of later reflections on my scientific "Theory of Everything of 1985", I was most intrigued by the features, appearance, structure, and operation of individual living "drobina of counter-matter" - which due to its role as elementary component of the physical "Body of God" can also be called "God Drobina". Notice that for a number of reasons in the name of "God Drobina" (means in name of the elementary component of "The Ancient of Days" from the Bible) I use on purpose the common Polish word "drobina" - see , instead of using e.g. the English scientific word "particle" (used by English-speaking scientists, for example, to describe "God particle" - see ) or instead of using e.g. the German scientific word "Partikel" (used by German-speaking scientists, for example, to describe "Gott Partikel" - see ) or instead of using e.g. the Polish scientific word "cząstka" (used by Polish scientists, for example, in name "cząstka Boga" - see ). The reason is that the Polish common word "drobina" has an unique meaning - namely it is traditionally used in Poland to lovingly describe something which is alive, which is self-aware and intelligent, and which is very small - for example, Polish parents often name with the word "drobina" small child that they love a lot, while e.g. Polish husbands of women "petite" in size - to describe their much loved wives. Thus, this word is extremely suitable for describing "God Drobina" and I am going to use this word in all languages in which I am able to publish my discovery described here, including also English (God Drobina) and German (Gott Drobina) - only that, in order NOT to bother readers from countries other than Poland with numerous endings of this word used in the Polish language, in these other languages the plural of the word "drobina" I will write in the same way as other plural words of a given language are spelled (e.g. "God Drobinas" or "Gott Drobine"). This is because I believe that it would sound very inappropriate if for describing a component of "drobina" from God's Body, we would use in any language atheistic words used in them by e.g. the scientists who are describing something dead, stupid, and not loved nor respected by anyone. Hence, e.g. atheistic words "particle", "Partikel", or "cząstka" would be highly inappropriate in the role of a name for a component of "God's Body" means for "God Drobina", because the "official atheistic science" uses these words to describe a fragment of "dead", "stupid" and deprived of feelings matter - to research only of which the official atheistic science limits itself: e.g. objectively consider the appropriateness of today's use of atheistic names "god particle", "Gott Partikel" and "boska cząstka", and the meaningful challenge issued e.g. by the atheistic search for it with "Large Hadron Collider" at CERN near Geneva.

After all, it is obvious that while being a perpetually moving living fluid, the counter-matter must be composed of some individual units that form this fluid, means must consist of "drobinas of counter-matter" that actually are "God Drobinas". What is even more interesting, the appearance of "God Drobinas" is another of only two existing candidates for explaining the reason why God informs us that man and woman were created in the image and likeness of God. After all, the verse 1:27 from the biblical "Book of Genesis" that was inspired by God, states what I quoted in the Motto of this post #325E, namely states that: "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them." Admittedly, some researchers believed that the statement of this verse may result from the similarity of the shape of our entire "physical world" to the figure of a man. Hence even were attempts to scientifically speculate whether the shape of our entire "physical world" filled with "stupid" matter (i.e. the shape of our "physical world" by the "official atheistic science" wrongly called the "universe") coincides with the shape of a human figure. The results of one of the scientific speculations about the shape of our entire physical world, originating from the publication in "Scientific American", March 1986 (Vol. 254, Number 3), page 49, are even shown in "Fig. I1" of volume 5 in my older monograph [1/4] - available through the web page "text_1_4.htm". Unfortunately, many subsequent studies have contradicted the result of those speculations. Also my "Theory of Everything of 1985" (i.e. the Concept of Dipolar Gravity - see the web page "dipolar_gravity.htm") states categorically that our entire "physical world" cannot assume the shape of a human figure, because the way God programmed the work of "reversible software time" gives to our physical world the shape a thin "wrinkled pancake" (or more precisely a whole pile of wrinkled, extremely thin pancakes with the thickness of a single "drobina of counter-matter") - for evidence regarding this shape see e.g. descriptions from item #D3 of my web page named "god_proof.htm", or see the caption under "Fig. #I1" from volume 5 and subsection JE3.7.1 from volume 9 in the above-mentioned my monograph [1/4]. Fortunately, the second possibility for which the Bible contains the above statement about the similarity of the image of God and man, is that this similarity stems from the appearance, structure, operation and attributes of a single living "drobina of counter-matter" (means "God Drobina") - which drobina is the smallest component of the "Body of God". As it also appears from the descriptions in the ancient book "Sefer ha-Zohar", originally interpreted for the needs of the modern book on the "manna machine" shown below in "Fig. #K1a" (which book attracted the attention of the whole world, including mine, to the need to undertake objective research of the information discussed here), ancient commentaries to the Bible commonly known as "Kabbalah" described in the books of the Zohar something that looks like a figure of a man. But because this something of a human appearance was described in a very general ancient language, therefore without access to the "key" which would allow attach to ancient names the present scientific concepts, nowadays people are NOT able to understand what this book of Zohar describes. Fortunately, such a "key" to understanding what the book of Zohar really describes is provided by my "Theory of Everything of 1985" in conjunction with the explanations provided by this theory about what the biblical Ark of the Covenant was and also what was this mysterious something that the English Bibles usually translate as "The Ancient of Days" (while the Polish Catholic "Millennium Bible" translates with the Polish name "Przedwieczny"). After all, for many years subsection S5 from volume 15 of my monograph [1/5] - available through the web page "text_1_5.htm", as well as many other my publications, clearly explain that whatever English Bibles describe under the English name "The Ancient of Days", while Polish Bibles e.g. under names "Przedwieczny" meaning "One From Before the Time" or "Starowieczny" meaning "Ethernal One", in fact is "counter-matter" from the "counter-world". In turn what the Bibles describe under the name of the "Ark of the Covenant", in fact is the ancient structure of the "Oscillatory Chamber" - which I re-invented several thousand years after it was built by ancient Israelites - see the web page named "oscillatory_chamber.htm". So the "keys" to deciphering descriptions from the ancient book of the Zohar, which were provided by my "Theory of Everything of 1985", allow us to gradually establish the truth, that the descriptions from the Zohar book discussed in this post #325E, in fact define features, appearance, structure, components and the work of such a human-figure-like individual living "drobina of counter-matter" (i.e. "God Drobina").

So if the scientific "key" indicated here, which helps in translating into today's concepts and also helps in understanding descriptions from the book of Zohar, one tries to express in the form of a short definition, then it could be described, for example, with the following words. "In His intention of creating people in the image and likeness of God, in the man and woman He created, God in the first place shaped individual fragments of their bodies in the way that match the corresponding elements of male and female "drobina of counter-matter", while wherever allowed this the formulation and the work of the 'physical world' in which people live, to these fragments God also assigned functions and work similar to the functions and work that fulfil the corresponding elements of 'drobina of counter-matter'." The above verbal expression of the "key" that is helpful in deciphering the features, appearance, structure, components and work of individual fragments of the male and female "drobina of counter-matter", helps us to understand that the location of these fragments within the body of such "drobina" as well as their appearance, and often also the function performed by them and principles of their operation, are very similar as in parts of human bodies located in the same areas as given elements of "drobina of counter-matter".

Although the shown below in "Fig. #K1a" book which describes the "machine for the production of manna" significantly served humanity by drawing everyone's attention to the need for objective scientific and engineering research of ancient descriptions from the book of Zohar, still by being published in our present world ruled by "money" the book was forced to have a sensational presentation that causes increased sales. As a result, its descriptions, biasedly interpreted to support the hypothesis that the book of Zohar describes a "machine for producing manna", provide only a simplified appearance and only of the male version of the living "drobina of counter-matter" (while the book of Zohar describes both the male and the female versions of this drobina). Also similarly as it is done chronically during the biased formulation of many theories of today's "official atheistic science", this appearance does NOT show the details the existence of which contradicts the author's hypothesis that what the descriptions of the Zohar represent is a "machine", although the existence of these details is provided in the book of Zohar - e.g. the hair described in the Zohar is NOT shown, nor the left and right legs, feet and hands clearly highlighted in the Zohar (after all, the "machine" does NOT need to use the left and right versions of these limbs), nor the "female" version of "drobina" (which the Zohar describes regardless of describing the "male" version). In other words, descriptions from the book discussed here re-interpreted atheistically a living "God Drobina" into a dead "machine". Independently from giving to the living "God Drobina" attributes of a dead "machine", the authors of this book committed a whole range of "engineering omissions". For example, it is obvious that such a large and efficient "machine" would NOT fit inside of the Ark of the Covenant, while if it was carried independently of the Ark, then this would be emphasized in the Bible. Furthermore, in order to avoid referring in the book to verses of the Bible, in descriptions of the "machine for producing manna" are NOT used the same names that are used in the Bible. For example, the book avoids the use of the name "The Ancient of Days" - which e.g. in Polish translations of the book about the "machine for producing manna" was replaced with the name "Aged Old Man" (in Polish: "Wiekowy Starzec") - although originally the Zohar book uses for it the same name as the Bible. The final "machine" appearance, which the authors of the book about the "machine for producing manna" atheistically assigned to the living "drobina of counter-matter", is relatively well illustrated by the drawing from the cover of this book shown below in "Fig. #K1a". In turn if I had graphic abilities and the software required to generate computer graphics, then the appearance of a living "drobina of counter-matter" (i.e. "God Drobina") would be interpreted in the manner which is explained in the caption under "Fig. #K1b" below - means drastically different than does it the above book.

