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#360E: My Magnocraft - the source of keys to knowledge and to most important truths which are to be worked out on Earth and which are going to set us free

Summary: This item #D1 and accompanying illustrations #D1a to #D1c indicate examples of facts which unanimously confirm that the starship I invented in 1980, called the Magnocraft (see web page "magnocraft.htm"), provides the second most important body of keys to suppressed truths that are going to set us free. This is because the first and the most important body of such keys provided to humanity the truths and knowledge wisely and far-sightedly encoded in prophecies from verses of the Bible - e.g. see how in items #I1 to #I5 from my web page "1985_theory_of_everything.htm" and from posts #345E and #346E to blogs of totalizm these truths and knowledge prophesized in verses of the Bible confirm my discovery about the non-existence of time in the natural and original "counter-world". Although many websites and monographs were published about my Magnocraft, and several videos were produced, until today the Magnocraft remains the most hidden, blocked, and disgusted by our enemies invention of the world - mainly for reasons which are described in item #A5 of the web page "totalizm.htm" - about the philosophy of totalizm of 1985 and also described in item #A2 of the web page "military_magnocraft.htm". This is because against my Magnocraft are these originating from stars most powerful enemies of God and truth, who additionally rule secretly over our entire planet and feel threatened by this starship for reasons mentioned in item #D1 below. After all, when the Magnocraft is built, it is going to lift to stars also humanity and make available for people's use the unlimited resources of the cosmos, while the operation of this starship will open eyes of many humans to the truths and knowledge that so far are hidden from our civilisation by these enemies.

#D1. The Magnocraft, means the second most important provider of body of keys to truths - learning and acknowledging of which is going to set us free (as it is promised in verse 8:32 from "The Gospel of St. John" in the Bible):

Motto: "Since the knowledge about my invention of the starship "Magnocraft" described e.g. on the web page "magnocraft.htm", I have been disseminating for over 50 years, because I have been teaching this knowledge since 1972, publishing since 1976, technical details "how" of construction, principles of operation and the engineering of materials required for the Magnocraft I am disclosing starting from 1980, and also since e.g. the level of knowledge and technology required for its construction our civilization reached a long time ago, it does NOT require moving parts for flights, and its construction is able to be completed even by a small country the size of Korea or even by a larger productive corporation, then there must exist some significant extra-terrestrial obstacles actively hindering its construction - thus in my opinion the use of the Magnocraft as a tool for learning and recognizing these obstacles provides the second body of most important keys to the truth that is going to set us free." (Below in this #D1 to #D1c I will justify why such my opinion about the disclosure of truths - so far intentionally hidden from people, is to be started in the effect of building and using of the Magnocraft, is based on verifiable facts and evidence.)

How we can describe the discoidal Magnocraft of my invention. Well, let us imagine a starship propelled by a pulsating magnetic field, the external appearance of which I am illustrating below on #D1a and #D1b and also on numerous illustrations from my web page named "magnocraft.htm" and in videos prepared jointly with my graphically talented friend and linked in the INTRODUCTION part of the web page "military_magnocraft.htm" - the best example of which is the half-hour long free video "Future Propulsions", the English-language version of which is disseminated from the address . Even only the first and most primitive generation of the Magnocraft will start to lift people to stars with speeds close to light.

The shape of Magnocraft will resemble a saucer reversed upside down. It will be made of a transparent material with an adjustable degree of reflection and transmission of light. Thus, in the presence of strong sunlight, it will reflect the sun's rays like a mirror shining with a metallic, silvery colour of tin. In turn e.g. during flights at night or over the area watched by its crew, it can even become completely transparent. To control the flight it will NOT need any moving parts, but only the smart software of its propulsors called Oscillatory Chambers, also of my invention (see web page named "oscillatory_chamber.htm"). Its crew will have full control over the speed and direction of the flight. Thus, it is going to be able to fly noiselessly in the sky with huge speeds, but also in case of need it can even hover motionless in one place like a present balloon. It will be able to fly in the vacuum of cosmic space, air, water, ice, hot gases and magma, and even in solid matter such as rocks, buildings and Siberian permafrost. During its flights in solid matter, the Magnocraft will evaporate glassy tunnels - examples of which I describe and illustrate, among others, in #G3 to #G5ab from the web page named "magnocraft.htm" or in Fig. #F1 and in Fig. #F2 from the web page named "newzealand.htm". The ability of its spinning magnetic field and plasma saw to explode, vaporize, and cut out solid matter will cause that no present human weapon will be able to harm any Magnocraft. It will advance our civilization to interstellar status, causing our planet to cease being the only our breadwinner, as well as our prison. It will also help the humanity in noticing the truth about many hidden from people events and processes that take place in the cosmos that surrounds our planet, and also on the planet Earth itself.

The Magnocraft will be built in several technical versions. The most basic version of it will take the shape of the silver disk described above and illustrated below in #D1a to #D1cd. Independently from it, this starship will also be built in the so-called four-propulsor version, taking the shape of a square or rectangular hut, e.g. with a pyramidal roof and with four barrel-shaped propulsors placed in its corners. The four-propulsor Magnocraft is also described and illustrated in many of my publications, e.g. in chapters D and Q from volumes 2 and 14 of monograph [1/4] disseminated free of charge via the web page "text_1_4.htm", or in Fig. #G2ab from the web page "explain.htm". Furthermore, a personal version of the Magnocraft's propulsion system will be built - taking the form of an appropriate suit consisting of, amongst others, a belt and shoes containing miniature magnetic propulsors. People equipped with such a personal propulsion system will be able to fly in the air, walk on water, and jump onto tallest buildings, without any special equipment or vehicle that is noticeable to an outside observer. Basic components of the suit of this personal propulsion are illustrated and explained e.g. in Fig. #H3 from the web page "wszewilki_uk.htm" and in Fig. #L2a from the web page "evil.htm", while footprints from such propulsors in shoes of users of this personal propulsion system melted in asphalt of places where they stepped, are documented #K1a to #K5cd from the web page "petone.htm".

