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#326E: The existence of negative (subtracting/taking) female and positive (adding/giving) male versions of the "God Drobinas" means "drobinas of counter-matter" described in the Kabbalah book of Zohar and confirmed by all other categories of evidence, while used by God as the model for creating man and woman

Motto: "The primary reason why everything in the universe has its own opposite - is the existence of both positive male and negative female versions of 'God Drobina' means 'drobina of counter-matter'. " (The truth that is proven by the extensive evidence presented here in this post #326E and previously in post #325E from this blog, as well as in items #K1 and #K2 from the web page named "god_exists.htm")

#326E: The existence of negative (subtracting/taking) female and positive (adding/giving) male versions of the "God Drobinas" means "drobinas of counter-matter" described in the Kabbalah book of Zohar and confirmed by all other categories of evidence, while used by God as the model for creating man and woman

My analyzes of ancient religious descriptions of the Hebrew Kabbalah from the book "Sefer ha-Zohar" (described in previous post #325E from this blog and available via ) confirmed the truth of the verse 1:27 from the biblical "Book of Genesis" stating - I quote from the Catholic (Polish) "Millennium Bible": "So God created man for his image, in the image of God he created him, male and female he created". As the confirmation of the truth of this verse 1:27 turns out to be the actual existence of positive male (adding/giving) and negative (subtracting/taking) female "God Drobinas". (Notice that the word "drobina" is a Polish word that is used here on purpose because it represents an overfilled with love and respect synonym for the word "particle" used by the official atheistic science. Hence the use of the name "God Drobina" prevents the new totaliztic science (which developed the first scientifically irrefutable formal proof for the existence of God - see the web page "god_proof.htm") from the use in relation to God the same deprived of respect and love word, which the official atheistic science uses to name the so-called "God particle" of described more thoroughly in (7) near the end of this post #326E.) The existence of these "God Drobinas", that simultaneously are elementary components of always mobile and intelligent liquid called "counter-matter" which fills up the entire "counter-world" and from which "matter" of our world was created, was predicted already 35 years ago by my scientific "Theory of Everything of 1985" (also called the "Concept of Dipolar Gravity" - see the web page "dipolar_gravity.htm"). The appearance, structure, features and operation of the positive (adding/giving) male "God Drobina" (on the appearance and operation of which God modelled "men" that He created) is described in more detail and illustrated in previous post #325E for this blog of totalizm. So in this post #326E I am going to describe below and to illustrate the negative (subtracting/taking) female version of the "God Drobina" - on the appearance and operation of which God modelled "women" that He created.

From the precise descriptions contained in the ancient book "Sefer ha-Zohar" and confirmed by the extensive empirical evidence which I present here, it appears that in the physical sense the negative (subtracting/taking) female version of the "drobina of counter-matter", means the negative (subtracting/taking) female "God Drobina", does not differ much from the positive (adding/giving) male version of this drobina reported in previous post #325E from this blog - similarly as the human female body does not differ much physically from the human male body. Hence, the main physical difference between them boils down to their hair and genitals. For example, the female version of this drobina does NOT have these 13 strands of white beard hair on the chin - as shown in "Fig. #K1b(right)" and is described in post #325E from this blog, although it has a "lower beard" composed of 9 strands of white hair. Furthermore, it does NOT have a penis or testicles, while in their place it has what the English translations of the Zohar book describe with the word "hole" meaning "hollow" or "indentation". Only that this "hole" (the pronunciation of which probably NOT by accident in English sounds very similar to the pronunciation of the word "holy") is surrounded by something like "testicles" - the English-speaking Zohar describes it that this "hole" has parts "concealed and not concealed", which can be understood, for example, that this "hole" is surrounded by protruding bulbous fragments similar to male "testicles", and it also has some elements inside of it. Furthermore, this "hole" is well shielded with 9 strands of white hair, while the access to it is perfectly guarded and can be "closed" with legs.

But contrary to only slight differences in physical appearance, in the sense of its actions the negative (subtracting/taking) female version of the "God Drobina" (means in actions the female "drobina of counter-matter") is drastically opposite to the actions of the positive (adding/giving) male version of God Drobina. This fact is confirmed NOT only by descriptions in the book Zohar, but also by all other categories of empirical evidence indicated in previous post #325E of this blog. For example, while the actions of the positive (adding/giving) male version of "God Drobina" can be described as generically "adding" - means "increasing", "giving", "incrementing", "warming", "positive", "concentrating", "yang", etc., the actions of the negative (subtracting/taking) female version of "God Drobina" can be described as generically "subtracting" - means "reducing", "lowering", "taking", "cooling", "negative", "distracting", "yin", etc. (Note that the features expressed in Old Chinese terms "yang" and "yin" are briefly described in item #B2 from my web page named "fruit.htm", while supported by quotations from ancient sources, their wider explanation, which originates from ancient Chinese philosophers, is described in subsection H2 from volume 4 of my slightly older free monograph [1/4] - available through the web page named "text_1_4.htm".) Thus, when e.g. whirls composed of positive (adding/giving) male drobinas of counter-matter cause the concentration and increase of pressure in their centres compared to the pressure on their peripheries - what we all know best from the "higher-pressure weather whirls of air" which are the source of sunny and almost windless weather, identically like them moving whirls of negative (subtracting/taking) female drobinas of counter-matter cause exactly the opposite phenomenon, means the scattering and lowering of pressure in their centres compared to the pressure on their peripheries - which people know best from the "lower-pressure weather whirls of air" that are the source and cause of truly "female moods" in natural climatic phenomena, means in the natural rainfalls and also in the natural appearance of hurricanes (see the web page "hurricane.htm") and possibly even tornadoes (if there is at all such a thing as "natural tornadoes").