The most important of the attributes of all counter-matter, which from moment of the development in 1985 allowed to deduce my Theory of Everything (i.e. the Concept of Dipolar Gravity - see the web page named "dipolar_gravity.htm"), is that the counter-matter in its natural state always displayed an intelligence similar to passive hardware intelligence of our today computers. Means, because God is able to perform simultaneously practically countless number of actions (i.e. to act like a modern "multiprocessor supercomputer"), each individual "drobina of counter-matter" must have several so-called "processors" similar to those existing in the newest multi-processor supercomputers, and must also have several "memories" capable of remembering information that these processors are to process - which attributes for many years I am trying to explain to those interested, among others, in (3) from item #C6 from my web page named "prawda_uk.htm". Furthermore, each drobina must also have the ability to (e.g. telepathically) communicate with other "drobinas of counter-matter" similar to it. Unfortunately, my estimates of the size of a single "drobina of counter-matter" in comparison to e.g. a single elementary particle (e.g. to an "electron") that forms the physical matter from our "physical world", show that the size of a "drobina of counter-matter" when compared to e.g. size of an electron, is approximately as large as the size of e.g. an electron comparing to e.g. the size of our entire galaxy - for descriptions of how I came to such results of comparing their sizes see (9) in item #C3 from my web page named "immortality.htm", or see e.g. (3) from the "introduction" to my web page named "dipolar_gravity.htm". So because of such an unimaginably small size of each "drobina of counter-matter", it is obvious that the only thing we humans can scientifically determine about it, is only what we can theoretically deduce from the information that these drobinas manifest to us in our physical world.

Fortunately, there is God, who also is a program which self-evolved just in the memory of "drobinas of counter-matter" - as I described and define Him in item #A0 from my web page named "god_proof.htm". So God was able to learn exactly how these "drobinas" are constructed, look and work. In turn, because God always shares His knowledge with people (see verse 3:7 from the Biblical "Book of Amos"), thus He also passed on to us the knowledge about "drobinas of counter-matter". The first information about these drobinas I learned from the religious oral tradition of New Zealand Maoris, about their "Superior God called Io" - for details see item #A0 from my web page named "god_proof.htm" or search at . For example, the Maori tradition contained information that my knowledge of the operation of present computers prompts me to be understood as suggestions that God resides (lives) in the highest, because "twelfth (12)" level of separate memories contained in four "memory spheres" of each "drobina of counter-matter" (i.e. in Polish translations of the Zohar, these four "memory spheres" are described under the name of four "heads", each of which contains "three (3)" separate memories in Polish called "skulls" in there). This in turn means that single drobinas of counter-matter have NOT only four separate processors, but also as many as 12 memories (i.e. three separate memories located in each of these four processors called "heads"). Also from the spoken tradition of Maori I learned that everything that exists in the universe belongs to a strictly assigned "level" (memory), and except for cases when it is individually invited to visit a level higher than one's own, it has NO access to these higher levels - although always has access to "levels" (memories) lower than its own. During my professorship in Kuala Lumpur, I had the honour of discussing a similar subject with the "guru" who lived in there, who was well versed in the spoken tradition of the Hindu religion. He also confirmed that his religion recognizes the existence of 12 levels of "occurrences", assigned to four "spheres" - which again confirms the descriptions from the Zohar book about the existence of as many as four processors ("heads") - each of which makes use of three of its own memories. If I remember it correctly, from the stories of this Hindu "guru" it appeared that the lowest of these "spheres" accumulates appearances that can be called "elementals". So this could be interpreted that the lowest processor (i.e. the lowest head) processes information and manages the physical part of our physical world - i.e. the laws of physics, the structure of elements and matter, the action of natural forces, etc. Another higher "sphere" is to manage living occurrences, i.e. it is to describe all living creatures, including humans, their structure, operation, features, nature, behaviour, etc. The third of the spheres is to manage spiritual beings, that is, intermediaries between our physical world and the virtual world - e.g. "angels". Interestingly, being then absorbed in the research on UFOs and UFOnauts, I asked "guru" where UFOnauts belonged - the "guru" replied that just to this third sphere of "angels". The highest, completely different and separate "sphere" according to him was all occupied by God. (Knowing that this divine sphere also contains three memories, and remembering that there are three components of God and three worlds that make up the universe, one can speculate that individual of the three memory levels of this sphere probably contain software managing the affairs of (i) the "virtual world" and the Holy Spirit resident in it, (ii) the "counter-world" and God the Father (The Ancient of Days), and (iii) our "physical world" and the Son of God.) A lot of information about individual drobinas of counter-matter resulted also from my analyzes of various publications on the biblical "Ark of Covenant". As I explained this above, some of this information for many years is described in subsection S5 from volume 15 of my monograph [1/5] - available through the web page "text_1_5.htm".

The above my explanations reveal, that the confirmation of attributes, structure, operation, and the similar to image of a man and woman appearance of individual "drobinas of counter-matter", are provided to us by numerous independent sources of evidence. In addition to the information deduced logically due to the methods of my scientific "Theory of Everything of 1985" (i.e. due to the Concept of Dipolar Gravity described at the web page "dipolar_gravity.htm"), the most important amongst these sources of evidence are:

(1) Bible. The eternal existence of counter-matter is confirmed by the verses from various translations of the Bible under several names that carry the meaning "Existing since infinitely ancient". For example, the English Bibles usually call it "The Ancient of Days", while e.g. the Polish Catholic "Millennium Bible" (in Polish: "Biblia Tysiąclecia") refers to this "counter-matter" under the name of "Przedwieczny" which can be translated as "One From Before the Time" - for descriptions of "The Ancient of Days" see verses 7:9, 7:13 and 7:22 from the biblical "Book of Daniel", and verses 4:10, 4:14, 4:20, 4:22, 4:24, 4:35, 5:2 from the "Book of Baruch". Other Bibles, the same religious name for "counter-matter", also translate with various names of similar meaning, for example in Polish with the word "Starowieczny" meaning "Eternal One" or "One Existing from the Most Ancient Days".

(2) The religious tradition of ancient Israel written in three parts of a multi-volume book called "Sefer ha-Zohar" - i.e. in parts entitled "The Greater Holly Assembly", "The Lesser Holy Assembly", and "The Book of the Mystery" (seek them with ). This book describes in detail the appearance, features, structure and operation of the mysterious "Object" discussed here - the technical interpretation of the rough appearance of which is shown on the cover of the book shown below in "Fig. #K1a". The authors of this book interpret the verses of the Zohar book that these verses explain the features, structure, and operation of a machine for the production of manna - that looks like a figure of a human or a robot - for the attracting in this way the attention of humanity to the book of Zohar these authors deserve the praise and gratitude of our civilization. But the findings of my scientific "Theory of Everything from 1985" imply something even more important - namely, that the book of Zohar describes the appearance, features, structure, and operation of an individual living "drobina" of the biblical "The Ancient of Days" - i.e. "counter-matter", similar in appearance and operation to human male and female. So to summarise, both these interpretations, namely the first one from the book about the "machine for producing manna", as well as the second one from the results of my logical deductions indicated above and based on the empirical evidence derived from the scientific "Theory of Everything of 1985", in fact unanimously confirm that the foundations of the old "official atheistic science" are erroneous and deceptive, because they eliminate from the area of interest of present scientists the research of what is most important, namely they eliminate the objective research of the truth about our God and creator. So instead of promoting the truth and pursue knowledge, this "official atheistic science" spreads lies and inhibits learning the truth, increasing human knowledge, and raising the level of our civilization.

