#366E: "Evaporation of the WTC by UFOs" and "what is truth?" by UFOnaut Pontius Pilate, the contrast method, calculation of probability of truth, examples of truth and untruth
Summary: "What is truth?", "how to be sure that obtained important statement tells truth and NOT a lie?". These are eternal questions that have bothered humanity and its philosophers since time immemorial. Already in the Bible, one of them was asked by the UFOnaut Pontius Pilate - see verses 18:37-38 from the "Gospel according to St. John". Unfortunately, almost every person has its own and usually quite different view on "what is truth". To get an idea of how huge the difference in these views is, a good way is to look at, for example, numerous videos searched with the English keywords: What is the Truth (see https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=What+is+the+Truth - in Polish spelled: "Cóż to jest prawda"). Some philosophers and atheistically oriented people even claim that such a quality as "absolute truth" does NOT exist at all. All this confusion taken together causes that although almost everyone often communicates the words "truth" to their neighbours, practically rarely do those who communicate and those who are communicated objectively understand and agree with each other. I have been looking for answers to the above questions almost all my life. It took me 77 years of life for answers to be found. It was then, i.e. exactly on 2023/11/12, that the totaliztic definition of "absolute truth" became clear in my mind. Although I have been implementing this exact definition in practice for almost 50 years in my research, using it as a kind of "Ariadne's Thread" leading me from truth to truth, from discovery to discovery and from invention to invention, previously I was unable to cognitively formulate it into clear, correct words of definition, using the engineering "how" approach explained in blog #341E and in items #G3 to #G5 from my web page named "wroclaw_uk.htm". In this item #D1 of post #366E I will quote this totaliztic definition of "absolute truth" and explain it in more detail on important examples. This definition is formulated quantitatively and in an engineering manner, NOT only in a way that indicates "how" to check whether the definition of an idea expresses absolute truth, but also allows for a quantitative assessment of the probability with which the considered definition of any idea comes close to expressing absolute truth. In this #D1 I am also providing examples of truths that meet this definition - which include, among others, the "existence of God" and "the existence of parasitic UFOnauts secretly operating on Earth". Through this, I am also creating tools, e.g. for determining the truth or for calculating the probability of truth of the described in this post #366E unmasking of the "secret evaporation of the WTC by UFOs". I am also describing here my method of identifying the idea closest to the truth, which I call the "contrast" method and which from two mutually opposite but closely related ideas, for which we do NOT know whether, or to what extent, they are burdened with errors or imperfections of human knowledge and views, allows us to identify the idea that is closest to the absolute truth currently known only to God. This is because it turns out that "the evidence resulting from contrasts of two related ideas documents that the idea which brings people closer to the truth (and hence to God) is always inspired only by God Himself, while its related but opposite 'contrast' which distances people from the truth (and hence distances also from God) always is secretly programmed with advanced technology such as telepathy and hypnosis into people by 'evil UFOnauts' whose bodies are as material as bodies of people". Note that in the Bible these material like us UFOnauts are called differently, e.g. fallen angels, devils, demons, serpents, snakes, dragons, beasts, etc. In #D1 of this post #366E I am also providing examples of the use of my "contrast method". In addition, I am also giving examples of lies that are the most destructive to humanity. Examples of these lies include, among others, almost all important general conclusion statements that resulted from theories such as the "theory of evolution", the "big bang theory", or the "theory of relativity" propagated to this day by the monopolistic "official atheistic science", which are NOT confirmed even by the most important "three witnesses" nor they are formulated in way providing for them descriptions of the engineering procedure "how", and of course they do NOT meet the totaliztic definition of absolute truth. The lie that tragically hinders progress turns out to be also the old "theory of monopolar gravity" propagated for centuries, although still NOT even named by the "official atheistic science", which still DOES NOT recognize the existence of its opposite "contrast", i.e. my "Concept of Dipolar Gravity from 1985" (see web page "dipolar_gravity.htm"). Meanwhile, contrasting this still unnamed, old and official "theory of monopolar gravity" with my relatively new "Concept of Dipolar Gravity from 1985", for this old "theory" reveals NOT only the enormity of its lies, but also shows how it has been freezing for centuries the progress of entire humanity, and how much destruction of knowledge and life it has caused. My "Concept of Dipolar Gravity from 1985" is a previously unknown and still officially rejected scientific theory, also disseminated under the name "Theory of Everything from 1985" (see web page "1985_theory_of_everything.htm") because it correctly describes practically the entire reality surrounding us. This extraordinary theory to the researcher (i.e. me) who is working alone, in solitude and under the oppression of almost the entire present "official atheistic science", has already enabled, among other things, the formal proof of the existence of God (see #G2 from "god_proof.htm" and from blog #135) and also enables to accomplish a long series of scientific discoveries and engineering inventions forming a coherent cause-and-effect chain of truth with the number of chain links not yet accomplished by any single researcher on Earth.
#D1. Does the evidence for the secret evaporation of the WTC by UFOs mark the beginning of the invasion of UFOnauts on the USA (and hence on the entire humanity), which invasion initiated the current era of the "neo-medieval epoch" bringing about the disappearance of "telling the truth" and the increasing delight of people in being "pleasantly lied to" caused by telepathic and hypnotic programming of people for lies by the advanced technology of evil UFOnauts and combined with people's avoidance of thinking and explaining with engineering procedures "how" caused by the forced imposition of thinking and explaining in truth-hiding dictionary categories "what" described in #G3 to #G5 from the web page named "wroclaw_uk.htm" and from post #341E to totalizm blogs:
Motto: "(3:10) Therefore every tree that does not bear good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire. ... (3:12) He has a fan in his hand, and he will cleanse his threshing floor; he will gather the wheat into the barn, and burn the chaff in unquenchable fire." [The above are verses 3:10 and 3:12 from "Matthew" in the Bible, which contradict the claims about easy "salvation by faith alone" - i.e. only for believing in God and Jesus but without making any effort to improve oneself through caused by love to God, neighbours and the nature the acquisition of custom of voluntary and pedantic observance of all God's commandments and of bearing fruits that serve the good of neighbours. Such "salvation by faith alone" is increasingly popularized by priests "rejecting knowledge" (see the Bible, Book of Hosea 4:4-9) because these priests are secretly and cunningly reprogrammed by UFOnauts (i.e. by creatures in the Bible called e.g. "devils" while by people relatively recently named "UFOnauts"). By symbolically comparing people to trees and grain, above verses admonish that in order to be saved one must live to bear fruit, i.e. to voluntarily and out of love for God, neighbours and nature, serve, support and give the products of ones life to God, neighbours and nature, and constantly improve ones character, behaviour and actions - as it is explained to readers, e.g. in blog #339E and in item #A2.12 from the web page named "totalizm.htm".]
Let's start by recalling the most widely known among people question: "what is truth?" from the above-mentioned verses 18:37-38 of "John" in the Bible - I quote: '(18:37) Pilate therefore said to Him: "Are you a king, then?" Jesus answered, "Yes, I am a king. For this purpose I was born, and for this purpose I came into the world, to bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth hears my voice." (18:38) Pilate said to him, "What is truth?" When he had said this, he went out again to the Jews and said to them, "I find no fault in him." (18:39) ...' The reasons why practically no-one, i.e. even the UFOnaut Pontius Pilate - who probably was well educated in parasitic philosophies (see web page "parasitism.htm") also did NOT know yet what truth is, and therefore, without expecting an answer, he asked this open question: "what is truth?", I have also been researching for many years - e.g. see my "Twelve Truths about Truth" in the Polish language reading "Dwanaście Prawd o Prawdzie" from item #B4.1 on the web page named "tapanui.htm", or see items #E1 and #B4 from the web page "prawda_uk.htm". However, the inspirational revolution revealing to me that only the use of the engineering procedure "how" allows us people to identify the truth, I experienced only when I was preparing items #G3 to #G5 from the web page named "wroclaw_uk.htm" - the essence of which I also expressed in post #341E to the blogs of totalizm.
