#362E: Four-propulsor UFOs build for hijacking our airplanes and ships and how e.g. the reforming of judiciary for the principle of "termination of privileges" can help in the complete removal of evil UFOnauts from Earth
Summary: Although similarly like every person, also the author of this post #362E is just an imperfect and fallible person, who like all of us also makes mistakes in his life, still because of the confirmation by the huge body of evidence that his research revealed, he has the duty to warn the reader: humanity and the Earth for thousands of years are secretly occupied and exploited by a number of races of our cosmic relatives from Orion technically more advanced than us, but morally completely fallen. Therefore, the following items #I1 to #I5 of this post #362E present descriptions of the appearance, attributes, capabilities, and the confirming evidence, which reveal to us the greatest conspiracy in history of humanity which allows to cunningly hide from people the anti-human operation on Earth of even so loud and so spectacularly evil starships of these our relatives from planets of Orion, as "four-propulsor UFOs". These "four-propulsor UFOs" turned out to be identical to already the third in a row of the most important constructions of technically highly advanced starships for over 50 years postulated by my research to be built on Earth. These starships of my own invention I named "Four-propulsor Magnocrafts". These my four-propulsor Magnocraft starships are already well worked out with engineering "how" procedures. After I fully developed my invention, it turned out that the principle of operation, design, appearance, and all attributes of the "Four-propulsor UFOs" (see my web page "explain.htm") are identical as those in the "Four-propulsor Magnocraft" (see web page "magnocraft.htm"). (Notice that because of this ongoing conspiracy about UFOs, if the author of this post #362E was prevented from inventing personally his Four-propulsor Magnocraft and NOT described it in numerous his publications - for example most extensively in chapters D and Q from volumes 2 and 15 of his monograph [1/5] disseminated via web page "text_1_5.htm", then humans probably for further thousands of years would NOT be capable to realize that four-propulsor UFOs do operate on Earth - after all we can see how confused about UFOs are all those so-called "UFO-researchers" and also professional scientists who do NOT read my publications.) These four-propulsor UFO starships play a similar role that today's "trucks and buses" fulfil for people, i.e. they are used for instant transportation at intergalactic distances of large teams or expeditions of human-like beings, and of larger people-made objects, e.g. entire hijacked airliners or even naval ships. Unfortunately, it turns out that all three advanced starships described in the author's publications, these human-like creatures that arrive to Earth inside of them and secretly operate in them on Earth, use them to occupy, exploit, manage, enslave, mortify, destroy, as well as telepathically and hypnotically reprogram almost all people into the parasitic philosophy practiced by spiritual powers of evil (see web page "parasitism.htm"). Therefore, it is NOT difficult to guess that with the elapse of time and the increase of awareness of people, a situation will arise when the majority of people will understand that in order to live happily, eternally and in an atmosphere of universal love, one needs to undertake spiritual activities recommended by the Bible (i.e. strict observance of all 10 commandments of God) to be able, among others, free from this hidden occupation and domination, as well as from telepathic and hypnotic reprogramming by these evil creatures. Therefore, in the following items #I1 to #I5 I use the example of these "four-propulsor UFOs" to supplement the previous information already published in posts #361E, #360E, #359E and #354E to blogs of totalizm and in publications from which these posts were adapted, so that with their help I could unambiguously explain and clarify how verses of the Bible describe the requirements that we people must fulfil in order that God with His power of the ruler of the "world of matter" free us from these creatures. Furthermore, in #I1 I also explain that the Bible confirms and warns, that these people who accept reprogramming of them into the parasitic philosophy of these morally decadent creatures, and then start to act like these creatures, await exactly the same fate as these creatures, i.e. in the final effect their souls will be irreversibly deleted - which deletion in verses of the Bible inspired by God is described under the name of the "second death".
#I1. Time to accept, that as the Bible describes it in verse 12:31 from the "John", our Earth is governed by a spiritual "power of evil" with an anti-human attitude, which in order to successfully push us down, destroy, exploit, occupy us and reprogram into practicing the "philosophy of evil parasitism" (see web page "parasitism.htm"), it uses, amongst others, human helpers reprogrammed into its parasitic philosophy of the technically highly advanced but morally decadent material relatives of people from the planet Orion. (These relatives of people arrive to Earth in infinitively fast four-propulsor UFOs that transport between Earth and stars both, UFOnauts as well as our airplanes and naval ships hijacked by them. Their starship also allow UFOnauts to enter through walls into our flats, stop or shift back our time, remain invisible to human sight, and telepathically and hypnotically reprogram our thoughts and actions in accordance with their evil interests):
Motto: "For the soul and future of every human being, a fierce battle is constantly taking place between the spiritual powers of good and evil - fortunately, in order to reprogram us to ways of any of these powers, e.g. to evil, we must be subjected to material and physical persuasions and pressures detectable by our senses and minds, thus only from our conscious decisions and from the free will (see web page "will.htm") given to us by God depends our choice of which out of these two powers we choose to support with our actual motivations and actions."
The entire universe in which we all live is governed by a wise and progress-generating principle stating that: absolutely everything has its opposite. For example, day has its opposite in the form of night, for man the opposite is woman, for heat - cold, and for good - evil. As well, the elementary particles of stupid matter from our "world of matter" also have their opposites. Even the intelligent elementary components of counter-matter from the "counter-world", from which the stupid matter of our world was programmed by God, while on the model and likeness of which God created bodies of men and women (see the Bible, verse 1:27 from the biblical "Book of Genesis"), according to my Theory of Everything from 1985 (see the web page "1985_theory_of_everything.htm") and my Theory of Life from 2020 (see the web page "2020life.htm"), also exist in as many as two opposite versions, i.e. in the male adding and the opposite to them female subtracting of so-called "God Drobinas" - the existence of ancient descriptions of which God Drobinas only I discovered myself, and then I described them in detail in posts #325E and #326E to blogs of totalizm, and in items #K1 and #K2 from the web page named "god_exists.htm". One of the consequences of this wise and progress-giving principle is that even in the virtual and invisible to people "spiritual world", which according to my Theory of Everything of 1985 is located in memories of these "God Drobinas" from the counter-world and which contain the life-giving natural programs, there are also two mutually opposite tendencies, which the Bible symbolically identifies with the concepts of God and Lucifer, while which people and my publications identify with "good" and "evil" or with "powers of good" and "powers of evil".
For us people, and also for all living creatures, the existence of these spiritual "powers of good" and "powers of evil" is clearly felt. After all, they use their knowledge, skills, capabilities, methods of operation, power over nature, and pressures of their technology, so that in case of power of good they voluntarily convince - while in case of power of evil they use force or subterfuge, to persuade each one of us people to practice their own philosophy of life. This is so because the differences between the philosophies of both these powers also boil down to their mutual opposition - as I briefly explained it in post #361E to blogs of totalizm and in #L2 to #L3a from the web page "evil.htm", while I explained it in full in descriptions of my philosophy of totalizm from 1985 (see web page "totalizm.htm") and the philosophy of evil parasitism from 1985 (see web page "parasitism.htm"). In turn the philosophy of power that someone chooses and accepts for implementation in his/her life, then decides about further contradictions that he/she is going to experience, for example whether in the course of life he or she will feel happy, free and fulfilled, or unhappy, enslaved and spiritually suppressed, while ultimately whether he or she is to live eternally, or deserves the final deletion of living programs of one's soul - in the Bible described under the name of the "second death".
Fortunately for us, efforts of both these invisible for us and opposing spiritual powers bring effects only if they work in a material and physically perceptible manner. This in turn practically means that their persuasions or pressures are perceptible for us both with our senses and with our minds. For example, the spiritual power of good represented in the Bible by our God in all Three Persons, and by His Angels, in order to persuade us to accept His Philosophy - which is expressed in verses of the Bible in the purest form and devoid of distortions introduced by imperfect priests of religions or by rulers, affects us with material phenomena of the environment and nature controlled by His powers, and also through Angels of God provided with bodies, and through deeds and personal examples of people who already accepted the Philosophy of God and do good, the effects of which good each person is able to notice. In turn the spiritual power of evil in the Bible symbolized by Lucifer and his fallen angels, because of being creations and NOT the creator, is forced to affect us materially with actions of people reprogrammed into their parasitic philosophy, and also affect us with evil products of technology, knowledge and activities of their human-like helpers, for example with relatives of people living on other planets - the ruling group of which relatives arrive to Earth from planets of Orion with infinitely fast telekinetic UFO starships. (For an explanation of the lack of elapse of time in the counter-world as the reason for the infinite speed of telekinesis see posts #345E and #360E to blogs of totalizm, or see [A5] from item #I3 of the web page "1985_theory_of_everything.htm" and item #D1 of the web page "military_magnocraft.htm".) These human-like helpers of the power of evil I described in detail in numerous my publications, for example most briefly in {11} from post #354E and from item #H2 of the web page "bible.htm", while the material footprints that they form on Earth - e.g. in posts #347E, #348E and #355E to blogs of totalizm, and in #K1 to #K6 from my web page "petone.htm".