In my opinion also very important information contained in the book Zohar are descriptions of the "appearances" even smaller than an individual "drobina of counter-matter" - e.g. those of "lords of the wings". This is because the confirmation of their appearance is a proof of the correctness of my conclusions, which I described in Polish monograph [12] about the operation of time and time vehicles (available from the web page named "tekst_12.htm"). These conclusions state that also the fourth ("into depth") linear dimension of the counter-world extends into infinity in both its directions. This in turn means that independently from "occurrences" of any size, in the "downward" direction of this "depth dimension" possibly also exist "appearances" even much smaller than these from the shallower level, while in the "upward" direction - occurrences even much larger than these from the deeper level. In other words, it is possible that in the universe there are also forms (occurrences) even smaller than "drobinas of counter-matter", and that perhaps there are also forms (occurrences) much larger than everything that we already know.

(3) Free Polish-language YouTube video. In June 2020 I also discovered a 26-minute-long YouTube video, which presents a lot of information about the structure, components, and functions of individual parts of this "machine for producing manna" - means about individual "drobina of counter-matter". This Polish-language film is graphically very well presented, and is also available for free on YouTube under the Polish title "Wiekowy Starzec" (meaning the "Aged Old Man" - see ) at the address . I suggest you to watch it in there using the link provided below in Figure named "Film #K1c". In the initial part of "Film #K1c" it refers to that ancient book "Zohar", which title means "Splendour" or "Radiance", presenting the mysterious knowledge of "Kabbalah", and available now in many languages of the world, including Polish and English. From my research it appears that this book describes, among other things, what is an individual "drobina" of what the Bible calls "The Ancient of Days" - which in reality is a "drobina of counter-matter". In my understanding of the descriptions from the book of Zohar it explains exactly the structure, operation, features, appearance, etc., of this "drobina of counter-matter". Only that, unfortunately, the practice of present atheists to interpret religious descriptions in a typically atheistic manner (and thus also highly erroneous), caused that these descriptions were interpreted as a "machine for producing manna". The "Film #K1c" linked below, in the range from 4:12 to 10:15 minutes of its length, also accepts these atheistic interpretations of ancient religious descriptions of the structure and operation of "drobina of counter-matter" - and it also explains these atheistic interpretations as descriptions of "a machine for producing manna". (Unfortunately, the film does NOT even mention the scientific "Theory of Everything of 1985" that objectively tries to inform people e.g. that there is also a different interpretation presented in my publications and stating that there exist "drobinas of counter-matter", from which counter-matter the biblical "manna" was synthesized by God in the way that we showed together with a friend on "Film #K1d" below - means on the 17-second-long segment entitled "Wall 4K" from our half-hour-long YouTube video called "Future Propulsions"). However, if the atheistic terminology of these "manna machine" interpretations is corrected and converted e.g. into the terminology used in present computer sciences and then adopted by my Concept of Dipolar Gravity, then it turns out that the book "Zohar" describes in detail just the structure, operation, appearance and features of male and female versions of living individual "drobina of counter-matter". The illustrations presented in this "Film #K1c", also confirm that the structure and operation of each individual "drobina of counter-matter" coincides with what about this structure and operation have been prompted for a long time by logical analyzes carried out on the basis of empirical evidence present in the reality which surrounds us and compiled with the methods of my Concept of Dipolar Gravity. And so, each individual drobina of "counter-matter" actually has as many as 12 separate memories (called "skulls-czaszki" in this Polish film) capable of memorizing information, out of three from these 12 memories being located in each of four separate "processors" (in the Polish film called "heads-głowy") capable of processing the remembered information - which existence of 4 heads (processors) and 12 sculls (memories) explain the similarity of this "drobina" to the operation of a modern "multiprocessor supercomputer" and thus also explains this miraculous ability of God to perform an almost infinite number of actions simultaneously, and to impart the self-awareness to an infinite number of living creatures. Furthermore, each "drobina" has the ability to communicate with other "drobinas of counter-matter" similar to it, with the use of some signals (e.g. telepathic) which in the counter-world are visible as a kind of "light" or "flame". If the reader understands Polish, then for a better understanding of the details of the structure and operation of each "drobina of counter-matter", I recommend to review the "film #K1c" below and the descriptive sources indicated in there.

(4) The Ark of the Covenant - described among others in the Bible. As a curiosity it is worth adding here that starting from 19:20 minutes the discussed above "Film #K1c" describes also the fate of the biblical Ark of the Covenant reported by the ancient book of Ethiopia entitled "Kebra Negast" (see ) - which title can be translated as "Glory of Kings". It is in this Ark of the Covenant that a sample of "manna" was supposed to be stored - which, according to the interpretation from this film, allegedly was produced by the "Aged Old Man" (i.e. by the "Wiekowego Starca" in Polish), but in reality which in times of need was instantly created by God from "counter-matter", i.e. from the biblical "The Ancient of Days" (as for the propelling devices from the "sixth technical era of mankind" this instant creating is explained and illustrated in the shown below at "Film #K1d" excerpt from our film "Future Propulsions" available at the address , and also shown separately at that excerpt entitled "Wall 4K" that illustrates descriptions of such instant creating provided in item #J4.6 of the web page named "propulsion.htm"). In turn the alleged material content of the biblical "Ark of the Covenant", since many years is already explained in subsection S5 from volume 15 of my monograph [1/5] on the basis of indications of my Theory of Everything of 1985, as this Theory of Everything reveals that "The Ancient of Days" (i.e. the counter-matter) actually contains in its memories the ready-made programs which at a single voice command from the "God's representative" instantly created everything that is claimed to be accumulated and stored in the Ark of the Covenant.