About the truth hidden from people that Pontius Pilate was a very well educated and trained UFOnaut for the so-called "special tasks" is confirmed by a lot of evidence that has been known to me for a long time - but which evidence, of course, can be rejected indefinitely by those who are interested in hiding the truth. For example, this truth is confirmed by the fact that (I) historically almost nothing is known about the fate and death of Pontius Pilate, while e.g. details of fates and horrible deaths of humans involved in judging and crucifixion of Jesus (e.g. two top priests of Israel, called Annas and Caiaphas - see the Bible, verses 11:47-53 from John), are well known historically, e.g. see about 7-minutes-long English-language video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c2BtLtT1fqM entitled "The Horrible Death Of Annas And Caiaphas". Apparently, after completing this "special assignment", Pilate was taken back to his home planet from the Orion system. It is known that UFOnauts performing "special tasks" are particularly well trained, hence immediately after completing a given "special task" they are taken to Orion and prepared for the next task. For example, another UFOnaut, about whom it is known that he also performed a special task on Earth and after completing it flew back to his planet, was Romulus - the founder and creator of the foundations for the destructive power of ancient Rome, a short description of whom I provided, among others: in item #F1 of the web page "changelings.htm". After all, soon after departing to his planet Romulus was sent back to Earth to intervene in some other matter, because he appeared to Senator Julius Proculus in a space suit. There was also a historically known UFOnaut in Poland, called Pan Twardowski, who, after completing the task of destroying the power of God-fearing Poland, in the prime of his life, simply disappeared without a witnesses or trace - that is, he flew away to his planet. (About tricks that Pan Twardowski performed, in the Polish language there is a famous ballad by Adam Mickiewicz, some quotes from which I provided in #K1 from web page "petone.htm" and in post #347E to blogs of totalizm.) To be honest, many people in high positions, even kings or emperors, openly admitted either to using the services of (as the Bible calls them: devils or demons - i.e. today's UFOnauts) or even boasted that they themselves were descendants of these UFOnauts. For examples of such people, see descriptions in my publications linked with the Polish phrase: królowie mający diabła (meaning: kings having a devil on service - see web page "skorowidz.htm"), or see a short, 58-second English-language video with "cc" at the address https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8epsI5-3HRo confirmed by comments under that video and by information on the Internet searched e.g. with the keywords: King John Plantagenet demon devil - see https://www.google.com/search?q=King+John+Plantagenet+demon+devil . Returning to discussion of the confirmations that Pontius Pilate was an UFOnaut for special tasks, the next one is (II) details of the appearance of Pontius Pilate's face, which are characteristic of the faces of UFOnauts. Some time ago I saw a photo of an old Roman coin with the image of Pontius Pilate stamped on it - shown in side profile. (Unfortunately, I do NOT have a photograph of this coin - hence if any reader has access to it, I would be grateful if, for the sake of truth and knowledge of humanity, he/she could send me photos of it with a short description and permission to publish its engineering analysis "how" in totaliztic publications.) On that one Pilate's coin caught the eye, exaggerated to the point of caricatural forms, those characteristic anatomical features that UFO abductees report about human-like UFOnauts from UFO decks. The most important of these features are described, for example, in B from item #G3 of the web page "evil.htm". Another of these confirmations is that (III) Pontius Pilate arranged the crucifixion of Jesus in a manner exactly consistent with the standard scenario of actions of UFOnauts when they harm humanity on a large scale. We know that Pontius Pilate was the central figure in the condemnation and death of Jesus, hence he was secretly in charge of the procedure defining how it happened. Meanwhile, UFOnauts, for a number of their own reasons, have a standard scenario of large-scale harm to a given civilization, which fulfils a whole range of requirements. For example (IIIa) using their advanced technology, either by means of telepathic or hypnotic programming of local people, or by forming fog, floods, frosts, hurricanes, etc., they create a situation that the events causing a given damage must certainly occur. After all, everything that is achieved by nature can also be achieved by the advanced technology of people or human-like beings, hence what people call "supernatural" is actually the "incompetence" (see web page "ufo_proof.htm") and intellectual laziness of human scientists, i.e. their lack of engineering knowledge and willingness to learn "how" to achieve a given effect with technical devices. For example, in the case of arranging the crucifixion of Jesus, UFOnauts, with their telepathic and hypnotic technique, programmed the local Jews to want to kill Jesus at all costs - to which circumstantial evidence showing such incitement of a crowd of Israelites against Jesus by the telepathic and hypnotic technique of UFOnauts, I pointed out and explained in more detail in the caption under Fig. #J1a from the web page named "bandits.htm". It is worth emphasizing here that Bible verses have wisely encoded information provided below, that creatures in the Bible called e.g. fallen angels, devils, serpents, snakes, dragons, etc., use remote hypnosis to force people to do evil. To do us harm while staying unrecognised, today these creatures make us to call them differently, usually with the name "UFOnauts". (For my formal scientific proof that "religious devils are present UFOnauts" - see subsection V9.1 from volume 16 of my monograph [1/4] disseminated for free via the web page "tekst_1_4.htm".) The example of such coding is provided by famous verses 3:1-7 from the "Book of Genesis" in the Bible, reporting the temptation of Eve in Paradise by the serpent to eat the forbidden fruit. Snakes are well known by folk knowledge for their ability to hypnotize their victims (which truth is still rejected by the "official atheistic science" controlled by UFOnauts, although is confirmed e.g. by use of snakes as symbols of "remote hypnotising" in ancient carvings - explained in Part #G of web page "artefact_pl.htm"). In fact, I also personally saw with my own eyes the Polish snake named "grass snake" hypnotizing a frog so that it jumped into snake's mouth - which I described in blog #176E and in #F2 from my web page "stawczyk_uk.htm". Moreover, UFOnauts arrange these destructive events implemented with their advanced technology in such a way that (IIIb) the blame for a given damage falls either on local people, or on the freaks of forces of nature (these freaks, however, are also secretly caused by UFOnauts with their advanced technology) - for example, so that the blame falls on tornadoes (see web page "tornado.htm"), hurricanes (see web page "hurricane.htm"), fires (see web page "military_magnocraft.htm"), etc., or it fell on the so-called accidents or coincidences. For example, in arranging the crucifixion of Jesus, Pontius Pilate made sure that in historical accounts he himself "washed his hands" of any guilt and uttered the words from the above-quoted verses 18:37-38 from "John" in the Bible. In addition to the above, for their own purposes - of e.g. training or possible future proof of their "innocence", (IIIc) UFOnauts always film and acoustically document the entire course of events which they caused, from the deck of their starships. This fact (IIIc) that using the superior UFO technology of UFOnauts documented the crucifixion of Jesus, about which the rest of the world learned many years later, but about which Pontius Pilate most probably informed his companions instantly, also provides proof (IV) that this invader supposedly from Rome was actually an UFOnaut. In the times of Jesus, UFOnauts documented everything from the decks of UFOs while clearly visible to people - as evidenced, among others, by the religious paintings showing UFOnauts watching (and certainly also filming) the crucifixion of Jesus through the transparent floors of two UFO starships, discussed, among others, in the caption under the above-mentioned Fig. #J1a from the web page "bandits.htm". (On the Internet, an example of such painting can be searched for from Svetitskhoveli in Georgia, e.g. with the keywords: UFO painting Georgia crucifixion of Jesus - see https://www.google.com/search?q=UFO+painting+Georgia+crucifixion+of+Jesus&tbm=isch&source=lnms .) Nowadays, however, this documentation of the large scale destruction caused by UFOnauts takes place from the decks of UFO starships invisible to people, hidden from sight of our eyes usually in the state that in Polish is called "stan telekinetycznego migotania" (see web page "tekst_7b.htm" - meaning: the "state of telekinetic flickering") - however, UFOs in this state already is possible to detect with the use of a relatively simple device, the principle of operation of which was given to humanity by the totaliztic civilization from stars described in treatise [7b] from the Polish web page "tekst_7b.htm" (for a description of this extraordinary "state of telekinetic flickering" see item #C1 from my web page named "dipolar_gravity_pl.htm"). UFOs can also hide using the cover of the so-called "magnetic lens". However, according to 4:22 Mark and 10:26 Matthew in the Bible, God causes that despite their hiding, sometimes, in more important situations, these starships are still photographed by people - as it happened in the photo showing the sky above the sea ship called "Star Clipper", which in the fog caused by UFOs hit and destroyed the Almö bridge to the island of Tjörn in Sweden on 1980/1/18 (see Alm%C3%B6+bridge+collapse+1980+Sweden&tbm=isch&source=lnms ) - falling from which bridge, due to telepathically induced lack of information, 8 people died in 7 cars and one truck that fell 30 meters down from this bridge into the "Askerö Sound", inducing the local people's distrust of engineers and fear of bridges. An example of one of the UFO starships that hides from people while watching Wellington in New Zealand after a powerful earthquake, is shown near the top of right edge of my Fig. #R2c from my web page "quake.htm" and then repeated in Fig. #C2.3 from the English web page "wtc.htm". Of course, in this invisible for people "state of telekinetic flickering" (unfortunately still not recognized by the "official atheistic science" although explained in my publications for almost 40 years), UFOs and UFOnauts NOT only can hide from being noticed by people, but also can e.g. enter into people's bodies in order to perform the so-called "possessions" described already for around 2000 years in the Bible. My engineering explanations of the procedure of "how" technically such "possessions" are carried out by UFOnauts are provided in (2) from item #M2 on my web page named "evil.htm" and in #G1 to #G1a from the web page "artefact_pl.htm". In turn, the example of a UFOnaut emerging from a body of "possessed" human and then penetrating back into the body of the same human, while documented on a video and also explained "how" in that (2) from #M2, shows an approximately 50-second long video explained there in English with the title "Jinn rescues man from being attacked" and available from the address https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pMBnsJpDvnU . (The same unique video but with different comments and titles is presented on the Internet at several addresses - e.g. see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jovBh0tJ5k0 or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wh8xZ0-_qKI .)