Fortunately, the above necessity that the philosophy of both these powers, i.e. both the power of good and the power of evil, be served to us through material interactions detectable with our senses and our minds, causes that we always have the "free will" given to us by God to accept or reject arguments of persuasion or pressure of these powers, and then free will of making a decision which one of them we choose for personal practicing in our own lives. Unfortunately, in contrast to the post-war-2 times of my youth, when the majority of people chose with their free will to follow the power of good, in present times more and more people in accordance with their "modern" free will decide to choose to follow the power of evil. Thus, because of the importance of consequences that someone's taking the side of evil powers entails, in the next item #I2 I am going to focus on realizing one of the most important elements of their technology, namely the four-propulsor UFO starships - in which material helpers of these spiritual powers of evil, i.e. our morally decadent relatives from planets of Orion, arrive to Earth from a distant cosmos, to force into us the philosophy of evil parasitism which they are practising and that was invented and implemented by Lucifer himself. This evil philosophy urges them to secretly occupy us, and also exploit, rob, rule, destroy, and telepathically and hypnotically reprogram us.
#I2. Four-propulsor UFO starships infinitively fast transporting UFOnauts to Earth (see web page "ufo_proof.htm"), allowing them to enter our homes through walls, stop or shift back our time, remain invisible to human sight, and reprogram our thoughts and actions:
Motto: "Everything that is material can be constructed in many ways, which will mutually differ in advantages and disadvantages that their constructions display, thus everything that already exists can be both, improved or spoiled." (The reader will appreciate this best by analyzing advantages and disadvantages of two of my inventions, i.e. the four-propulsor Magnocraft described here, and the discoidal Magnocraft which I described in more detail e.g. on the web page "magnocraft.htm". Then he/she may turn his/her attention to my formal scientific proof described on the web page "ufo_proof.htm" while stating that "UFOs are Magnocrafts already completed by someone", thus which UFOs display the same principle of operation, design, advantages and disadvantages as my Magnocrafts.)
Infinitively fast UFO starships of our morally decadent relatives from planets of Orion, fly on identical principles of operation as the Earthly starship of my invention called the Magnocraft - various versions of which I have described on a number of my web pages, scientific monographs, and blog posts of totalizm, e.g. briefly in #D1 to #D1c from the web page "military_magnocraft.htm" and in post #360E to blogs of totalizm, while in the full engineering refinement of details "how", e.g. in volumes 2, 3, 10 and 11 from the free monograph [1/5]. My "Magnocraft" starships will be (and as UFOs they already are) built in the form of a whole range of magnetic propelling devices derived from them, e.g. the so-called "personal propulsion" briefly summarized e.g. in #L2 to #L3a from the web page "evil.htm" and in post #361E to blogs of totalizm, or e.g. the "four-propulsor starship" briefly described here and e.g. in part #G (i.e. from #G1 to Fig. #G2ab) from my web page named "explain.htm". Because all of them are described in detail in my other publications, and even in an engineering way illustrated in our half-hour free video entitled "Future Propulsions" (see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TxSWDbFopak ) which is already cunningly disgusted with a Polish parody of this video inspired by evil forces and disseminated e.g. under the title "Ruch Oporu - Bity Nadśliskie full album" (see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mr6KO6BLNto ), in this item #I2 I am going to realize to the reader only the most important ideas with which he/she should become familiar, by reminding only the appearance, use, attributes, and the already documented empirical evidence about "four-propulsor UFO starships" which secret use on Earth at least for many centuries by "powers of evil" has been allowing me to be identified, described, and revealed due to my earlier invention of Earthly equivalents of these four-propulsor starships.
A "four-propulsor starship" it is simply the equipped with four appropriately placed propulsors: a crew cabin and/or a room for cargo of any shape - e.g. shaped like a cottage with a pointed roof for the transport and comfortable living of people, or e.g. shaped like a "torpedo" that provide space for transporting elongated hijacked human objects such as airplanes abducted by UFOs or even entire ocean ships mysteriously disappearing e.g. in the so-called "Bermuda Triangle" and after years to cause confusion in people suddenly appearing again in some deserted corners of the world. An example of the "four-propulsor Magnocraft" of my invention is shown below in Fig. #I2a, and briefly discussed in Fig. #G2ab from the web page named "explain.htm". The four magnetic propulsors that lift this crew cabin or cargo compartment into space, have the design of so-called "spider-configuration" appearance and components of the simplest because of the first generation of which I illustrate e.g. in Fig. C9 and Fig. D2 from volume 2 of my monograph [1/4] disseminated for free from the web page "text_1_4.htm".
Because of the use of "spider configurations" as propulsors in four-propulsor Magnocrafts and UFOs, these starships are unable to produce neither an enough powerful magnetic whirl nor a plasma whirl that spins around the entire body of given starship. On the other hand, in differently designed because discoidal Magnocrafts (and thus also discoidal UFOs) it is this "plasma whirl" that eliminates the "sonic boom" when they exceed the speed of sound, and additionally acts together with the magnetic whirl when it makes to evaporate solid matter and can explode metal objects. So although propulsors with these "spider configurations" still produce a very strong pulsating magnetic field, which during night-flight of these four-propulsor starships in the atmosphere surrounds their entire surface with a strongly glowing cloud - as this is illustrated in Fig. #I2b below, but the lack of plasma whirl causes that their "sonic boom" is NOT eliminated. Furthermore, starships of this design, for example, are also NOT able to evaporate underground tunnels - an example of which from 2023/7/8 is shown in the 22-minute long video #G3e (see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z8sag8JI4zY ) described and illustrated on my web page "magnocraft.htm". Four-propulsor UFOs would also be unable to e.g. evaporate WTC skyscrapers in New York as effectively as discoidal UFOs have done it in the manner described on the web page "wtc.htm". But the disadvantage of this lack of magnetic and plasma whirl, in four-propulsor UFOs is compensated by the advantage of the unrestricted shape that bodies of these starships can take. This in practice means that these types of UFOs are able to transport both any creatures that enjoy the comfort of houses and palaces in them, as well as transport weights and objects of any shape - including transporting human planes abducted by UFOs, as well as sea surface ships and submarines, and also, for example, human rockets and satellites.
Thus the four-propulsor UFO starship is used by our secretive invaders and exploiters from Orion planets in a role similar to the role of our "bus", self-propelled camping house, or "truck". UFOnauts comfortably transport in it various repair teams, special services and their equipment (e.g. so-called "Man in Black" - MIB), workers, all heavy objects, constructions, hijacked human planes and ships, etc. This type of UFO is also noticed by people relatively often visually and described by eye witnesses, aurally heard in form of a "sonic boom" (see https://www.google.com/search?q=sonic+boom ) sometimes also accompanied by a strong flash of air ionised by their magnetic field - which magnetic field in human devices also causes unusual phenomena typical for UFOs (e.g. ignition or extinguishing of light bulbs, starting of switched off or stopping of switched on electrical devices, etc.), and is also photographed and filmed. Unfortunately, as usually in matters of UFOs, the evidence about it is immediately liquidated, silenced, hidden, or disgusted from being recognized by people. For this disgusting, UFOnauts have special teams of human-looking UFOnauts called "Man In Black" (i.e. "MIB"), who threaten and scare UFO-witnesses unless UFO evidence was collected and disseminated e.g. anonymously by witnesses whom these "MIB" are unable to find and thus to "neutralize" their evidence. So below I am going to present the most representative examples of such evidence NOT yet liquidated by MIB.
In Poland, the best example of sighting a "four-propulsor UFO" became the widely known incident of 10 May 1978, when the crew of just such a four-propulsor UFO abducted on board the late Mr. Jan Wolski from village of Emilcin - as described in subsection Q1 from volume 15 of my monograph [1/5], while illustrated in there in Fig. Q1. In my opinion this abduction was to mask or hide the fact that Mr. Wolski caught a repair team of UFOnauts on manipulating in the local so-called "devil stone" which hid some apparatus of UFOnauts - I believe that it was a "navigation system of UFOnauts" similar to the human so-called "GPS" system, only that it works on principles of telepathic communication. Then this "devil stone" was stolen by MIB of UFOnauts and eliminated from the possibility of researching it by researchers of humanity - as it is described from #D21 to #D21(b) of the web page named "milicz_uk.htm". During the departure from Earth that four-propulsor UFO produced over village Emilcin a strong "sonic boom" which was also reported at that time.