(5) God-directed journeys to the "promised land" carried out by people who adhere to various religions. The biblical Ark of the Covenant and everything related to this ark, including The Ancient of Days and the knowledge about individual "drobinas of counter-matter" described here, is one of the most widely known in the world religious events of antiquity - i.e. from times when God still physically and openly revealed to people His existence, activities and knowledge. The truth of occurrence of this event is fully documented in numerous ancient written manuscripts, including the Holy Bible, as well as by the latest archaeological findings. However, only a few people is aware, that similar events also occurred in practically all other religions - and thus they are known to adherers of these religions and described in their religious legends (although, unfortunately, due to the lack of scientific interest in religious legends this knowledge is rapidly disappearing lately). Only that in present times of "scientific taboos", almost everything that is described by this type of legends, instead of being objectively researched, is either ignored, or considered to originate from sources of the type in English called "copycat" - means caused by copying that is inspired by human imperfections mainly focused on gaining power over others or some other kind of benefit. On the other hand, in order for some religions isolated from the world, e.g. such as pre-Christian beliefs of NZ Maoris in their superior God "Io", could e.g. create such a "copycat" legends that copy the migration of ancient Jews to their "promised land", they would need to have at least a "telepathic telephone" which I described in items #D1 to #D5 from the web page named "artefact.htm", while the remains of which still exist today in St. Mary's Basilica in Gdańsk, Poland (i.e. this telephone, the existence and work of which we even illustrated at the length from 26:58 to 28:02 minutes of the film entitled "Dr Jan Pająk portfolio" and available the address ), then to use this telepathic telephone to consult with Jews the requirements and details of making such a "copycat" journey. After all, all cases of such religious migrations to the "promised land", regardless followers of what religion carried them out and in what continent of the world they took place, still repeated a whole range of details that we now know from descriptions of migrations of Jews and the Ark of the Covenant. For example they always repeated and had: (a) some priest who repeatedly communicated with God and received instructions on what supposed to do the people that he led, (b) some miraculous "object" always carried by the helpers of this priest, which contained something that allowed the priest to communicate with God (it is worthwhile to notice here that it does NOT matter what this "something for communicating with God" was, after all, the power and knowledge of God allows to provide anything with the attributes and capabilities that God needs at a given moment), (c) disclosures of knowledge about God, the origin of the world and man, the construction of the world, requirements of a correct life, etc., and the accompanying instructions that this knowledge is to be remembered and passed on to the next generations, (d) present among the leaders of this journey of some "being" with an "unique" appearance, suggesting that he fulfils the role of "God's representative" - for example, only a few people know today that (d1) Moses had horns, which are still illustrated on the statue of Moses with horns in Rome (see ) - Alexander the Great, the famous king of ancient Greek Macedon had similar horns (see ); that (d2) the group of heroes who brought Buddhism's scriptures from India to China also included a creature with the appearance of a giant ape called the "Monkey King Sun Wukong" (see ), whom possessed all sorts of supernatural powers (the tribe of these supernatural monkeys which educated the pre-flood India also built a stone bridge between India and the island of Sri Lanka, the remains of this bridge still exist today - see ); that (d3) heroes who led various groups which gradually populated today's New Zealand, always had bodies of human giants (e.g. Te Kahui Tipua) while their huge bones until recently were repeatedly discovered in New Zealand and then mysteriously vanished - as I described this in item #I2 from my web page named "newzealand.htm"; etc., etc. Myths describing the first of such cases as if "copying" of the journey of Jews described in the biblical "Book of Exodus" I got to know in Poland. These were the legends about the migration of Lipka Tatars from the vicinity of present-day Mongolia to their "promised land" - which turned out to be the formerly heavily forested area of present-day "Stalowa Wola" city in Poland (see ). (Notice that today's scientists throw all the Tatars into one "Lipka bag", no matter where they emigrated from. On the other hand, only one group of Lipka Tatars was led to present Poland as to their "promised land", and they immediately adopted Christianity upon their arrival at the destination.) Also only a few know that in 1410 a large well-armed contingent of these Lipka Tatars fought on the Polish side in the "Battle of Grunwald". Even fewer people know that God used these Lipka Tatars to confirm the highly meaningful situation from the siege of the castle in Malbork in 1410, reported in old chronicles, to confirm to all later generations that the return of karma for breaking God's commandment "DO NOT murder" also reaches people who murder other people during war - which situation is described in more detail in items #C3 and #C3.1 from my web page named "malbork_uk.htm". Another such journey to the "promised land" I learned from a woman belonging to the tribe that inhabits present New Zealand. I remember that she explained to me something about the basket called "kete" which was leading them during this journey. Unfortunately, in times when I heard this legend, my still scanty research experience combined with "scientific scepticism" suspecting that I hear some "copycat" story, prevented me from writing down important details, while I forgot these details until today. Two other similar cases are slightly more widely reported by an 11-minute Polish-language YouTube video, available at the address . One is of them is the journey of the Aztecs to the area of present-day Mexico, guided by an object carried out in a basket and instructing their chief priest in all matters. Intriguingly, the need for this journey was caused by the UFO explosion near Tapanui in New Zealand, described on the web page "tapanui.htm". This is because the Tapanui explosion caused a rotation of the Earth's crust by about 7 degrees, resulting, among others, in significant climate changes as far as several places on Earth, including Greenland and both Americas. As a result of these climate changes, the Aztecs would NOT survive in their original place of living, similarly as the Mayans would NOT survive in the cities they originally inhabited, and which are now overgrown with tropical jungles of present-day Guatemala. (The Mayan cities, which are now overgrown with dangerous tropical jungles, are well reported by, for example, the English-language film "Lost Treasures of the Maya" available on YouTube at the address .) Unfortunately, power over the people that during the journey to the "promised land of the Aztecs" was won by their priests, was later continued by forcing obedience through resorting to making human sacrifices - which meant that God needed to stop these practices by sending to Mexico the Spanish "conquistadors". Another case indicated in this Polish video is the wandering of the South African Lemba people living in the vicinity of present-day Zimbabwe, who in their journey through almost the entire length of Africa were guided by the "Voice that Thunder" emanating from a "drum" called Ngoma Lungundu (see ). In all these supposed "copycat" cases of repeating the journeys that God directed and that most clearly are known to us from the Bible, it impresses me the most, that until today they have left a lot of indisputable evidence. One of the examples of this evidence is the use of the seven-day week by all ancient nations of the world - including the nations which from the times of these ancient migrations inhabited places cut off from the world, e.g. present New Zealand or other islands of the Pacific isolated from the world (the ancient use by these nations of the seven-day week described in the Bible, I personally checked). Another such proof is the word used by all nations of the world, the pronunciation of which sounds like the pronunciation of the word "manna". This word always describes a unique kind of pure "energy" received directly from God. Although with the passage of time some nations may have given this "energy" a definition that is somewhat narrowed down by their culture, still the word pronounced like "manna" remains in their use and means some commonly respected form of pure energy, which even if is edible, never causes removal of impurities - as an example consider the meaning of the word "mana" in language of New Zealand Maoris - see .

(6) Mythology of religions other than the one originating from ancient Israel and analyzed here. Although due to the lack of official recognition and support for the research that I carry out, I am forced to constantly grapple with various limitations and obstacles, such as lack of funding, difficulties with access to the required people and literature sources, deliberate blocking and interference from hostile decision-makers and institutions, etc., I still managed to notice, that the myths of most religions of the world in many details agree with, or even extend, sources of information originating from ancient Israel. For example, almost everyone is able to notice, that the religious mythology of ancient Greece informed widely about attributes and consequences of the perpetual mobility of counter-matter, in this mythology described under the name of "chaos" - see . Very similar to the Greek "chaos" is also the idea of an ever-moving fluid from which self-evolved a female God named "Aluna" - who later created 9 worlds of the universe, including our world, in which believe the "Kogi" Indians living on "Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta" in northern Colombia - their religious myths are presented in almost an hour and a half long English-language film entitled "From the Heart of the World: The Elder Brothers' Warning - Kogi Message to Humanity" shown on the Internet at . In turn the pre-Christian mythology of New Zealand Maoris perfectly explained the process of self-evolution of the consciousness, software, and knowledge of God. Furthermore, it described relatively well the components and work of "drobina of counter-matter". Similarly well described the "drobina of counter-matter" the mythology of Hinduism. Etc., etc. So what a pity that pre-Christian mythologies of many other religions are so stubbornly ignored and omitted in scientific research. After all, in the future the knowledge contained in them would surely turn out to be extremely valuable for our civilization - significantly accelerating our process of achieving the benefits of the "sixth technical era of humanity", which is described in item #J4.6 of the web page named "propulsion.htm".

(7) Information provided to us by UFOnauts. From conversations between people and UFOnauts it appears that UFOnauts know about the structure and operation of both male and female perpetually mobile "drobinas of counter-matter", and thus also about the influences that these drobinas exert on our physical world. So if during a conversation with them any person asks UFOnauts the right questions, then in reply he/she receives interesting information on this subject - for an example of such information see paragraphs N-98, N-116 and N-138 in the report from the abduction of Miss Nosbocaj to a UFO - quoted in subsection UB1 from volume 16 of my monograph [1/5] - available through the web page "text_1_5.htm".

* * *

At the length of 27:46 to 28:45 minutes of our movie film entitled "Future Propulsions" available on YouTube at , six steps are shown as if "stairs", which God designed so that they lifted the humanity to an increasingly higher level of development and learning the truth in human efforts to build increasingly more perfect propelling devices for subsequent out of the "six technical eras of humanity". (Individual propelling devices that belong to each of these "six technical eras of humanity" are described in items #J4.1 to #J4.6 from the web page named "propulsion.htm".) As it turns out, the described in this post #325E process of learning by people the truth about the attributes, structure and operation of the extraordinary ever-moving fluid which constitutes the "body of God" and which my Theory of Everything of 1985 calls "counter-matter", is also closely related to these six steps of "stairs" existing in the construction of propulsion devices, as God also designed this process as a six-step long. So let us now discuss subsequent steps of this six steps long "staircase to truth" about the "drobina of counter-matter". Here they are:

(1') Giving to humanity by God (through two ancient prophets i.e. Moses and Elijah) the most important information about the evolution, structure and work of God consciousness and about the creation of the matter of our physical world, together with the command that this information is to be passed on to the next generations of people. From my conversations that I personally carried out with people who had very similar knowledge, means who knew the secrets of the Hindu religion and the pre-Christian religion of NZ Maoris, I know that God far-sightedly passed the same kind of knowledge to other religions as well. In this first step, among Jews the information discussed here was passed on to the next generations in the form of a secret oral tradition known by the general name "Kabbalah". However, as secret spoken knowledge, unfortunately it was slowly distorted, supplemented with views of people repeating it, re-interpreted, etc. - but, unfortunately, practically NOT used. The same fate befell to a very similar knowledge passed on by oral traditions of Hinduism and by the pre-Christian religion of New Zealand Maori.

(2') The first writing down of the content of Kabbalah in the 13th century by a Spanish Jew called Moses de León. This writing down was the second extremely important step on the "path of humanity to the truth", because it stopped the process of further distortion of the immensely important knowledge contained in Kabbalah, caused by its oral transmission, and also gradually opened the access to this knowledge by increasingly wider circles of people. Unfortunately, in case of e.g. a very similar knowledge contained in the pre-Christian religion of New Zealand Maoris, this second step of the human "path to truth" was clearly "botched". The reason was that the Maoris themselves, in spite of the fact that they were already educated in writing skills and had tape recorders and video cameras, did NOT take care of writing down or recording this immensely important knowledge - although I remember that its remnants were still told orally by Maori old men and women in 1980s, i.e. when I already lived in NZ. In turn the majority of European scientists disregarded the meaning and value of the information contained in Maori legends, thus only very small fragments of these legends were written down - although objectively it should also be emphasized here, that practically all Pre-Christian religious legends the documentation of which I researched, were written down by Europeans not by Maoris themselves. Probably the same happened with similar pieces of knowledge orally passed down by practitioners of Hindu religion.