The reason why UFOnauts (and since UFOnauts control humanity - also humans) have a serious problem with defining and identifying "what is truth?", is that in order to maintain the lack of clarity of everything that undermines their parasitic philosophy, they describe everything from the dictionary point of view "what" - which is confusing both for themselves and for people, instead of describing it in clear terms of engineering "how" - explained in the above-mentioned blog #341E. What's worse, such a tradition of parasitic description of everything in terms of "what", which makes it impossible for people to determine the truth, UFOnauts also programmed into the definitional principles of our monopolistic "official atheistic science". This is why people who are indoctrinated with this programmed dictionary "what" and educated at today's universities controlled by UFOnauts, also have serious difficulties in learning an effective method of distinguishing truth from untruth. In their practice of many thousands of years of secretive deception, occupation and exploitation, UFOnauts have almost certainly acquired the knowledge that from the expression "what" determining the truth is never possible. This is why they impose this "what" on people as the "standard for defining" everything. Only my discoveries try to reveal to people that the recognition of absolute truth requires the describing everything in terms of the engineering "how", combined with the fulfilment of based on this "how" the totaliztic definition of truth quoted below (especially with the fulfilment of the canon that every vital truth is confirmed by these three most important "witnesses" which I described in detail in (1) to (1c) from item #H1 of my web page named "2020life.htm").
Starting from 2023/11/12, my knowledge of the principles and the spirit of the "philosophy of totalizm from 1985" (see web page "totalizm.htm") enabled the definition of "absolute truth" to crystallize in my mind. Moreover, this philosophy hinted me that the formulation of the Bible is the most perfect model and example for us on how "absolute truth" should be defined, formulated and made available to interested people. After all, the content of the Bible was inspired by the all-knowing God, who also by Himself created all forms of truth, including "absolute truths", and thus knows them inside and out and as precisely as possible. From the example of the Bible we see that when defining and disseminating truth, special attention must be paid NOT only to the content, but also to the form through which this truth is presented. For example, the content defining any truth should express it both qualitatively and quantitatively, and also in a way that allows quantitative checking and comparison (e.g. with my "contrast" method described below) the level of its fulfilment by any ideas claiming the status of representing or reflecting absolute truth. Moreover, the example of the Bible reveals that the content defining the truth should be written down and expressed with the precise use of commonly known words of some widely known human language, sometimes additionally supplemented by the use of other ways of defining this truth, understandable to today's people and allowing for the translation of this definition into other methods of expressing the information contained in this definition - e.g. ways from written text to recordings, through films, computer transmissions of information, buildings, illustrations, maps, land development, etc. In turn, the form of expressing the definition of truth by the model and example of Bible is emphasizing the use of names, headings, titles, markings, symbols, presentation of fragments of the definition of the same truth in a number of different segments of its content clearly marked with unique labels, and containing links that connect each of these segments with other segments of the same definition. After all, segmenting the definition of truth and making individual segments available in separate locations allows, for example, for a short summary of this truth in the title of its definition or in its header, then for its full definition in a separate segment, as well as for its additional explanation in still other segments. It also has the advantage of increasing the probability of encountering a description of a given truth and the interest in reading it by a larger number of readers, who are then linked from this segment to further descriptions of the definition of the same truth. Moreover, the Bible recommends the use of proverbs, symbols, and coding, especially in situations of defining a sensitive truth or a truth whose open expression has the potential to arouse hostile or destructive reactions in someone. After all, the truths of the Bible also reveal that, ultimately, knowing even the most sensitive for someone or painful truth also serves the good for the person who may initially feel offended by it. Therefore, it is important to express it in a way that everyone can read it without feeling unnecessary emotions.
So here is my totaliztic definition of absolute truth. "Absolute truth (Ω) is a unique feature of an idea expressed by the person authorizing it, which feature compels other people who are familiarizing themselves with this idea, or who judge, repeat, or use this idea, to give it the special treatment in order to achieve the following goals: it gives to it the authority of a component of the achievements of all humanity allowing each person to use it legally and free of charge in all life situations; guarantees the compliance of its definition with the way of programming by God of the reality surrounding us and the operation of this reality already known at the moment of formulating this definition by people; emphasizes that its formulation and the documenting was made by the person authorizing it who is fully identifiable and historically living person and who with this documenting declares his/her readiness to bear personal responsibility for the faithfulness with which the definition of the idea reflected in it expresses God's programming of the reality surrounding us, characterized by the noticeable to human senses, technology, or minds of people manifestation of His existence or action; warns that all 'contrasts' of the definitions of this idea that are closely related in vocabulary but are opposite in meaning, are lies cleverly pre-programmed into us - unless future searches for the truth by people unequivocally and scientifically prove that the person authorizing it made a mistake and this idea turned out to be NOT true; makes this idea unambiguously, precisely, clearly, transmissibly and consistently documented and consolidated, and its presentation as well as repeated verification of its correctness will be repeatedly continued; motivates that its idea should first be expressed in the form of a verbal and (preferably) written definition, which, however, can also be made more precise in other ways or be translated into other languages; - in order for one such definition of 'absolute truth (Ω)' to achieve all the above goals, then in accordance with the numerous rules and laws governing over truths, mostly already established thanks to the "philosophy of totalizm from 1985", the correct definition of truth should meet the following set of requirements: (Ω1) during periodically repeated checking, the idea expressed by a given definition of truth maintains its correctness and validity practically indefinitely in spite of the passage of any long period of time caused, among others, by the progress of human knowledge and the precision of the words of the language used to formulate it; this definition (Ω2) clearly and unambiguously perpetuates and documents those aspects of a given idea that allow it to be clearly distinguished from any other ideas with which it may be confused; thanks to the formulation of this definition and its consolidation, the idea expressed by it is and will remain (Ω3) open to repeated and long-term insight by all people interested in it - unless some 'powers of evil' destroy or hide its original definition; moreover, the definition of this idea also (Ω4) objectively reflects the already known fragment of the procedure of its programming by God into the reality surrounding us; this idea (Ω5) was (or is) also noticed by other people thanks to its unique manifestation of itself, which was already empirically noted; and also is already recognized and described, e.g. in (Ω6) folklore, proverbs, or known religion; as well as by (Ω7) at least one person reporting such its manifestation; while for the manifestation of which idea it is possible to indicate (Ω8) the existence of two closely related and at the same time mutually opposed components of the 'contrast'; one out of which both components of 'contrast' (Ω9) comes from God and is characterized by the potential to eliminate evil that plagues people; another of these two components of the 'contrast' (Ω10) comes from the 'power of evil' and is characterized by forcing negative consequences onto people, nature and the love of God, such as blocking truth, collapsing, suffering, suffocation of life, etc.; and, moreover, which the idea is characterized by its (Ω11) attributes that allow it to be additionally noticed and broaden its understanding by people studying it; while its already completed research resulted in the formulation of its definition in a way (Ω12) that is consistent with the engineering procedure 'how'; whereby this 'how' is already unambiguously (Ω13) built into the definition of this idea; and the idea expressed by this definition (Ω14) is one of the links in the longer so-called 'cause and effect chain of truth'; which (Ω15) begins either with the statement of God Himself encoded in the Bible or with the objective statement of man inspired by God; and hence (Ω16) which is the first link in this chain of truth; while each (Ω17) next of these statements (i.e. links of the chain of truth) is inspired by and results from one or several statements preceding them (also links of such chains of truth; all of which chains of truth (Ω18) will be connected together, thus they form the so-called 'skeleton of knowledge and truth') and at the same time each previous and subsequent statement is also confirmed by these three most important 'witnesses' including: (Ω19) one of the scientific theories that also fulfil this definition of truth; (Ω20) empirical evidence repeatedly observed in the reality that surrounds us; and (Ω21) a deciphered statement of God confirming a given idea expressed in a verse of the Bible.