New Zealand (NZ) is very often haunted by UFOnauts flying four-propulsor UFOs. After all New Zealand is a favourite UFO country - see #K1 to #K6 from the web page "petone.htm". But always their sighting is "officially" and "scientifically" explained in there as something "natural", e.g. as "meteorites fall". Because of the lack of this "plasma whirl", which in discoidal Magnocrafts (and UFOs) during crossing the so-called "sound barrier" eliminates the cone of frontal pressure - causing that the flights of these discoidal starships that exceed the sound barrier still remain noiseless even in the atmosphere, four-propulsor UFOs produce a loud "sonic boom" when crossing the sound barrier. Such booms of these UFOs in NZ are heard relatively often - as NZ is a testing ground for exploitation policies of UFOnauts which later are implemented in the rest of the world (this is why in NZ is so much evidence of UFO favourite area of operation - e.g. see #K1 to #K6 from the web page "petone.htm"). But immediately afterwards these sonic booms are officially explained as the thunders or the fall of meteorites. Even if witnesses then see a UFO ascending upwards, still someone is going to tell them officially that they saw a falling meteorite. So very rarely there are cases in NZ, like the one described from (iii) of item #B3 to #B3.2 in my web page named "evidence.htm", when such a sonic boom is additionally confirmed as being caused by a UFO both by a visual sighting of a four-propulsor UFO, as well as by evidence in the form of "onion charcoal" that fell off from a UFO propulsor - although even then there is always an "expert" claiming officially that it was a "meteorite fall".
Of course, four-propulsor UFOs fly and produce their powerful "sonic booms" and flashes of air ionized by their magnetic field NOT only over Poland and New Zealand, but practically over every country on Earth. One of the most spectacular examples of the departure of this UFO with a powerful "sonic boom" and flash, was the incident of 1978/4/2 above the island in the Atlantic called "Bell Island" off the Canadian coast of Newfoundland - for information see approximately the 23-minute video "The Mystery Bell Island Boom April 2, 1978" (see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Peus-JcUQOg ), which together with its other descriptions can be searched for, e.g. using keywords: Bell Island Boom 1978 (e.g. https://www.google.com/search?q=Bell+Island+Boom+1978 ). It must have been a huge UFO vehicle, probably just hunting near this island in order to hijack from the Atlantic Ocean an entire ocean-going ship. This is because it produced such a powerful flash and "sonic boom", that in order to silence the suspicions which it aroused, it was necessary to use by the "MIB" forces of UFOnauts an excuse for the alleged existence of the so-called "lightning superbolt" (see https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=lightning+superbolt ) researched in a secret thunderstorm project. On the other hand, that in fact it was an ascent of a huge and very heavy four-propulsor UFO (perhaps lifting into space some heavy and large human ship hijacked at that time from the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of this island of Bell Island) certify well-known to UFO researchers electrical damage and glowing light bulbs caused in houses, which UFOs caused then and which were noticed on Bell Island, but which natural storm lightning would NOT be able to cause.
A colour photograph of a four-propulsor UFO is shown and described in Fig. #I2b below. Notice in its description that it survived until today only because its author remained anonymous. After all, the secret services "MIB" (Men In Black) were unable to find original of a photo taken by an anonymous photographer to "eliminate" the evidential value of this photograph.
In turn some videos of a four-propulsor UFO allowed to document events that took place in Kota Kuala Krai from Malaysia. These events by a strange coincidence seem to be related to another incident famous in the entire world, which gives the impression that until today is carefully hidden from people, i.e. with the probable hijacking by UFOs on 8 March 2014 the entire flight 370 (MH370/MAS370) of the passenger plane belonging to Malaysian Airlines with its 227 people on board (see https://www.google.com/search?q=Malaysia+airline+flight+370+disappearance ) - probably carried out by the four-propulsor UFO shaped like a "torpedo" while discussed and illustrated in #A6.2 and #A6.3 from the web page "portfolio.htm" and in post #284 to blogs of totalizm. This is because such a four-propulsor UFO in the shape of a "torpedo" magnetically coupled with the floor of a discoidal UFO type K6, was documented on 2 September 2016, amongst others, on a half-minute long video shown in YouTube e.g. under the title: Penampakan UFO Di Langit Di Kuala Krai (see https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Kota+Kuala+Krai+UFO+Berlegar+Kelantan+Malaysia+2016 ) - while even in July 2023 still disseminated e.g. at the address https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wEIHPTkBuQA . It was so huge that a passenger plane could easily fit into its hulk. Several videos which document this UFO, in the YouTube search engine can be found using keywords: Kota Kuala Krai UFO , or keywords: Penampakan UFO Di Langit Di Kuala Krai (use e.g. search command: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Penampakan+UFO+Di+Langit+Di+Kuala+Krai ). Although the documenting of this UFO from Kota Kuala Krai took place over two years later than the disappearance of flight 370, there is still circumstantial empirical evidence which these two incidents seem to connect with each other in a manner similar as in the so-called "Bermuda Triangle" the disappearance of ships is also typically associated with UFOs. For example (a) the airplane of flight 370 flew in the area of visual and instrumental visibility by a UFO crew lurking for it in the area of Kota Kuala Krai, (b) this area is locally known from high UFO activities - e.g. the world-famous photograph of a UFO type K3 was taken not far from there on 3 January 1979 above Butterworth and then published in the newspaper "National Echo", issue dated 4 January 1979, while being the first in the world which confirmed that the UFO type K3 has 8 side propulsors - see the illustration from Fig. P15b in the monograph [1/4], (c) this four-propulsor UFO in the shape of a "torpedo" which was documented in there on a video, has a structure clearly designed for hijacking large passenger planes, (d) in that area there were no devices which would threaten UFOnauts that the process of abduction from there of a passenger plane by a UFO would somehow be documented and disseminated around the world, furthermore (e) after disappearing from radars at the moment of being abducted by this four-propulsor UFO, the still emitted signals from that airplane of flight 370 started to demonstrate a highly "erratic" trajectory of its flight which is already well known to us from UFO flights. For example, it started circling as if "without a goal", amongst others by circling around the island of Penang, then directed its flight towards Antarctica, to finally "dive" to an underwater UFO base - where aliens could "process" people inside it before transporting the plane for undertaking its engineering and scientific analyzes on planets of Orion. This extraordinary trajectory of its flight was documented in a 33-minute long English-language video entitled "Scientists Terrifying New Discovery Of Malaysian Flight 370 Changes Everything" (search it e.g. with command: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Scientists+Terrifying+New+Discovery+Of+Malaysian+Flight+370+Changes+Everything ), from 2023/8/17 available for free on the Internet at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Y9IRmUaTvM (note the non-accidental relationship between the dates of publication of this video and of Polish post #362, and the content of the Bible starting from verse 10:26 of "Matthew", up to verse 10:42). Unfortunately, the atmosphere in today's world and publications in press and internet are still controlled by human-looking UFOnauts, thus even if in this incident there were any official accusations of UFO abductions, still, as everything that concerns UFOs, also in this incident the humanity would probably be again misled, e.g. by cunningly throwing somewhere in a distant part of the Earth fragments of e.g. wings of this airplane, which anyway would have to be cut off by UFOnauts from the body of this airplane because they simply did NOT fit into the "torpedo-shaped" four-propulsor UFO that was hijacking it.
Descriptions of the huge "four-propulsor starship" are also provided, amongst others, in the Bible in verses 21:10-23 and 22:1-5 from the "Revelation" under the name "New Jerusalem". This is because the construction of it as if it were a cube would allow it to fulfil the function of a flying city in which with the required comfort these chosen by God for eternal life will live. My engineering interpretation of the "New Jerusalem" as a four-propulsor starship is included in post #233E to blogs of totalizm and in item #J3 from my web page named "malbork_uk.htm".
#I2a: http://pajak.org.nz/14/14_d01a.gif
Fig. #I2a: The design of the four-propulsor Magnocraft of my invention, which also is able to illustrate and explain the appearance and operation of the four-propulsor UFO of the first generation. It was just such a UFO vehicle that on 12 September 2006 flew over New Zealand in a highly spectacular manner and with a deafening sonic boom described e.g. in the article [1-NZH] entitled " 'Daddy of all booms' rattles south", which appeared on page A3 in the issue of the New Zealand newspaper "The New Zealand Herald" dated on Wednesday, September 13, 2006 (This newspaper used to have a web page: http://www.nzherald.co.nz ). Then this UFO starship landed on the Dunsandel farm in NZ - as it is described from (iii) of item #B3 to #B3.2 from the web page named "evidence.htm". This starship resembles a kind of flying cabin, or cube, with a pointed roof and four barrel-shaped propulsors in each corner. Pillars of a highly concentrated, black in appearance during the day, and strongly glowing at night spinning magnetic field spread from these propulsors down to the ground. It is this magnetic field that has the ability to suck dust and organic fragments from the ground, forming from them a layer of "onion charcoal" at the inlets to the north "N" poles of each propulsor of this vehicle. This onion charcoal with the elapse of time falls off from these propulsors in patches or pieces of an appearance similar to the one shown on the photograph from Fig. #B3.1(a) of the web page named "evidence.htm".
