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#350E: Symbolism of monuments confirming thousands of years of hidden exploitation of humanity by our parasitic relatives from the Orion planets

Summary: in this post #350E I inform how my fate caused that while studying old legends of NZ Maoris I first made the discovery of a place on Earth near the town of Tapanui, NZ, in which a cigar magnetically coupled from 7 UFO starships of K6 type was intentionally exploded - sowing permanent destruction and death over all continents of Earth (including my native Poland: consider the fate of the city of Vineta and the extinction of dynasty of Polish Piast kings), and later, by another twist of fate, I got to know the intelligence gathered by the late Andrzej Domała during his UFO abduction to the planet Nea - which revealed the reason why UFOnauts secretly occupy, exploit, and torment humanity since thousands of years. The outcome of this my fate was also, among other things, learning how our ancestors symbolically expressed the relationship with UFOs of someone or something known to them. In turn, the learning of this symbolic expression of the connection with UFOs led to the formulation of the ideas of monuments described below in #A1 to #A1c, the display of which while keeping the engineering compliance with the actual appearance and behaviour of UFO starships enables the building of structures that are to help people to declassify the secret occupation, exploitation and tormenting of humanity that has been going-on for many thousands of years - which in the next few years may end with an almost complete destruction of humanity and turning the Earth into a huge poisoned garbage dump in which life ceases to be possible, as described both on my web page "2030_uk.htm" and on our half-hour free educational film (in Polish but with English subtitles) entitled "Zagłada ludzkości 2030" (the tile of which means "The Great Purification of Humanity in 2030s" - see ) available for viewing since 6th of May 2018 by anyone willing.

Motto: "for there is nothing covered-over that will not become uncovered, and secret that will not become known." ("Bible, verse 10:26 from "Gospel according to St. Matthew")

#A1. Maori legend from Mataura - means what motivated me to prepare this post #350E and the "tapanui.htm" web page:

I wonder whether the reader believes in a so-called "fate". In my case everything seems to indicate that because of this "fate" I was pushed to complete scientific research that later eventuated, amongst others, with writing the web page "tapanui.htm" from items #A1 to #A1c of which this post #350E was adapted (while firstly eventuated with writing monographs of [5] series on the content of which the web page "tapanui.htm" is based). The first "push of the fate" I experienced in 1982, when, as a Polish Solidarity activist, I was forced to escape from Poland where a "witch-hunt" then started, means then started persecutions of Solidarity activists (see web page "pajak_jan_uk.htm"). I landed at a proverbial "end of the world" means in the most south located city in the world. This city is called Invercargill and it is located at the southern tip of New Zealand. By action of the "fate", not far from this city of Invercargill are positioned also most important places described in this post #350E, namely Rakiura, Mataura, Pukeruau, Tapanui, etc. Therefore already in 1983 I heard for the first time a relatively well-known in that area, highly puzzling Maori legend about the origins of the name "Raki-ura" (in Maori meaning the "Glowing sky"). This name "Raki-ura" Maoris assigned to the oceanic island closest to Invercargill and currently known under the English name of the "Stewart Island". Soon later I learned even more meaningful legend about the "Fires of Tamaatea" that originates from a nearby small town named "Mataura". These legends record the course of a mysterious catastrophe to which the Maori mythology refers under the general name of the "Fires of Tamaatea". My later research established that this catastrophe was actually the intentional explosion of an extraterrestrial spaceship caused near the small New Zealand town of Tapanui, on 19 June 1178 AD - but the fact of the existence of which explosion is denied until today, while the place of its occurrence - is silenced and hidden by the "official atheistic science", in spite that its evidence and very harmful to people consequences are well known for many years by people from the vicinity of the township of Tapanui in NZ. My later research explained this catastrophe as the exploding of an extraterrestrial UFO starship capable of travelling through time, intentionally caused by UFOnauts and taking place near the New Zealand township of Tapanui on 19th of June 1178 AD - the first such out of several places about which I later discovered that there also UFOs were exploded in them on purpose in order to sow on Earth the widespread death, destruction, planetary geological changes devastating for people, and the described in #K1 of the web page "tapanui.htm" the highly harmful to the mental state of humanity, the so-called "telepathic noise". (For descriptions of consequences of another intentionally caused such a destructive UFO explosion see my web page named "day26.htm".) Here is the content of this old Maori legend from the South Island of New Zealand:

"In the fortified Maori village (now a small township), later named Mataura, all began as a typical winter morning. This village was located in the far south of the South Island of New Zealand. Placed on the top of a local hill it overlooked a dense totara-tree bush which extended from horizon to horizon. The Maori warriors on guard heard the loud calls of feeding Moa birds coming from this bush. People had just finished their morning meal and looked for shadowy spots to escape from the scorching rays of the sun. The damp, sub-tropical air was still cool, but its temperature was rising quickly. Unexpectedly, warriors on duty from the observation tower spotted an almost vertical cigar-shaped object. It was gliding silently on the western side of the sky, glowing intensively. Warriors began to yell "Mataura", "Mataura". In the ancient Maori language this was equivalent to the present scream "UFO", "UFO". Everyone rushed to watch. When observed from below the gliding cigar had the shape of a huge column or a horn, with a disk-shaped base that glowed like a full moon - see Figure #3 below. It suspended motionless just above the village. Its enormous shadow cast far beyond the edges of the fortifications. After hovering for some time, the object moved eastward towards the next Maori village later named Tapanui. Its flight was watched with pious attention by a large crowd of Maori. When it reached the western slope of the hill called Pukeruau (in Maori language "puke-ruau" means "the hill that moved/shook the Earth"), from the cigar's upper end a single vehicle tried to separate. But something went wrong with this manoeuvre, because suddenly a blinding flash erupted from the spaceship. For a large number of people watching, this flash was the last thing they were to see, because its power turned their bodies into ashes in a fraction of second. The lucky ones, who stood shaded from this killing light, rapidly began to experience what seemed to be the end of the world. The Earth had rocked under the blows of a series of seven powerful blasts. The air got dense from the scorching heat. Everything around burst into flames. The Maori people still alive rushed panicking into a nearby river, but the water reached only a few of them. Sparse survivors of the escalating destruction later kept telling their descendants hair-raising stories about the ocean of fires which extended from horizon to horizon and digested everything around, about the hurricane that cut down trees by their roots and pealed off the surface of the ground, about a glowing mushroom-shaped cloud that scorched their skin, about the burning dust that choked their lungs, about red-hot stones as large as huts which, with a terrifying whistle, kept dropping everywhere from the sky, about huge waves from the ocean that climbed deeply into the land, and about the many years of coldness, rain, floods, hunger and death which came afterwards."

There is a unique monument of these terrifying events left in New Zealand until now. This is the name of the small township "Mataura", which is an ancient equivalent to the present term "UFO". Thus, Mataura is probably the only township in the world whose name has such unconventional meaning and origin. Therefore, since the years of my lecturing in Invercargill, I strongly believe even until today that in order to emphasize its uniqueness and become known to the rest of world the township of Mataura should build a kind of a monument or a sculpture that would copy the exactly engineered shape of a UFO - for more details see illustrations from Fig. #A1a to Fig. #A1c below.