It is worth supplementing the above definition of absolute truth with the explanation that it contains as many as 21 numbered requirements representing several of the most important groups of its features, which define the features of absolute truth known nowadays thanks to the "philosophy of totalizm from 1985". All these requirements must be met in order for a given idea to represent absolute truth. If an idea does NOT meet all these requirements, but only a few of them, then the number of these requirements that are met quantitatively defines the probability with which this idea approaches the absolute truth. This probability can be mathematically calculated and empirically confirmed, e.g. as I calculated it in subsection P1 and empirically confirmed in subsection P2 from volume 14 of my monograph [1/5] (available for free from web page "text_1_5.htm") for the probability of truth of the "formal proof by the 'comparison of attributes' method presented in there that UFOs do exist and they are already built by someone the 'Magnocraft' starships of my invention" - described on the web page "magnocraft.htm". (Notice that this formal proof and the probability of its correctness are also briefly summarized on my web page named "ufo_proof.htm". Even shorter, because within one paragraph only, this proof was summarized in post #151 to blogs of totalizm.)
In order to fully understand the above totaliztic definition of absolute and objective truth, it is necessary to know what exactly should be understood under each of the more specialized formulations used in it. After all, for now, in this #D1 I only explained the engineering "how" and where to look for an explanation of its difference from the dictionary "what", and I also indicated where the reader can find descriptions of these "three most important witnesses". So let's also explain here (i) the concept of "cause and effect chain". In my post #365E to the blogs of totalizm and in #V1 to #V1a from the web page named "humanity.htm" I remind readers how on the example of "good trees bearing good fruit, and bad trees bearing bad fruit", which trees bearing fruit in the Bible verses are used as one of the symbols of people (see Matthew 3:10 and 7:17-19, Luke 6:43-45 and James 3:11-12), I explained in more detail that "truth begets truth" while "lies beget lies". After all, with this example the Bible tries to make us realize, among other things, that all "good begets good" and all "evil begets evil", and hence also that "truth begets truth" and "lies beget lies". (This is why, among others, in these: blog #365E and item #V1, I place such emphasis on reminding people that when they write anything that they consider to be true, then they should NOT omit the indication in their references of another truth that inspired the clarification of the truth that they described. Otherwise they lose spiritual contact with the truth, thus i.e. lies and evil may creep into what they spread through their writing, which then, according to the moral "Boomerang Law" and "totaliztic karma" (see web page "karma.htm"), is punished by God through returning to them also lies and evil instead of truth. In turn, to those readers who do NOT believe in the operation of the moral "boomerang law" and "totaliztic karma", I advise to carefully read on the life of someone who distinguished himself significantly with his/her influence on the lives of other people - e.g. see the animated 25-minute video with "cc" from the address https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IV3dnLzthDA .) In turn, the truth born from the previous truth again gives birth to the next truth or truths. Similarly, a lie already born from a previous lie again gives rise to another lie or lies. Such sequences of truths and lies generated in this way as the next ones from the previous ones form of the kinds of cause-and-effect chains of truth or lie, which in the case of chains of truth lead our civilization towards progress, civilized behaviours and less and less evil that troubles people, while in the case of chains of lies - they increasingly bind our entire civilization more tightly, and lead to an increase in the amount of evil that afflicts people - so that we reach a situation of impiety, widespread lies, injustice, stagnation, suffering, hunger, wars, death, lack of hope, and caused by greed excessive exploitation of others and nature that has already prevailed in the current year 2023, while in order to reverse of which into the progress and love of God, neighbours and nature, God will probably have no other option than to allow UFOnauts to kill millions of hypocritical people and destroy most of the hypocritical countries - as I described this more precisely on my web page "2030_uk.htm", while together with my friend Mr. Dominik, we illustrated it in our half-hour video in Polish but with English sub-titles "cc", entitled "Zagłada ludzkości 2030" (which title means: "The Great Purification of Humanity of 2030s") distributed for free at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o06UvHgahr8 .
Note that I developed the concept of "cause-and-effect chains" many years ago. Therefore, if they interest the reader, or the reader is interested in the kind of the entire "skeleton of knowledge and truth" formed by them and programmed by God, while leading humanity towards the light and eternal future, then their descriptions will be found, among others, e.g. in blog #330E and in item #I2 of the web page "pajak_jan_uk.htm" or e.g. in blog #337E and in #B2 to #B2ab of the web page "will.htm". Other terms used in the above totaliztic definition of truth are probably already known to the reader - such as e.g. (ii) empirical evidence repeatedly observed in the reality that surrounds us, examples of which may be tornadoes and hurricanes technically induced by starships of UFOnauts and described e.g. in blog #322E and in #C2 from my web page named "tornado.htm" and in #J2 of my web page "hurricane.htm", or for some I am to explain them below and give examples of them - i.e. for such as, for example, (iii) one of the scientific theories that also meet this definition of truth. Examples of such scientific theories that meet this definition of truth include my: Theory of Everything from 1985 and my engineering Theory of Life from 2020. I was gradually led to formulation of both of them by the symbolic Ariadne's Thread (see https://www.google.pl/search?q=Ariadne+Thread ) which actually is one long such a "cause-effect chain of truth". In my personal case, the beginning of this "Ariadne's Thread" took the form of the Cyclic Table for Propulsion Devices (see http://pajak.org.nz/14/14_tab_b01_e.gif ) which in turn, among other things, allowed me to engineer the "how" for three generations of the "Magnocraft" starships of my invention - see Fig. #D1a below or web page "magnocraft.htm", and also for three generations of Oscillatory Chambers of my invention (see web page "oscillatory_chamber.htm"), constituting propulsion devices in these three generations of "Magnocraft" and at the same time constituting batteries storing unlimited amounts of magnetic energy.