Originally the above illustration is published as Figure D1 (a) from chapter D in volume 2 of monograph [1/4] disseminated for free via web page "text_1_4.htm". The cubic crew cabin of the above UFO vehicle is built from a material that looks like a typical silver mirror. This material is magnetically impermeable, and the degree of light reflection or light transmission by it is controlled by the crew. Therefore for an outside observer, the cubic cabin of this UFO sometimes looks like a shiny metallic, silvery mirror. Sometimes (especially at night) it looks like a house made of a completely transparent glass. Around the surface of this like a house a single wave of magnetic whirl is spinning. This wave ionizes the air causing it to glow red or blue (depending on the direction of flight). Therefore such a silvery fast-flying vehicle surrounded by swirling glowing air can be mistaken for a meteorite from a distance. But its attributes still then differ from attributes of a meteorite.
During fast flights the above four-propulsor UFO actually forms a sonic boom of breaking the sound barrier. This is because its magnetic whirl is too inefficient to prevent the generation of such boom. This boom allows us to distinguish four-propulsor UFOs from discoidal UFOs shown in [1/4] on many drawings. This is because discoidal UFOs fly in a complete silence.
#I2b: http://pajak.org.nz/14/14_q03.jpg
Fig. #I2b: A photograph of a four-propulsor UFO (originally in colour) taken at 11:30 in the evening on March 23, 1974 near Albiosc in Vosges mountains in France, by a local doctor who wished to remain anonymous - see book [1Q2] by Adolf Schneider, Hubert Malthaner: "Das Geheimnis der unbeakannteern Flugobjekte" (means: "The secret of the unidentified flying objects"). Hermann Bauer Vlag KG - Freiburg im Breisgau, West Germany, 1976, ISBN 3 7626 0197 6, page 223. It shows this starship ascending in the magnetic whirl mode. Its crew cabin is surrounded by a cloud of ionized air glowing red. Note that in New Zealand (southern hemisphere) this red glow is replaced by blue. This in turn corresponds exactly to the colour of the air glow expected in the range of the vehicle's magnetic poles (i.e. the yellow-red colour near the N pole and the green-blue colour near the S pole). In four corners of the UFO shown here, white, glowing columns of spinning air ionized with spinning columns of magnetic field from the propulsors are visible. The generation of such spinning columns of field can only be carried out by propulsors which use the so-called "spider configurations". The mutual orientation of these columns in the above photograph, as well as the mutual dimensional proportions, indicate that the vehicle shown here is a four-propulsor UFO, similar to the vehicle shown here in "Fig. #I2a". The above photograph is also shown and discussed as Fig. Q3 from volume 15 of my monograph [1/5] disseminated for free via web page "text_1_5.htm".
Please pay attention to the fact highlighted above, that the author of this photograph made sure to remain anonymous. This is because if he revealed himself, then agents of UFOnauts (usually described as "Men in Black" - abbreviated as "MIB") would find a way to somehow destroy this photograph, or by sending to the past officers of their special forces acting as couriers through time (in Polish called "kurierzy czasowi" - see Polish web page "skorowidz.htm" for links to their descriptions) would find a way to prevent this photo from being taken.
It is also worth to know that the UFOnauts who occupy and exploit the Earth, all their starships - including also the four-propulsor UFOs described here, are able to be build in any large sizes - as this is illustrated in our film entitled "How big is the Magnocraft" (see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hkqrVePSj6c ) and is also discussed in e.g. item #J3 from post #322E to blogs of totalizm and from my web page named "hurricane.htm". Thus, their four-propulsor UFOs are able to hijack from Earth our airplanes and ships of practically any size.
#I3. Prayer for "protection and defence against the attacks of evil forces" - such as our technically highly advanced but morally decadent material relatives from Orion planets:
Motto: "True success is never possible without God's help." (So whatever we do or would like to accomplish, let us ask God for the grace of help in this matter - as in the Bible this is encouraged by verses 18:19-20 from the biblical "Matthew" quoted in post #333E to blogs of totalizm and in item # W3 from my web page named "humanity.htm".)
In total, if one logically puts together all components of requirements and conditions explained in item #I1 above and in item #I4 below for obtaining the grace of being protected by God (and ultimately even the grace of completely freeing our planet, our neighbours, our loved ones, and ourselves) from hidden attacks of the "power of evil" and from aggressions, mortifications and reprogramming caused by these powers of evil helped by morally decadent UFOnauts and assisted by their human helpers, and then all this is said in the form of e.g. "prayer for protection and defence against evil attacks" provided below, then this prayer could be expressed with e.g. following words:
"Our God who rules over the entire world of matter and the part of the universe which still remains impossible to express quantitatively or to be verbally defined by our imperfect science of humanity, I thank You for the grace of learning to-date in the engineering terms of 'how' and 'who', of this hidden from people for thousands of years although wisely and far-sightedly expressed in the Bible, empirical evidence about creatures helped by their human helpers, who for thousands of years secretly occupy, exploit, mortify, destroy, force, and reprogram people into doing evil similar to that practiced by themselves.
Witnessing around us the enormity of misfortunes, sufferings, premature deaths, and human actions that are inconsistent with the Philosophy of Christianity described in the Bible, all of which are caused by the actions of these creatures on Earth, I hereby humbly ask God to extend Your grace and include at least a part of us with Your God protection, defence, support, guidance and inspiration, which will ultimately lead to the complete elimination of the influence of these evil creatures on the fate of humanity and our planet.
At the same time, I am asking You God, to inspire and guide my person, who is still struggling with his own imperfections, so that due to the constant increase of my love for You, God, for my neighbours, and for nature, I will learn to fulfil all 10 commandments more and more diligently, and thus meeting the requirements and conditions described in the Bible you inspired, which I hope will make this my prayer worthy of Your God's grace bestowed on it in accordance with verses 18:19-20 of 'Ev. st. Matthew' in the Bible.
Hereby I invite the reader if he/she has the required will, motivation and time for it, especially on Saturdays - which according to God's commandment from verses 20:8-11 of the "Book of Exodus" in the Bible, are days established by God, among others, for Bible reading, prayers and for requests of God's grace, to join me in prayers for the present protection against, and then for the final deliverance of the Earth, our neighbours, people closest to us, and also ourselves, from the evil spread by these powers symbolised and described in the Bible under the name of Lucifer and his fallen angels, and by cosmic and earthly helpers of these evil powers, so that in agreement you and me could both read or say from memory the above "prayer for protection and defence against evil attacks" with love, motivation, attention, understanding, and an inner desire to fulfil it. This is because the prayer asks God for the grace to defend and support both individuals, including those who will say it and at the same time who by their love of God, neighbours and nature, and by voluntarily fulfilling all 10 of God's commandments with the required love and motivation, deserve the grace of its fulfilment. This prayer also asks for the defence and support for the entire humanity - if God decides that the sufficient number of people on Earth required by Him, who meet the requirements and conditions described in #I4 below, will join in saying this prayer.
While saying the above prayer, I would encourage the reader to say (also e.g. by reading it) the "waking up prayer" - the content of which I provided in post #333E to blogs of totalizm, and also in item #W3 from my web page named "humanity.htm". After all, until now probably almost everyone has already noticed some of the still growing empirical evidence - e.g. of the type illustrated in the 9-minute free English-language warning video from YouTube entitled "Have we lost access to our own food?" (see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AlRsWelHQ0M ), that the humanity desperately needs prayers, because only prayers and the grace of God are still able to save us from what is coming quickly (see web page "2030_uk.htm"), and what together with my graphically talented friend we illustrated in a Polish-language film (but with English subtitles "cc") entitled "Zagłada ludzkości 2030" (which title means "The Great Purification of Humanity in 2030s") disseminated for free at the address https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o06UvHgahr8 .
#I4. Requirements or conditions that the humanity needs to fulfil as a "group intellect", so that God with His power decides to defend humanity and cause the complete removal of evil UFOnauts from our planet:
Motto: "If you want to know what is the most beneficial for the operation and development of a given product, then consult the opinion of its creator." (This is why in order to direct yourself and your neighbours on the path of happiness, check what the Bible states on this subject. In turn if you wish our starship Magnocraft lifted people to stars (see web page "magnocraft.htm") and opened for humanity infinite resources of the cosmos - consult what the author of this post #362E explains about the Magnocraft in his publications.)