Stories similar to that presented above are still told by descendants of Maori warriors from the Mataura village. This legend is only a small example of the oral Maori tradition concerning "Nga Ahi o Tamaatea", i.e. legendary fires which in New Zealand written folklore are better known under their English name of the "Fires of Tamaatea". The main hero in all these legends is a mythical commander "Tamaatea" (the meaning of the Maori name "Ta-ma-atea" could be interpreted as "the powerful from space"), sometimes also called "Tamau". He originated from stars, or more strictly from planets of Orion as explained in items #J1 to #J4 of web page "1985_theory_of_everything.htm" and in post #349E for blogs of totalizm. But he frequently returned to Earth in his discoidal spaceship called "Mata-ura" or "Mata-aho" (the name "Mata-ura" can be interpreted as "the glowing/radiant face or disk"). The information which constitutes the main motive for all these legends states that a huge vehicle of "sons-of-sky" commanded by Tamaatea exploded in ancient times in New Zealand, spreading fires, destruction and death that affected everything in New Zealand. (Above: UFOs symbolically "illuminate" both towers of the cathedral in Polish city of Wrocław) (Consider also the symbolism of the figure of the Polish king Sigmund ascending over Warsaw) (Sigmund's Column in Google Descriptions)

Fig. #A1a: When in the years 1983 to 1987 I was lecturing Software Engineering at the College in the southernmost large city of the world called Invercargill, that is located at the most southern end of the South Island of New Zealand, I studied old legends of local Maoris about the emergence of the then discovered by myself the first place so identified in the world where UFOnauts intentionally exploded a stack of 7 UFO starships near small NZ town named Tapanui. The most important evidence that the UFO explosion near Tapanui was caused on purpose by UFOnauts, is indicated and explained in item #J7 of the web page "tapanui.htm", and also in "chapter I" and "subsection D4" from my monograph [5/3] disseminated via the web page "text_5_3.htm". (Later I got to know several other such places of deliberate exploding of UFO vehicles in order to cause death and destruction - other of which I described e.g. on the web page named "day26.htm".) Studying these old legends about the UFO explosion near Tapanui led me to the discovery that the name of a small township called "Mataura" also located not far from Invercargill, in the old language of local Maoris was a name to a mysterious starship which in the present "modern" language is represented by the name of a UFO starship. Because it was then that I was simultaneously carrying out extensive developmental engineering works on synthesizing the design, materials, principles of operation and precise appearance of the starship of my own invention called the Magnocraft described on the web page "magnocraft.htm" while shown more precisely on our 4-minute-long YouTube video from the address having the title: How big is the Magnocraft? (which my Magnocraft starship incidentally turned out to look and work exactly like UFO starships), I then turned to the authorities of the township of Mataura, that for their own good they should somehow honour the uniqueness of the name "Mataura (meaning "UFO") assigned to their town, by building in it some monument or a public object with a precise appearance and dimensions of a UFO starship - precise data and illustrations of which, together with my advice on how to technically construct this monument, I offered then that I will provide the authorities of the town of Mataura for free. Unfortunately, although that my proposal was quite loud at that time, as it was even discussed by the local radio station "Foveaux Radio" (the recording of which discussion may have survived somewhere in my luggage until today), in order to undertake the actual construction of any monument that looks precisely like a UFO, it is necessary that there is currently a demand for such monument, and that there are also people and resources needed to complete its construction. Furthermore - what we humans still are NOT aware of, is that if one wishes to build or do anything that works against the secretive occupational interests of UFOnauts (similarly as the disclosure of the precise appearance, design and principles of operation of UFOs to fellow humans would work against secretive interests of UFOnauts), then UFOnauts have the power, organization and enormously advanced technical devices in operation on Earth, capable of creating so many extraordinary obstacles against building or doing it - examples of which obstacles I described in #A5 from my web page named "totalizm_pl.htm", that one needs either almost a miracle or superhuman work to overcome these obstacles and to accomplish his/her goals - about which fact I was also convinced by implementing the project that I described in part #J from the web page "tekst_3b.htm", while about what the late Andrzej Domała discovered and described in subsection #B5.3 from Polish treatise [3b] entitled "Kosmiczna Układanka" - (which title means: "The Cosmic Puzzle") - while a few of his words about these suddenly appearing obstacles I quoted in [3b] Subsection B5.3 from item #K2 of the web page named "petone.htm". The explanations, which I am presenting below about the symbolism of UFO monuments, are aimed, among others: at reminding today's residents and authorities of the town Mataura that my old offer is still valid; at giving the assurance that my former offer of gratuitous engineering help is valid as well; at reassuring that it is worth considering such construction for the good and prosperity of Mataura town and at making "Mataura" truly the world famous because of the uniqueness of its name "Mata-ura". In turn to other readers I hope these explanations on ways of expressing UFO symbolism will provide as follows: (a) will indicate symbols with the use of which in old times connections with UFOs of a given institution, place or person were expressed, and also (b) will indicate symbols which have been proven during use for centuries, and with which now when we know that UFOnauts are the actual occupiers, exploiters and tormentors of humanity, these relationships with UFOs can be emphasized again, as well as that (c) to those interested in learning about UFOs, these UFO symbols will also reveal the correct (because developed during the engineering synthesis of my Magnocrafts) precise data about the actual appearance, dimensions and principles of operation of individual out of 8 main types of discoidal UFO starships.

Let us start from listing the knowledge that is provided to us by the findings of these attributes of UFO vehicles (i.e. UFO vehicles that in their engineering are identical to the Magnocrafts of my invention described in "chapter G" from volume 3 of monograph [1/5]) and that originate from my research and development of the design and operation of my Magnocraft starships invention and that have the utmost ability to amaze and impress people watching them. Means, let us list those attributes which are perfectly suited for their subsequent replication in people's monuments as symbols of relationships with UFOs. I am to list these attributes here in a numbered sequence that reflects their power to inspire people, or the power to impress people who have no knowledge about the design and operation of UFOs - means to impress "people of embarrassing ignorance" at times when the knowledge about UFOs is already widely available in my publications distributed free of charge via the Internet (only that in order to get to know this knowledge, one needs to break through clever efforts of UFOnauts to hide its sources).

(1) Rays of light projected by UFOs. In my opinion, the most important of these attributes is that UFOs fly towards the heaven and at the same time their propulsors can act as powerful torchlight projecting streaks of strong light on people and on Earth’s objects, which light is simultaneously able to act as optical fibres for telekinetic lifts and elevators - just like this is described in subsection G1.3 from my monograph [1/5]. This feature is best illustrated by photographs and videos taken in recent times, showing pillars of light thrown to the ground by UFOs and illustrated, for example, in Fig. P17 from volume 13 of my monograph [1/4] disseminated for free via the web page "text_1_4.htm", or on #1ab and #A2ab from the web page named "memorial_pl.htm". This pillar of light, acting as a "lift made of light", has even been adopted by modern movies - see, for example, the beginning of English comedies starring Rowan Atkinson with the common title Mr. Bean (see ), or see TV series with William Shatner entitled Star Trek (see ) with his famous saying "beam me up, Scotty". Because UFOnauts occupy, exploit, and torment humanity from the beginning of time, this pillar of light thrown onto someone by UFOs is even shown in old religious paintings. My good friend, former Miss Italy, Daniela Giordano, who from the totaliztic civilization that helps us, received on behalf of humanity a telepathic communication device called the "Telepathic Pyramid" (described in web page "telepathy.htm" and in our joint treatise [7e] disseminated for free via the web page "7_text.htm"), even wrote a whole book on the representation of UFOs in religious paintings. In her book, photos of religious UFO paintings are documented on high-quality reproductions. One of such religious images from 1486 AD, showing just a thin "beam of light" shone by a UFO at Virgin Mary in her home on earth, Daniela Giordano discusses at lengths from 9:15 to 11:13 minutes of her 48-minute-long interview available for free at the address . Unfortunately, the sound of this interview was later, as usual, sabotaged by UFOnauts - fortunately, the video with this interview has "cc" (subtitles/closed captions) that repeat every word Mrs. Daniela Giordano. Furthermore, apart from the reproduction of the religious image that she discusses, on the video there are also pages from her English book that describe the details of given painting.