Every truth can be revealed to people in many ways - depending on what category it belongs to. For example, truth such as (α) what God's requirements people should meet with their behaviour, our God openly reveals in Bible verses. After all, it is God who knows everything, because He created everything and personally supervises it, and also performs "with His own hands" everything that happens in the universe. I described many of these requirements of God on the example of marriages in blog #365E and in #V1 to #V1ab from my web page "humanity.htm". However, for example, although the truth about (β) how time and the universe works, God also foresightedly encoded it into the content of the Bible, but He has done it so wisely that it became understandable to me and to people only when I finally discovered it through my own research and described it in my publications - for examples see my blogs #345E and #346E and #I1 to #I5 from the page "1985_theory_of_everything.htm". In turn God only warns about the truth that (γ) every lie and filth will one day be revealed, e.g. in Matthew 10:26 and Mark 4:22 from the Bible. However, an old Polish saying explains that for everything bad that happens, God always assigns at least one reliable witness. In turn, for example, "how" people can learn to gradually work out (δ) the truth when everything that people already know in a given matter is burdened with various lies - as in present times it was caused by the "official atheistic science" controlled by UFOnauts, God enables e.g. thanks to the systematic formation of components representing the good from the so-called "contrasts". This causes that every evil caused, for example, by the plots of UFOnauts, is balanced by God with such a "contrast" of good - but people who want this good must themselves look for the "contrast" that interests them. I am providing descriptions and examples of such "contrasts" in this #D1. Although the official science does NOT know about them and does NOT use them, God constantly inspires and reveals these "contrasts", but leaving people the "free will" so that people interested in discovering the truth either reject them, or use the existence of contrasts to find the direction of their development in which truth is contained and in what way they should seek this truth. After learning about these "contrasts" and the truth they reveal, people are able to take actions that move them away from lies and evil and bring them closer to truth and good. Since, for my own use, I have already developed a method of finding the truth using these "contrasts", and moreover I am the author of a large number of ideas that are "contrasts" to the evil already known to me, below I will provide, in my opinion, an easy-to-understand description of the method I developed for determining the truth through "contrastive" comparison of two ideas, each of which is burdened with previously unknown errors and imperfections. I am also providing examples of using this method. After all, if people (especially scientists, politicians and industrial elites) started to use it, then our civilization would abandon the nonsense claims of the kind that God does NOT exist, that "perpetual motion" cannot be built, or that without the use of "money" humanity could NOT survive and develop, or would abandon equally nonsense theories such as "the big bang", "evolution" and "relativity". At the same time, there is evidence that assures us that God constantly blesses selected people with inspirations so that for each existing evil they develop and disseminate a "contrasting" good in the form of an example of the idea of good that contradicts this evil. In order to learn what these "contrasts" are, let us provide their examples here: (δ1) "monopoly" representing evil and "competition" representing the direction towards good - as e.g. for the still monopolistic "official atheistic science" I describe it in more detail in #C6 from my web page "telekinetics.htm"; (δ2) destroying nature and life by e.g. combustion propulsion devices (e.g. by "rockets") representing evil, and with magnetic propulsion protecting nature and life (e.g. used in Magnocrafts of my invention) representing good; (δ3) "money" representing evil and "happiness of earned nirvana" representing the direction towards good - just as in order to replace with nirvana the current rewarding of productive work with money, I explain e.g. in #C7 to #C9a of the web page "nirvana.htm" and e.g. in posts #320E, #328E, #335E, #343E and #351E to blogs of totalizm; (δ4) administering justice by imprisoning or executing people (evil), and by "depriving privileges" (direction towards good), in e.g. the method described in blog #362E and in #I5 from my web page called "bandits.htm"; (δ5) "sports based on the struggle of two opponents" (e.g. rugby, boxing, wrestling, etc.) representing evil because they strengthen the parasitic, aggressive and destroying humanity ideology of UFOnauts secretly occupying us, and opposing to them "sports based on comparison of achieved level of perfection by many participants" (e.g. gymnastics, swimming, running, jumping, throwing, etc.) inspiring the participants' efforts to improve themselves. I realize that the last example (δ5) of sports representing evil probably touches the feelings of many people, but it can already be predicted that if our civilization survives for a few more centuries without blowing itself up, then soon these sports will be either voluntarily abandoned because they violate God's commandments, or banned because they destroy the citizens of a given country. After all, they maintain in people the instincts of mutual fighting and wars that destroy health and life, teaching them to treat their sports-defeated opponents as their enemies - which in the current era of having arsenals of nuclear weapons contributes to stimulating the dangers of fights and wars between entire nations and countries, while which the "powers of evil" that control humanity can use to initiate the self-destruction of all people. Let us remember that, for example, UFOnauts who declared themselves gods and ruled the empires of the ancient Mayans and Aztecs used just this type of sport of two-team football as a pretext for "offering to the gods" of entire losing teams of players by cutting out their hearts or cutting off their heads, which kept in terror the entire nation of these empires - e.g. for the Mayans see the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VYcWs7qJeCI (for the Aztecs a similar video can be found at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YmcnZ5lP9tg ). Moreover, what is even worse, considering the speed with which humanity is currently sinking into the darkness of today's "neo-medieval" era, and considering the increasing number of fans' emotions induced by each win or loss in these two-team sports, as well as the fact that already in the present 21st century, there have been cases of killing of political opponents and journalists reporting the truth, we must also take into account the danger that if these sports are NOT banned quickly, then humanity may return to the custom of "sacrificing" or "lynching" players from teams that lost more important matches. In the meantime, the more and more serious injuries experienced by players in these dangerous sports will shorten their life expectancy and/or lead to old age as vegetables for many of them.
After identifying the "contrasts" discussed here, comparing the purpose and fruits for both components of each type of contrast allows for creative development of what is closer to the truth in it and for progress consistent with God's intentions. Hence, the use of this method of identifying the truth (unfortunately still requiring creative "thinking", because just videos, photos or raw evidence made while using even the most modern techniques, still do NOT think at all and therefore require correct interpretation by people in order to reveal the truth) becomes beneficial and almost necessary in all cases where the final truth and full perfection is NOT possible to achieve by people in one discovery or in the first formulation of a given idea - i.e., for example, in situations of building more and more perfect technical devices, political systems, organizations, rules of coexistence, forming new scientific theories, searching for the truth in matters where there could be hidden telepathic or hypnotic reprogramming of people by the "powers of evil", etc., etc. We know that it is in the nature of decision-makers to make choices that bring for them the highest benefits, although for humanity over time these choices turn out to be cataclysmic. An example of such a cataclysmic choice may be the "contrast" between (δ2a) generating energy by burning fuels that destroy nature and life (evil), and the construction of the so-called "free energy devices" (good) operating on the principles of the so-called "perpetual motion" the idea of which was postulated and invented by Tesla, while I describe it e.g. in blog #324E and in item #B3 of my web page "fe_cell.htm", meanwhile about which the "official atheistic science" still claims that they cannot be built in spite of that today existing and working examples of these devices are already in the possession of both museums (see, e.g., the perpetual motion machine from Wideo #A2a on my web page "fe_cell_pl.htm") and private individuals and associations - e.g. see the perpetual motion machines called Thesta-Distatica and Testatica owned by Methernitha in Switzerland and described in #B4 and in part #D from my web page named "free_energy.htm"). Sarcastically, the totaliztic definition of the "perpetual motion" device is also fulfilled by the clock called "Beverly Clock" described in #B5.1 of my web page "tapanui_pl.htm", which has been operating continuously without winding since 1864 (i.e. already for over 159 years) at Otago University in NZ, i.e. the first among my employers in NZ that fired me from work precisely for done as my hobby (i.e. within my private time and my own financing) the research on: UFOs and UFOnauts, the UFO explosion near Tapanui, and "perpetual motion" devices - conducting the hobby research on which topics I did NOT hide from my superiors or other scientists from work at that time. Other examples of such cataclysmic choices include, for example, the "contrast" (δ2b) of building gasoline engines that pollute the natural environment (evil) and building water engines (good) which I describe in Fig. #C1 from the web page "eco_cars.htm", while on the Internet they discuss these on videos that are searched with keywords: Water Engine Toyota or e.g. Stan Meyer water powered Buggy (see https://www.google.com/search?q=Stan+Meyer+water+powered+Buggy ); or e.g. the "contrast" (δ2c) of developing rockets for space exploration (evil) and developing Magnocrafts of my invention (good); etc., etc.