In the present situation of growing awareness of people about the anti-human activities on Earth of UFOnauts who have an overwhelming technical and military advantage over people, the most important knowledge that we need is to learn the requirements or conditions that the humanity must meet as a "group intellect", so that God with His power decides to stand in defence of humanity and cause a complete removal of UFOnauts from our planet. Fortunately, my analyzes of the Bible indicate how humanity can fulfil these requirements and conditions. This is because they are coded into verses of the Bible. Only that because of their complexity and the threat of being deleted by UFOnauts or human rulers, as usually wisely and far-sightedly God inspired them to be divided into several simplified pieces of advice, which must be logically put together in order to receive the entire resultant requirements and conditions. And so, for example, one amongst these component advices in the Bible is expressed in verses 2:10-12 from the "Letter of Saint James", which state - quote from the Catholic Bible of the Millennium: "Even if someone obeys the entire Law, and breaks only one commandment, he/she is guilty for all." This logically warns that everything God promises, however, the fulfilment of it God makes conditional on the fulfilment of the 10 commandments, it requires that people with equal precision keep each one of God's 10 commandments. Another component of these requirements and conditions is expressed in verses 19:17-19 from "Matthew" - quote: "... And if you want to enter into life, keep the commandments. He asked Him 'Which ones?' Jesus answered, These: Do not kill, do not commit adultery, do not steal, do not bear false witness, honour your father and mother, and love your neighbour as yourself!" In other words, God promises to protect and defend our lives when we voluntarily and with dedication and proper motivation begin to obey all commandments from verses 20:12-17 in the "Book of Exodus" of the Bible. In turn, because of their importance, this requirement is repeated in a number of places of the Bible - e.g. see also: Revelation 21:8 and 22:15, Proverbs 6:16-19, Book of Ezekiel 18:5-9 and 18:10-32, and Romans 13:9. Yet another component of these sought-after requirements and conditions is emphasized in verses 10:27-28 from "Luke", quote: "...You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind; while your neighbour as you love yourself. Jesus said to him, 'You have answered correctly. Do this and you will live'. In turn to emphasize the importance of these verses of Luke, they are also repeated in verses 22:36-40 from Matthew, or 12:30-31 from Mark. However, what is most vital, this verse 10:27-28 from "Luke" realizes that the protection of our lives by God is dependent NOT only on the fulfilment of these commandments, but also on what today we would call the "motivation" and "sincerity of true love" - means this obedience can NOT be carried out mechanically, e.g. only from a sense of duty or coercion, but voluntarily out of true love, appreciation and respect for God, neighbours and nature (i.e. in the way as I try to teach this to my readers in post #339E to blogs of totalizm and in item #A2.12 from the web page "totalizm.htm"). In order to emphasize this dependence on proper motivation, love and sincerity, in the Bible God supplements these with repetitions in Matthew 22:36-40, Mark 12:30-31 and Luke 10:27-28 with verses of the type of 14:15 from "John" stating , quote: "If you love me, you will keep my commandments" - also repeated in various words in a large number of other verses of the Bible, e.g. in: John 14:21-24, John 15:10-14, or in 1 Corinthians 16:22. The same dependence on the right motivation and true love can also be expressed in a different way, e.g. as in verses 8:28-30 from the Letter to Romans, quote: "we also know that God with those who love Him cooperates in all things for their sake ..." Also this way of expressing motivation and love is repeated many times in the Bible - e.g. see: Jacob 1:12, Jacob 2:5, 1 Corinthians 2:9, 1 Corinthians 8:3, John 3:16, or Ephesians 6: 24.
There is an extremely important reason why God imposed on the humanity the requirement that is so difficult to fulfil in present times, stating that in order for God to help someone to live long and to deserve eternal life, the requirement and condition is that this someone voluntarily and for love of God, neighbours and nature learn to fulfil with equal precision all 10 commandments of God. This vital reason is that only when almost all members of a given community fulfil each of 10 commandments of God in such a way, then the entire community does NOT experience any of the social diseases that today have accumulated into a deadly epidemic such as mutual lying to each other, social inequality, greed, exploitation, unfaithfulness , frauds, crimes, prejudices, racism, hatred, wars, cruelty, suffering, hunger, etc., and consciously and voluntarily chooses to live in full harmony and universal love, constantly raise the level of its "moral energy" until it reaches the level of common experiencing of happiness of the earned nirvana (see web page "nirvana.htm"), continuously build up own wealth, raise the standard of living, improve one's science, education and technology, and get to know one's God increasingly better. All this together implements in this community the reversal of the philosophy of evil parasitism already practiced by almost the entire humanity, in which practically no-one in this life has an access to unthreatened and thus to permanent happiness, freedom, equality, growth, satisfaction with life, etc., and only a very few can hope for eternal life in unceasing bliss. This also causes that in order NOT to cause a similar epidemic of social illnesses in the heaven filled with people who received from God eternal life, God threw out of heaven Lucifer and his fallen angels, and also in the Bible warns that He will NOT allow to heaven and to eternal life any of people, who will NOT learn to voluntarily fulfil all God's commandments out of love.
Please notice that only the above abbreviated analysis of verses of the Bible already reveals how much depends on the learning by people the proper fulfilment of 10 commandments of God. After all, from the proper fulfilment of these commandments depends NOT only our future access to eternal life and the merit of obtaining the defence, protection and inspiration of God, but also already at present time the harmony and happiness of our entire civilization and its defence by God from attacks of evil powers, confirming the truth of future scientific discoveries and inventions (see posts #345E and #346E to blogs of totalizm), and practically the right course of everything else that we experience in our lives. (In turn, what difference makes in life just such deserving to be defended by God from attacks by evil powers, is documented by events which during the First World War were demonstrated by the US soldier humbly known as "Sergeant York" - descriptions of the influence of the moral contribution of whose example on the results of that war can be searched in the Internet e.g. with keywords: Sergeant York God helped German 35 machine guns (e.g. by using the search command: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Sergeant+York+God+helped+German+35+machine+guns ). After all, thanks to God's defence and help, when his colleagues were knocked out by a powerful enemy fire, he armed only with a manually reloaded rifle single-handedly attacked the entire group of machine guns nests, destroying 35 German machine gun nests, and taking 132 German soldiers as POW prisoners.) At present, a particularly neglected part of obeying God's commandments is the requirement of love, volunteering, and proper motivation - means the one, the learning to fulfil of which I am trying to explain in post #339E to blogs of totalizm, and in item #A2.12 from my web page named "totalizm.htm". In spite of this, apart from the Bible, currently almost no-one emphasizes to us the importance of obeying 10 commandments, nor teaches us how to properly obey them. The Bible warns even priests, among others, also on this matter in verses 4:4-9 from the biblical "Book of Hosea". Therefore, presently the only way to learn the right principles for leading one's life is to study the Bible in person. In turn, in order to learn the importance for all people of the above reason that everyone voluntarily and out of love try (and learn) to obey all 10 commandments of God, it is worth to consider one of the manners recommended by the philosophy of totalizm and explained more thoroughly in item #I5 below, in which a given society is able to restore in itself this habit of voluntarily obeying with love all 10 commandments of God.
#I5. A secular but based on the biblical principle of "termination of privileges" reform of the judiciary, by using of which a given society as a group intellect through its activities would gradually restore the fulfilment of all 10 commandments of God, and thus as a whole would deserve protection and defence of God against attacks of evil forces and in the final count the complete removal of morally decadent UFOnauts from Earth:
Motto: "Only the creator of a given product knows best how it works." (This is why the best working for the happiness of people and for the prosperity of humanity in the final count are only these actions, moves, decisions and laws, which are for human conditions adopted commandments, recommendations and advices of God encoded in the Bible. This is also why methods of God's action typically cause improvement of the existing situation, while the methods of people's actions in the final effect typically cause the deterioration of the previously existing situation.)