(2) The appearance of UFOs themselves. This quality amazes ignorant people until today. No wonder that from the earliest times people recreated the appearance of UFOs in various structures and objects. Examples of secular version of such structures expressing the cosmic symbolism of UFOs are so-called English "band rotundas" from public parks - see (in Poland, its function is fulfilled by the so-called "muszla koncertowa" meaning "concert shell" from parks, which is slightly different in shape - see ). In past these "band rotundas" were built in parks of many English-speaking countries as stages for local orchestras, which in times of lack of radio and television-sets played live on sunny Sundays in these "rotundas" for local residents who gathered around them. For example, in New Zealand such "rotundas" still exist in many parks, e.g. just from towns in which I lectured and lived: in the park of Invercargill (see ) and in the "botanical garden" (as they call their park in there) from Timaru - see ttps:// . Unfortunately, because of the aversion to the subject of UFOs, which was forced onto morally and emotionally weaker rulers and decision-makers from the entire humanity by telepathic and post-hypnotic commands that UFOnauts themselves, issued through use their superior techniques of mass control, nowadays almost no-one is able to even consider building anything in his/her town that could precisely reflect the true appearance and dimensions of UFOs - which situation is a pity because people are constantly looking for patterns of just such structures. Thus, in the whole world it is still impossible to find a recently constructed monument or building which would illustrate the precise shapes, dimensions and appearance of any of the 8 basic types of discoidal UFO starships, calculated and determined due to the engineering research on my Magnocrafts. The only such structure, unfortunately still significantly different from the shape, dimensions and appearance of the actual UFO, that I found and noted that is closest to the actual appearance and dimensions of a UFO, exists in Santiago (capital of Chile) - and its illustration is shown, among others, by music video with the address: also shown, for example, on the first screen of my "playlist" at the address "p_nfb.htm". Honestly speaking, the main reason why during my lecturing at the Polytechnic in Invercargill, NZ, I tried to persuade the inhabitants and the management of the nearby town of "Mataura" to build such a UFO monument or other structure for themselves, was that their structure would be the first in the world that would in engineering perfect way reflect the actual appearance, shape and dimensions that accurately illustrate UFO discoidal starship of a small type K3 or K4 - precise design data of which I wanted to provide them for free, while I illustrate below in Fig. #A1b and Fig. #A1c. After all, I know these data very well from the engineering development "how" of design of my own starships, the Magnocraft. I also know that our civilization desperately needs to have some structures which would serve as models that show the precise appearance and dimensions of UFO starships. In turn the name "Mata-ura" for this NZ town, in the old language of the local Maori actually meaning the same as the present name "UFO starship", imposes on the NZ township of "Mataura" the duty and honour to become one of the first towns in the world (together with Tapanui in NZ and with Nasielsk and Legionowo in Poland) that have the valid reason and the right to made such precisely constructed model of UFO and that would be able to show it to the entire world. (For the explanation of the Maori name "mata-ura" as an ancient equivalent for the present name "UFO starship" - see item #A1 from the web page named "tapanui.htm".)

(3) Features, shapes and behaviours of UFOs themselves. Especially their ability to fly towards the heaven, or to hover motionless above Earth’s structures or objects - which either interested crew members of some UFOs, or from which UFOnauts just abducted some people to UFOs. These in turn served as models for constructing human buildings with images of UFOs on top of them, replicated from sightings of UFOs by local builders. Most of such buildings have the so-called "Moorish" architecture (see ) - for example the old railway station in Kula Lumpur from Malaysia, built in colonial times by English - the architecture of which I admired greatly during my professorship at the Malaya Universiti - see . Nevertheless, the Polish religious buildings have a very similar symbolism, for example see two shining UFO starships shown in the above illustration, which decorate the tops of both towers of the cathedral from the city of Wrocław in Poland, or see the image of a UFO vehicle added to decorate the top of the tower of "my family" church in Milicz, shown as Fig. #D29 from my web page named "milicz_uk.htm".

(4) Extraordinary forms that are assumed by black beams of powerful magnetic field force lines, which interact with light (e.g. which absorb light) while leaving UFO propulsors (by the late Andrzej Domala these black, light-absorbing beams of a powerful magnetic field were called the "black light"). Beams of this black magnetic field are copied in many buildings - for example, consider the so-called "confessions" - the broader descriptions of which confessions, as well as their illustrations, are shown in my publications linked with the Polish keyword: konfesja from my Polish web page named "skorowidz.htm".

The most interesting are the ways in which old-time people, with their even more then today primitive technology, developed the symbolism that meant the relationship of something with these mysterious attributes of UFO vehicles. (Which attributes, unfortunately, still remain mysterious even for many present people - who stubbornly refuse to read my publications, and thus who actively help UFOnauts who occupy us in blocking of the dissemination of knowledge contained in them.) Let us discuss the most important of these ways in numbered items. And so:

(A) Symbolic expression of relationships with UFOs of certain leaders (e.g. old kings), about which people of that time knew that these leaders had some connections with UFO vehicles or with creatures originating from UFOs. In old times it was commonly known that leaders who hold important positions have direct connections with UFOs. For example, kings in old times did NOT hide that they had a "devil" on their services. It is known e.g. that King Solomon had at his service the devil called Asmodeus (see ) discussed in the caption under Fig. #1c from my web page named "bible.htm". In turn the emperor Justinian from Byzantium had at his service the devil called Procopius (see ) described more extensively in #K2 from my web page named "god_exists.htm". So it is worth also ask whether the kings of Poland from the Vasa dynasty had at his service such a little "devil" from the "nightmare" race, i.e. from the race of UFOnauts that is aggressive towards people, while is described and illustrated in #K1 to #K2b from my web page named "petone.htm" and in posts #347E and #348E to blogs of totalizm? After all, the Vasa dynasty of Polish kings for a servant had a "dwarf" about the height of UFOnauts from the "nightmare" race, called "Stańczyk" - see . It also seems that the relationship between the Vasas and UFOnauts did NOT escape the attention of people working and staying in the vicinity of the Polish king Sigmund III Vasa. This is probably why, for example, when a monument to this Polish king was built in Warsaw, this monument was given the form of the so-called Sigmund column from Warsaw - see . This form perfectly expresses the cosmic origin and the ascent into heaven above, symbolized on it by a figure of the Polish king lifted by a white column. This is because there is nothing closer to the picture of ascent to a UFO than placing such a person soaring towards the sky on the top of a white column which imitates a streak of light telekinetically rising towards the sky seen by ancient people in actual UFO vehicles. Of course, the Sigmund's Column from Warsaw is only one of a whole group of different pieces of evidence which all seem to confirm that our king Sigmund III Vasa in fact either was a UFOnaut delegated to Earth in order to manage the downfall of Poland at that time, or was cleverly pre-programmed through the use of advanced telepathic and hypnotic human manipulation devices of UFOnauts to "organise" such downfall of Poland. Let us indicate here several examples of such other probable evidence that Sigmund III Vasa could be another Polish kings from the Vasa dynasty, who had close, although then already made secret, connections with UFOnauts - much better understood only in present times. Thus, the first of these possible pieces of evidence is the appearance of the king's face. This is because it shows that he has all the features that match those about which today's UFO abductees report that they saw them on human-like UFOnauts noticed by them on UFO decks - which is revealed to us by photos of portraits of Sigmund III Vasa, searchable on the internet, e.g. by the command . These features are described in my publications, for example in item #G3 from the web page "wroclaw_uk.htm" and in the post #341E to blogs of totalizm based on it, or in item #I5 from my web page named "1985_theory_of_everything.htm" and in the post #346E to blogs of totalizm based on it. Another such evidence is indicated to us the biblical advice "You will know them by their fruits" from verses 7:16 "Matthew" and 6:44 from "Luke". After all, it was the kings of the Vasa (or more precisely, the predecessor of Sigmund III Vasa, also king Zygmunt) who initiated the Prussian State and with it also the subsequent partitions and fall of Poland and the barbarity of World War II, under the easily distorted principle and the excuse of "homage". After all, another such Prussian Homage was received in Warsaw by Sigmund III Vasa - see , while his predecessors, also kings named Sigmund, had for their assistant and adviser this long-time helping, miniature dwarf with the height of "UFOnauts from the "nightmare" race, called Stańczyk. They also knew and placed on the Sigmund's Column in Warsaw the historical information that still only UFOnauts know, while today's Polish historians are still unable to find out and put together - namely the information that Sigmund III Vasa was in turn the 44th king of Poland - see . No wonder that the Sigmund's Column symbolically rises the Vasa to space (and to UFOs) with the white column of telekinetic light. This in turn suggests that people of that time knew much more about their king than neither present "official atheistic science" controlled by UFOnauts, nor its historians, now know about him. I am providing the links to the photos above Column of Sigmund III Vasa from Warsaw - because its symbolism and structure perfectly express the connections with UFOnauts - see .

(B) Symbolic recreation of connections with UFOs of buildings (e.g. cathedrals and churches) about which people of old times believed that they had connections with mysterious UFO vehicles that were previously considered to be manifestations of "supernatural". These relationships are best expressed symbolically through the replacement of the beam of white light uplifting to a UFO, with a white column that joins a given building and a model of UFO - which simple replacement is used in the cathedral from the Polish city of Wrocław, shown in the above photo from Fig. #A1a. In this Polish cathedral, the models of two UFOs are symbolically shown as projecting uplifting "rays of light" on the tops of both towers of this over 1000-year-old cathedral from the Polish city of Wrocław. (Notice that originally the above photograph is showed and discussed as Fig. #D1 from my web page named "wroclaw_uk.htm" - one needs to enlarge it to better see from it the models of UFOs on the tops of both towers of the above cathedral.) In a slightly different arrangement the symbolism of this old cathedral from Wrocław was later repeated with a similar symbolism of connection with UFOs expressed through the white column representing a beam of light in the Column of the Polish king Sigmund 3rd from Warsaw - which also represents the cosmic connection and the ascent into space expressed by the symbolism of the figure of the Polish king uplifted on the top of this column.

On the basis of the above-discussed old ways of symbolically expressing the relationship of something or someone with a UFO, I developed the idea of a monument for the late Andrzej Domała - i.e. a Polish citizen who was abducted to the planet of UFOnauts called "Nea", and who later the intelligence gathered during his ascension to Nea described in the Polish treatise [3b] entitled "Kosmiczna Układanka" (the title of which means: "Cosmic Puzzle") disseminated free of charge in PDF format via the web page named "tekst_3b.htm". More information about Andrzej Domała is provided in Polish and English posts #349E, #348E and #347E for blogs of totalizm, adapted from items #J1 to #J4 of the web page named "1985_theory_of_everything.htm", and from items #K1 to #K2b from the web page (also in English) named "petone.htm". The idea of cosmic symbolism for UFOs developed for Mr. Domała and described here could also be implemented with appropriate changes for a possible structure or monument of ancient "UFO starships" recorded in the name "Mataura" for small township in New Zealand - as my research indicates that old Maoris used the name "Mata-ura" literally meaning "shield or face of radiant light" to describe UFOs. Through the provided above explanations of the historical symbolism of UFO models placed on top of white poles imitating streaks of light beamed to the ground by actual UFOs, I am going to explain to the reader the engineering problem "how" in my opinion could be expressed in the best way the symbolism of "interstellar abductions" carried out on the late Andrzej Domała. This symbolism would honour the departure of the late Domała to the planet Nea with the commemorating monument of appropriately designed shape and general appearance shown below as Fig. #A1c. For this purpose, in my opinion, the general structure of such monument would best reflect the essence of that event, if its symbolism resembled the symbolism of the construction of the Sigmund Column from Warsaw - only that instead of the silhouette of the person on its top, it would carry the image of a flying UFO starship type K8. After all, late Andrzej Domała to the stars and to the planet Nea was carried by the UFO starship of type K8 - the appearance of which is illustrated in more detail e.g. in Fig. #A4b(K8) and Fig. #G5b from my web page named "magnocraft.htm", plus on our video available on YouTube at , and also in Rys. B12 from Polish treatise [3b]. In order to symbolize the ascent towards the stars, a model of this UFO type K8 would best be placed on a tall column, a white "phosphorescent" colour of which would also symbolize this pillar of light often beamed to the ground by UFO starships - as this pillar of light is illustrated e.g. in the abovementioned Fig. P17 from volume 13 of my monograph [1/4], or in #1ab and #A2ab from the web page named "memorial_pl.htm". In turn, on the plinth of the monument, from which this pillar of "light" with the model of K8 type UFO would rise on its top, an appropriate inscription would be placed to commemorate these events, for example the inscription (in Polish): "Międzygwiezdne uprowadzenia, Andrzej Domała, 13.VIII.1968 roku" (meaning: "Interstellar abductions, Andrew Domała, 13th August 1968").