By the way, the "official atheistic science" erroneously uses "gender equality" in naming low pressure, negatively swirling hurricanes. This erroneous "gender equality" manifests itself in the incorrect (in light of the knowledge about "God Drobinas" and about "whirls of counter-matter" explained here) naming such low pressure negative hurricanes both with male and female names - while correctly low-pressure hurricanes caused by female (subtracting/taking) "God Drobinas" should be called only with female names, while with male names should be called only high-pressure ones (if such high-pressure hurricanes will be induced one day). This is why, for example, the technically induced hurricane "Katrina" (see web page "katrina.htm"), which on August 29, 2005 completely devastated the city of New Orleans in the USA and took the lives of about 1100 people, was affectionately named with a female name. In turn e.g. the technically induced hurricane "Hugo", which I described in more detail e.g. in (A) from item #J4 of the web page named "hurricane.htm", and which in 1989 appeared near the Caribbean Islands and then devastated the south-eastern area of the USA, was named after a male. In other words, correctly all hurricanes should be called with female names, because so-far all of them are formed by low-pressure (female) whirls of counter-matter - although technically in manners described in my web pages "katrina.htm" and "hurricane.htm", hurricanes can also be formed with the use of both female and male whirls of counter-matter. In turn only technical tornadoes so-far are formed by both female (low-pressure) and male (high-pressure) whirls of counter-matter.

Just because of this "subtracting", "taking" and "dispersing" action of the negative female versions of God Drobina, in spite that in reality everything in it has a "white" colour, in her illustrations I suggest to mark it with a "subtracting" colour blue - as shown below in "Fig. #K2a". It is also worth knowing that female Hindu goddesses originally were usually described as having blue skin - although from the 20th century they began to be painted in accordance with the commercial tradition of the West assigning to girls and to their clothes the colours copied from pink lipsticks (although in recent years women have started to also use blue lipsticks that are more appropriate for functioning of their gender).

As we know, in the Bible (and therefore also in all versions of Christianity) the church is represented by the symbol of the "woman in white" and "bride". So according to this symbol, for example, St. Peter Basilica in the Vatican (see ) is built as an imitation of such a white female "God Drobina" (i.e. pregnant woman in white) facing the heaven with its front side. In turn, the gate leading the faithful to the interior of this basilica, is in the place of that "hole" covered with a white colonnade which imitates individual strands of white hair of the "lower beard" which in a female "drobina of counter-matter" covers this "hole", and is protected on both sides by two "legs" embracing the assembly square in front of the entrance. Similarly, having only one lower dome (out of these three lower domes or "heads" existing in the female "God Drobina"), the building of the US senate (see ) also imitates such a white female drobina (i.e. a pregnant woman in white) facing the heaven with its front side, and the gate that leads people to its interior is also located in the place of that "hole" and as well is covered with a white colonnade which imitates individual strands of white hair of the "lower beard", which in the female drobina covers this "hole". The Swiss Parliament building (see ) - which has all three lower "heads" of God Drobina, is even more than the US Senate similar to the appearance of the white female "God Drobina" lying turned with her front toward heaven (as described in the Kabbalah book of Zohar). But all these buildings are surpassed by one which has as many as all four "heads" of "God Drobina". The one surpassing them all is the erected in 537 in "Novo Roma" (present-day Istanbul), the oldest of the still existing basilicas in the world - usually named "Aya Sophia" (see ). By having all four "heads" that exist in every "drobina of counter-matter" including both the male and the female "God Drobina", it actually confirms that the builders of Aya Sophia knew and immortalized in their basilica the information contained in the book of Zohar. Only that the architect of the Aya Sophia showed all four of these "heads" as directed in the same direction (i.e. towards heaven), while in the "God Drobina" only the upper, largest and most important "head" is directed "up" means unlike the other three smaller lower "heads" that point "forward". It is also worth to know, that when in 1993 I personally examined at this basilica details of the construction of Aya Sophia, I was struck by several extraordinary features of it, which I described in its history recorded under my photo of this basilica provided as "Fig. #1c" from the web page named "bible.htm". The most important out of these details is the similarity of its main dome and interior (e.g. "ramps" used in it instead of stairs) to the UFO vehicle type K7. On the other hand, from the religious Hebrew mythology described in subsection P6.1 from volume 14 of my monograph [1/5] (see web page "text_1_5.htm") it is known that the biblical "Eden" ("Paradise") was actually a UFO type K7. So the builders of Aya Sophia knew much more about the history of the creation of humans and about the "God Drobina" than we know on these subjects today. Another extraordinary detail is the "cold-melting of the material of its hard bronze column" under the pressure of the head of Emperor Justinian. From the evidence that still exists in various places around the world, and also from old so-called "legends", it is already known that in the past on Earth operated people who knew how to run application programs contained in "God Drobinas". This is because some among such programs allowed to "bypass" the limitations that God pre-programmed into the work of "laws of nature". From similar "legends" about Aya Sophia it is known, that to group of such people was also belonging the builder of this basilica, i.e. the emperor Justinian himself - the additional confirmation of which fact is him having at his service a devil (demon) called Procopius (see ). One of these "legends" informs that in front of his entourage Justinian accomplished such "cold-temperature softening" of the metal of bronze column that still supports the balcony in Aya Sophia, with just the pressure of his head on this column. Thus, his head formed a spherical concave in the column about a half of his head deep. In 1993 I had the opportunity to examine this cavity carefully and to even measure to it my own head. The today appearance of this indent column (in English called "Sweating Column" or "Wishing Column"), at present covered with a brass casing, is illustrated at "Fig. #K3a" from item #K3 of the web page named "god_exists.htm". This column and its concavity made by Justinian's head seem to confirm strongly that during the construction of Aya Sophia, such ready-made utility programs stored inside of "drobinas of counter-matter" were used - as described, among others, in item #K3 of the web page named "god_exists.htm". Still another extraordinary detail is the significance of its "contorted" main dome as one of a series of evidence for the gradual shifting of the Earth's crust in total by 7-degrees in the result of the 1178 UFO explosion near Tapanui in NZ - which evidence is explained, amongst others, in the "introduction", item #G1 and on "Fig. #10" from my web page named "tapanui.htm".