Let us also explain the situation that may puzzle the reader, namely "why?", unfortunately, although the Bible clearly reveals the noble goals and methods of God, and also reveals the parasitic actions and nature of the "power of evil", and in spite of the existence of the above definition of truth and in spite of that the most important truths for humanity have been disseminated on Earth for thousands of years (i.e. at least since the times of Jesus), still in terms of their attitude to the truth all intellects (i.e. people, Angels, UFOnauts, etc.) are divided into two basic categories, namely those who are: (+) adding truths, and (-) subtracting truths. Those who add truth are all those whose actions show love and respect for the truth, hence they try to seek the truth, speak the truth, repeat the truth and help disseminate all truths. Typically they are male gender, because male "God Drobina" (see #K1 in web page "god_exists.htm" - and note that the Polish word "drobina" means "something very small but much loved"), the existence of which I discovered and described e.g. in blog #325E and which carry the programs of the male soul, typically have an adding nature. Unfortunately, all human bodies, and bodies made of matter (including e.g. bodies of UFOnauts), always have a subtractive nature - although because the soul has control over the body, people with their soul can teach or temporarily persuade the body to also behave in a positive way in the matter of truth - e.g. see blog #339E. In turn those who subtract truth (-) are all intellects whose behaviour shows hostility and hatred towards the truth, hence they fight the truth tellers, always deny the truth and try to block the dissemination of all truths. Typically, female souls are subtracting truth (-), because female God Drobina (see #K2 from the web page "god_exists.htm" and from blog #326E), which carries female soul programs, typically have a subtractive nature - this is where originate these serious problems with today's so-called female narcissism (see https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=female+narcissism ) described in more detail e.g. in #V2 and #V1 from my web page "humanity.htm" and in post #365E to blogs of totalizm. Fortunately, female souls contain several programs (e.g. the love program), which for a certain period of time, typically no longer than for about 7 years, can give these souls an adding (+) character. God created these generating (+) programs, among others, so that the souls of women, having power over their bodies, would be able, during their initial period of marriage and love, to permanently learn how to develop, together with their husbands, the principles of coexistence based on the Bible-prescribed voluntary "giving" - which I described in more detail in post #365E to blogs of totalizm and in # V1 to #V1a of the web page "humanity.htm" while example of which shows around 9-minute video entitled "The Thing I Did to Turn My Marriage Around" available at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Os4wIU_hHow , or e.g. so that at least in a short term they could persuade women's bodies to also experience an example of benefits that adds truth to behaviour. This is because in case that until the operation of these love programs disappears, married couples do NOT learn in an "easy way" the principles of coexistence based on "giving" instead of "taking", then they will learn these principles in a "hard way" resulting from the bitter consequences of what is described by the two 8-minute English-language videos at the addresses https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UtEKOfU0JJ0 and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BJGWgmGIJWs . It is because of the existence of these adding (+) and subtracting (-) categories of intellects that the problem of revealing, recognizing, practicing and disseminating truth is so complicated. Revealing the truth is further complicated by the fact that humans have the so-called "conscience" organ described in more detail in #A1 of the web page "evolution.htm" and in post #316E to the blogs of totalizm, and the fact that an increasing number of people silences out the whispers of their own conscience due to falling victims to distortions and secret reprogramming by telepathic or hypnotic techniques of UFOnauts harming humanity - as I explain it in truth (#6) from #V1 of the web page "humanity.htm" and from post #365E to blogs of totalizm. Hence, in order to determine: which of two related situations of the "contrast", representing opposite positions on the matter under consideration, both of which may be partially untrue, is closer to adding (+) the truth sought by people, it is necessary to search for both of them and then carefully check with the presented in the example below, the method of "contrast", which of both components of this contrast always represents the root formed by God, from which the fruits of good will then grow, i.e. will grow the actual: truth, love, progress, knowledge, justice, wealth, happiness, etc., etc. This is because the second component of such a contrast is usually pre-programmed into people telepathically or hypnotically by the "powers of evil", and although it may seem to be beneficial and promising and have many supporters, it actually hides within itself: lies, hatred, confusion, injustice, poverty, harm, etc., etc., which will reveal their existence only after a considerable period of time, when for their repair will either be too late or will NOT be possible at all. How such a "contrast" reveals to us the truth hidden between the two error-laden positions of imperfect humans is educationally revealed by the following description of the truth regarding the "sacred area under the open sky" from Petone, NZ.
The situation with the township of Petone in NZ, where I currently live, is an example of empirical proof that UFOnauts, with their manipulations and telepathic and hypnotic programming, are trying to lead people away from the truth and from fulfilling God's commandments and requirements. This is because in township of Petone extraordinary things take place that are completely inconsistent with the claims of today's "official atheistic science", although are carried out so wisely and far-sightedly that they do NOT break anyone’s "free will". I have already described their numerous examples in more detail, including: on the web page "petone.htm" and on a number of posts to totalizm blogs, e.g. #364E or #361E. The evidence available in there confirms that this town was chosen by God as the location of the still the only area in the whole of New Zealand where to this day wisely created miracles take place that do NOT break anyone's "free will" (see web page "will.htm"), although they can be noticeable to people and deny the claims of the monopoly of the "official atheistic science". For example, this town was built after 1840 on a former swamp covering its current area until the first official Christian mass took place on its beach on February 23, 1840 - the place of which mass is still marked with a commemorative Celtic cross (see http://pajak.org.nz/nz/celtycki_krzyz_petone.jpg ). After this mass, the area of the entire of then the "Port Nicholson" (as today's Petone and nearby Wellington were called at that time), was moved by a series of wonderfully mild earthquakes, which gradually lifted the entire area of this "Port Nicholson" up by several meters. This uplift drained the swamp from the Petone area and added a lot of flat land for development to the city of Wellington. The evidence is also able to strongly suggest that the present-day city of Wellington was NOT by accident initially connected into one whole area with the present-day township of Petone by their mutual proximity, by the convenience of serving as a port for sailing ships, and by the common for both of them name "Port Nicholson". The reason for this past connection most probably is that Wellington was established by God, among others, for the role of confirming the miracles taking place in Petone, i.e. that God made city of Wellington for a kind of local "witness" which, being right next to township of Petone, and at the same time demonstrating the "contrast" that can only be explained by supernaturalism or hidden telepathic and hypnotic programming (because it violates the knowledge and laws of present science) between what is happening in Petone and what is happening in Wellington, the city of Wellington confirms and emphasizes to people open to the truth the special treatment by God and the holiness of the township of Petone. In this way, Wellington, with the events taking place in there, contributes to correcting the false programming of people by the "powers of evil" which deny the signs of special treatment by God and the holiness of Petone. After all, this hidden programming of people by UFOnauts in normal conditions is an unnoticeable source of reluctance to get acquainted with the already developed explanation of this special treatment by God and the holiness of Petone, and of rejecting the truth instead of undertaking a factual and unprejudiced checking of this explanation and using for the benefit of people the truth contained in it. This is why God wisely established Wellington as the "contrast" allowing for a clearer recording of the truth. In order to be able to detect the truth using contrast, we first need to compare the long-term consequences of everything that occurs on both sides of the idea checked by the contrast method but bring in themselves known forms of evil or good that tilt the probability of truth towards only one out of both sides of this contrast. Then we need to find a common cause which apparently is the source of the mutual contradiction of these consequences. Illustrating this with the above example of contrast, only the city authorities of elevated by earthquake Wellington made sure that the historical metal commemorative plates reminded where the seashore was located in there until 1840. At the same time, in the township of Petone then also simultaneously elevated by earthquake, similar historical commemorative plates were cemented into the pavement on its main street. They are also made of the same material as the Wellington plates, there are approximately the same numbers of them in Petone, and they are probably as expensive as those historic plates in Wellington. However, while the plates in Wellington draw their readers' attention to the truth that in 1840 an "Act of God" took place in there which without breaking anyone's free will historically and permanently improved and changed the fate of this city, the plates in Petone inform that a "rugby team" exists and operates in there. Hence, in connection with e.g. verses 3:1-7 from the "Book of Genesis" (i.e. the first book of the Bible) and after learning further explanations on this subject, the reader probably understands why God established Wellington in such a role of "contrast" helping to teach us "how" the truth made aware with entire this contrast serves to clarify the long-term good of many people, instead of, for example, providing short-term benefits to a few people. Other examples of differences that the contrast discussed here brings to the attention of those people concerned, are illustrating, for example, that when an earthquake destroys buildings in neighbouring Wellington as well as in three other towns which, together with Wellington surround Petone from all four sides of the world (see Fig. #R2abc from the web page "quake_pl.htm" summarized in 4 from post #278E to the blogs of totalizm), in nearby Petone no building is even damaged. When it is officially and scientifically claimed that nearby Wellington has the most sunny days out of all of New Zealand - then from Petone one can often see how this Wellington is covered with a dark storm cloud and heavy rains are pouring in it, while at the same time in nearby Petone the sun is shining and above it there is this round "window with a clear blue sky" which I described and illustrate in Fig. #I3ab from the web page "petone.htm". (So it is easy to guess that nowadays the township of Petone, which enjoys special treatment from God, has the best weather and the most sunny days in all of New Zealand, even more than Wellington - but the "powers of evil" for some reasons try to hide the truth from people also on this subject.) However, when for a long time the town of Petone has been experiencing an invasion of UFOnauts from a number of different races, including over 5-meter tall UFOnauts-giants, although the local museum is still stubbornly silent on this matter in spite of showing a folkloristic sculpture of a three-fingered race of UFOnaut which formed the footprints shown in Fig. #K1a from the web page "petone.htm", in nearby Wellington there are NO traces of a similar invasion. After all, the goal of this invasion is to silence the truth that Celtic Cross from Petone commemorates the wisely made "Act of God" that through uplifting the area of entire former Port Nicholson has confirmed the promised by the Bible action of God for good of people who obey 10 commandments. Meanwhile, in Petone this invasion is materially documented, for example, by numerous footprints of UFOnauts treading on the streets and sidewalks of this town - shown e.g. from #K1 to #K5e from the above-mentioned web page "petone.htm" and from posts #364E, #355E, #348E and #347E to blogs of totalizm. This invasion of evil UFOnauts and the telepathic and hypnotic reprogramming of people's views carried out by it, already produces the expected results. It caused, for example, that these 11 churches of township of Petone are now significantly deserted. It is almost impossible to talk about God with random inhabitants without noticing their embarrassment at hearing this topic. No wonder that my web page "petone.htm", in English describing the miracles that take place in the township of Petone, is almost NOT read.