Since ancient times, people with devotion watched UFO starships beaming to earth miraculous for them columns of light - which "light" was able to telekinetically carry people and large objects towards the heaven above. No wonder that models of these UFO starships crowning long white columns which symbolize light, for thousands of years were placed on tops of slender towers and other structures - especially religious ones. This is because in human understanding, such UFO models placed on something that symbolizes a column of light served to express human relationships with the heaven, the cosmos, the supreme power of God, and the supreme human striving to achieve perfection. In my opinion, it is about time that, along with the new understanding of our situation as a civilization that has been occupied, exploited and tormented by UFOs for millennia, we now return to the old habits of openly reminding us of our situation. The idea of a possible monument for the late Andrzej Domała, as well as for NZ the township of Mataura (or Tapanui - near of which a stack of 7 UFOs was intentionally exploded), as described here, is also intended to serve this purpose. Unfortunately, myself can describe this idea comprehensively only in words, because I am NOT able anymore to prepare an illustration for it just by myself. This is because I do not have anymore the efficiently operating equipment and materials for the preparation of technical drawings - such as I used to drew in times of conducting my engineering analyzes of "how" the Magnocraft works and thus "how" must be constructed in the most effective engineering way. Fortunately, on 2022/7/13 I already asked my highly graphically gifted friend for making such an illustration. This friend always is busy with many other things. But he managed to find time to prepare this illustration, thus on 2022/8/2 I could include it as Fig. #A1c below under these my descriptions explaining the meaning of the symbolism proposed for the construction of such a monument - after all, one can always count on his help, as one counts on the proverbial Polish "Zawisza" or Biblical "Elijah", while learning the graphics of such a monument will give readers a model for idea of monument about the erecting of which they can later start to fight collectively.

In present times, when the life of all people is still ruled by "money" (see #C7 in "nirvana.htm" or see posts #335E, #328E, #320E to blogs of totalizm), which are quickly destroying humanity and the entire our planet while already being an outdated and destructive means of non-selective rewarding used for even behaviours which rather deserve to be punished, every town tries to attract somehow tourists to itself, by emphasizing whatever it has the most unique. This is why tourists visit e.g. Sydney to see and take photographs of the famous Sydney Opera (see ), and visit Rio De Janeiro to see and also take pictures of its world famous giant statue of Jesus (see ). This is also why the towns in NZ build monuments of whatever is the most unique for them, and what attracts tourists and hunters of curiosities to them, e.g. the Spider Monument in Auckland (see ), fruit from Cromwell (see ), huge carrot from Ohakune (see ), a large bottle of Paeroa lemonade (see ), giant rubber boots from Taipahe (see ), and several other similar unique features of NZ towns - see . (However, one cannot find any such unique monument in NZ towns "Mataura" or "Tapanui" - which are most involved in the secretive and deliberate UFO explosion of 1178 AD near Tapanui (see ) with the global consequences, described on the web page "tapanui.htm" - although the uniqueness of their link to UFOs is most extraordinary on the global scale - for more empirical evidence on this still kept hidden UFO explosion in NZ see my free treatise [5/3] in PDF format disseminated via the web page "text_5_3.htm".) It is also on the same principle of acquiring an unique attraction for given town, that during my work as a lecturer at the Polytechnic in Invercargill, I suggested to the authorities of the nearby town of "Mataura" from the South Island of New Zealand that they should also fund themselves a "UFO monument" with an engineered exact appearance and dimensions of which I wanted supply them on the basis of my research and development of the starship "Magnocraft", while the idea of which monument I am describing here. Unfortunately, as in July 2022 it happened with the authorities of the Polish town of Nasielsk, the authorities of Mataura probably also had NO demand for such a UFO monument, nor did they have the means and the will to help humanity with their contribution to breaking out of the mass manipulation pre-programmed into all of us by the superior techniques of UFOnauts who secretly occupy us and who have devices for mass manipulations with technical telepathy and hypnosis (which devices are described in more detail, e.g. in #J1 to #J4a from my web page named "1985_theory_of_everything.htm", and in items #K1 to #K2b of my web page named "petone.htm").

The reader probably asks himself about the reason why I suggest to build for the late Andrzej Domała (and also in NZ, for the township of "Mataura", or "Tapanui", or for both of them) a monument with a UFO image, e.g. on the top? After all, such a monument, among other things, will also indirectly honour our cosmic occupants and exploiters who have been destroying, tormenting and depopulating humanity for millennia. This reason for the UFO monument is described in more detail in items #J1 to #J4 (especially in #J4) from my web page "1985_theory_of_everything.htm", and in items #K1 to #K2b of my web page named "petone.htm", as well as in posts #349E and #348E to blogs of totalizm. This reason is very similar to the one that motivates the former colonies (e.g. of England) to form organisations of the type of "commonwealth" (see ) symbolically honouring also their former colonial masters, and also to recognize genetic and cultural kinship, civilizational ties and traditions, and to maintain a peaceful coexistence with the country of their former colonial lords, but also oppressors and exploiters. After all, similarly as if NOT because of former colonial masters and their governing in previous colonies in which they formed the foundations of statehood, social life and culture, also we, if NOT our cosmic occupants and exploiters from the confederation ruled by Orionians, we would probably still live on trees and ate each other. Therefore, in my opinion, although the time has just come for us to peacefully become independent from our former secretive occupiers, exploiters and destroyers from outer space, as well as time to reject the use of money that they invented and introduced to Earth and to reject their destructive, non-selective rewarding with money (even for activities that deserve punishment), and to finally really start practicing in our lives what God commands us in the Bible but from practicing of what secretly and cleverly UFOnauts dissuade us, we also objectively have a duty to admit to UFOnauts that we owe them a lot and that due to them we are now who we are, i.e. a civilization ready to take on our own independent life, get rid of "money" completely (see #A1 to #A4 from "partia_totalizmu_uk.htm"), and establish a peaceful, mutually tolerant, but already independent and equal existence and tolerance of our former parasitic relatives from the Orion planets along with their entire cosmic confederation - as on Earth the former colonies already have done since a long time. (Link to the above illustration of the K4 starship) (The video "How big is the Magnocraft" showing the above starship type K4)

Fig. #A1b: Here is a high-quality illustration of a K4 type starship, computer-generated by my friend Dominik Myrcik for the dimensions and engineering data calculated for the Magnocrafts of my invention. But because exactly the same proportions and dimensions must be displayed by all interstellar spaceships - as I justified and explained it in chapters G and P from volumes 3 and 14 of my monograph [1/5], and as later officially and unanimously was accepted by the Resolution of March 24, 2003 published, amongst others, in item #J2 from the web page named "explain.htm", exactly the same dimensions, appearance, and principles of operation will also have UFO vehicles of the K4 type. The diameter of the K4 starship (D = 8.78 m) perfectly qualifies it for the use of its likeness, e.g. as a roof for some currently needed public structure, e.g. a kiosk, ice cream shop, tourist information centre, exhibition, gallery, or even an old "band rotunda" (i.e. the park stage) - when it would simultaneously reveal the actual appearance of a UFO type K4 built on a scale of 1:1. Hence, I would especially recommend considering its construction in one of these, or in any other, function by everyone interested in UFOs for any reason - especially by the authorities of towns which I mentioned in the caption under the previous Fig. #A1a, i.e. which are uniquely and directly related to UFOs by some turn of their history and fate.