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The existence of both positive (adding/giving) male and negative (subtracting/taking) female "God Drobinas" described in this post #326E and also described in previous post #325E (i.e. "drobinas" of extremely subtle "counter-matter") explains the "greatest philosophical puzzle" of science in present times, namely the puzzle: "why all positives and negatives from our physical world behave in a way that theoretically can be explained only by their speculative representations, but which do NOT have an explanation based on their physical representations from our physical world?" Unfortunately, we live in times which are best described by an old scientific joke (which joke perhaps is even a real event repeated later as a joke) - from the telling of which we laughed at the Wrocław University of Science and Technology (see ) back in times when I was a student in there and when there were still so-called "cathedras" instead of today's "institutes" and "colleges", as well as real, reliable and responsible "professors" instead of today's "HODs" and "CEOs" - means we laughed at it over 50 years ago, but the telling of which to today's scientists probably would NOT be accepted with a smile. This is because the joke states that: 'the professor from the "cathedra of electricity", famous throughout the entire country, came to work highly saddened. So his cathedral electricity colleagues asked him why he was grieving. He explained to them that his son at school got "fail" (i.e. "unsatisfactory mark") from physics because he did NOT know what an "electric current" is. You should not be sad for such a trivial cause, the professor's professional colleagues consoled their professor. The son will learn from the physics textbook what electric current is and his assessment will improve. That's not the problem, answered the professor - you see, I am considered to be the highest electricity expert in our country, but I also don't know what electric current is!'

Unfortunately, present-day people lost their natural in earlier (communistic) times the search for this hidden at least the "second message" which is always included in everything that is decided, enacted, written, spoken, drawn, officially communicated, etc. In times when the above joke we told each other, everyone knew that every message, joke, fairy tale, story, article, book, message, etc., always contains at least two messages. The first of them is openly revealed with the content conveyed in words, while the second (and the next ones) are hidden in the situation, the phrases used, inter-object and interpersonal connections and imperfections, etc. Particularly rich in such second (and subsequent) hidden messages are: religious descriptions, including the Bible and the book of Zohar - as an example consider the biblical "Parable of Talents" explained in item #I1 from Polish version of my autobiographical web page named "pajak_jan.htm" and mentioned in "Fig. #K1b" from previous post #325E to this blog; statements and decisions of politicians - e.g. note what in 2020 politicians said and what politicians did on the matter of "covid-19"; and also very rich in these second and other messages are the old "tales with moral" - as an example of these consider the famous Russian fairy tale "about a fisherman, his wife and a goldfish" to which I link readers in items #J1 and #J3 from my other web page about named "hurricane.htm". The above joke also has this second hidden message. It states that: the "electric current" is such an extraordinary and complex phenomenon, that at a given level of human knowledge even the most eminent experts of a given country may be aware that it is impossible for them to learn even the most fundamental knowledge about the mysteries of electricity. We were once aware of this second message and therefore enjoyed telling the above joke. However, today's universal chase for "money" (see #A1 to #A4 at "partia_totalizmu_uk.htm"), haste, lack of time, cell phones, SMSs, "sexing" and other habits that baffle people, cause that the humanity lost the ability to see these subtly hidden second and further messages. People nowadays look at everything only superficially. Therefore, seeing only the first open message contained in the words used, such just a joke that the most famous in the country expert on electricity could NOT know what an electric current is, today it would NOT be greeted with smiles of understanding, while current scientists used to replacing the inconvenient truth with sweet-sounding so-called "white lies" would even be afraid to tell this kind of jokes, or even just to discuss the issue of the existence of the "greatest philosophical puzzle" of science today.

So it is best if I explain here in words what is going on with this "greatest philosophical puzzle" of science of present times. The easiest way to explain this is to look at the positives and negatives of electricity. Namely, if the actual (i.e. manifested empirically) behaviour of electricity is studied, then the electric positives and negatives behave as if they have the characteristics of their "speculative representations" with opposite but twin-similar characteristics and behaviours. For example, the positives of electricity flow in wires and in nature, and cause their opposite physical effects exactly the same as do the negatives of electricity. But if one researches the physical carriers of electricity known to "official atheistic science", then it turns out that only the "electric negative" - which is the "electron", has its physical representation capable of flowing in conductors and causing physical effects. In turn the "electric positive" does NOT have such a physical representation capable of flowing. This is because the carriers of electric positives are atomic nuclei and their protons. These, however, most often are permanently attached to the matter through which electricity flows, and thus they are NOT able to "flow" physically - as in practice positive charges of electric current actually also do it! So how is it possible that in electricity (and in all other phenomena having positives and negatives), physical (means actual) both positives and negatives behave inversely but twins-like, similarly as should behave their NOT subjected to physical limitations theoretically speculated counterparts, although in our physical world both of them (i.e. electric positives and negatives) do NOT have their physical representations which would be capable of demonstrating such behaviours? The answer to this philosophical puzzle is just provided by the existence of male and female "drobinas of counter-matter", means by "God Drobinas". Namely, although on the "coarse" level of "matter" from our physical world, positives and negatives do NOT have physical representations capable of demonstrating equivalent but opposite behaviours, perfectly symmetrical representations of these positives and negatives exist at a level much lower than "matter", i.e. on an unspeakably subtler than "matter" level of "counter-matter", which is too small to be able to visually observe its existence and behaviour from our physical world. So it is these "drobinas of counter-matter" ("God Drobinas") and their highly advanced software capable of any transmission, that represent all positives and negatives of our physical world, causing such a compliance of physical behaviours of electric charges with their theoretical behaviours deduced speculatively.