(3') The publication in 1978 by George Sasoon and Rodney Dale of their "shocking" book that awakened humanity (one of the later editions of which book is shown in "Fig. #K1a" below) as it stimulated the widespread of atheistic hypothesis that the fragment of the book Sefer ha-Zohar discussed here (in Polish summarized and illustrated on the web page from the address ) describes the construction and operation of the "machine for producing manna". Although this description was only the beginning of a long process of learning the truth on the subject of what actually present the verses of the book "Sefer ha-Zohar" discussed here, still it was indescribably important for our civilization. After all, since these actually describe in detail the appearance, structure, operation, and attributes of the constituent organs of a single living "drobnia of counter-matter", the process of engineering and scientific decoding of these descriptions initiated by George Sasoon and Rodney Dale will gradually allow humanity to faster and easier master the skill of programming counter-matter - and thus with the elapse of time to begin the fifth and sixth "technical era of humanity" on Earth. In turn the mastery of the programming of counter-matter will allow people to perform almost the same miracles of immediate "creating from counter-matter" everything that people need (including the creation of tasty "manna"), which was done by God Himself, while some possibilities which are described in items #J4.5 and #J4.6 from my web page named "propulsion.htm" and in posts #309 and #311 to blogs of totalizm, also which together with my friend we have initially illustrated on the film "Future Propulsions" - a small excerpt of which is shown in "Film #K1d" below.

(4') The disclosure that the descriptions from the book "Sefer ha-Zohar" discussed here, describe the appearance, features, structure and operation of individual "drobinas of counter-matter" (i.e. "God Drobinas") which, according to the old descriptions indicated here, are similar to the whole man and to the "uncovered face of man". This disclosure took place at the moment of publishing on 2020/7/7 item #K1 of the Polish web page named "god_istnieje.htm" from item #K1 of the English version of which web page this post #325E was adapted. It opens for humanity the possibility of gradual learning the truth about the actual structure and operation of our physical world, which in turn will allow in the future to develop methods of first using ready-made ones, and then preparing new ones also needed by people, programs residing in the counter-matter, for all these applications and goals which I described in my monographs and web pages about the Concept of Dipolar Gravity - e.g. for purposes which I explained in subsection H11 from volume 4 of my monograph [1/5] - available through the web page "text_1_5.htm".

(5') The mankind's mastery of the ability to start and use ready-made programs long ago prepared and stored in counter-matter - which in turn will make it possible for people to utilise the truths and knowledge about the actual structure of our physical world contained in books of Sefer ha-Zohar. In old times these ready-made programs from counter-matter were created to help God's representatives on Earth in performing typical activities, e.g. during the construction of pyramids or the so-called "Inca Walls" - a sample of which walls is shown in "Fig. #H1" from the web page "god_exists.htm" (in fact, however, these programs performed all typical works, including paralyzing enemies or causing specific hallucinations). For purposes of erecting buildings and walls, they included, among others, cutting out specific shapes from solid rock, softening the consistency of hard matter (e.g. rock) to the consistency of butter or honey - which allowed for shaping rocks with hands into any objects, or allowed casting any shapes from rocks, "cold" transformations of various substances into another ones (e.g. lead transformed into gold, water into excellent wine, air into ideal food of manna, etc.), levitating even the heaviest objects to the places indicated for them, etc. The principle of operation of these programs did NOT differ from the operation of today's computer "applications" - only that their work was started by saying the right "passwords" with the appropriate voice intonation. (Formerly this "password" was called "spell", while the very process of using these programs from counter-matter was called "magic".) Descriptions of some manners of using these ready-made programs already contained in counter-matter since a long time are presented in item #J4.5 from the web page named "propulsion.htm". One among examples of the recent use of these programs from counter-matter described in paragraph (H) from that item #J4.5, is the construction in Florida, USA, the entire so-called Coral Castle, means a huge Castle made of Coral - see .

(6') Mastering by the humanity of the skills of programming the counter-matter - which in turn is to allow the carrying out all these extraordinary works that I described in item #J4.6 from my web page named "propulsion.htm". This in turn will allow e.g. to create from counter-matter (in a manner very similar to how God created everything) completely new materials and objects, new kinds of ideal food with perfect flavours (similar to biblical "manna"), etc. etc. It also is to allow e.g. for immediate healing of illnesses, for annihilation (means for reverse turning into counter-matter) of objects that people cease to need, etc., etc. - for details see subsection H11 from volume 4 of abovementioned my monograph [1/5].

I am fully aware, that the descriptions and evidence which I presented in this post #325E open to all of us an initial insight into a whole different world, the truth about the existence and possibilities of which so-far the humanity had no opportunity to learn. After all, learning about this different world is ignored by the "official atheistic science", intentionally is avoided and kept silent by virtually all existing religions which for centuries "reject knowledge" (4:4-9 from the biblical "Book of Hosea"), and stubbornly and secretly is blocked by all evil powers. On the other hand, getting to know it is of great importance for each one of us. For this reason, when I finish dealing with the most urgent research works that I was forced to put aside temporarily because of writing this post, I will try to return to the continuation of research on this new world - starting from developing another portion of knowledge, this time about the female version of the "drobina of counter-matter" - information about which contain all the sources described in this post #325E. After I undertake my research on this female version of "God Drobina", everything that I determine on this subject is to be presented in item #K2 on the web page named "god_exists.htm" addresses of which are provided below.

Fig. #K1a: Here is a famous book entitled "The Manna Machine". (Due to its high popularity, the same book had many other editions - photos of a large proportion of which the reader can view e.g. at the address .) The cover of the book shown above illustrates the appearance of the male (positive, heating, yang) version of the mysterious "Object", decoded on the basis of descriptions from three parts of the book Sefer ha-Zohar i.e. the parts entitled The Greater Holly Assembly, The Lesser Holy Assembly, and The Book of the Mystery. (It is worth noting that the book of Zohar describes also slightly different from the above male, the appearance of the female (negative, cooling, yin) version of the same Object - e.g. see "Fig. #K2a" from the web page named "god_exists.htm".) Bible translations describe the same "Object" under a meaningful name that says the "Existing from infinitely ancient time" - e.g. the Polish Catholic Millennium Bible (Biblia Tysiąclecia) describes it with the name "Przedwieczny" (which can mean "One From Before the Time"), while the English Bibles - e.g. with the name "The Ancient of Days". The translations of the book of Zohar also use names with a similar meaning - e.g. in Polish translations of the book of Zohar it is usually called the Wiekowy Starzec (meaning e.g. "Centuries Old Man"). If one looks at this "Object" more closely, then one can see that despite of giving it an atheistic appearance of a "technical device" in this drawing, it actually contains all the most important human organs (e.g. the two silvery male "testicles" visible above and the erected "penis" contained between them), and it looks almost like a figure of a man - which makes more meaningful the words of verse 1:27 from the "Book of Genesis" stating: "So God created man in his image, in the image of God he created him, created him male and female". Since the description of this "Object" in the book of the Zohar uses an ancient language, depending on the worldview of the person who interprets it, it can be understood either as a description of a machine - as it is interpreted atheistically by the authors of the above book, or as a description of the natural and living content of the universe (i.e. an individual "drobina of counter-matter", in the twelfth memory of which a self-aware program of God is contained) - as with explanations from the text of above post #325E and from the following "Fig. #K1b", it is interpreted by the author of the web page named "god_exists.htm" and this post. After all, if for example we now have ancient descriptions of (a) the structure and operation of our "solar system" and (b) a technical device called "Antikythera Mechanism" that is illustrated e.g. on YouTube with films at addresses , then I am ready to bet with everyone that today's people typically would NOT be able to distinguish which of these two descriptions refers to (a) and which to (b). However, if we take into account the fact that "Object" illustrated on the cover of the above book, while in my opinion interpreted more correctly on the basis of the much more numerous, more accurate and more verifiable material evidence described in above text of this post #325E which confirmed the interpretation presented here, then it turns out that description of this Object in Zohar coincides exactly with the appearance, features, structure and operation of an individual "drobina of counter-matter" deduced on the basis of my scientific "Theory of Everything of 1985" (also called the Concept of Dipolar Gravity - see "dipolar_gravity.htm"). Thus, for the readers whose world view allows to accept such truth, the religious description of this object provides additional proof and one more independent confirmation that intelligent counter-matter does exist and actually demonstrates the components, attributes, functions, and actions that assign to it the logical deductions based on my scientific "Theory of Everything of 1985". In turn, learning the truth about what actually present the verses from the Zohar book discussed here, is indescribably important for our civilization. After all, if these verses actually describe the structure, operation, and attributes of components of a single drobina of counter-matter, then the scientific decoding of these descriptions will allow the humanity to master the skill of programming the counter-matter - and thus to begin the fifth and sixth "technical era of humanity" on Earth. In turn the mastery of the programming of counter-matter will allow people to perform almost the same miracles of "creating from counter-matter" that God performed, while the possibilities of which I described in items #J4.5 and #J4.6 from my web page named "propulsion.htm" and repeated also in posts #309E and #311E to blogs of totalizm, while which together with my friend we illustrated on the film "Future Propulsions".