An underestimated by earthly elites feature of solutions to problems created by people disobedient to God, devoid of drastic moves, which God in His infinite wisdom worked out and encoded in the Bible, is that each of these biblical solutions can be successfully adopted by human rulers for elimination in their countries of the problems that plague present-day human societies. Unfortunately, UFOnauts who secretly rule over us, for whom the source of the sense of power, superiority, and perverted pleasure probably is the hidden tormenting of people, actively make impossible the implementation of these solutions adopted from the Bible that lead toward the good. Thus, a kind of breakthrough and an excellent model for the future, leading to a large variety of good done, would be e.g. the reforming the human judiciary based on adopting from the Bible the solution to the problem of eliminating crimes and moral degradation of people without the need to put them into prisons or execute them. After all, crimes and the entire moral decay of humanity result from breaking 10 commandments of God by people. Thus, the solution to this problem of crimes and to moral decline, which causes the success and well-being of the population of the country in harmony and happiness, instead of experiencing the evil of moral decline, crimes, prisons, and executions, requires only secular adaptation to present earthly conditions of the solution taken from the Bible and described in this item #I5. And so, the solutions of many human problems by God are based on the gradual intensification of the process of "termination of privileges" (in the Bible called with different words), instead of immediate punishment. In the result, the person "educated" with this termination has time and many opportunities to understand his/her wandering and to return to the increasingly pedantic fulfilment of all 10 commandments of God, which caused the loss of a given privilege. In turn, in order to be able to intensify this "termination of privileges" so gradually, everyone who does NOT start life already burdened with "karma" (see web page "karma.htm") for something that he/she did in his/her previous life, still as a small child receives from God all existing privileges (or most of them). It is these privileges that give to children attributes described e.g. in verses 18:3-10 from "Matthew". In turn what these privileges are, it is easy to deduce e.g. from the content of biblical verses 4:13-19 from the "Book of Tobias", or e.g. from verses 1:14 to 3:22 from "The Wisdom of Sirach or Ecclesiastics". But then, as the child grows up and learns to break subsequent commandments of God with his/her lies, disobedience, lack of respect, etc., gradually his/her privileges are terminated in accordance with the essence of commandments which he/she starts to break then. For this termination God uses the method of managing human lives, the "how" of which I described and illustrated in the so-called "tree of life" in item #J5 from the web page named "petone.htm", and also uses the disclosure to all interested parties of whatever someone has done wrong, described in the Bible, amongst others, in verse 10:26 from "Matthew" or 4:22 from "Mark" - I quote: "For there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed, and nothing hidden that will not be known". In turn such termination of given privileges exposes a former child (and by then a given adolescent person) to increasingly brutal treatment from life. And it is this treatment that usually turns out to be the best "convincer" to undertake conscientious fulfilment of God's commandments. In turn, if someone is NOT convinced by life to obey all 10 commandments of God out of love, then probably he or she will meet the same fate that will be experienced by almost all UFOnauts who occupy, exploit, and destroy humanity. An example of this fate experienced still in this life is described in verses 16:24-29 from the "Book of Wisdom", which warn that even nature is going to punish them while rewarding those who listen to God. So let us quote here the beginning from verse 16:24 of the "Book of Wisdom" the implementation of which we already see in the world around us - although having the intention that in order NOT to deprive people of "free will" with the engineering explanation "how" and "why" we are really punished, God allows that UFOnauts and their human helpers tell us that these are just effects of the so-called "climate change": "Nature, being subject to you, the Creator, rage as a punishment against the wicked, and as a kindness it softens for those who trusted you. ..." In turn, after the end of this life, the soul of such a person will probably be treated in the same way like souls of UFOnauts, i.e. either "in a crony way" will be sent to where souls sent religions created by evil UFOnauts for their helpers, i.e. where souls sent pagan religions known to us from historical descriptions of religions of ancient Egypt, Greece, etc. In turn, after the final judgment, as the Bible warns about it, these souls will be "deleted" - which process of their final deletion in the Bible is described under the name of the "second death". In other words, if people managed to commonly implement a similar system of "termination of privileges" in human punishment, then this would also gradually eliminate crime from a given community, restore social harmony, and also direct numerous people onto the path of learning the proper observance of all 10 commandments of God which in the final judgment could open the door to eternal life for them.
Let us assume that in the group of today's young people there will be someone experienced enough to understand and appreciate the truth of the claim from times of youth of my generation stating that "if you want something to be done, then it must be done by you personally" i.e. there will be someone young, energetic, ambitious and with leadership skills, who will understand that in real life it is NOT enough to just complain, protest and demand from e.g. politicians or the government to do something for and instead of us, but you need to roll up your own sleeves and personally cause such achievement. Let us also assume that by some miracle he reads this item #I5 and even agrees with its deductions. Finally, let us assume that by another miracle this young candidate for the future leader of the reformation of humanity, will find among his peers enough like-minded young people to be able to officially found with them the political Party of Totalizm (i.e. political party described on the totaliztic web pages: "partia_totalizmu_uk.htm" and "partia_totalizmu_statut_uk.htm") and then, as a well-organized and determined young force, through official channels and democratically cause the reforms for years recommended by the Philosophy of Totalizm of 1985 (see web page "totalizm.htm"), starting with the reform of the judiciary described here. After all, this and other reforms are already delayed by at least several hundred of years. This is because in the same way as e.g. in times of Jesus human punishment boiled down to imprisonment or execution, today many countries still punish in also exactly the same way with imprisonment or execution. What is even worse, instead of rehabilitating and moralizing with a punishment - as this is done by methods of God's action, this ancient human way of punishing turned today's prisons into a kind of "criminal universities" which teach adepts imprisoned in there the highest craftsmanship in committing crimes. This is why the implementation of the principle of reforming penalties described here is able to save the country and the humanity from further and faster moral decline, and in consequence also from the upcoming self-destruction. Furthermore, the reforms described here have the power to finally lead the humanity onto the path of living in peace, prosperity, and universal happiness. So let us consider how such a Party of Totalizm could start its program of a deep reform of the judiciary through the implementation of the principle of "termination of privileges" inspired by the Bible.
Well, firstly in consultation with as many people as possible, a list of these "privileges" automatically obtained by citizens at the moment of birth in a given country, which could be terminated as punishments for breaking individual out of 10 God's commandments, would need to be established. After all, NOT all privileges in present times would be acceptable to be taken away - e.g. taking away from someone the privilege of life (means executing this person) would be a too barbaric move in present times, not mentioning that someone would need to execute him/her thus breaking the commandment "do NOT kill" for which the Bible states that God's punishment is "second death". So in order to indicate to the reader examples "how" such terminated privileges could be searched for and defined, let us briefly review these out of 10 commandments which urge us to love our neighbours like we love ourselves in order to "preserve life", and let us indicate for each of them at least one example of a privilege that could be taken away from those who break this commandment. Here they are:
{5} Commandment expressed in verse 20:12 from the "Book of Exodus" in the Bible which states - I quote from the Catholic Millennium Bible: "Honour your father and your mother, so that you may live long on the land, which the Lord your God is giving you." This is precisely expressed in the first of this group of commandments ordering to love one's neighbour - especially one's own father and mother. How seriously God treats this commandment that teaches the right motivations, is illustrated by the fact that in old times the punishment for breaking it was stoning to death - e.g. see verse 21:18-21 from the "Book of Deuteronomy" in the Bible. On the other hand, in present times agents of the "power of evil" caused the introduction of the so-called "anti-smacking laws" which punish parents for giving their children an educational "smacking" - as I describe this in item #B5.1 from my web page "will.htm". Note, that in present times even are disseminated telephone numbers where children can complain about their parents, causing them to be punished. Already now we can see results of this cunning imposition of a ban on parents to fight disobedience and unruliness of children - e.g. see the "pandemic" of robbing shops with cigarettes and alcohol rammed with stolen cars by juvenile gangs (see https://www.google.co.nz/search?q=shops+ram+raid+cars+teen+gangs+nz ). However, the solution to this problem is simple - e.g. depriving the person who breaks this commandment of the "privilege of living with parents", and then transferring him/her to the so-called growing-up educational camp (see https://www.google.co.nz/search?q=boot+camps+youth+nz ) for a length of time defined by the advancement of its waywardness. In there the iron discipline (and in the future hopefully also reintroduced the agreeable with the advice of Bible the frequent use of the rod) as methods of education could quickly restore in him respect for his own parents. Although the powers of evil strongly oppose it, this privilege of young people living together with their parents can be (and often is) taken away, for example, through the punitive sending of criminal youth to camps of discipline and learning.