If, what I explained above about the solution to the "greatest philosophical puzzle" of science of present times described here, one would explain to any present scientist, then probably this scientist would deny that such a puzzle exists. After all, the knowledge of present scientists is dispersed by the work of outdated "atheistic theories" which proverbially "do NOT lean out" beyond the level of "matter". Fortunately, there is a lot of empirical evidence which documents that both, such a puzzle really exists, and that its solution results from the existence of described in the book of Zohar the male and female living "God Drobinas" means "drobinas of counter-matter" - to the image of which God himself created a man and a woman. So let us now review in items the most commonly known examples of this material evidence. And so, it includes, among others:

(1) Existence of positive weather "high-pressure whirls" and negative weather "low-pressure whirls". We all see it on television, that the weather is governed by two air whirls, namely positive "high-pressure vortices", i.e. those that in the northern hemisphere swirl the air clockwise, and negative "low-pressure whirls", i.e. those that in the northern hemisphere swirl the air opposite to the clockwise (i.e. counter-clockwise). In the southern hemisphere of Earth, both of these weather vortices swirl the air in opposite directions than in the northern hemisphere. According to explanations which for many years I have been publishing in numerous my monographs and web pages (e.g. on web pages "hurricane.htm" and "tornado.htm"), both these weather whirls of air arise because gigantic whirls of counter-matter, which in their whirling motion assume the shape of closed loops resembling huge snakes rotating around their axis while holding their own tails with their mouths and while their whirling loops are so huge that they penetrate through the entire volume of our planet and then close their circular looping through a significant area of the space that surrounds us. These huge loops of whirling counter-matter in their whirling motion through the Earth's atmosphere grab and swirl air particles which are enveloped into drobinas of counter-matter from these whirls. However, in the sense of the kinematics of the rotational motion performed, both these weather whirls, namely the high-pressure (positive male) ones as well as the low-pressure (negative female) ones, move identically, only that in a given hemisphere of our planet, the Earth is penetrated by opposite segments of their huge loops that rotate in opposite directions. (The reader can experimentally check and confirm the identity of kinematics of both these whirls, by imitating the penetration of Earth in first stage by a given segment of a whirling model of their loop and recording the directionality of spinning of the whirls watched by people standing on Earth at the entry of the loop into the northern hemisphere and by people standing on Earth at exit of this whirling loop at the southern hemisphere, and then repeat such imitation of the penetration of Earth with the opposite segment of the same loop the rotation of which remains the same as previously, so that you can notice that the directionality of whirling of this opposite segment of the loop at the input and the output will change into the opposite to ones noticed in the first stage of this experiment.) Since both these weather whirls kinematically demonstrate the identity of movements but simultaneously form opposite pressures in their centres, the kind of pressure phenomena that both these whirls generate must result NOT from their motion, but from opposite "genders" of male and female drobinas of counter-matter that create both these kinds of weather whirls of air. In other words, each one out of both high and low pressure weather vortices of air formed by such gigantic whirls of counter-matter must always be defined (consist of) "God Drobinas" of the same (homogeneous) "gender". So if they are "low-pressure whirls" then they only consist of negative female drobinas of counter-matter. In turn if they are "high-pressure whirls" then they only consist of positive male drobinas of counter-matter. Such opposite "genders" of drobinas of counter-matter, the whirls of which propel both these types of weather whirls of air, cause that each of these whirls displays opposite attributes. For example, the negative (subtracting, taking, scattering, dispersing, yin) "low pressure vortices" always have air pressure lower in their centre than at their circumference, while positive (adding, giving, condensing, focusing, yang) "high-pressure vortices" always have air pressure higher in their centre than at their circumference. "Low-pressure whirls" also cause rain, storms, hurricanes (see "hurricane.htm") and tornadoes (see "tornado.htm"), while "high-pressure whirls" cause nice weather and a mild wind or a complete lack of wind. Etc., etc. In confirmation of the fact that the weather on Earth and on other planets is governed by just such "whirls of counter-matter" which penetrate through the entire volume of the planet, there is a significant body of evidence. An example of this evidence can be the fact that while penetrating the volume of our planet, local people see them spinning in opposite directions on both hemispheres of the Earth in the places where they emerge from the ground. Other examples of this evidence may be the fact that the trajectories of their migrations along the surface of the Earth's crust typically coincide with the course of mass thinning, hence they usually avoid mass densities located inside the Earth (caused e.g. by so-called geological "faults": see ) - which means that most often they move along almost the same paths, and that the speed of their movement is regulated by God so that they precisely propel and control the speed of rotation of our (and every other) planet. Notice that both these weather whirls are described more comprehensively in the caption under "Fig. #K2a" below and in the publications with which I link the reader over there - e.g. in subsection H4.2 from volume 4 of my free monograph [1/5] disseminated on the Internet via the web page "text_1_5.htm".