It is also worth mentioning here that although according to the knowledge resulting from my Theory of Everything of 1985, the repeated in the above book from "Fig. #K1a" and in "Film #K1c" below the atheistic interpretation of ancient religious descriptions as a "machine" is highly erroneous, still the mere fact of presenting the knowledge contained in them in an engineering manner accessible to everyone is extremely valuable and worthwhile of being praised. After all, this presentation drew the attention of the entire humanity to the content of such knowledge and opened the way for objective searches for the truth about it. Therefore, I would like to thank here and confirm my gratitude to the authors of the book from "Fig. #K1a" and the "Film #K1c" based on this book, for the contribution of work to the interesting development of this topic and thus to opening for ordinary people the access to information which after re-interpreting into the truth and after appropriate assigning to it the today's technical, scientific and religious concepts, are to open up completely new cognitive horizons for people.

Fig. #K1b: Unfortunately, the author of this web page does NOT have the required talents, tools, nor conditions to draw up a worth showing here illustration which is shaped in his mind, and which portrays the likely appearance of the male version of the "drobina of counter-matter" (which is simultaneously one of two opposite "God Drobinas", i.e. male and female). But in order to give the reader an opportunity to imagine what such a male drobina probably looks like, below in this caption the author will explain in words how he would show it - if he had everything in his disposal that is necessary for showing it. (In turn, what the female version of the same "drobina of counter-matter" would look like, the author describes it under "Fig. #K2a" on the web page named "god_exists.htm".) And so, in its general shape and appearance, this "drobina" would resemble shapes of a "man" without clothes for some time now sold to children for playing under the name "lego man" - the appearance of which is shown by numerous illustrations available, among others, at the address . In turn in his interpretation of small details of the appearance of this drobina, the author would take into account all the requirements imposed onto it by the components of the so-called "checklist" composed from the: (1) descriptions of the "Ancient of Days" in the Bible, (2) deciphered so far by the author details of the description of this drobina contained in the book of Zohar, (3) information known from various folklore of researched by the author religions other than Christianity (e.g. NZ Maoris), (4 ) knowledge accumulated by the findings of his scientific "Theory of Everything of 1985", and (5) the author's engineering life experience, his education, acquired logic and prompts of intuition. Hence, this appearance the author interprets as the shapes of a functionally self-sufficient "living being" who is simultaneously a "drobina of counter-matter" and at the same time a "God Drobina", and thus who is characterized by self-awareness, high intelligence, thinking, the ability to communicate with others, eternal mobility, rough resemblance to a human, and other attributes resulting from the above "checklist". For example, in accordance with (1) of the above "checklist", this appearance the author would try to make the maximally similar to the appearance of a human (as it is commanded by the "key" described above in text of this post #325E). Furthermore, according to the verse 7:9 from the biblical "Book of Daniel" its hair the author would show as "white", while each of its four "heads" or "wheels" would show as emitting "flames". In turn, in accordance with (2) of the "checklist", this appearance he would simultaneously try to interpret in a manner that fulfils as much as possible all descriptions that the author managed to decipher from the book Zohar - e.g. its general appearance would need to resemble a human "unveiled face" - origins of which is explained below. In turn e.g. according to (5) from the above "checklist" and knowing that drobinas of counter-matter are in constant motion (formerly called "chaos"), and that magnetic and electric fields sometimes locally press them together, the educated in engineering author would interpret their shape as especially compact, solid and durable - means as solid as, for example, engineers were forced to give to the "lego man" illustrated, amongst others, at - especially its version , because the behaviour of today's children is almost as destructive as the consequences of "chaos". In other words, knowing that a possible collisions with other drobinas occurring in "chaos" require that these drobinas be extremely solid and compact, the drobina would be interpreted in such a way that its height does NOT exceed three of its width, while knowing that a person has two legs and two hands that have left and right versions and are highly susceptible to tearing off, also in the drobina the author would show the right and left leg and arm as particularly strong and solid, with equally solid human-like feet and hands. Apart from white, flexible hair, he would NOT consider the existence of any elements of drobinas that would protrude from their bodies (e.g. as thin rods), the possible collisions of which with other drobinas could "tear" them apart. Similarly, all four spherical "heads" of the drobinas he would show, at most, as transparent hemispheres protruding from the surface of the body (through the shells of which one could see the covered and protected by these shells three increasingly wider layers of the brains/memories). The only a half-way sticking out of these "heads" from the rest of the body would give to them the required strength and long lasting. Knowing also that the most important (because the ability to think and to store self-awareness) elements of the drobinas are these four heads, the author would give a proper illustrating of these heads the highest priority, while he would leave all remaining elements for a more perfect refinement to later totaliztic researchers. He would also interpret the hemispherical upper head as almost as wide as the rest of the body - although in the vicinity of the human "belt" it would show a slight narrowing to clearly reveal that the torso of the drobina consists of two parts with different functions. Knowing also what the human brain looks like, through the transparent coatings of each of the four "heads" of the drobinas, he would show three increasingly wider memory layers, folded like the human brains. In turn, knowing that a man has a distinct and differently shaped front and back, he would place the three lower heads on the front side, while the back would only be solid and slightly rounded. Furthermore, in order to NOT have to draw the drobina from several directions, he would show it in a view slightly obliquely from the front and side - so that it would also show the outline of its back as flat and devoid of details, as the human back is. Etc., etc.

So, applying the principles that I explained above, the appearance of the male "drobina of counter-matter" described in the book Zohar, I would interpret as follows. It would roughly resemble a figure of a naked, short, solidly built, small "man", with both thick legs typically carefully held close to each other and both solid arms placed tightly against the body - although the construction of the legs and arms would allow their movements and use. This is why I compare the general appearance of the "man" to the version of the "lego man" from the address . After all, from the engineering point of view, this "lego man" is sufficiently solid, that even the most ravagedly today's children who bang it against the furniture and walls of their parents' homes, could first devastate these apartments before they manage to destroy the figurine itself. The head of this figurine, representing the appearance of the fourth and highest, upper head of a "drobina of counter-matter", I would show as a transparent, emitting fire glow hemisphere of the dome sticking out from a transitional, solid round circle of a thick flat plate of "chin" lying directly on the body (i.e. not separated by the neck from the body). From this chin plate I would show protruding 13 elongated downwards (i.e. along the body, but protruding from it) flexible white hair strands of male "beard" - acting as a kind of "proximity sensors"). Also, to other 9 strands of white "pubic hair" described in the Zohar, I would assign a position and role like "approach sensors" similar to the function that have "whiskers" in insects and cats. In the upper "head" I would also show these three brain-like folds of "memory" arranged as if from three rounded steps of a pyramid or a "wedding cake" (i.e. folds with the greatest diameter at the very bottom). Two out of the three lower "heads" (also containing clearly visible three "brain" folds each), protruding from the body at most as hemispheres, I would show in the places where women have both breasts, and the third one in the place of the pregnancy bulge in a pregnant woman - which would make the front of this drobina with three such "heads" similar to the appearance of three domes rising above the roof of Basilica of St. Peter in the Vatican (the home of the Pope in Rome - see ), while the appearance of each of these "heads" this would make similar to the dome of the US Senate building in Washington - see . After all, the domes of the roofs of the Basilica in Rome and the building of the Senate in the USA, rising and looking in a similar way to the lower "heads" from "God Drobina", were also modelled on something and only for very important reasons were considered to be models to follow - I believe, that it is because of the appearance of these three lower heads in the "drobinas of counter-matter" (God Drobinas) were known to the architects of these buildings from the Kabbalah descriptions in the book of Zohar. This is why I would also try to make the transparent surfaces of these three lower heads similar to the breast and belly of a pregnant woman. The remaining elements (each shown in a different colour), I would also placed on the front side of the drobina, giving to them the appearance of at most hemispheres connected to the body and not too much protruding from the body surface of this drobina in places where their counterparts are found in people created in the image and likeness of God. Because I am mentioning colours here, I should add that having dimensions incomparably smaller than electromagnetic waves, "drobinas of counter-matter" for sure would NOT emit any colours, thus in reality they would be snow-white. If, however, for information and communication purposes, we would to mark them with some colours, then the actions of positive male drobinas qualify them to be marked with one of the "heating" colours with a dominance of red (such as emits e.g. everything that is hot or that heats up), while negative female drobinas - with one of the "cooling" colours with the dominance of blue (which is emitted by everything that is cool or which cools down) - means to mark them with colours that are exactly opposite to the colours which for "money", fashion, and for the principle that humanity should always follow the path of the greatest error, in the 20th century were assigned to human infants of both sexes.