Discoidal (and also four-propulsor) Magnocrafts will be built in eight crew-carrying types mutually differing in size and named and marked with symbols from K3 to K10 (in which types the letter "K" stands for the Polish word "Krotność", meaning "How Multiple", that is stands for the ratio of the two most important overall dimensions: i.e. outer diameter "D" of this starship to its height "H", i.e. K=D/H). Each next type of them will have a diameter "D" twice as large as the previous type. The appearance, as well as the comparison of sizes of each Magnocraft from these 8 types, with objects commonly known on Earth, is illustrated by our 4-minute-long free video with music but without a verbal commentary, entitled "How big is the Magnocraft" disseminated free of charge in the Internet via the address . Identification of which type we are dealing with in a given situation can be carried out in several different ways - the easiest way is by measuring the ratio "K" of the overall dimensions of a given vehicle (in case of discoidal Magnocraft - the ratio of their D/H=K). They can also be recognized by their size, by appearance, and by engineering details of their shapes.

The propulsion system, and a kind of "heart" for the Magnocraft, is the multiple function propelling device (i.e. the "propulsor" - also of my invention) called the "Oscillatory Chamber" and described more comprehensively in chapter F from volume 2 of my monograph [1/5] disseminated free of charge from my web page "text_1_5.htm". This device has the ability to produce unimaginably powerful magnetic fields with the output presently unreachable by humanity. The arrangement of such Oscillatory Chambers performs in the Magnocraft similar functions as jet propulsors perform in present airplanes. But it also can serve as energy storage for the entire interstellar trip, as a powerful searchlights, as air conditioners, as telepathic transmitters and receivers, as telepathic telescopes and projectors, for creating magnetic lens hiding these starships from human eyes and for forming plasma saw and magnetic shield to make Magnocrafts indestructible, as well as in numerous other functions - e.g. see G1.3 to G1.6 and G10.1 to G10.3.1 from volume 3 of my abovementioned monograph [1/5].

Independently from Magnocrafts of the first generation with purely magnetic propulsion system, in the future Magnocrafts of the second and third generations will also be built with even more advanced operational capabilities - which are described in more detail, e.g. in items #J4.1 to #J4.6 from my web page "propulsion.htm". Magnocrafts of the second generation will use telekinetic propulsion system formed by octagonal telekinetic Oscillatory Chambers of second generation. Thus, I describe them under the name of the "Telekinetic Vehicles" e.g. in item #I2 from the web page "magnocraft.htm". Therefore they will be able to instantly reach destinations in their travel through the other (existing originally) world of the universe which in numerous my publications I describe under the name of the "counter-world" (instead of slowly travelling through the created by God our "world of matter"). So because of the lack of "time" and "elapse of time" in the counter-world, they will be able to travel with an infinite speed v=s/t (after all, when elapse of time does NOT exists, means when time of travel t=0, the reaching of any distance "s" must be accomplished with v=infinity), instantly reaching even the most distant galaxies - as this is explained in items #I1 to #I5 from the web page "1985_theory_of_everything.htm" and in posts #345E and #346E to blogs of totalizm. To description of Telekinetic Vehicles are also devoted separate web pages, e.g. see web page "telekinesis.htm", and also volumes of monograph [1/4] dedicated to them (e.g. see over there volumes 10 and 14).

Technically the most advanced will be Magnocrafts of the third generation using 16-sided Oscillatory Chambers of the third generation. These will even be able to travel through time. In the result, they will allow people to have infinitively long lives by repetitively shifting them back in time to years of youth after each reaching an old age - as this is described on my web pages "immortality.htm" and "propulsion.htm". To their description are also devoted various web pages, e.g. see "timevehicle.htm".

My Magnocrafts are completely human creation - i.e. they are invented by a man (i.e. by myself), and will be build by people. Their idea was born in 1972. At the time of their invention I was overpowered by a nasty flu. (Knowing now what I am describing below, sometimes I wonder whether viruses of that flu were secretly injected into me on purpose by the evil powers described here - which know the future, just to prevent the discovery of my Cyclic Table that started my developmental research on the invention of Magnocrafts.) However, on the day when I was returning from sick leave I had a very important lecture on "selected aspects of propulsion systems" - unfortunately in my home I had NO required literature to prepare myself to this important lecture. So while lying in bed and fighting my flu, I invented for presenting during this lecture a kind of propulsion system equivalent to the commonly known "periodic table of chemical elements" (also known as the "Mendeleev Table"). The operation of the Mendeleev Table I knew inside out as several years earlier, still as a student, I invented my own multidimensional version of it - I described that multidimensional table of my invention in items #B4 and #V7 from my web page "2020life.htm" while I mention it in post #336E to blogs of totalizm. This new table that I developed in my bed during flu I later named the "Cyclic Table for Earth's Propulsion Systems" see . Unfortunately, as I explained this in post #359E to blogs of totalizm and in #J3 to #J3a from the web page "faq.htm" and also in item #A5 from the web page "totalizm_pl.htm", most of time evil forces and internet keep inventing cunning ways to stubbornly hide and block from people the possibility to learn all truths and discoveries which I developed with my research - in this number hide also the existence and cognitive power of my Cyclic Tables. Thus if you, the reader, do NOT find this table on the Internet, even if you search for it in a Polish search engine, e.g. under the Polish name of Tablica Cykliczności dla Napędów Ziemskich (see ), or if you search for it in an English search engine, e.g. under the English name of Cyclic Table for Earth's Propulsion Systems (see ) - then examine it by either viewing Table #J4ab from my English web page named "propulsion.htm", or by viewing Tab. #J4ab from my Polish web page named "propulsion_pl.htm". This Cyclic Table briefly was made searchable in the Internet starting from date of the publication on YouTube on 2020/2/13 of our breakthrough video entitled "Future Propulsions" (in which my Cyclic Table is presented - see ), until the publication on 2022/11/1 of my equally breakthrough post #353E to blogs of totalizm (explaining my discoveries described in #H4 to #H4b from the web page "will.htm") in which #353E I revealed that the Bible indicates the Internet as the future carrier of that extremely sinister biblical number 666. After publishing that #353E, from 2022/11/1 I noticed the beginning of a rapid removal from the Internet all links allowing access of readers to the results of my research - including the removal of references to my Cyclic Tables. Meanwhile, since such a reaction to #353E breaks the well-known English warning "do not shoot the messenger" (which is used to remind the situation: "Do not blame the courier/messenger who only is delivering to you bad news which originate from someone else with much higher authority and powers" - see ), this means that the fate of the Cyclic Tables clearly confirms that someone who has access to "time vehicles" and who wants to prevent people from the future progress and development inspired by God, tries to manipulate the future technical development of humanity, e.g. by sending so-called "couriers through time" (in Polish called: kurierzy czasowi - descriptions of which are linked in my web page "skorowidz.htm") to our present time and changing in present times whatever in the future is going to cause the direction of development of people which is unwanted by this technically advanced someone. In turn from this manipulation we can see that my "Cyclic Table" turns out to be extremely important NOT only for the results of my own research, but also for the future of humanity and for the technical progress of our entire civilisation. Since these are precisely the analogies and symmetries expressed by this "Cyclic Table" that so far led me from invention to invention and from discovery to discovery, like the proverbial "Ariadne's thread" (see ), it is easy to guess that the same table in the future will also lead and inspire the entire humanity in a similar way in matters of propulsion systems, like in matters of chemical elements does it the Mendeleev Table (also called the "periodic table of chemical elements"). This is why the history of my discovery of the Cyclic Table is described in numerous my publications - e.g. see subsection A19 from my monograph [1/5] or see a brief summary of the history of its development described in #B4, in {A} from #C6 and in #D4 from my web page "2020life.htm".