(2) The existence of positive and negative lightning. Today's ultra-fast film cameras managed to document the existence of something that according to the state of present "official atheistic science" should NOT exist, namely the existence of "positive lightning bolts". The present official science is able to explain the existence of "negative lightning bolts" - means streams of electrons radiating from negatively charged clouds to positively in relation of clouds charged earth. However, this science is unable to correctly explain the opposite to them "positive lightning" which beats from positively charged earth (when compared with clouds), to negatively charged clouds. However, such "positive lightning bolts" are recorded relatively frequently by today's ultra-fast film cameras. I found a lot of English-language films confirming their existence in August 2020 on YouTube - for example, see: (2a) 4:32 minute movie "STRANGE LIGHTNING STRIKES - Caught on Camera and explained" from ; (2b) 2:47 minutes video "7 Incredible lightning types | Amazing Weather" from ; or (2c) 3:25 minutes film "Amazing UPWARD Lightning in Super Slow Motion! from . But in order for such "positive lightning" from more positively charged earth to negatively charged clouds do exist, it is necessary that the phenomenon of positive and negative electricity results NOT from the flow of only negative elementary particles of "matter" (i.e. "electrons") - as it explains them the present "official atheistic science", but results from the flow of positive and negative "energy programs" contained in the memory of "counter-matter" and carried by male and female "God Drobinas", means by "drobinas of counter-matter".

(3) The existence of "cold radiation". Present physics can explain why "heat positives" can be radiated from a distance. The explanation is that their carrier is electromagnetic (thermal) infrared radiation. But present physics is NOT able to explain why "cold" can also be radiated from a distance. For example, when as a teenager I read widely available then substantive and objective popular-science books (today I have NOT encountered a case of dissemination of such books), then many of them described old experiments which showed the existence of "cold radiation" - see . (Currently the official atheistic science vigorously denies the existence of such "cold radiation", similarly like it denies the existence of "perpetual motion" - because their existence reveals the false foundations on which its knowledge is based, but old time scientists were NOT so hermetic to truth.) Namely, if e.g. you use concave focusing mirrors, similar to those shown in "Fig. #D2ab" from my web page named "artefact.htm", while in front of them something very cold is placed, then at the focal point of such mirrors the temperature starts fall sharply. So this means that in reality there are "rays of cold", means "thermal negatives" - although the official atheistic science is unable to explain where these "rays of cold" come from, because the only electromagnetic radiation known to official science is able to transfer solely heat - means "thermal positives". Only the transfer of positive and negative "energy programs" by male and female "God Drobinas" is able to explain why experimentally both the existence of "heat radiation" and "cold radiation" can be registered.

(4) Energy - behaving like an intelligent program with the ability to communicate and transmit itself over long distances, NOT as a product of mindless physical interaction. The present "official atheistic science" describes energy as the result of the interaction between objects formed of "matter", the interaction of which is transmitted between these objects through either direct touch or some form of physical flow. This is why textbooks disseminated by the official atheistic science explain that e.g. in order for mechanical energy to flow between e.g. an engine and wheels of a car, between these elements there must exist some mechanical connections in the form of e.g. a drive shaft, differential, axle, etc.; while in order for electricity to flow, for example, between a power plant and our apartment, these two target facilities must be connected, for example, with electric wires. Furthermore, according to the "official atheistic science", while being just a product of a "stupid" physical interaction between objects made of equally "stupid matter", energy cannot be created or annihilated, thus e.g. "perpetual motion" devices that produce "clean free energy" supposedly are impossible to build. On the other hand, the new "totaliztic science" implementing the findings of my scientific Theory of Everything of 1985 (also called the Concept of Dipolar Gravity - see the web page "dipolar_gravity.htm"). for over 35 years already states that energy is a kind of intelligent program which is transmitted (transferred) between individual drobinas of counter-matter and which contains the algorithms of the manner of its transmission or flow, algorithms of phenomena to induce, and algorithms of mutual communication with its environment. Just such descriptions of energy are disseminated in totaliztic publications since 1985 - e.g. see subsection H9.2 from volume 4 of my monograph [1/5] (see web page "text_1_5.htm"). Of course, when energy is an intelligently communicating and transmitting program, with such energy one can do everything that can be done with programs, i.e. it can be transmitted remotely (transferred) through drobinas of counter-matter, copied, created, multiplied, deleted, changed, trigger into action with appropriate commands, etc. This is why my scientific "Theory of Everything of 1985" (see ) for over 35 years already states that "perpetual motion engines" and "generators of pure free energy" can be built - the truth of which statement is empirically proven by already constructed and working prototypes of these devices, some of which working prototypes I described and illustrated with videos e.g. in item #B3 from my web page named "fe_cell.htm". There is a wealth of evidence which documents that energy is actually an intelligently propagated "program". Two examples of this evidence are already described in (2) and (3) above: i.e. they are (2) "the existence of positive and negative lightning bolts", or (3) the "existence of cold radiation". Of course, other examples of this empirical evidence are also highly illustrative, e.g. consider "telekinesis" (means remote activation of the operation of "energy programs"), or exploits of "Kung-Fu" masters from the Chinese "Shaolin" school, who empirically mastered some methods of controlling these intelligent "programs of energy" - and whose demonstrations I personally watched in action on 2002/2/5 in Kuala Lumpur, when they demonstrated, for example, smashing steel rods and huge concrete slabs into fluff with hand or head blows, pushing the entire van through a spear the blade of which was applied to the larynx of one out of them, etc. - for more detailed descriptions of their display see subsection B3.2 from volume 7 of my monograph [1/5] (see web page "text_1_5.htm"). It is also worth adding here, that understanding by people that "energy" is an intelligent program, will allow for gradual learning how to release energies that are already pre-programmed into this program. This in turn will allow in the future the release of energy in order to carry out actions that today's "official atheistic science" considers to be pure fiction (although in the past they were often implemented) - e.g. it will allow: to split stones with the touch of a hand, levitate gigantic blocks of stones to their designated locations in buildings, turn e.g. ordinary carpets into "flying carpets", become invisible to other people, penetrate through walls, generate free energy and control its operation, build "perpetual motion" engines, throw lightning, produce non-waste nourishing food with features of biblical "manna" which, at our mental command, will taste as we wish it at the moment (e.g. check in Google the keywords: the manna Bible, depending on the wishes of the food eaters, it became what they wanted; or see English quotes and biblical comments on the subject of the: taste of the manna varied according to the wish of the eater ), repeatedly hitting the target, e.g. with a stone, arrow, or any other projectile (note that I myself accidentally discovered in the childhood principle of triggering the "hitting program" also contained in counter-matter, this program is described in item #K3 from the web page "god_exists.htm", etc., etc.