The reader probably is interested why, and in engineering way "how" it happens that the Magnocraft starships (see "magnocraft.htm"), invented on Earth by the author of this post #350E, have exactly the same principles of operation, shapes, dimensions, and appearances as UFO starships (see "ufo_proof.htm") built on planets from distant stars? This is because in present times there is a quiet conviction, that if two inventions by different authors are similar to each other, then one of these authors copied his invention from the other. On the other hand, the results of my research prove that if God recognizes that the required time has come for the invention of a technical device (or a scientific discovery) to be included in the achievements of a nation or civilization, then in order to be sure that their implementation will NOT get bogged down in human imperfections, errors, changes of heart, or inaction, God inspires them to be done by more than one creative person. Then God additionally gives this person a chance to be certain about the truth of his/her invention or discovery by encoding its essence in the Bible in such a wise and far-sighted manner that it would be impossible to be decoded by people who do not know its details yet (see descriptions of "[Ω] Seals Of God" from item #I2 of my web page named "1985_theory_of_everything.htm"). This is why, for example, already at the time of formulating my Theory of Everything in 1985, I immediately understood that the ever-moving intelligent fluid called "counter-matter" that exists in the "counter-world" must consist of tiny "drobinas of counter-matter". But it was only in the year 2020 (means 35 years later) that I discovered intelligent "creatures" displaying identical to my understanding of the attributes, structure and operation of these "drobinas of counter-matter" being described in the ancient book of "Kabbalah" - which led me to discovery of "God Drobinas" described more comprehensively in items #K1 and #K2 from my web page named "god_exists.htm". In almost the same way the principle of operation of my Magnocraft and its magnetic propulsors was inspired in me by the formulation of the so-called "Periodic Table for Earth Propulsion Systems" (see ) - which I published for the first time in 1976, means it was inspired in the years when in Poland almost no-one (including myself) wrote, spoke, or heard publicly about UFOs yet. Thus, about the existence and the similarity of UFOs to my Magnocraft, I found out only in 1980 (i.e. over four years later) when my first article describing the design, principles of operation and appearance of the Magnocrafts initiated a series of programs on Polish television of that time, which by showing and discussing my Magnocrafts stimulated numerous listeners who saw UFOs with their own eyes, that they contacted me and described their sightings - thus making me to become interested in the existence of UFOs and in its similarity to my Magnocraft.

So the answer to the above question "why UFOs and my Magnocrafts are so similar to each other" is simple: because both these types of starships work due to the use of the same laws of nature that our omniscient God programmed so that under the same environmental conditions they would work in the same way in our whole "world of matter". After all, even on our primitive level of technology and economy, in which individual Earth inventors and builders of propulsion systems are still trying to build everything differently than their competitors have patented, it is still easy to notice that particular categories of human vehicles also begin to show closer and closer similarities in their principles of operation, shapes, dimensions, and appearances. Hence, for example, all rockets are slim and have nozzles at their ends. All motorcycles have two wheels and approximately the same design, size and principle of operation. In turn all passenger cars begin to be almost identical to each other. So when vehicles become increasingly complex, and thus must fulfil more and more strictly defined functions and requirements, then they become practically almost indistinguishable from each other. And both, my Magnocrafts and the UFOs, are extremely complex and fulfil simultaneously countless functions and requirements, about which human inventors to-date have NOT even dreamed. Describing these functions and requirements just for the Magnocraft took me voluminous monographs, one of which (see [1/5] from web page "text_1_5.htm") I have already indicated above. In turn, the simultaneous engineering fulfilment of all of these functions and requirements by just a single structure of the starship causes that this starship must have a strictly defined principle of operation, shapes, dimensions, materials and thus also the appearance - no matter in which civilisation it is invented and built. Furthermore, here on Earth we do NOT know yet "interstellar patents" which would describe to us what we are NOT allowed to invent and work out, because someone from distant stars already patented it. This is why both my discoidal Magnocrafts and UFOs have 8 manned types, marked K3 to K10 - the appearance and dimensions of the K4 type of which I showed above. In turn each subsequent type has an outer diameter "D" twice as large as the previous type. Thus, e.g. type K6 - a pile of seven out of which UFOnauts exploded on purpose near Tapanui, New Zealand, will have a diameter four times larger than the type #K4 shown above. It will also differ from it in several details of its appearance and principles of operation. and (links to the illustration of appearance of this monument during day and night) (Video "How big is the Magnocraft" illustrating the UFO K8 which abducted Domała to planet Nea)

Fig. #A1c: Here is a suggestion of symbolism and a day (top) and night (down) appearance of the monument commemorating the "UFO abduction to the planet Nea" of the late Andrzej Domała. The constructing of this monument, in my opinion, should be considered by the authorities of the towns of Nasielsko or Legionowo in Poland - in both of which this modest hero lived. The idea of the symbolism and appearance of this monument is indicated by the results of my research reported here in #A1a to #A1c. Note that I placed the illustrations of this monument's design here on 2022/8/2, i.e. immediately after my graphically talented friend found in his highly busy days the required time to draw it artistically on the basis of the above descriptions that I sent him on 2022/7/13 - which allowed me to complete the considerations discussed in #A1 to #A1c of this post #350E that I prepared a month earlier. Also note that the late Andrzej Domała meets the characteristics of what "God chose" given in verses 1:27-29 of "1 Corinthians" in the Bible. Furthermore, the confirmation of the truth of the intelligence that Domała managed to accumulate on the planet of Nea, for over 2000 years is already encoded in the Bible - which is documented in items #J1 to #J4 from my web page named "1985_theory_of_everything.htm", while the empirical evidence for which is presented in #K1 to #K2b of the web page "petone.htm" and in posts #349E, #348E and #347E to blogs of totalizm. There I also included my justification why the late Andrzej Domała, who at the cost of his own life began to build "bridges of knowledge" bringing together even distant civilizations, deserves at least a monument more than any ruler who, to satisfy his private ambitions, annihilated entire nations, or deserve any warriors or pilots who were annihilating whole armies or cities by the order of their ruler.

By showing this monument, I would like to emphasize that for us people it also represents a kind of symbolic "boundary post" which separates two main types of attitudes towards life, and hence two extreme methods of doing and possessing anything, as well as two kinds of people and thinking creatures who practice these attitudes in their lives. The Bible symbolically calls them {a} "grain" and (b} "chaff". However, in the light of the results of my research, the first of these attitudes and methods of making can also be called e.g. {a} totaliztic (i.e. consistent with postulates of my philosophy of totalizm). This is because the fulfilment of the recommendations of the Bible by my totalizm is repetitively confirmed by various items of evidence. (Note that my philosophy of totalizm is always written and spelled by letter "z" to distinguish it from the philosophy called "totalitarianism" - which by using "time couriers" UFOnauts cunningly renamed to the name "totalism" correctly written by letter "s", so that UFOnauts can use it now as a "smoke screen" making it difficult to other people to find and learn about the morally correct "totalizm".) In turn the second of these attitudes, the results of my research allow us to call {b} parasitic (i.e. consistent with postulates of the philosophy of parasitism - practiced and cleverly forced upon humanity by the occupying us confederation of parasitic UFOnauts - see web page "parasitism.htm"). Both these attitudes and methods of doing so are briefly summarized in the summary for "part #J" of my web page named "1985_theory_of_everything.htm". But in order NOT to interrupt the readers' course of reading of these descriptions, I am going to summarize here in other words and in numbered items the most important differences between these two basic types of attitudes to life and the methods of doing or possessing anything. Here they are:

{1} "How" do they see and define us and our fellow humans/neighbours?