Many readers may have a subjective feeling that the advanced magnetic vehicles described in the content of this post #360E run far into the future. However, as I already demonstrated with detailed engineering projects "how" of their design, principles of operation, required materials, etc., in fact for a long time (including also at present) this has been the case that our civilization has all the required technology, knowledge and "know-how" descriptions to immediately be able to undertake the practical implementation of my Magnocraft. To implement it even easier, Magnocrafts do NOT need moving parts to complete their flights. So only very simple movable parts, such as doors or changers of propulsors orientation, will be used in them for the convenience of their crew and passengers. After all, it will be more convenient for the crew during manoeuvring of the Magnocraft to tilt the propulsors than to tilt the entire starship. However, computer-controlled unmanned probes with the propulsion of the Magnocraft will NOT need or have any moving parts. In addition, my Magnocrafts do NOT contain these thousands of differently constructed components which, for example, are necessary in today's primitive space rockets for their flights, and which make these rockets so unreliable and so easily destroyed. The Magnocraft has only a few parts with simplified geometric shapes that are so easy to implement that even small craft workshops would be able to produce them just to obtain their shapes. So the whole art of building this starship is hidden in the amount of engineering knowledge, wisdom and inventiveness, as well as in material, functional and software requirements that these few parts must obtain and fulfil. Thus the design of entire Magnocrafts is so simple that even a small country or even a larger corporation with technical inclinations and inventive traditions is able to build them serially. For example, in 2007 I experienced highly intriguing events that gave the impression as if God arranged for sending me to a professorship in Korea (see my web page "korea.htm") in order to realize this to me. Although in my life I had the honour to work in 10 different countries of the world, learning on this occasion technical traditions, treatment of inventiveness, motivations, principles of thinking, attributes of character, typical level of morality, etc., of their citizens and workforce, all these aspects revealed to me only in Korea impressed me so much that I have realised that my Magnocraft is going to be able to be build by even a small country, the inhabitants of which with the required dedication put all their effort, mind, and motivations into the service for the good of their fellow humans, and at the same time conscientiously fulfil God's commandments and requirements of voluntarily obedience of which God expects from the leading nation of mankind. In turn, by coming into possession of this militarily indestructible starship with such a formidable power and operational capabilities, even such a small country probably becomes the next leader and superpower on Earth - as this is explained in more detail in item #H1.1 from my web page named "prophecies.htm" and in post #241E to blogs of totalizm.

The construction of the Magnocraft and devices similar to it will advance our civilization into the era of interstellar flights. The arrival of this era will also be connected with a change in our philosophy, attitudes, the way of looking at the world that surrounds us, responsibility, type of problems that affect us, threats, military capabilities, etc. The web page "military_magnocraft.htm", amongst others, also makes us aware of some aspects of this all-encompassing change.

Unfortunately, completely independently from the Magnocrafts of my invention, similar starships of our morally decadent relatives from planets of Orion already operate on Earth. A bit more information about them the reader will find in {5} from item #J3 of the web page "faq.htm" and in post #359E to blogs of totalizm, in {11} from item #H2 of web page "bible.htm" and from post #354E to blogs of totalizm, and also in the English-language 22-minute-long video entitled "From ORION They Came" disseminated free of charge at the address . However, the best knowledge of them is provided by the report of a Polish citizen abducted to the planet Nea, i.e. the heroic late Andrzej Domała - published in Polish in a free treatise [3b] available via the web page "tekst_3b.htm". As it probably turned out, already after my invention of the Magnocraft, probably God intentionally directed my life in such a way that I could discover the hidden for thousands of years the truth about Magnocrafts and their counterparts called UFOs, and then according to the promise contained in Bible verses 4:22 from "Mark" and 10:26 from "Matthew" ("there is nothing hidden that will not come to light") directed me so that I can also reveal this truth to my neighbours who live on Earth. In turn, this truth states that envoys of our morally fallen relatives from Orion planets secretly arrive to Earth in their UFO vehicles and then they secretly manage our entire civilization through the use of so-called "changelings" (see my web page named "changelings.htm"), and fraudulently block our independence and free development by manipulating humanity for this purpose with also the use of technically generated telepathic, hypnotic and propaganda commands described in my publications - e.g. see #J3 to #J3a from the web page named "faq.htm" and from post #359E to blogs of totalizm, or see #L1 from my web page "evil.htm". After all, in a hidden manner on Earth since ancient times their starships secretly operate, while displaying exactly the same design, principles of operation, characteristics and induced phenomena as the Magnocraft that I invented - only that in order to notice this truth, one needs to know exactly my Magnocraft (see method of "comparing attributes" from my formal scientific proof confirming the identity of Magnocrafts and UFOs, described, amongst others, on the web page named "ufo_proof.htm"). Present people know these their starships cleverly hidden from our sight, under the name of "UFOs" - i.e. under the name deliberately so discouragingly formulated to be able to confuse us and to allow endless official denial of the fact of their secretive but highly destructive operation on Earth, and also of their telepathically and hypnotically reprogramming of entire humanity.