(5) The existence and operation of already constructed "perpetual motion engines" and "clean free energy generators". If "energy" is defined as it is defined by the jealously guarded monopoly of today's "official atheistic science", then "perpetual motion" devices should NOT be buildable - as this science misleadingly proves it with its supposed "laws of thermodynamics". But the prototypes of these devices that operate in practice have been built for a long time - their existing now examples are discussed and illustrated with videos e.g. in the abovementioned item #B3 from my web page named "fe_cell.htm", or in item #J4.4 from my other web page named "propulsion.htm". In turn the actual existence properly working prototypes of "perpetual motion" devices means (and proves) that energy is an intelligent "program" - as it is explained by my scientific Theory of Everything of 1985 (also called the Concept of Dipolar Gravity - see the web page "dipolar_gravity.htm"). In turn "energy" can only be a "program", if there are "drobinas of counter-matter" means "God Drobinas" described here - the existence of which drobinas confirms and explains the "greatest philosophical puzzle" of science today.

(6) The existence of the phenomenon of "telekinesis" and its human version called "psychokinesis". The official atheistic science with the stubbornness of "solidified concrete" still denies the existence of such phenomena as telekinesis (see web page "telekinesis.htm") and its human version called "psychokinesis". (These, however, are NOT the only phenomena which the "official atheistic science" negates, because they do not fit into its "theories taken from a ceiling" that limit the universe to exclusively "stupid matter" - as other examples of such negation consider: telepathy (see web page "telepathy.htm"), UFOs (see web page "ufo_proof.htm"), or supernatural events (see ) or "miracles" - a lot of which I experienced and saw with my own eyes, while I described e.g. in item #F3 from the web page named "wszewilki_uk.htm" or on the web page "soul_proof.htm".) But it is enough for the employees of this official atheistic science to leave their "ivory towers" for a while, and they would have no trouble finding out that these phenomena actually do exist. In turn, in order for these phenomena do exist, the "drobinas of counter-matter" means "God Drobinas" described here must also exist - which in turn through the logical cause and effect chain discussed above leads to confirmation of the existence (and to the solving) of this "greatest philosophical puzzle" of science of present times.

(7) Problems with the so-called "God's particle" (see ) means "Higgs boson". In 2008, near Geneva, Switzerland, was completed the construction of the enormously expensive so-called CERN "Large Hadron Collider". In turn the main goal for which the present "official atheistic science" insisted on having it, is the experimental confirmation of the existence of the so-called "God particle" that is the elementary particle of "matter", also known as the "Higgs boson" - because for predicting its alleged existence, in 2013 the Nobel Prize was awarded to Peter Higgs and François Englert. All these costly and unproductive actions were undertaken by the "official atheistic science" in spite that since almost 30 years earlier than the theories of Higgs and Englert, my scientific Theory of Everything from 1985 (also called the Concept of Dipolar Gravity - see the web page "dipolar_gravity.htm") was persistently trying (and still is trying) to explain to this official atheistic science and to the rest of humanity, that all particles of "matter" are simply collections of at least two gigantic whirls of counter-matter (i.e. at least one high-pressure whirl means male and one low-pressure whirl means female) in which the size of individual drobinas of counter-matter corresponds to the size of a given elementary particle of matter approximately the same as the size of this elementary particle of matter corresponds to the size of our entire galaxy - for more details on this subject see subsection H4.2 from volume 4 of my free monograph [1/5] disseminated on the Internet through the web page named "text_1_5.htm". Only that the truth of my explanations, until today disseminated already for over 35 years, falls on the proverbial "deaf ears" of today's employees and decision makers of the official atheistic science. But in spite that employed scientists disregard, ignore, ridicule, disgust, and stubbornly block from disseminating the truth that I discovered so many years ago, this truth is well known to enforcing justice God. In turn calling something a "God particle" when it is formed from "stupid" matter and when it unimaginably much differs from the actually existing "God Drobinas" formed from "thinking and living" counter-matter - which I try to describe and illustrate, amongst others, in "part #K" of the web page named "god_exists.htm", it constitutes a kind of "challenge" and even "boastfulness" towards God. Not without reason, in verses 1:27-29 from the biblical "1 Corinthians", there was a warning - I quote from the Polish Catholic "Millennium Bible": "God chose what is foolish in the eyes of the world, to shame the wise, chose what impotent to humiliate the strong, and that which is not nobly born according to the world and despised and what is not, God has singled out, that what is may be annihilated, so that no creature should boast before God." So no one should be surprised, that regarding this supposed "particle of God" made of "matter" from our physical world, spectacularly wrongly and confusedly invented and disseminated by the "official atheistic science", from the beginning there were, and I believe will be until the end, various problems, distortions, shocks and "natural" surprises.

At this point I should add, that the descriptions of my modern and presently the most moral philosophy of totalizm, presented in item #F1 of the web page named "totalizm.htm", try to make all people aware that "without learning (and acknowledging) the truth there is NO progress". It is because just the present "official atheistic science" refuses to learn and recognize the truth of my "Theory of Everything from 1985" (see ) and that with the stubbornness of "solidified concrete" it blocks the truth and spreads out its erroneous and highly outdated theories, this science is NOT able to correctly predict anything any more with its theories - an example of which inability, showing itself as clearly as previously did it "perpetual motion" devices and the alleged "laws of thermodynamics", include also among others, the "God particle" means the "Higgs boson". This is also why, if e.g. the army or industry wants to work out something new, then it is NOT able to receive theoretical help in such matter from present scientists, but must carry out experiments by itself in order to find out practical knowledge on the subject. In turn today's scientists start to theoretically join the effort only "after the fact" (i.e. when a given matter has already been experimentally researched and implemented) and unfortunately they still do it in the wrong manner, because completely atheistically.