The above-described situation of ignoring the invasion of UFOnauts and avoiding the truth about the secret reprogramming of people into lies that enable UFOnauts to endlessly occupy and exploit humanity, has been repeated for thousands of years in numerous other situations from all over the planet Earth. As a result, UFOnauts chained humanity NOT just into one or several of the above-mentioned "cause-and-effect chains of lies", but into a whole "skeleton of lies" created from interconnected such chains. This skeleton is the opposite of the "skeleton of knowledge and truth" which I describe in blog #337E and in #B2 of the web page "will.htm". Instead of bringing us to light and knowledge, it rather blocks our progress and locks us in a prison impossible for freeing ourselves. As a result of wrapping the entire humanity in it by UFOnauts, currently we are stuck in a "cocoon of lies" that suffocates the truth, which I described in more detail in the above-mentioned post #360E to the blogs of totalizm and in #D1 to #D1c from my web page named "military_magnocraft.htm". The most visible manifestation of this "skeleton of lies" that is strangling us is the situation with blocking the dissemination of the truth about UFOs and UFOnauts on Earth. After all, UFOnauts and their UFO starships under the names fallen angels, devils, serpents, dragons, etc., are already described in the Bible as liars and oppressors of people. The structures of temples and buildings document their activity on Earth from time immemorial - e.g. see #D17 to #D19 from the web page "milicz_uk.htm". Also a huge number of various historical descriptions and images document the same - e.g. see the 48-minute video by Mrs. Daniela Giordano from the address https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vNSxraWDs7Y - unfortunately with the voice sabotaged by a UFO with the so-called "sabotage loop" but fortunately with subtitles "cc". (My disclosure of this type of facts also explains, among others, why UFOnauts so fiercely and expensively deny and disgust my discoveries and inventions, e.g. with the use of sarcastic songs listed on V from page "p_l.htm", as well as with various sabotages described e.g. in #A5 and #I4 from web page "totalizm_pl.htm".) At the same time, UFOnauts from Orion are our ancestors and it was they who placed us on Earth in order to be able to occupy and exploit us, and they were also the ones who started our civilization long before the biblical flood. They already then had advanced technology at their disposal, including time vehicles (see web page "immortality.htm") operating at that time - as evidenced by the so-called "Thangka", e.g. the one shown on the starting image from the Video #H3e on the web page named "ufo_proof.htm". For me, this "Thangka" actually represents a technical drawing of the "Oscillatory Chamber" of third generation, that has survived to this day in the archives of Buddhism, which in Magnocraft of my invention and in UFO starships is used to propel and induce time travel. Of course, UFOnauts already had telekinetic propulsion systems at that time, which, among others, allowed them to penetrate into human bodies, causing the so-called "demonic possessions" described in the Bible and in my blog #363E. So when God sent the biblical flood to humanity, UFOnauts gradually stopped revealing themselves to people, although they still ruled over humanity through their emissaries, who looked almost identical to humans, and although they still taught people to carry out wars, injustice, enslaving of other humans, caused by greed exploitation of neighbours, nature and resources of Earth, etc. Manifestations of the constant maintenance of this enslavement of humanity is that people programmed with the telepathic and hypnotic technique of UFOnauts refuse or avoid getting acquainted with the already developed truth, which is confirmed NOT only by the engineering procedure "how", but also independently is confirmed by these three most important "witnesses" which I described in (1) to (1c) from item #H1 of the web page "2020life.htm" and which include: truths encoded in Bible verses, truths proven by empirical evidence, and truths indicated by my scientific Theory of Everything from 1985 and my engineering Theory of Life from 2020.
In a manner similar to that in the NZ township of Petone, people harmed by the "powers of evil" do NOT want to acknowledge, for example, the existence of footprints that the invasion of UFOnauts causes on their streets, also, for example, the entire humanity harmed by the evaporation of WTC skyscrapers by UFOs avoids recognizing what initiated this well-hidden harming. In the evaporation of the WTC, humanity also accepted the misleading claims of either agents of our hidden occupiers, exploiters and harmers from space, or also the claims of programmed by UFOnauts people who, according to the Bible, "look but do NOT see", and therefore who solely on the basis of the dictionary "what" that is NOT leading to the determination of truth, try to convince their neighbours that it was the impact of the hijacked planes that evaporated the two huge WTC skyscrapers. Meanwhile, also for the WTC there are these two sides of the contrast leading to the working out of the truth, which could be defined as follows: (1) the statement documented in part #B of the web page "wtc.htm" that it was UFO vehicle that secretly evaporated the WTC skyscrapers with its "plasma saw", and (2) the officially announced "scientific" statement implying that it was mainly the energy contained in the fuel from the planes which rammed the WTC that caused the evaporation of most of the mass of the WTC skyscrapers. So if people interested in this event used the "contrast" method described above to find what is closer to the truth and then had the courage to accept the truth found by rationally examining the possibility of the evaporation of the WTC by a UFO, which is confirmed by this method of finding the truth described above by analyzing two related "contrasts", then, as the Bible admonishes (e.g. Matthew 3:10 and 3:12), the wheat would be separated from the chaff, and the sheep from the goats. After all, the contrast of this "scientific" explanation (2) that the WTC were evaporated by planes, and the explanation (1) described in part #B of the web page "wtc.htm", that this evaporation was secretly carried out by UFOnauts' starships, clearly reveals the truth from its previous concealment. Thus, for example, the actual amount of debris that remained after the evaporation of (1) the WTC does NOT reflect the actual matter of these skyscrapers that would have to remain after the destruction of the WTC by airplanes (2). Moreover, knowing about the method (1) of UFOnauts to always hide everything that confirms their activities on Earth, one immediately wonders why these few pieces of debris left were removed so quickly, when it is known that for engineering, historical and research reasons, e.g. almost all wrecks of old planes are kept virtually indefinitely. Moreover, there are also other historical situations known about the disappearance of material evidence regarding UFOs, which, like fallen angels (i.e. today's UFOnauts), also confirm the truth of the Bible, i.e. situations such as the disappearance of skeletons of human giants at the Smithsonian Institute (see https://www.google.com/search?q=Smithsonian+destroy+skeletons+of+giants ), which supposedly were taken in there for scientific examination (in NZ, on the other hand, quite a similar situation happened with the skeleton of a human giant discovered there that also mysteriously disappeared - which case I described in #I2 to #I2d and in #D1 to #D1b from my web page "newzealand.htm" and in post #327E to totalizm blogs), or situations such as the strange disappearance of every piece of evidence for the existence of UFOs, about which the exact information obtained by someone is disseminated. Also a rational doubt is raised by the question whether the fuel of the planes hitting the WTC (2) had enough energy to be able to evaporate such a huge amount of building materials - leaving almost NO rubble behind, but only clouds of dust-like fumes. Moreover, scientists examining these fumes from the WTC buildings may probably note (1) the similarity of the characteristics of their micro-globulins to the characteristics of the so-called micro-granular "trinitite" (see https://www.google.com/search?q=what+is+trinitite ) produced as a result of the action of enormous temperatures, or to "porcelain stones" described in #D3 of the web page "tapanui.htm" and created as a result of the intentional explosion of UFO starships. This is why even popular descriptions of the globulins of these solidified WTC vapours are surprising, which e.g. in https://www.google.com/search?q=metallic+and+silicate-rich+spherules+in+the+WTC+dust mention so much their physical and health features previously unknown to science. After all, in the case of (1) the evaporation of the WTC by a UFO, these globulins must have been created NOT from the burning of aircraft fuel, but from the action of the so-called "plasma saw" of a UFO starship in the presence of a super-strong magnetic and telekinetic field from their Oscillatory Chambers. So if one rationally considers the evaporation of the WTC by a UFO from the point of view of the truth-revealing engineering "how", then one obtains confirmation that UFO starships of the K6 type are responsible for it, hiding from people's eyes in the so-called "state of telekinetic flickering", which UFOs were accidentally documented also on several shots of high-speed television cameras - as I explained it in part #B of the web page "wtc.htm". Unfortunately, to this day, the footage of these cameras, as well as all other previously and currently disclosed human evidence for the existence and for the satanic activity of UFOs on Earth for a period of many thousands of years, mysteriously disappeared, just like the debris of the WTC that was supposed to prevent their examination by rational researchers, and thus there is NO source to link to them again from here for people open to the bitter truth.