These our morally fallen relatives from Orion secretly manipulating views of people with the use of technically generated telepathic and hypnotic commands, and top-down propaganda, again recreated on Earth a situation contradicting all logic, when the entire humanity lives in a kind of "cocoon" of lies, deceptions, keeping deeply corrupted monopoly by all key institutions (instead of keeping the competition between two versions of these institutions that practice different philosophical approaches - e.g. in case of the official science they should practice of "a posteriori" and "a priori" approaches - see #C1 and 6 in #C2 from my web page "telekinetics.htm"), mutual deception and exploitation, moral distortions, lack of respect for God, neighbours and to nature, doing everything for one's own benefit and convenience (instead of for the good and progress of fellow humans - see #A2.12 in "totalizm.htm" and post #339E), enslavement of people and wars, obtaining and maintaining power by force, repression and brutality (instead of the skills and abilities to solve human problems - see #C9 to #C9a from "nirvana.htm" and #351E), forcing people into the habit of obeying orders that break God's 10 commandments, and many other similar departures from principles of life required by God. Also, increasingly fewer people see that the goal of the morally fallen our relatives from planets of Orion, who create this kinds of cocoons, is to make slaves out of people who obey them, which slaves due to the "free will" given to them by God, chose to cease the voluntarily obeying God's 10 commandments and advices - although they know and see with their own eyes that this ceasing turns them into a kind of destroyers and bandits acting equally evil as our morally decadent relatives from Orion planets who ruin everything that God wisely created in our "world of matter". They make this choice in spite that e.g. in verses of the Bible 2:11, 20:6, 20:11-15, 21:8 and 22:15 from the "Revelation of St. John", and also in 6:16-19 from the "Book of Proverbs", they are warned that in order to stop them from further ruining works of God, their soul will be "deleted" - which "deletion of soul" in the Bible is described under the name of the "second death". This is because if they were NOT stopped in such a way, then they would continue to carry out increasingly destructive orders and actions which would cause unleashing a true hell in our entire "world of matter". After all, already now this cocoon of lies, hypocrisy and extortion so distances a significant proportion of humanity from the truth about principles of operation of the reality that surrounds us, that now becomes the opposite of the truth almost everything that is officially stated and in which is starting to believe more and more people blinded by the propaganda of powers of evil that maintain this cocoon. As one of numerous examples of just such an officially enforced reversal of truth, consider what the Bible states about the complete NOT existence of time and the passage of time in the natural counter-world where God lives, and what in posts 345E and #346E as well as in items #I1 to #I5 scientifically confirms my "1985_theory_of_everything.htm", then compare what about time states today's "official atheistic science", and how in the manner described in (#7) from the web page "p_instruction.htm" our morally degenerate relatives from Orion planets cunningly sabotaged my playlists with favourite songs by sending their "kurierzy czasowi" (means: couriers through time ) to our past to change the format of the HTML iframe instruction into format different than the one I previously used on my web pages. For me, in accepting lies forced by the existence of this cocoon, the most surprising thing is that people who believe these lies do NOT see such obvious principles of operation of the reality in which they live, as the intelligently and selectively working moral "Boomerang Principle" - which always finds the most appropriate program of karma (see web page "karma.htm") which reliably returns to everyone who breaks God's commandments exactly the same feelings that this breaker induced in his/her victims, causing that for every evil that someone does to his/her neighbours, after the elapse of the time of return the doer experiences the evil that feels exactly the same and that the doer will have to suffer through it in person. Around us there are numerous examples of just such returns of feelings to everyone who is guilty of departing from obeying God's 10 commandments. They are also well known from the history of humanity - after all, types of similar "cocoons of lies" our morally decadent relatives from planets of Orion previously forced onto humanity many times in selectively chosen places and disciplines. A relatively recent example of such a selective "cocoon of hypocrisy" can be the propaganda of Nazism, the typical final outcome of which met by these people who succumbed to this propaganda, was either death from bombs or from fights on the fronts, or captivity in Siberia, or execution after losing the war, etc. Interesting manner of returning of karma to the participants of this "cocoon of Nazism" is illustrated by a Hungarian movie from 2008 with dialogues in English, disseminated for free on YouTube under the title "The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas" - search for it e.g. using . Similar to German was also the "cocoon of imperialist Japan" from times of the Second World War - one of the karma-returns for which became Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Other similar cocoons historically manifested themselves e.g. in the burning on stakes of Bible disseminators by the Inquisition, and in manners of treating slaves by citizens of the ancient empire of Rome. As the history increasingly reveals this, the required karma was also then returned both to individual breakers of God's commandments, and to the entire system of production and maintaining such cocoons.