{1a} Totalizm: always defines us and our fellow humans/neighbours as one of the intelligent creatures aware of the existence of God who created our "world of matter" and ourselves, who gave life individually to each of us with a specific task to be performed in life - which is to help God in improving the entire universe in which we all live, as well as to help us in improving ourselves, hence which God is trying to direct the course and effects of lives of ours and our neighbours' in such a way as to obtain the most fruitful results possible.

{1b} Parasitism: defines us and our fellow human beings only as one of the most advanced animals, which in their behaviour follow the animal principle "eat those who are weaker than you and do NOT let yourself be eaten by those who are stronger than you" and the principle "you live to consume, NOT consume to live".

{2} "What" is indicated to their followers as the main goal and driver of their actions?

{2a} Totalizm: love for God, all human follows/neighbours, and nature, and voluntarily performing of "physical work" with morally correct motivations aimed at the good of others (e.g. work that fulfils verse 10:8 from "Matthew" in the Bible: "You received for free, give for free!"). After all, it is this voluntarily "physical work" that selectively generates the so-called "moral energy" for us and for our fellow humans that is as necessary for the health of the souls as oxygen is necessary for the health of bodies (see descriptions of moral energy, e.g. in item #A1 from the web page named "evolution.htm" or in post #316E to blogs of totalizm). Unfortunately, UFOnauts who secretly occupy humanity, during their monthly abductions to UFOs of each person, rob from him/her most of this generated moral energy, "sucking" this energy from people with the "chamber of coldness" (in Polish: "komora zimna") which Mr. Andrzej Domała described more comprehensively in paragraphs {5550} and {3200} as well as in [1B] from "subsection B7" and in "Rys. B4 a)" and also in #16 from "subsection C2" in the Polish treatise [3b] entitled "Kosmiczna Układanka" (which Polish title means "The Cosmic Puzzle"). If one day we manage to free ourselves from this robbery of our "moral energy" by UFOnauts, then the amount of it that almost continually generates almost every totalizt would be enough for him/her to constantly experience the happiness of earned nirvana (see "nirvana.htm"), and thus that humanity without any problems would be able to implement the political "System of Nirvana", the implementation of which would allow for the "selective" rewarding with the happiness of the nirvana every work which currently is "non-selectively" rewarded with "money" (sometimes even e.g. in situations that would require punishment instead of rewarding). After all, everything that is needed to implement this "System of Nirvana" is already perfectly pre-programmed and managed in us by the omniscient and absolutely righteous God.

{2b} Parasitism: doing everything for the success in own life and the success for ourselves, while to treat or use our fellow humans/neighbours and the rest of humanity only as competitors, enemies, or objects for exploitation or to enforce our power on them. But because the selfish attitude towards achieving only one's own benefits at the expense of follow humans/neighbours is contrary to commandments of God, practitioners of parasitism are unable to generate the "moral energy" required for life. Thus, if they are humans, then they "vampire" the necessary moral energy from their neighbours, e.g. by continually inducing a regret or remorse in them by one of the methods described in item #C6 from another web page named "nirvana.htm" (e.g. by practicing behaviours called "passive-aggressive" - see ), or by telepathically "sucking" this moral energy from them with the imperious power in the style of the so-called "corporate psychopaths" - see . In turn, if they are UFOnauts, then they have advanced devices that suck the "moral energy" from people abducted to UFOs every month with the use of e.g. the "chambers of coldness" (in Polish: "komory zimna") described above, and then they saturate themselves with this moral energy stolen from people with the use of devices from e.g. "recovery rooms" (in Polish: "pomieszczeń odnowy") described in paragraphs {5550} and {5120} of the aforementioned treatise [3b] entitled "Kosmiczna Układanka" (i.e. "The Cosmic Puzzle") disseminated via the web page "tekst_3b.htm".

{3} Where do followers get models for their behaviour:

{3a} Totalizm: the foundations of the required behaviours and actions, the omniscient God, who created us and knows us proverbially "through", formulated in verses of the Bible - clearly setting them on the love of God, follow humans/neighbours and nature that requires us to overcome the selfish love of ourselves, thus leading to continual improvement of our own character and professed life philosophy.

{3b} Parasitism: its followers established by themselves their own laws and rules of conduct in life which are the easiest for them to implement, which do NOT require any input of effort or sacrifice, and which give them the highest chances of impunity to symbolically "eat" those weaker than themselves while avoiding "being eaten" by the stronger from themselves.

{4} What are the most important laws they see as binding them?

{4a} Totalizm: in people who practice it, their attitudes and knowledge make them recognize that there are so-called "moral laws" (see "mozajski_uk.htm"), "moral field" (see "morals.htm"), "moral energy" (see #D3 and #D2 from "nirvana.htm"), and "karma" (see "karma.htm") established by God and starting with the most fundamental "10 Commandments of God" - the results of our learning and obeying of which in our lives are to decide later on the long-term fate of both every individual person and every so-called "group intellect". Thus totalizts study and recognize the operation of both the laws of matter and moral laws - learning each of these groups of laws to the level of engineering procedures "how" they work, knowing that the foundation for all actions is created by attributes of the so-called "God Drobinas" discussed in this role, e.g. on my web page "2020life.htm".

{4b} Parasitism: practitioners of it believe that there is only matter in the universe, and that everything that surrounds us represents only the results of attributes and behaviours of matter, hence in their lives they only respect the action of the laws of matter - but do NOT rush to get to know these laws all up to the level of achieving the knowledge of the engineering procedure "how" these laws really work - after all, among the founders of the operation of all laws is the knowledge of the so-called "God Drobinas" (see #K1 and #K2 from "god_exists.htm") about the existence and attributes of which no-one practicing parasitism wants to learn.

{5} To what kind of lifestyle encourages the given attitude of those who practice it?

{5a} Totalizm: due to the action of "moral laws" people and group intellects who practice totaliztic attitudes prefer peaceful coexistence, behaviour and voluntary work for the good of their neighbours, inspired (but NOT forced) in others on the example of our own actions, and described e.g. in verses 3:17 and 12:47 from "St. John" in the Bible - which make people realize that the goal of life should be building, helping, teaching and saving, NOT e.g. destroying, judging or condemning.

{5b} Parasitism: its followers always choose a lazy and comfortable life for themselves, while forcing others to do all their work for them, and moreover choose aggression above peaceful coexistence, because aggression gives them the opportunity for proverbial "eating" those weaker than themselves and for intimidating those stronger than themselves.

{6} How they react to new and unknown phenomena and sightings?

{6a} Totalizm: it always researches the unknown and tries to learn procedures "how" the software and laws of God trigger just what is newly-sighted - as it is explained in detail in #G3 to #G5 from the web page named "wroclaw_uk.htm".

{6b} Parasitism: because its attitudes and methods of making allow followers to recognize only the action of the laws of matter - they consider everything that does NOT represent the action of already known to them laws of matter as "accidents" or "extraordinary coincidences" or as lies and deceptions of those who report it to their fellow humans/neighbours - hence they ignore or deny the existence of anything previously unknown to them.