* * *

The need and the content of this follow up post #326E published herewith results from the existence of the male version of the "drobina of counter-matter" (also called the male "God Drobina") that is described in previous post #325E. Only that in order to fully exhaust the subject of this post #326E, then similarly as in the case of developing the content of the previous post #325E, it will also be necessary to put into it a significant amount of my free and supposedly only "hobby" research and work - for continuation of the doing of which at this moment, unfortunately, temporarily I cannot afford. Thus, if God grants me (and us) a permission to extend in the future the research from this post #326E and the previous post #325E, then another portion of the time-consuming and energy-consuming research and searches for truth required for this purpose, I will be able to add only after some time in future. On the other hand, there is a tremendous amount of topics that require such a scientific extension, modification or correction - after all, the existence of "drobinas of counter-matter" ("God Drobinas") changes practically almost everything that scientists officially state. For example, it is already certain that in the model of the atom for the initial development of which, among others, my countryman Ernest Rutherford (1st Baron Rutherford of Nelson), firstly received the Nobel Prize and then was appointed NZ baron of the township of Nelson, unfortunately, is extremely far from the truth and from reality, while developing it with consideration of the work of male and female whirls of counter-matter would bring it significantly closer to the truth. It is similar with current scientific models of elementary particles. Also the entire cosmology will have to be worked through if we take into account the effects of male and female "whirls of counter-matter" on movements and behaviours of celestial bodies. To the mysterious functions and activities of living organisms and their cells, "God Drobinas" are giving completely different explanations. The so-called miracles and unexplained phenomena or events suddenly gain rational explanations. Etc., etc. So just in case, if someone is interested in this topic and does NOT bother him/her, that the knowledge contained in it reveals errors, distortions, rejection of truth and contradiction of the knowledge already known and confirmed for ages, notoriously committed NOT only by almost the entire present institution of "official atheistic science" and NOT only by almost all present religions conformistically inclined to the official atheistic science that openly denies their merits, but also by almost the entire humanity of today, then it is worth to come back here after some time to check if I already had time and possibilities to additionally extend truths and information contained in this post #326E, and to check whether I already included in there some additional and more precise illustrations and descriptions that extend the "Fig. #K2a" below and the "Fig. #K1b" shown in previous post #325E.

Fig. #K2a: Here are two "God Drobinas" (male and female) that I made available to all interested, among others, at the address . At my supplication, their appearance was computer-generated by my friend, Mr. Dominik Myrcik, so I received them ready for publication on 2020/7/31 and 2020/8/8, respectively. On the right side there is an illustration interpreted as a pre-pattern of human appearance (i.e. NOT the appearance of a machine) and confirming that the descriptions of Kabbalah from the book of Zohar discussed here explain the features, structure, operation and appearance also of the negative (subtracting/taking) female version of the living individual "drobina of counter-matter" that simultaneously is the negative (subtracting/taking) female "God Drobina". For comparison, on the left side of the above drawing is also shown the appearance of a positive (adding/giving) male version of the "drobina of counter-matter" previously shown and described in detail in the right part of "Fig. #K1b" from previous post #325E. Notice, however, that on the basis of the same descriptions from Kabbalah of the book Zohar, the authors of the book from "Fig. #K1a" in the previous post #325E claim atheistically that the Zohar describes a "machine for producing manna".

The appearance of the negative (subtracting/taking) female version of "God Drobina" shown above differs with only a few small details from the appearance of the positive male version shown here and previously in "Fig. #K1b" from previous post #325E - e.g. such details that "she" does NOT have a hairy beard, penis, or two testicles - all of which details are present in the male version of this drobina. On the other hand, the behaviours and effects of actions of both these versions of the drobina of counter-matter in many respects are completely opposite to each other, just like opposite to each other are all the positives and negatives - some already noted differences in their behaviours are described in my publications, while examples of the most important of them are provided in the next paragraph of this caption. The above drawing tries to illustrate the appearance of the female drobina, prepared more according to the artistic vision of my friend Dominik, than according to the very laborious analysis of the book of Zohar that has just begun. After all, such analysis requires a laborious translation into today's scientific concepts the interpretation of ideas from book of Zohar with the help of the scientific "key" provided to us by my "Theory of Everything from 1985" (see ) and explained in post #325E from this blog. But since the process of deciphering descriptions from the book of Zohar guided by this "key" from the previous post #325E is only just beginning, there will need to be made substantive efforts of many future totaliztic researchers to make our knowledge about the appearance, features, structure and operation of male (positive/giving) and female (negative/taking) drobinas of counter-matter uplift to the level of full compliance with the objective truth, and to start the collecting practical fruits generated by programs from these drobinas.