In turn the fact that these "cocoons of lies" always were (and presently still are) formed by forcing people onto lied views, motivations, and attitudes with the use of advanced technique of telepathic and hypnotic commands, is confirmed (or rather proven) by a whole range of evidence that increasingly frequently reveals itself to us. Although in order to NOT become a "forbidden book", the Bible was forced to wisely encode the truth in its verses - for its deciphering by later generations of researchers, it still contains a wisely encoded description of such telepathic and hypnotic commands. This description relates the rapid change of attitude of masses of Israelis from recognizing Jesus as King during Palm Sunday, into shouting several days later that He should be crucified - which telepathic and hypnotic change I am reminding of in the caption under Fig. #A1a from the web page "military_magnocraft.htm", while it is described in more detail e.g. in {6} from item #J3 of my web page named "faq.htm" and from entry #359E to blogs of totalizm. In turn, today's most adequately confirming examples of this evidence have the form of telepathic imposition of irrational fear and panic, which increasingly often cause "crowd hysterics" or "crowd panic and trampling" - described, amongst others, in in item #C5 from my web page named "nirvana.htm" and also briefly mentioned in the caption under Fig. #A1a from the web page "military_magnocraft.htm". After all, the same remote emanations of a sudden fear that completely paralyze human behaviours accompany, for example, appearances of so-called MIB, i.e. "Man in Black" means strangely looking and behaving UFOnauts who prohibit selected UFO witnesses from carrying out any activity that would reveal to humanity the truth about these extraterrestrial starships - which emanation of fear is documented e.g. in the English-language video around 4-minutes in length entitled Aliens in Disguise Warn Researcher - "We've Taken Many Humans" disseminated for free at the address , while which kind of emanation of fear and a strong sense of menace, danger, and brutality really scared me so much that having a camera with me and remembering about my scientific duty of documenting, while seeing as many as several of these MIBs, I still could NOT force myself to take a photograph of them - as I report this incident in the caption under Fig. #G1c from the web page named "sw_andrzej_bobola_uk.htm". Another example of such telepathic emanation is provided by the sudden rush of people to love the smell of gasoline and car exhaust fumes which dominated the world right after the Second World War - and which I also described in {6} from item #J3 of my web page named "faq.htm" and from post #359E to blogs of totalizm. This unnatural rush, which caused people to abandon the development of forms of propulsion other than combustion engines, is most probably responsible for today's warming of the climate and for the poisoning of life on Earth. Still another example of a selective "cocoon of pre-programmed distortions" provides a comparison of motivations, systems of values, beliefs and behaviours of women from times shortly after the Second World War, which people of my age probably still remember, with those which prevail in today's "modern" women - and which described are e.g. in item #V2 from the web page named "humanity_pl.htm". This is because this comparison reveals that apart from the intentional programming of women with the advanced telepathic and hypnotic technique, there is NO other rational explanation for the premeditated making unhappy and self-destructing of themselves and of their families, manifested in present times by women who are blind to the action of the reality that surrounds them. A rather humorous example of the obedience of such a telepathic programming of today's women susceptible to telepathic commands was documented by my wife in the incident of bombing my car with faeces from a UFO toilet - which her obedience of the telepathic command deprived me of the access to very important samples and the ability to research them. This incident is described, amongst others, in (g) from item #H3 from my web page "2020life.htm", and from post #331E to blogs of totalizm. In that incident, to my surprise my wife got up very early in the morning and thoroughly washed my car that I had at that time (which she never did before or after) - in spite that I previously repeated to her that because of those frequent bombings of NZ with faeces from UFO toilets, when the next such a bombing with faeces will take place within a single-day drive by car, then I will go there especially to collect samples of UFO faeces for research. Another evidence that confirms such telepathic programming and hypnotic forcing people to hypocrisy and to attitudes and motivations that are contradictory to those recommended by God, is the increasingly stronger reversal of the previous sense of respect and appreciation that used to be enjoyed by performing productive physical work, into today's feelings of increasingly stronger contempt, reluctance, and disapproval - with which present people bestow the productive physical labour. I still remember times when people commonly laughed at "bodybuilders" who built their muscles in gyms, but if e.g. coal was brought to them for fuel, then they hired manual labourers to carry this coal to cellars. In turn, in present times that attitude has been reversed, and now neighbours are sneered at and ridiculed, if they in person bring their fuel to basements - although this carrying allows them to save their earnings from expenses for participation in today's collective exercises in paid public gyms. Also from what I document in items #G3 to #G5 of my web page "wroclaw_uk.htm" and in post #341E to blogs of totalizm, it appears that it is just (and only) through doing productive physical work that we can learn the wisdom of solving problems which plague people and which teaches us how to distinguish evil from good. After all, the doing physical production labour, forces people to do continuous solving of countless problems, while just mental work teaches people to lean their thinking towards avoidance of enduring the efforts of solving problems. No wonder that leaders and decision makers of humanity commonly known from the fact that they never "tarnished" their hands with productive physical work, lost the ability to solve problems that make life on Earth increasingly more difficult, and that no-one even considers the implementation of the "Nirvana Political System" (see #A1 to #A4 from my web page "partia_totalizmu.htm") illustrated with our free half-hour video in Polish but with English subtitles, entitled "Świat bez pieniędzy: Ustrój nirwany", the title of which means "The Nirvana System: World That Rid Of Money", available at . Meanwhile, from the context in which verse 16:9 from "The Gospel of Luke" is given in the Bible, the information implying, amongst others, that the eternal life will be open to people only when the humanity gets rid of "money" for good (which situation will happen only after the implementation of the "Nirvana Political System"), while people will voluntarily learn the skills of living in friendship and love with their fellow human beings, and voluntarily learn how to selflessly share their own achievements.

In spite that our morally decadent relatives from Orion planets have such a crushing technical advantage over us, God still created several methods of effective defence against their attacks, and then provided us with descriptions of these methods wisely encoded in verses of the Bible. The simplest and at the same time the most effective of these methods of our defence is coded in the content of the biblical verse 8:32 from the "Gospel of St. John" - I quote from the Catholic "Bible of the Millennium": "and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free" (note the use of plural "you" in original wording of this verse). Thus, according to this verse, in order to effectively defend ourselves and set ourselves free from attacks of morally fallen people and creatures which act contrary to God's commandments and requirements, it is enough to make sure that we reveal the truth and only the truth to all our fellow humans, and that we actively help them to learn it. In other words, that we do NOT keep the truth only for our own knowledge and use, but we make it available to all our neighbours and we do everything in our power so that they can get to know this truth. Truth is the most powerful weapon against all forms of evil, the defence with which God strongly tries to persuade us in the Bible. This is why in verse 20:16 from the "Book of Exodus" in the Bible, telling the truth is one of the 10 Commandments of God. Furthermore, in the list of behaviours which may result in being punished with the most terrible so-called "second death" (i.e. "deletion of programs of the soul"), provided in the Bible verses 21:8 and 22:15 from "Apocalypse of St. John" and 6:16-19 from "Book of Proverbs", one of the behaviours unfortunately usually neglected to be emphasized by priests and overlooked by the majority of people, although strictly forbidden by God, is NOT revealing the truth - that is: lying. Of course, these who form and maintain "cocoons of lies" know perfectly well that the truth poses the greatest threat to them. So they invented a lot of clever ways to make people to lie. These include, e.g. appeals for patriotism and for keeping state secrets, signing by employees of commitments to conceal professional truths, secret recipes, processes and ingredients, refusing to publish articles revealing the truth, promotion of new trends in ambiguity of communication allowing attacks on freedom of truth expression - such as "political correctness" (see ) or "hate speech" (see ), a lot of examples of which trends I discussed in {1} from item #J3 from my web page "faq.htm" and in post #359E to blogs of totalizm, promises without the intention of keeping them, compliments, murdering and imprisoning journalists and people revealing the truth, etc., etc. So if with our voluntary keeping of the God’s 10 commandments we deserve eternal life, probably we will be highly surprised NOT to see in the group of humans accepted by God these great numbers of eloquent people e.g. professionally obliged to disseminate truth whom today everyone likes to listen because they never offended anyone by telling the truth which at present is forbidden or which induces unpopular feelings.