{6} Commandment "do not kill" from verse 20:13 of the same "Book of Exodus" in the Bible. For example, the privilege terminated after e.g. killing a passer-by with a car could be e.g. the "right to own a car and drive cars as a driver". In turn, the privilege which for the good of the rest of the community would need to be taken away from the person who inhumanly breaks "do not kill", would be: "the right to freedom of movement among neighbours" - and thus to easily choose victims and to implement e.g. his/her habit to kill. This right could be terminated in many ways, e.g. for some hard-to-find murderers they could be locked up in prisons. However, the most modern way would be two mutually coupled with each other by radio and hence raising the alarm if one of them was removed, very difficult to remove, electronic ankle rings on both legs. They would have built-in loudspeakers, which, after the unauthorized leaving of the designated area of stay of a given commandment breaker, would raise an alarm warning nearby people that the former murderer is just approaching, and also would emit a radio signal which would allow to locate a given breaker in case when he/she leaves the prescribed place of his/her stay. For bestial killers, the area of residence could be a desolate or forested area in which they would have to cultivate the soil for themselves in order to get their food. In connection with the commandment "do NOT kill" it should be noted that its consequences even in the Bible are repealed for situations of "self-defence" of oneself, one's home and family, country, or the entire civilization against an external aggressor. This is why even in times of peace every country should have an army which will defend it against all aggressions, including extreme nature unleashed by "powers of evil" - as for technically induced tornadoes it is described e.g. in #C2 from my web page "tornado.htm".
{7} "Do not commit adultery" from verse 20:14 of the "Book of Exodus" in the Bible. One among many possible privileges that could be terminated is e.g. the "right to marry", while if the violator is already married - then the immediate "dissolution of the current marriage together with the annulment of all privileges resulting from the marriage (e.g. annulment of the right to co-ownership of property) and the "prohibition to marry".
{8} "Do not steal" from verse 20:15 of the same "Book of Exodus" in the Bible. One of the privileges that could be terminated, is for example, the "prohibition of owning anything" - so that for everything that the offender would possess, he/she would need to provide evidence that he/she leases it only temporarily, e.g. for a fee.
{9} "Do not bear false witness" from verse 20:16 of the "Book of Exodus" in the Bible. One of the terminated privileges could result in "a ban on employment in all professions and positions which are the essence of telling the truth", i.e. in the role of a politician, journalist, policeman, detective, etc., etc.
{10} "Do not covet what is the neighbour's " from verse 20:17 of the "Book of Exodus" in the Bible. One of the privileges that could be terminated could be, for example, "the right to acquire, or possess ownership or co-ownership of any enterprise, factory, or farm". Another could be, for example, taking away the right to leave a specific area or to approach a specific area - which would make it impossible for the offender to desire something that belongs to a specific neighbour.
Each of above privileges can be taken away, and often is already taken away in some circumstances. It is the same with many other privileges, for example: getting a job as a supervisor, decision maker, politician; becomes the owner of a business or farm; buying an apartment or a house, getting married officially and having the right to live with your wife or husband; moving to another apartment, city or country; possession of a passport and the right to travel abroad; etc., etc.
Because in order to serve the good of all citizens, the reform of the judiciary system discussed here will be formulated as secular and thus will NOT deprive anyone of "free will" regardless of what their worldview allows them to believe, it can and should also include "termination of privileges" for conducts that cause evil which have NOT yet been directly named with today's terminology in 10 commandments of God, e.g. for "destroying the Earth". (Although it is worth to notice that these 10 commandments were so wisely formulated and so additionally explained in other verses of the Bible, that coded into their formulations are all life situations that cause evil and that in our "world of matter" may appear - for an example see verse 11:18 from the "Revelation of St. John" in the Bible, quoted and discussed e.g. in items #T1 to #T3 from my web page named "woda_uk.htm" and partly also in post #289E to blogs of totalizm.) The proven behaviour in the role of "destroyers of the Earth" could be punished with e.g. termination of the privilege to hold any public office (e.g. politician, official, etc.) and any position of making decisions or managing groups of people.
After deciding through extensive public consultations what privileges for breaking of which commandments of God (or equivalent human law) would be terminated, one would also need to determine what privileges and for how long could be terminated for breaking in a specific manner particular out of 10 commandments of God. For example, let's assume that someone driving a car hits a passer-by, either intentionally, or while drunk or under the influence of drugs, or while talking on the hand-phone, or in a completely unavoidable way through no fault of his/her own. This is because in each of these cases it would need to be terminated for him/her different privileges for a different length of time. Thus, for example, if a passer-by paid for it only with quickly healed bruises, and the hit-and-run did NOT appear nor result from the fault of the driver, then the privilege of driving a car should NOT be deprived for life, and in some unavoidable situations even taken away at all. In turn, if someone carelessly drove into a group of passers-by in order to kill several of them, then this privilege could be revoked for the rest of life, while if he/she did it on purpose, then he or she is dangerous for his or her neighbours and it would require the termination his or her privilege of living free (i.e. require imprison him/her). Such considerations would have to be made for each of the list of privileges and for each of the broken 10 commandments. After all, for example a driver of a car could break both the commandment "do NOT kill" and the commandment "do NOT steal", and also several other commandments out of 10. Finally, after working out all this, one would need to prepare it as one's election promise, while after being elected to parliament - to develop it into a law and democratically establish it as a law for the entire country. In turn, after this establishment, the entire country would be finally directed at the path of progress and improvement of the quality of its life, because many of its criminals would have a much better opportunity than before to understand the wrongness of breaking 10 commandments of God and secular human laws that express them, while simultaneously they would NOT have to sit in prison for it. Prisons would almost be empty, because mainly murderers and madmen who commit murders would be locked up there. At the same time, former criminals would receive the so-called "second chance" for the improvement of their behaviour and for an almost normal life, politicians would start to do what they promised before the elections, while superiors would finally start to treat and pay their workers with respect and justice. Furthermore, such today's destructive phenomena as the emission of pollutants to the atmosphere, soil, water and oceans, climate change, contamination of food with chemicals, harmful medicines, etc., would quickly disappear - after all, for those who would try to escalate them very quickly would be terminated of the privileges that allow them to spread evil.
It is understandable that such a drastic reform of the judiciary by basing it on the principle of "termination of privileges" would require the introduction of a whole range of changes to existing laws. So let us list here several examples of these changes, in order the reader understands better what this would involve of. And so, in order the termination of these privileges would give the required effects, people would need to implement the principle of God e.g. from that verse 10:26 of "Matthew" or 4:22 of "Mark" in the Bible about disclosing truth on dirty tricks that someone commits. Simultaneously, people would have to revoke the parasitic "privacy laws" (see https://www.google.pl/search?q=privacy+laws ) introduced on Earth by UFOnauts, which make available only to elites the entire truth about their citizens, while because of the concealment of a part of this truth regarding crimes, ordinary people cannot learn about the dangers that threaten them from these neighbours who have already entered into a permanent habit of repeating their breaking of some commandments of God. So then it becomes necessary to create a complete list and register of all these citizens from whom some privileges were terminated, accessible for every neighbour and citizen of a given country (e.g. via the Internet), with the indication for what and for what period these privileges were terminated. Also, for every person who breaks commandments and is contained in this register could, as a standard and in addition to terminating privileges listed there, be terminated of some standard privileges, the lack of which would make impossible the multiplication or escalation of evil, e.g. he/she could always be deprived of the "privilege of voting in elections" plus/or receiving unemployment benefits (but NOT e.g. deprived of receiving free soup from kitchen for unemployed). Data from this register would never be deleted again. This is because after the end of the period of validity of a given termination for someone of a given privilege, this information would NOT be removed, but only transferred to another list of former terminations of privileges. After all, people have a habit of repeating bad habits, and moreover for the historical good it is worth that future generations also learn what particular people have done wrong in their lives. Furthermore, in the transitional period after the introduction of this register, for former prisoners who would still stay in prisons, it would be worth to propose shortening their prison sentence in exchange for termination for them of "privileges" assigned to their crime, and for entering them into this register of people with terminated privileges. Another change in the administration of justice would be automatic punishment without the need for a court hearing or for the employment of judges and lawyers. This would free the reformed judiciary from the subjectivity and imperfection of human judges, and from the possibility of its corruption. Simply when the investigation of three detectives personally responsible for the truth of their findings would certify the officially proving beyond any doubt that someone broke one of God's commandments or secular human law that represent it, then the existing law would define exactly what privileges and for what period of time are to be taken away from this person. From the verdict of this investigation there would be NO appeal - except if it turns out that one of these three detectives broke the commandment "do NOT lie". This in turn would reduce the costs of administering justice, and thus would increase the justice itself, because someone could NOT escape punishment just because he or she has money, and thus for a generous fee he or she could hire the best lawyers to defend him or her from punishment. Furthermore, it would also free to perform a productive work a large number of present lawyers who are handsomely rewarded mainly for the ability to speak convincingly. After all nowadays in many countries there is a lack of qualified labour force for production purposes, although humanity has these numerous multitudes of well educated people living from giving speeches. What even more interesting, through such elimination of privileges for committed crimes, then it will also be possible to punish today's so-called mentally ill (i.e. "crazy people"), which possibility more justly and better than the present acquittal of them would protect the rest of the society against attempts to repeat their departures from obeying God's commandments. Under this law are also going to be subjects all those people staying in a given country, regardless of whether they are citizens, or visiting visitors, and also regardless of the philosophy or religion that they practice - after all, although it was overlooked by people for such a long time (i.e. over 2000 years) until it was discovered by the author of this post #362E and was published by him in blogs of totalizm on 1 August 2023, and although this principle of "termination of privileges" originates from the Bible, still its formulation and implementation for the reformation of justice would already be secular in today's situation of the state. In order to enforce justice, visitors could e.g. be deprived of the privilege of their departure, or the privilege of approaching a specific area. Of course, the introduction of punishment through the "termination of privileges" will require more changes of this type in existing laws - but here I am explaining only what it involves, NOT "how" should look like the final reform of the administration of justice after it is already being implemented.