Although presently the author of the web page named "god_exists.htm" and this post does NOT have at his disposal of what is necessary to draw the "God Drobina" described here, he is still in an exceptionally fortunate situation that he has a highly talented friend, Mr. Dominik Myrcik, who is able to present this drobina worthily. Hence, on 2020/7/8, the author turned to Mr. Dominik with a project to make these responsible illustrations by a joint effort. Our joint project turned out to be particularly demanding. However, until the time of publishing of post #325 (in Polish) to blogs of totalizm on 2020/8/1, illustrations were created that readers can now see above as "Fig. #K1b". The difficulties in preparing them mainly resulted from the reversal of the meaning of the well-known Chinese proverb stating that "one picture is worth a thousand words". After all, the reversal of this proverb means, that in order to achieve the correct understanding of the remote email communications describing what any image or detail should look like, it is necessary to write at least a thousand words. Because, for the sake of clarity, Mr. Dominik laboriously prepared his own 3D model of the "manna machine" described in the literature, with elements coloured identically to the "God Drobina" described here, in "Fig. #K1b" this machine is also shown on the left side of "God Drobina". In this way, while viewing both illustrations and comparing them with descriptions of NOT only the book of Zohar, but also all other sources indicated here, the reader now has the opportunity to form his/her own opinion, which interpretation is closer to the truth. Namely, whether closer to the truth is this atheistic (although also very necessary for the shocking "awakening of humanity") interpretation as a "manna machine", or based on the findings of my scientific "Theory of Everything of 1985" the above illustration of the appearance of the male version of "God Drobina" - means the most important component of the universe from the structure and operation of which originate absolutely all manifestations of reality that we humans experience. In turn, after determining which of these interpretations is more correct, the humanity will be able to start laborious decoding of the precise structure, operation and principles of programming of this drobina, in order to open for itself access to all these benefits that I described in text of this post #325E.

I should add here that in available through Internet English version of the Zohar book of interest, called "the Siphra Dzeniutha" or "Book of Mysteries", there is an interesting statement describing the general appearance of the "drobina of counter-matter" (i.e. a component of God called "The Ancient of Days"). It states, and I quote: "His vesture is white and his aspect that of an unveiled face." The problem is only "which unveiled face" - because my research reveals that after the UFO explosion near Tapanui in New Zealand in 1178, described, amongst others, on my web page named "tapanui.htm", the most of people with elongated heads and faces died out (including the entire Polish dynasty of "Piasts" - means kings of Poland with elongated heads), and today mainly round faces became popular around the world. Fortunately, the pattern of the former elongated face is still preserved in the form of face of Jesus on the Shroud of Turin - see . In turn, Jesus face agrees perfectly with the drobina, the illustration of which I am trying to explain above. After all, the appearance of the entire "human figure" of this drobina, in fact resembles the appearance of such an elongated human "unveiled face". This is because in this appearance, the three lower "heads" of the drobina resemble the eyes and nose of a human unveiled face, the testicles and penis of the drobina form the outline of the lips and mouth of the unveiled face, drobina's hands are like the ears of the unveiled face, while the legs of the drobina are like the chin of the human unveiled face. It is also worth adding that although in reality this drobina must be white, because it is too small to generate waves of any colours, I recommend that this drobina be coloured on purpose - mainly for informational and communicative reasons, i.e. to make it easier to describe later (which I already explained before).

In verses 25:14–30 of the biblical "St. Matthew" the so-called "Parable about Talents" is described - my explanation of the meaning of which I provided in item #I1 from the Polish version of my autobiographical web page named "pajak_jan.htm". This parable, among others tries to realize, that if God gives to someone a "talent", while instead of multiplying it and using it for the glory of His/Her Creator, the gifted person will "bury it underground", then the burying person does NOT get away without consequences. Therefore, the reader, if you have been endowed with a graphic talent, equipment and conditions, which the author of this post #325E lacks, then on the basis of these descriptions, but extended with your own interpretations of the Kabbalistic book of the Zohar, the Bible and other sources, try to illustrate and send to me the eventuating your own imagination the appearance of male or female "drobinas of counter-matter" (i.e. "God Drobinas") together with justifications why selected elements of it you showed differently than it results from descriptions provided here. In turn, if your illustration worthily fulfils all requirements of the "checklist" quoted above and brings new learning values, then I am willing to show it to other readers in the "part #K" from my web page named "god_exists.htm". Therefore, it is worth visiting frequently that "part #K" of the web page named "god_exists.htm", if the reader wishes to follow the progress that in the meantime is going to be made in illustrating the appearance and in deciphering features, components and principles of operation of the male and female "God Drobina" - means both versions of "drobina of counter-matter", the atheistic imitation of which probably was intended to be the so-called "god particle" (i.e. "Higgs boson").

Film #K1c: Here is a 26:04 minute free YouTube video entitled in Polish "Wiekowy Starzec" (meaning "Centuries Old Man"). This video is distributed for free from . It explains and illustrates the most important information about the "Object", which in this film is called the "machine for producing manna", but which actually represents the male version of an individual "drobina of counter-matter". Information about this "Object" must come from religious sources, because such an individual "drobina of counter-matter" is too small for anything from our physical world to be able to see it (in the film this information is given from 5:10 to 10:15 minutes of its run). For example, the film explains and illustrates how such an individual "drobina of counter-matter" is constructed, what functional elements (parts) it consists, what are the most important functions and capabilities of each of these elements (parts), as well as principles of their operation, etc. The film is relatively well prepared in terms of analyzes of religious literature sources on the topic presented in it. Its only slight inconvenience is that it purely speculatively interprets the descriptions of a "drobina of counter-matter" as descriptions of the "machine for producing the biblical manna" and that it unobjectively omits a whole range of information (some of which I described in text of post #325E above), which prove that these descriptions do NOT concern a "machine". But we must remember here that "matching facts with theoretical concepts" always is a component of every search for truth and knowledge, it always requires analyzing every matter from various points of view and verifying whether they fit into the manifestations of the reality that surrounds us. As such "matching" this film is worth watching, remembering simultaneously that fortunately for the entire humanity in such matching a greater compliance with the reality shows NOT the "machine" discussed in this film, but the explained above in post #325E situation that what in the film is called a "machine for producing manna" in fact is a male (positive, warming, yang) version of an individual "drobina" of the biblical "The Ancient of Days" - means a "drobina of counter-matter". A much more complete knowledge about this drobina results from my scientific "Theory of Everything of 1985" also called the "Concept of Dipolar Gravity" - which, unfortunately, against everything and towards its own immeasurable harmfulness, atheistically leaning majority of my countrymen with the stubbornness of "solidified concrete" ties and humiliates already for over 35 years, in their proceedings pretending that this theory does NOT exist at all. This, of course, begs the question: what have these persons or institutions to hide that they with the perversity of the "solidified concrete" tie and humiliate my scientific "Theory of Everything of 1985" for over 35 years? After all, from experiences of real life we know for a long time, that those ones who block and hide the obvious truth of someone else, certainly have also something important or nightmarish to hide about themselves - which the disclosure of this other truth would bring to the light!