Facts described here imply, amongst others, that in the "cocoon of lies" that is currently being forced onto humanity, the central position and the most forcefully imposed type of lies and distortions of truth apply to everything that is somehow connected with UFOs (and thus also somehow connected with my Magnocraft) and with the fulfilment of God 10 commandments as described in the Bible. For example, wherever the attention of humanity is directed at the evidence which proves the existence and activities of UFOs, immediately some events take place, typically imposed from above or cleverly sabotaged, which destroy and eliminate this evidence. UFO researchers know thousands of such cases. For example, such a treatment was received by practically everything concerning UFOs that I discovered and described on my web page "tapanui.htm", and partly also on my web page "petone.htm". From the results of research by other researchers, an example of such a treatment can be the so-called incident of the tragedy on the Dyatlov Pass from Urals (see ) - when the investigation into the causes of death of students killed in there was suddenly shut down when it turned out that related to these events there are hairy creatures similar to Yeti and their UFO vehicle. (Namely shut down when on a photograph taken by one of killed students was documented a furry creature from UFOs similar to these the sighting of which in NZ is described in item #E6 from my web page named "newzealand.htm" and shown in there on the illustration from the article "Aliens Sighted".) Another example is also the fact that whenever photographs or videos of any UFO are officially revealed, always the shapes shown drastically differ from the engineered shapes and appearances of my Magnocraft, shown and discussed e.g. here on #D1a to #D1cd (and #D3abc), and also e.g. on illustrations from web pages "ufo_proof.htm" or "explain.htm". Meanwhile, from my engineering analyzes it appears that a UFO vehicle with shapes different from my Magnocraft simply will NOT be able to fly properly and fulfil its functions. It is also worth to notice this inexplicable hostility of institutions of today's "official atheistic science" to research on telepathy and hypnosis, and their attempts to deceptively call e.g. "telepathy" with the name "gravitational waves" - as for LIGO this is explained in item #E1.1 from the web page "telepathy.htm". The only reason for such a distortion of truth may be that decision-makers and some employees of this institution are telepathically or hypnotically pre-programmed for this. After all, the advancement of our knowledge in the field of telepathy and hypnosis would allow the humanity to discover and to stop this massive manipulation with the technical telepathy and hypnosis, to which humanity is subjected for thousands of years.

Fortunately, the upcoming construction of my starship Magnocraft will provide humanity with knowledge, facts, data and insight into truths, which will gradually eliminate this hidden "cocoon of lies" into which humanity was tricked by our occupants and exploiters from planets of Orion, and will confirm people in the knowledge that the only The Way to save our civilization from repetitive self-destruction is to voluntarily and fully implement in the life of each person the truth, motivation, life values, way of life and behaviour documented in the Bible and given to us by God through His son Jesus. After all, while operating in cosmic space, pilots of our Magnocraft often will see vehicles similar to their own, which, however, do NOT belong to humanity. And there is a huge number of these spaceships operating on Earth - only that the majority of them already fly in the invisible to people "state of telekinetic flickering" which I described, amongst others, in item #C1 from my web page named "dipolar_gravity.htm". After all, each person at least once a month is abducted to a UFO under deep hypnosis, where, amongst others, his/her "moral energy" and sperm or ovule are extracted (robbed). In turn, in order to abduct each person so often, a huge flotilla of UFOs is necessary - traces of continuous operation of which actually do exist on Earth (in spite that they place a high emphasis on concealing their presence on our planet). For example, in times when I was still researching UFOs, I encountered traces and evidence of a "general census" carried out by UFOnauts in NZ. For carrying it out over the entire width of the South Island of NZ, slowly flew like a bench, a tylarier or a row of telekinetic (i.e. invisible to human eyes) UFOs tightly packed one next to another, each of which UFO landed around every 100 meters in order to carry out some more precise checks, leaving behind clearly visible UFO landing sites - an example of which is shown in Fig. #I3 from my web page named "newzealand.htm". Furthermore, after the construction of the Magnocraft, the principle of operation of their propulsion system will begin to reveal phenomena to humanity, which will allow us to gradually learn the knowledge related to the operation of technical versions of telepathy, hypnosis, telekinesis, and phenomena of time. These in turn, with the elapse of time, will NOT only allow people to start to control the influence that our morally fallen relatives from planets of Orion secretly exert on the entire humanity, but also to advance human propulsion systems described in #J4.1 to #J4.6 from the web page "propulsion.htm" and in posts #319E, #317E, #315E, #313E, #311E and #309E to blogs of totalizm, as well as also illustrated in our video "Future Propulsions", the English-language version of which is disseminated free of charge from the address .

Caused by the construction of my Magnocraft, the rapid catching up by the level of technology and knowledge of humanity to the level that our technically advanced relatives from planets of Orion had for a long time, but who got lost in the area of their moral development, will give us an opportunity to illustrate to them on our own example the superiority of revealed to us by God the exact opposite of the practiced by them philosophy of evil parasitism - see my web page "parasitism.htm". Although no-one out of people has powers or methods that could cause changes in life habits of anyone else, still the fact of such an illustration in connection with methods of persuasion which the wisdom and power of God is able to support our prayers and love for cosmic neighbours and relatives, and also in connection with principles of God acting expressed in the Bible, e.g. in verses 5:44 from "Matthew", 6:27-29 from "Luke", 12:14 from "Romans" (love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you) and in verses 5:23-24 from "Matthew" (so if you bring your gift to the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there before the altar, and first go and be reconciled to your brother! Then come and bring your gift offer!), probably in total they will be able to cause that our morally fallen relatives will understand the salvation that they can also receive after switching to principles of life indicated in the Bible. After all, our rejection of their evil philosophy of parasitism does NOT mean that we also reject the fact and truth that they are still our relatives - only that they err in matters of morality, truth, and motivation of their actions. Thus, our example and voluntary implementation of God's commandments, supported by our decisive rejection of their attempts to impose on us their contradiction of God's laws, perhaps with the elapse of time will cause that instead of them forcing us to adopt their parasitic behaviours in our lives, rather they voluntarily will gradually go over to adopt behaviours expressed in the content of our Bible. After all, the goal of God is salvation, NOT condemnation. But independently how our parasitic relatives from planets of Orion decide to shape their own lives and fates, the destiny of humanity towards which wise rule of God leads us, in the future will be truth, peace, mutual respect, love and absence of evil - which in the final effect for sure will come in the entire "world of matter".