In the sense of appearance, the female (negative/taking) version of the drobina of counter-matter displays very slight differences from the male (positive/giving) version shown previously in "Fig. #K1b" from previous post #325E. These differences mainly boil down to hair (e.g. to the existence of a hairy beard in the male version) and to what God shaped as genitals when creating people. Nevertheless, there are huge differences in the behaviour of both versions - which are quite opposite to each other. In fact, these differences are the source of the existence of numerous opposites that we see in the reality that surrounds us - such as the source of male positives and female negatives, warmth and cold, reason and thoughtlessness, obedience and waywardness, good and evil, etc. I already described many of these opposites in my publications and websites. For example, the focusing male version of the counter-matter reacts opposite to the forces of gravity and to light from the scattering female version - which in our world causes manifestations that today's physicists try to explain with the concepts of so-called "dark matter" (see ) and "dark energy". Also e.g. "whirls" formed from a grouping of male versions of drobinas of counter-matter cause the phenomena which form "weather causing whirls of air" shown on television while on my web pages "tornado.htm" and "hurricane.htm" are explained as the "high-pressure vortices" - i.e. the vortices in the centres of which there is a higher (positive) pressure compared to the pressure from their edges. In turn the whirls of female groups of drobinas of counter-matter cause the phenomenon of "low-pressure vortices" that are opposite to the male ones - i.e. in centres of which there is a lower (negative) pressure as compared to the pressure from their outskirts. Here it is also worth adding that the weather "whirls of counter-matter" penetrate the entire volume of the planet because they are also used by God to fulfil the additional functions of the "propulsion" and "speed controller" of the Earth's rotation. (Without the possession of such "whirls of counter-matter" that propel and regulate its rotation, the Earth would quickly cease its rotation due to the action of various forms of friction.) Therefore, fragments of the male (positive) version of "weather whirls of counter-matter" emerging from the Earth in the northern hemisphere, always rotate clockwise. In turn, portions of their female (negative) version in the northern hemisphere rotate counter-clockwise - means in the opposite direction to the male version. At the same time, fragments of both versions, emerging from the Earth in the southern hemisphere, spin in the opposite way than they do in the northern hemisphere. Hurricanes and tornadoes driven by this spinning counter-matter also rotate on both hemispheres in directions identical as both these weather air whirls.

If you, the reader, in your review of this blog managed to read both, the previous post #325E and this post #326E up to this point, then I would like to congratulate you - here you have learned a very important for your future fragment of the scientific "Theory of Everything of 1985", which in spite of revealing the truth, in present times it still represents the knowledge and scientific accomplishments of our civilization that have become the most strongly, although secretly, cleverly, and deceptively blocked and disgusted by some unidentified organization, institution, state, or power.

Copyrights © 2020 by Dr Eng. Jan Pająk

* * *

The above post #326E (in English) is an adaptation of item #K2 from my web page (also in English) named "god_exists.htm" (updated on 7th of September 2020, or later). Thus, the reading of the above descriptions would be even more effective from the web page "god_exists.htm" (or from "volume S" of my publication [13] disseminated via the Polish web page named "tekst_13.htm"), than from this post - after all e.g. on the totaliztic web pages are working all (green) links to other related web pages with additional explanations, important texts are highlighted with colours, the descriptions are supported with illustrations, the content is updated regularly, etc. The most recent update of the web page "god_exists.htm" can be viewed, amongst others, through addresses:

(*) Notice that every address with totaliztic web pages, including all the above web addresses, should contain all totaliztic (my) web pages - including all the web pages indicated in this post. Thus, in order to see any totaliztic (my) web page that interests the reader, it suffices that in one amongst the above addresses, the web page name "god_exists.htm" is changed into the name of web page which one wishes to see. For example, in order to see the web page named "tapanui.htm" e.g. from the totaliztic web site with the address , it is enough that instead of this address in the window of an internet browser one writes e.g. the address

The above manner (*) for viewing the totaliztic web page that is sought by the reader, is especially useful, because the majority of my web pages is published on "free hosting addresses" - some amongst which have this habit that typically they delete my web pages just after one year. Thus, if the reader wishes to find any such my web page to which I refer in my older posts from this blog, and therefore which page in the meantime was deleted from free hosting addresses, then it is enough to visit the newest post on this blog - under which I am providing the list of most recent and thus currently the most valid addresses that contain all my web pages. Then in any amongst these most current addresses the reader can find the web page which he or she is seeking, just by using its name for modifying that address accordingly to the method (*) described above (which method allows to run any totaliztic web page chosen by the reader).

It is worth to know as well, that almost each new topic that I am researching on principles of my "scientific hobby" with "a priori" approach of the new "totaliztic science", including this one, is published in all mirror blogs of totalizm still in existence (the above topic is repeated in there as the post number #326E). So far 8 such blogs were created and maintained. At the moment only three out of these 8 blogs of totalizm still remain undeleted by adversaries of the new "totaliztic science" and of the moral philosophy of totalizm. These three blogs of totalizm still available can be viewed at following internet addresses: (or )

Fortunately, the deletion of 5 oldest blogs of totalizm has NOT erased their content. This is because as from 30 October 2018, all (i.e. currently as many as 326) posts to blogs of totalizm (almost half of which are in two languages, i.e.: in Polish and English) are also published in an electronic "book-like" volumes marked [13] and available in safe PDF format and in two print sizes (i.e. large 20pt and normal 12pt) from the Polish web page named "tekst_13.htm" (with some items in English), available on all addresses indicated above (i.e. addresses finished on ).

Other posts about "counter-matter" and "God" related to this #326E:

#325E of 2020/8/1 (adapted from item #K1 of web page "god_exists.htm")

#316E of 2019/10/7 (adapted from item #A1 of web page "evolution.htm")

#286E of 2017/8/1 (adapted from item #C7 of web page "prawda_uk.htm")

#236E of 2013/8/30 (adapted from item #C4 of web page "immortality.htm")

#234E of 2013/6/30 (adapted from item #F3 of web page "wszewilki_uk.htm")

#219E of 2012/6/1 (adapted from item #B1 of web page "changelings.htm")

#183E of 2010/7/5 (adapted from item #H2 of web page "tapanui.htm")

Let totalizm prevail,

Dr Eng. Jan Pająk


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