{7} What they lead to in the lives of their followers?

{7a} Totalizm: It becomes a process of ever greater achievements that can be extended indefinitely, while knows NO limits to the level of perfection the achievement of which it allows. Continuous generation of the so-called "moral energy" by volunteering to physical work with morally correct motivations, ensures the health of the soul (see #D3 and #D2 from the web page named "nirvana.htm" or see #F11 from the web page named "soul_proof.htm") and keeps the totalizt on the verge of happiness and continuous satisfaction with own life.

{7b} Parasitism: is a fast sliding into increasingly worse situation and into a lower and lower level of "moral energy" with elapse of time leading to death through the so-called "moral suffocation" described e.g. in #D3 from my web page named "nirvana.htm" - which always first ends with the complete destruction of practitioners' environment (e.g. family, property, or the planet on which the followers live), and after it - some sort of self-destruction.

Of course, the above list contains only the most important differences, thus if the reader also wishes to learn more of them (and there are many more of them), then he/she will find them in my monographs and web pages that describe both these opposite philosophies, i.e. totalizm and parasitism. For beginners, I recommend to start from learning items #A2.12 and #A2.13 from the web page named "totalizm.htm", or from post #339E to blogs of totalizm with addresses from item #Z5 of the web page "tapanui.htm". Then I advise to search for what one is interested from the list of links on my Polish web page "skorowidz.htm" or from the English and Polish list of contents for my publication [13] from "tekst_13.htm" with a complete set of posts for blogs of totalizm.

In our situation of the civilization of people instinctively oriented towards "totaliztic" behaviour, we can only regret that our parasitic "relatives" from stars do NOT see that by secretly annihilating humanity, they also take away the chance of being recognized by us as their actual "relatives", which in the future we could even help when they get into trouble, and with whom, although on principles different from these of parasitism, if we were left to ourselves, we would probably also find a better than parasitizing method of building the world of infinite development and good for all - such as the political "Nirvana System" described in item #C7 of web page "nirvana.htm" and in post #328E. After all, "Good gives birth to good, evil breeds evil", and if presently the crossing of the "point of no return" from intensifying mutual hostility is avoided, then one day we could cooperate with them in reaching where today neither ours nor UFOnauts eyesight does NOT reach yet.

Copyrights © 2022 by Dr Eng. Jan Pająk

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The above post #350E was adopted from #A1 to #A1c of my web page (in English) named "tapanui.htm" (update of 2022/8/3, or later) and is available, among others, at the following addresses:

Notice that the above web pages are my main publications updated many times later. On the other hand, this post #350E to blogs of totalizm is only a "harbinger" of publishing the presented here results of my research - which later is NOT updated. Therefore, these web pages typically contain texts that are more improved than this post to blogs of totalizm, with the elapse of time they collect more evidence and fewer research mistakes or writing errors, and because of their repeated updating they also contain the latest findings of my continuously carried out research.

At each of the addresses provided above, I also try to make available the most recently updated versions of all my web pages. Therefore, if the reader wishes to learn from "first hand" the truths explained on any of my web pages, then at the above addresses he/she may start run of the web page "menu2.htm" that contains green links to names and topics of all web pages that I developed so-far, then in this web page "menu2.htm" can select the link to the web page that he/she wishes to view, and through clicking the "mouse" start that web page. For example, in order to start this "menu2.htm" from the above-indicated address , it is enough if in that address the name of the web page "tapanui.htm" is replaced with the name of the web page "menu2.htm" - then to the search engine will be entered the new address obtained in this way. In a similar manner as starting this "menu2.htm", the reader can also start instantly any of my web pages, the name of which he/she already knows, because e.g. I provided it in the above post or because it appears in the "menu2.htm". For example, in order to run any other web page of mine, the physical name of which I have already given anywhere - e.g. to run the web page named "day26.htm", let's say from a web site with the address , it is enough that instead the previous website address, he/she entered the following new address into the address box of a search engine.

It is also worth knowing that almost every NEW topic which I already researched for the "a priori" approach of the new "totaliztic science" and presented on this blog, including the topic from this post #350E, is later repeated on all mirror blogs of totalizm which still exist. Until now, as many as 8 such blogs of totalizm were established and maintained for a short time. At present, only 3 most recently published, out of these 8 blogs of totalizm still have NOT been deleted by numerous opponents of the truth, my "totaliztic science", the highly moral "philosophy of totalizm", my ideal political "Nirvana System", my still only in the world true scientific "Theory of Everything of 1985" and my newest "Theory of Life of 2020", as well as my formal scientific proofs for the existence of God. These 3 still existing blogs of totalizm can be found at the following addresses: (in "Small Print" 12pt: posts starting from #89 = i.e. since 2006/11/11) (posts starting from #293 = since 2018/2/23) (in "Large Print" 24pt: posts starting from #293 = i.e. since 2018/3/16) also available via NZ address
Fortunately, the deletion of 5 older blogs of totalizm did NOT cause the loss of their posts. This is because after complementing with illustrations, colours, underlining and working links of all my posts that I published so far on blogs of totalizm, including this post, I systematically make them available also in my free electronic publication [13] in a safe PDF format and in two sizes of print (i.e. large 20pt and normal 12pt) - which everyone can free download, for example, through the web page named "tekst_13.htm" available on all the web sites indicated above, including, for example, at htm . Over half of the posts to blogs of totalizm are also published in there in the English language version, and thus they will be understandable for inhabitants of countries other than Poland.

Other posts extending and supplementing this #350E:
#349E, 2022/7/20 - the truths about light encoded in the Bible (#J1 to #J4 from "1985_theory_of_everything.htm")
#348E, 2022/6/26 - the engineering analysis of "how" for UFOnaut-nightmare from Aceh (#K2 of "petone.htm")
#347E, 2022/6/10 - footprints of a 3-toed UFOnaut-nightmare about 80cm tall, melted in NZ asphalt (#K1 of "petone.htm")
#346E, 2022/5/18 - how the Bible corrects the distortions of official science (#I5 of "1985_theory_of_everything.htm")
#341E, 2021/12/27 - only "physical works" teach wisdom "how" (#G3 to #G5 of "wroclaw_uk.htm")
#339E, 2021/10/20 - "how" to acquire the motivation to permanently love all fellow humans (#A2.12 of "totalizm.htm")
#328E, 2020/11/17 - the political "Nirvana System" that eliminates money and forced labour (#C7 of "nirvana.htm),
#326E, 2020/9/17 - female negative (subtracting) God Drobinas (#K2 of "god_exists.htm")
#325E, 2020/8/17 - male positive (adding) God Drobinas (#K1 of "god_exists.htm")
#320E, 2020/3/17 - The "Nirvana System" which rewarding with money will replace with nirvana (#A1 to #A4 of "partia_totalizmu_uk.htm")
#316E, 2019/12/7 - post-flood refinements of human bodies (#A1 from "evolution.htm")
#315E, 2019/11/7 - magnetic propulsion systems of the "third technical era of mankind" (#J4.3 of "propulsion.htm")
#310E, 2019/6/10 - an illness of the soul called "foreign accent syndrome" (#F11 of "soul_proof_pl.htm")

Let totalizm prevail,
Dr Eng. Jan Pająk


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