Fig. #D1a:

Fig. #D1a: Here is how the smallest discoidal manned Magnocraft looks like. The above illustration shows the Magnocraft type K3, the appearance of which I personally developed with an engineering "how" and then I drew it manually around the year 1982 with the old manual method of ink on tracing paper. For its appearance prepared with the use of computer graphics, see "Fig. #D1b" below. In turn the sizes and appearances of subsequent types of it from #K3 to #K10 are shown in our short 4-minute video in English and German (without commentary but with music) entitled "How big is the Magnocraft" disseminated in internet for free from the address , as well as our half-hour video also disseminated free of charge in Polish, English and German entitled "Future Propulsions", the English-language version of which is disseminated via the address .

(The above illustration is adapted from my monograph [1/4], where it is shown and described as Fig. F1 .) In the "standing" position illustrated on the above figure, this vehicle resembles a saucer turned upside down in the centre of which is placed a single main (lifting) propulsor, and on the periphery eight side (stabilizing) propulsors. The shape and dimensions of this starship are strictly defined by a set of engineering equations (see formulas (F2) to (F16) from subsections F2 to F5 of monograph [1/4]) derived also in my other monographs, and resulting from operational and design requirements. The ring-shaped crew cabin (see "1" in part (a) of other versions of this drawing) with the pilot's seat shown here, is squeezed between the main propulsor and the side propulsors. It should be noted that the side propulsors are embedded in a horizontal separatory ring, made - similarly to the crew cabin's hull - of a material impenetrable to the magnetic field. This ring separates the magnetic poles of each propulsor, forcing its magnetic field to circulate through the environment. Each side propulsor is also separated from neighbouring propulsors by means of vertical separation partitions, made of the same magnetoreflective material.

Fig. #D1b:

Fig. #D1b: The above illustration shows the computer generated side view of the smallest Magnocraft, called the K3 type - prepared by my graphically talented friend. Originally this illustration is shown as "Fig. #A0" from the web page "magnocraft.htm". In turn how this starship is going to look like if it is viewed from directions other than sideways, and also how other than K3 types of this interstellar spaceship will look like, and how the sizes of all these types will compare to commonly known objects built by humans, this is illustrated by the computer generated illustrations shown in the further part of that web page "magnocraft.htm" - for example see over there "Fig. #A2" to "Fig. #A5".

Notice that even before, and just after the year 1980, when I was working out the engineering "how" for the principle of operation, design, materials, and attributes of the then thoroughly constructed Magnocraft of my invention, and when I published the prototype of the present volume 3 of my monograph [1/5] describing this starship in detail, computers were unable to process graphics yet. But even if they could, still this extremely hostile and critical towards the Magnocraft (and also towards my other breakthrough scientific research and inventions) attitude with which telepathically and hypnotically were pre-programmed my colleagues-scientists and my former superiors, probably would result in forbidding me to use of university computers for the development of this starship. After all, this fiercely hostile attitude is publicly manifested continuously starting from 1972 (when I discovered my "Cyclic Table for Earth's Propulsion Systems" (see e.g. ) which foretold the future principle of operation of my Magnocraft), until 2017 (when it shortly decreased so that I could include the above illustration to my web page).
This practically means that by now ignorantly, jealously, indiscriminately and maliciously this attitude persecutes and disgusts my research, and my person, constantly for over 50 years, means for over half of century and for much more than half of my entire life. (For an example of this attitude dating from February 2017, see - if it still can be found -!topic/pl.misc.paranauki/ .) Meanwhile, private PCs and laptops around that year 1980 were still unknown. Therefore, all my drawings of this starship were laboriously made by hand with the old drawing technique, i.e. with the use of tracing paper and ink - which, together with development research, consumed practically all my free time outside of work that I had at that time (including the then "continuing to work" during large parts of my nights, which in order to be able to continue my research and at the same time to carry out my professional work in an exemplary manner I was then forced almost every day to practice such long-hours of voluntary developmental work). For this reason, in those old years of my development work on the principle of operation, design, materials, and attributes of the Magnocraft, I personally hand-made all these illustrations for my web pages and publications, using ink on tracing paper - the present appearance of which shows clearly that they were prepared by that old drawing technique (for an example see "Fig. #D1a" above). In turn all computer-generated illustrations shown here (for example the one above), were prepared by my graphically talented friend, Mr. Dominik Myrcik.

Fot. #D1c:

Rys. #D1d:

Fot. #D1cd: Shown in the upper part #D1c is an authentic photograph of a discoidal UFO vehicle type K3. It allows to illustrate how exactly the shape of discoidal K3-type UFO starships is consistent with the shape of discoidal K3-type Magnocraft shown in the lower part #D1d (for more details see also "Fig. #D3abc" on the web page "military_magnocraft.htm"). In order to facilitate their comparison, the Magnocraft of my invention discussed and shown on the web page named "magnocraft.htm" is shown in #D1d similarly tilted as this UFO to obtain approximately the same orientation of both these starships. In turn, if we take into account the fact that this UFO vehicle is shown in flight and tilted slightly differently than the Magnocraft shown previously in Figures #D1a and #D1b, and also that its external shell was shifted from a complete transparency to a complete reflection of light like a mirror, then its the shape and external appearance is identical to the shape and external appearance of the Magnocraft type K3 shown above in "Fig. #D1a". It must be remembered that in order for it to be able to correctly implement the engineering principle "how" of its operation, it must fulfil a whole range of engineering "how" requirements regarding the coupling of its shapes, the requirements of the flight for its structure, the arrangement of propulsors, the balance of loads and generated forces, etc, etc. - which requirements are described in detail in volume 3 of my monograph [1/5]. In turn the thorough analysis of attributes and phenomena induced both by UFO vehicles and by Magnocrafts of my invention, published in subsections P2 from volume 13 of monograph [1/4], reveals that also the internal design and principles of operation of Magnocrafts of my invention and UFO starships already built by secretly occupying humanity the confederation of our cosmic relatives from Orion planets, are identical to each other. This in turn means that the destructive and military capabilities of Magnocrafts described in this post #360E and on the web page "military_magnocraft.htm" also exist in UFOs. Recent events on Earth document that these destructive attributes of UFO vehicles are actually used on Earth to destroy humanity - for details see the web page named "bandits.htm" - about bandits among us, and also see another web page named "evil.htm" - about the present succumbing by our civilization to commands imposed upon us by force, so that humanity also tends towards becoming cosmic bandits and destroyers identically evil as our morally degenerated relatives from planets of Orion.