It is already clearly visible and obvious that our civilization desperately needs many radical reforms. Personally I also believe that e.g. undertaking the above reform of the administration of justice through "termination of privileges" God would support with His wise help and inspiration - as He always does for the good of people. Therefore, after the success of the above reform of the judiciary, the turn would come for next urgently needed reforms - for which the humanity has been waiting for hundreds and sometimes thousands of years. And so the most important out of these reforms would be: the reform that gradually eliminates the use of money through the introduction of the Nirvana Political System (see #C7 to #C9 from my web page "nirvana.htm" or see blogs #328E, #343E, and #351E), and the reform of "opening access to resources of the cosmos for people" by undertaking the construction of two of my inventions, i.e. the Magnocraft starship and the Oscillatory Chamber. Other, also very important reforms would include, amongst others: abandoning the use of internal combustion engines and replacing them with the use of Oscillatory Chambers of my invention (see web page "oscillatory_chamber.htm"); the implementation of the "totaliztic science and education" that takes into account the successes and achievements of my Theory of Everything of 1985 also called the Concept of Dipolar Gravity of 1985 (see web page "dipolar_gravity.htm") and my Philosophy of Totalizm of 1985; improvement of human legislation process (including the introduction of object-oriented legislation and law (see #Y2 from web page "humanity.htm"); the introduction of real competition to government activities and the rotation of people for each of the positions in the government and in government offices and the change of politicians after they have served in a given office or position or in politics by NO longer than 7 years, a radical reform of medicine - e.g. gradual eliminating from the use of medicines which only temporarily relieve symptoms of an illness, and replacing them with medicines which really heal a given illness - as this is described e.g. in #I1 to #I3 from my web page "healing.htm"; etc. ., etc.
Copyrights © 2023 by Dr Eng. Jan Pająk
* * *
The above post #362E constitutes an adaptation of the content of #I1 to #I5 from my English web page named "bandits.htm" (update of 30 July 2023, or later) and is available, among others, at the following addresses:
Notice that the above web pages are my main publications updated many times later. On the other hand, this post #362E to blogs of totalizm is only a "harbinger" of publishing the presented here results of my research - which later is NOT updated. Therefore, these web pages typically contain texts that are more improved than this post to blogs of totalizm, with the elapse of time they collect more evidence and fewer research mistakes or writing errors, and because of their repeated updating they also contain the latest findings of my continuously carried out research.
At each of the addresses provided above, I also try to make available the most recently updated versions of all my web pages. Therefore, if the reader wishes to learn from "first hand" the truths explained on any of my web pages, then either at the above addresses he/she may start the web page "menu2.htm" that contains green links to names and topics of all web pages that I developed so-far, then in this web page "menu2.htm" can select the link to the web page that he/she wishes to view, and through clicking the "mouse" start that web page. For example, in order to start this "menu2.htm" from the above-indicated address http://pajak.org.nz/bandits.htm , it is enough if in that address the name of the web page "bandits.htm" is replaced with the name of the web page "menu2.htm" - then to the search engine will be entered the new address http://pajak.org.nz/menu2.htm obtained in this way. In a similar manner as starting this "menu2.htm", the reader can also start instantly any of my web pages, the name of which he/she already knows, because e.g. I provided it in the above post or because it appears in the "menu2.htm". For example, in order to run any other web page of mine, the physical name of which I have already given anywhere - e.g. to run a web page named "explain.htm", let's say from a web page with the address http://pajak.org.nz/bandits.htm , it is enough that instead the previous web page address, he/she entered the following new address http://pajak.org.nz/explain.htm in the address box of a search engine.
It is also worth knowing that almost every NEW topic which I already researched for the "a priori" approach of the new "totaliztic science" and presented on this blog, including the topic from this post #362E (i.e. my own translation to English from the Polish post #362), I intended to publish on all mirror blogs of totalizm which until now remain accessible by me and on which I am still able to publish my posts. Until 2022/10/30, as many as 8 such blogs of totalizm were established and maintained for a short time, out of which only following 3 out of these 8 blogs of totalizm still were working, accessible, updatable and possible to use for publishing my posts. These 3 blogs of totalizm still accessible for me can be found at the following addresses:
https://totalizm.wordpress.com (in "Small Print" 12pt: posts starting from #89 = i.e. since 2006/11/11)
https://kodig.blogi.pl (in "Large Print" 24pt: posts starting from #293 = since 2018/2/23)
https://drjanpajak.blogspot.com (in "Large Print" 24pt: posts starting from #293 = i.e. since 2018/3/16) also available via NZ address https://drjanpajak.blogspot.co.nz
Fortunately, the impossibility to further publish my posts on 5 of these blogs of totalizm did NOT cause the loss of their posts. This is because after complementing with illustrations, colours, underlining and working links of all my posts that I published so far on blogs of totalizm, including this post, I systematically make them available also in my free electronic publication [13] in a safe PDF format and in normal size 12pt (formerly up to the post #360E in two sizes of print, i.e. also in large size 20pt) - which everyone can free download, for example, through the web page named "tekst_13.htm" available on all the web sites indicated above, including, for example, at http://pajak.org.nz/tekst_13.htm . Almost all posts to blogs of totalizm published in Polish are also published in there after my translation of them to the English language, and thus I hope they should be understandable for inhabitants of countries other than Poland.
Other posts extending and supplementing this #362E:
#361E, 2023/7/1 - the dissemination of truth in the role of defence against raids by invisible UFOnauts on our flats (#L2 to #L3a of "evil.htm")
#360E, 2023/6/20 - my Magnocraft as a source of keys to knowledge and truth worked out on Earth (#D1 to #D1cd from "military_magnocraft.htm")
#359E, 2023/5/21 - secret "sabotage loop" from the microprocessors in our PCs (#J3 to #J3a from "faq.htm")
#355E, 2021/1/1 - footprints of an over 3-meter UFOnaut in the asphalt of the NZ sidewalk (#K1 to #K4c z "petone.htm")
#354E, 2022/12/28 - how 12 "[Ω] God Stamps" from Bible confirms truth of my discoveries and corrects deviations of official science (#H1 and #H2 of "bible.htm")
#348E, 2022/6/20 - powers of a mini-UFOnaut from the "nightmare" race of Aceh in Indonesia (#K2 to #K2a of "petone.htm")
#347E, 2022/6/10 - footprints of female UFOnaut of about 80 cm tall melted in the asphalt (#K1 from "petone.htm")
#346E, 2022/5/18 - how the Bible's "[Ω] God Stamps" correct the distorted by "official atheistic science" understanding of time (#I5 of "1985_theory_of_everything.htm")
#345E, 2022/3/21 - my discovery from February 2022 that it was God (i.e. NOT "nature") which created "elapse of time" (#I1 to #I4 from "1985_theory_of_everything.htm")
#339E, 2021/10/1 - recipe of totalizm "how" to religiously love all our neighbours (#A2.12 of "totalizm.htm")
#333E, 2021/4/20 - prayer for "waking us up" and begging for God's help in the tragedy of today's humanity (#W1 to #W7 from "humanity.htm")
#326E, 2020/9/7 - the appearance, structure, attributes, and operation of the subtracting female "God Drobina" (#K2 to #K2a z "god_exists.htm")
#325E, 2020/8/17 - The "God Drobina" means an elementary particle of counter-matter (#K1 and #K2 from "god_exists.htm")
#322E, 2020/5/17 - hurricanes and tornadoes formed technically by gigantic UFO starships (#J1 to #J5 of "hurricane.htm")
#284, 2017/6/1 - authentic UFO videos documenting that "UFOs are already constructed my Magnocraft" (#A6 to #A6.7 of "portfolio_pl.htm")
#233E, 2013/6/1 - reincarnation and riddles of my conversation with the spirit of the Teutonic commander of Polish city Olsztyn (#J1 to #J4 of "malbork_uk.htm")
Let totalizm prevail,
Dr Eng. Jan Pająk
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