Film #K1d: Here is a 17-second-long excerpt from our film "Future Propulsions" (in English) which illustrates how in the fifth and sixth "technical eras of humanity" will look like the creation of new substances or objects through running programs contained in counter-matter. This excerpt shows the synthesis of the so-called "Inca Wall" from ancient Peru shown in "Fig. #H1" on the web page named "god_exists.htm". But in fact the creation of any new objects or substances, including edible "manna" in various perfect versions of its flavours, will look almost the same, as it will be carried out either by running ready-made programs already contained in the counter-matter, or by newly created programs which in the future people will learn to make and put to work. It is worth emphasizing here that there is NO limit to what can be created in this way, as whatever someone's minds can imagine, programs from counter-matter will then be able to either create it completely anew from free counter-matter, or transform into it the counter-matter from some other already existing substance or object. In a similar manner - although in the opposite direction, programs contained in counter-matter will be able to annihilate objects or substances that already are unnecessary for people, either by turning them into volatile counter-matter, or by transforming the counter-matter that they contain into some other objects or substances (e.g. transforming water into wine, turning stones into loaves of bread, clouds into living fish or frogs, sand into hungry locusts, lead into gold, paper into banknotes, etc.). Of course, if after mastering the skill of programming counter-matter, the nation that has this skill still had some enemies who would be reckless enough to send tanks, bombers, cruisers, rockets, or even military Magnocrafts (see the web page "military_magnocraft.htm") against this nation, then with the help of an appropriate counter-material program, this nation could turn its enemies either into a cloud of volatile counter-matter, or into a herd of rams, or into a pile of manure to fertilize the soil. In turn the first step towards the learning by the entire humanity or by one of its nations how to accomplish all this, is the learning of attributes, structure, operation, and principles of programming of individual "drobina of counter-matter" (means "God Drobina") which was initiated here.

Examples of the lack of boundaries for the capabilities of creation that can be achieved in the future through programming of counter-matter are everything that in antiquity was achieved by wizards, sorcerers, fairies, gins and other supernatural creatures, while nowadays accomplish in the same way the leading so-called "Magicians." After all, today some also know how to use the already existing standard software of counter-matter. It is thanks to this software that nowadays statues can move their limbs, shed tears or drink liquids - which has already been documented in numerous videos, e.g. see or . In turn during ancient times, this software allowed dead statues or even dead leaders to wield weapons and take part in battles, while deceased people would march long distances to their home place of burial - for descriptions of such old Chinese "walkers of the dead" see item #H2 on my web page named "sw_andrzej_bobola_uk.htm".

Copyrights © 2020 by Dr Eng. Jan Pająk

* * *

The above post #325E (in English) is an adaptation of item #K1 from my web page (also in English) named "god_exists.htm" (updated on 12th of August 2020, or later). Thus, the reading of the above descriptions would be even more effective from the web page "god_exists.htm" (or from "volume S" of my publication [13] disseminated via the Polish web page named "tekst_13.htm"), than from this post - after all e.g. on the totaliztic web pages are working all (green) links to other related web pages with additional explanations, important texts are highlighted with colours, the descriptions are supported with illustrations, the content is updated regularly, etc. The most recent update of the web page "god_exists.htm" can be viewed, amongst others, through addresses:

(*) Notice that every address with totaliztic web pages, including all the above web addresses, should contain all totaliztic (my) web pages - including all the web pages indicated in this post. Thus, in order to see any totaliztic (my) web page that interests the reader, it suffices that in one amongst the above addresses, the web page name "god_exists.htm" is changed into the name of web page which one wishes to see. For example, in order to see the web page named "god_proof.htm" e.g. from the totaliztic web site with the address , it is enough that instead of this address in the window of an internet browser one writes e.g. the address

The above manner (*) for viewing the totaliztic web page that is sought by the reader, is especially useful, because the majority of my web pages is published on "free hosting addresses" - some amongst which have this habit that typically they delete my web pages just after one year. Thus, if the reader wishes to find any such my web page to which I refer in my older posts from this blog, and therefore which page in the meantime was deleted from free hosting addresses, then it is enough to visit the newest post on this blog - under which I am providing the list of most recent and thus currently the most valid addresses that contain all my web pages. Then in any amongst these most current addresses the reader can find the web page which he or she is seeking, just by using its name for modifying that address accordingly to the method (*) described above (which method allows to run any totaliztic web page chosen by the reader).

It is worth to know as well, that almost each new topic that I am researching on principles of my "scientific hobby" with "a priori" approach of the new "totaliztic science", including this one, is published in all mirror blogs of totalizm still in existence (the above topic is repeated in there as the post number #325E). So far 8 such blogs were created and maintained. At the moment only three out of these 8 blogs of totalizm still remain undeleted by adversaries of the new "totaliztic science" and of the moral philosophy of totalizm. These three blogs of totalizm still available can be viewed at following internet addresses: (or )

Fortunately, the deletion of 5 oldest blogs of totalizm has NOT erased their content. This is because as from 30 October 2018, all (i.e. currently as many as 325) posts to blogs of totalizm (almost half of which are in two languages, i.e.: in Polish and English) are also published in an electronic "book-like" volumes marked [13] and available in safe PDF format and in two print sizes (i.e. large 20pt and normal 12pt) from the Polish web page named "tekst_13.htm" (with most vital items in English), available on all addresses indicated above (i.e. addresses finished on ).

Other posts about "counter-matter" and "God" related to this #325E:

#313E of 2019/8/17 (adapted from item #J4.4 of web page "propulsion.htm")

#308E of 2019/4/7 (adapted from #A0 of web page "god_proof.htm")

#299E of 2018/7/1 (adapted from #J5 of web page "petone.htm")

#273E of 2016/7/17 (adapted from #D4 of web page "dipolar_gravity.htm")

#188E of 2010/10/29 (adapted from #E1 of web page "will_pl.htm")

#117E of 2007/4/7 (adapted from #B1 of web page "evolution_pl.htm")

With the totaliztic salute,

Dr Eng. Jan Pająk


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Streszczenie: Chociaż podobnie jak każdy z ludzi, także i autor niniejszego wpisu #362 do blogów totalizmu jest tylko niedoskonałą i omylną osobą, która jak my wszyscy w swym życiu też popełnia błędy, ciągle wymową ogromnego materiału dowodowego jakie jego badania ujawniły, ma obowiązek aby ostrzegać: ludzkość i Ziemia przez tysiąclecia są skrycie okupowani i eksploatowani przez aż szereg ras naszych kosmicznych krewniaków technicznie bardziej od nas zaawansowanych jednak moralnie zupełnie już upadłych. Dlatego poniższe punkty #I1 do #I5 tego wpisu #362 prezentują opisy wyglądu, cech, możliwości, oraz potwierdzającego materiału dowodowego, które ujawniają nam największą konspirację w dziejach ludzkości jaka zmyślnie ukrywa przed ludźmi operowanie na Ziemi nawet tak głośnych i tak spektakularnych gwiazdolotów tych naszych krewniaków z planet Oriona, jakie są już trzecią z kolei z najważniejszych konstrukcji technicznie wysoko zaawansowanych gwiazdolotów od ponad 50 lat postulowanych mo

#369E: Let us improve our fate and life by improving our morality to the one commanded by God in the Bible, which softens the behaviour of nature and inanimate objects that always copy the resultant morality of people who live at their mercy

Summary of items #N1 to #N3 below from this blog #369E : Let us remind ourselves the totaliztic definition of "morality" developed from the philosophical approach called "a priori" and stated in the INTRODUCTION and in items #A2 and #B5 of my web page named "morals.htm". It informs that: "morality is the level of 'obedience' with which people fulfil the commandments and requirements of God who gave them life." In other words: "morality is the level of obedience in fulfilling all the commandments of God detailed in verses 20:3-17 from the 'Book of Exodus' in the Bible and all the remaining requirements also described in the Bible." Let us note that according to my discovery described in #K1 and #K2 of the web page named "god_exists.htm" and in posts #325 and #326 to blogs of totalizm, all matter from our "world of matter" (including our bodies) was created from living, thinking, and absolutely obedient

#299E: Why the Kabbalah and its tree of life most probably are the revealed by Biblical Elijah and rediscovered by the Concept of Dipolar Gravity God's system for managing people and institutions

Motto: "The created by God system of governing over the fate of people and institutions, which we learned from the discoveries and evidence earned due to the Concept of Dipolar Gravity, forms an effectively working mechanism of management, education and judgement, which with its structure and work resembles a tree of life from a tool called Kabbalah shared with people by the biblical Elijah probably in order to develop with it inducing growth improvements in human management systems that previously were known for causing downfalls." If the reader looks closely at my scientific achievements (from the area of knowledge usually referred to as my research "hobby"), then he will discover that most of this output is trying to scientifically identify, define, work out, and describe for the use of other people all God's tools that have the decisive impact on the course, quality and results of our lives. The process of collecting my scientific achievements, in a