(The above photograph of a UFO was adopted from monograph [1/4], where it is shown and comprehensively described as Fig. P1 .) Notice not far from it, on its left side, a second UFO type K3 as it flies off somewhere else. Only that the left UFO was captured in a side view and from a much greater distance. A moment before the above photograph was taken, the second (left) UFO separated from the right UFO as a result of the separation of their spherical complex. This complex previously flew as a single magnetic coupling of two UFOs into one spherical flying object, although it was formed by magnetic coupling together with flat floors of two discoidal UFO vehicles of the K3 type.

Copyrights © 2023 by Dr Eng. Jan Pająk

* * *

The above post #360E constitutes an adaptation of the content of #D1 to #D1cd from my English web page named "military_magnocraft.htm" (update of 27 May 2023, or later) and is available, among others, at the following addresses:
Notice the frightening speed with which recently someone blocks my access to more and more websites of totalizm. If this continues, by the end of 2023 all web pages of totalizm available to interested readers and capable of being systematically updated by me will disappear from the Internet.

Notice that the above web pages are my main publications updated many times later. On the other hand, this post #360E to blogs of totalizm is only a "harbinger" of publishing the presented here results of my research - which later is NOT updated. Therefore, these web pages typically contain texts that are more improved than this post to blogs of totalizm, with the elapse of time they collect more evidence and fewer research mistakes or writing errors, and because of their repeated updating they also contain the latest findings of my continuously carried out research.

At each of the addresses provided above, I also try to make available the most recently updated versions of all my web pages. Therefore, if the reader wishes to learn from "first hand" the truths explained on any of my web pages, then either at the above addresses he/she may start the web page "menu2.htm" that contains green links to names and topics of all web pages that I developed so-far, then in this web page "menu2.htm" can select the link to the web page that he/she wishes to view, and through clicking the "mouse" start that web page. For example, in order to start this "menu2.htm" from the above-indicated address , it is enough if in that address the name of the web page "military_magnocraft.htm" is replaced with the name of the web page "menu2.htm" - then to the search engine will be entered the new address obtained in this way. In a similar manner as starting this "menu2.htm", the reader can also start instantly any of my web pages, the name of which he/she already knows, because e.g. I provided it in the above post or because it appears in the "menu2.htm". For example, in order to run any other web page of mine, the physical name of which I have already given anywhere - e.g. to run a web page named "humanity.htm", let's say from a web page with the address , it is enough that instead the previous web page address, he/she entered the following new address in the address box of a search engine.

It is also worth knowing that almost every NEW topic which I already researched for the "a priori" approach of the new "totaliztic science" and presented on this blog, including the topic from this post #360E (i.e. my own translation to English from the Polish post #360), I intended to publish on all mirror blogs of totalizm which until now remain accessible by me and on which I am still able to publish my posts. Until 2022/10/30, as many as 8 such blogs of totalizm were established and maintained for a short time, out of which only following 3 out of these 8 blogs of totalizm still were working, accessible, updatable and possible to use for publishing my posts. These 3 blogs of totalizm still accessible for me can be found at the following addresses: (in "Small Print" 12pt: posts starting from #89 = i.e. since 2006/11/11) (in "Large Print" 24pt: posts starting from #293 = since 2018/2/23) (in "Large Print" 24pt: posts starting from #293 = i.e. since 2018/3/16) also available via NZ address
Fortunately, the impossibility to further publish my posts on 5 of these blogs of totalizm did NOT cause the loss of their posts. This is because after complementing with illustrations, colours, underlining and working links of all my posts that I published so far on blogs of totalizm, including this post, I systematically make them available also in my free electronic publication [13] in a safe PDF format and in two sizes of print (i.e. in large size 20pt and in normal size 12pt) - which everyone can free download, for example, through the web page named "tekst_13.htm" available on all the web sites indicated above, including, for example, at htm . Almost all posts to blogs of totalizm published in Polish are also published in there after my translation of them to the English language, and thus I hope they should be understandable for inhabitants of countries other than Poland.

Other posts extending and supplementing this #360E:
#359E, 2023/5/21 - secret "sabotage loop" from the microprocessors in our PCs (#J3 to #J3a from "faq.htm")
#354E, 2022/12/1 - how 12 "[Ω] God Stamps" from Bible confirms truth of my discoveries and corrects deviations of official science (#H1 and #H2 of "bible.htm")
#353E, 2022/11/25 - evidence that attributes of the "Internet" the Bible described with numerals 666 (#H4 in "will.htm")
#351E, 2022/8/27 - laws that govern over solving problems of ever increasing power (#C9 of "nirvana.htm")
#346E, 2022/5/18 - how the Bible's "[Ω] God Stamps" correct the distorted by "official atheistic science" understanding of time (#I5 of "1985_theory_of_everything.htm")
#345E, 2022/3/21 - my discovery from February 2022 that it was God (i.e. NOT "nature") which created "elapse of time" (#I1 to #I4 from "1985_theory_of_everything.htm")
#341E, 2021/12/27 - only "physical works" teach wisdom "how" (#G3 to #G5 of "wroclaw_uk.htm")
#339E, 2021/10/38 - how to start loving our neighbours as ourselves (#A2.12 in "totalizm.htm")
#336E, 2021/7/20 - previously unknown truths describing God ("Part #V" in "2020life.htm")
#319E, 2020/2/25 - circulation forces of muscles from the 1st technical era of humanity (#J4.1 of "propulsion.htm")
#317E, 2020/1/7 - gases and exhaust circulating propulsions of 2nd technical era of humanity (#J4.2 of "propulsion.htm")
#315E, 2019/11/7 - related to "electric motors" magnetic starships with the propulsion system of the 3rd technical era of humanity (#J4.3 of "propulsion.htm")
#313E, 2019/9/15 - propulsions self-filling with energy from the 4th technological era of mankind (#J4.4 of "propulsion.htm")
#311E, 2019/7/10 - overcoming the passage of time and death drives from the 5th technological era of mankind (#J4.5 of "propulsion.htm")
#309E, 2019/5/15 - miracle-making propulsions from the 6th technological era of mankind (#J4.6 of "propulsion.htm")
#241E, 2014/2/1 - premises implying that it is Korea that is going to build my Magnocraft (#H1.1 of "prophecies.htm")

Let totalizm prevail,
Dr Eng. Jan Pająk


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