When I was young in Poland, the proverb stating that "fortuna kołem się toczy" (i.e. on "fortune wheel") was commonly used to describe situations when something suddenly changed from better to worse, or from worse to better. This is exactly why, the events that are happening since the evaporation of WTC skyscrapers on 2001/9/11, that historically initiated the current devastating humanity's fallen era, called the "neo-medieval age" described in item #K1 and in Table #K1 from web page "tapanui.htm" and also in post #256E to blogs of totalizm. It is this era that the fortune of the entire humanity began to slide downwards faster and faster due to the "wheel of fortune". In this way, the "neo-medieval age" reflects quite well the situation described by the circular cycle of fortune of the entire humanity and its individual countries and nations, i.e. the cycle known under the English name "Tytler Sequence" (see https://www.google.com/search?q=Tytler+Sequence ) - which is relatively well depicted in the approximately 21-minute English-language video at the address https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jw0pYz-dU_A titled "A cautionary rant to not repeat the Tytler Sequence". It turns out that the greatest victim of this downward slide in the fortunes of all humanity has unfortunately become "truth". In this item #D1 let us consider how this downward rolling of truth is manifested to us, and what are the most important reasons and methods for the need of stopping it.
The reader probably remembers from history lessons the features of that destructive era known as the "Middle Ages". So he/she probably remembers that practically everything in that Middle Ages descended into a caricatured form of itself. For example, after the wonderful period of beautiful buildings and sculptures of antiquity, in the Middle Ages came the period of construction of hideous buildings and caricatured-looking works of art. Songs and music from the Middle Ages, even in my youth, were described sarcastically as "cat music", referring to the sounds cats announce their romantic adventures on nights in March. However, the worst associations were evoked by medieval wars, the rule of local rulers, murderous behaviour even towards one's own family, the Inquisition and religious persecution, oppression of poor people, the complete lack of justice, the fall of truth, etc. Remembering all this about the period of the historical Middle Ages, it is NOT surprising that today's the era that came to humanity after the WTC skyscrapers in New York were evaporated by UFOs on 2001/9/11 must be called the "neo-medieval era". After all, even nowadays practically everything also descends into a caricatured form of itself. For example, due to the excessive "ego" of several individuals, today's architects outdo each other in inventing buildings that are the most strange, impractical, hazardous, and almost impossible to dismantle without any problems. The so-called modern music and songs, for those who still remember real music and songs are difficult to distinguish from the proverbial "cat music". In today's so-called art pieces the seeing beauty have difficulty even the so-called "connoisseurs". In turn when it comes to wars, hidden cruelty, treatment of others, interpersonal relations, lack of morality, level of injustice, reference to the truth, etc., in my opinion we have already returned to the level of the Middle Ages - and this in spite of the fact that we are still ongoing deeper and deeper falling.
Since out of all signs and reasons of humanity's deep sinking into the era of the "neo-medieval epoch", the most dominant one is the fall of truth and people falling into the embrace of an increasingly common lie, the reasons and consequences of humanity choosing to live in such a "cocoon of lies" are described in more detail in item # D1 to #D1c from the web page "military_magnocraft.htm" and in post #360E to blogs of totalizm. Unfortunately, a lie is a relative of the truth just stating its opposite. So similarly as "truth begets truth" also "lies beget lies" - as I already explained above after the totaliztic definition of truth. So, in order to look at what mechanism governs the creation and subsequent spread of these increasingly longer chains of lies, let us analyze their examples.
For the engineering "how" of analyzing the first of the examples of cause-and-effect chains of lies discussed here, let us use the most appropriate method for lies called "Reverse Engineering" (see https://www.google.com/search?q=What+is+reverse+engineering - in Polish this method is called "Inżynieria Odwrotna"). It is the favourite method of today's monopolistic "official atheistic science". After all, it allows it, for example, to claim knowledge about the mechanisms of everything that happens in the "world of matter" without giving spiritual credit to God who created it all. In a similar way, this method can be used to find ways to attribute everything else to oneself without morally giving the credit to the person who deserves the credit. Let us start by "tracking down" the fact that the lack of fulfilment by people of all 10 commandments of God is the reason that, for example, considering ourselves currently the most civilized in the entire period of human history, we still have actually fallen to the depths of the "neo-medieval epoch". The Bible predicted this and tried to make us aware of it and warn us about it with its verses in advance. So let us review the links in the "cause and effect chain of lies" that led us to the current situation of the "neo-medieval era". And so, cause and effect of the failure to fulfil the 10 commandments is the result of the long-term spreading a lie to people by the "official atheistic science" that God supposedly DOES NOT exist. In turn, this lie results from the previously unverified by the engineering "how" development to be accepted by humanity based only on the dictionary statement "what" (i.e. the "what" described in blog #341E and in items #G3 to #G5 from the web page "wroclaw_uk.htm"), namely results from the most fateful in the effects lie that man and life were supposedly created as a result of the so-called "evolution" and "big bang". In turn, about this most primary lie from the cause-and-effect chain of lies discussed here, each one of which gave rise to another lie, currently we already have considerable circumstantial evidence (see https://www.google.com/search?q=circumstantial+evidence ) which implies that "the idea of evolution is a lie that was secretly pre-programmed into Darwin by the creatures who have been secretly occupying and exploiting humanity for millennia, namely by evil UFOnauts". This circumstantial evidence results from today's knowledge of the habit of UFOnauts that, after learning in the future what is most harmful to their interests, they send their time couriers (in Polish: kurierów czasowych - see web page "skorowidz.htm") to the past in order to use in there their advanced devices for telepathic and hypnotic reprogramming of people, to force lie to the key person shaping the future of humanity and make him/her to deviate from truth by lying in the most important matter that threatens the hidden occupation and exploitation of humanity by UFOnauts - as I have explained it in detail in posts from #365E to #359E to blogs of totalizm and in the publications from which these posts are adapted. In other words, the above implies that exactly as the Bible explains it to us, this chain of lies was initiated by the "powers of evil". What gives us the most food for thought is the fact that Bible verses have been warning us with encrypted explanations for thousands of years that the actions of fallen beings made of matter and in appearance similar to humans (i.e. UFOnauts) will cause people to depart from fulfilling God's commandments - as we see this departure in present days. Unfortunately, in spite of the fact that I devoted a large proportion of my publications to the repetition and detailed explanation of this warning from the Bible, e.g. see my posts to totalizm blogs with numbers #365E to #359E or see the web pages of totalizm and publications from which these posts were adapted, still almost everyone show the programmed into him/her by telepathic and hypnotic devices of UFOnauts reluctance to read this explanation.
Due to the importance of this explanation for the entire future of humanity, let us additionally check and verify the above possibility that (1) "the idea of evolution is a lie that was secretly pre-programmed into Darwin by evil UFOnauts who have been occupying and exploiting humanity for millennia", as I explained it in #D1 above and in #D1 from the web page "wtc.htm" - then let us use the definition of this idea to test its explanation with my "contrast" method described previously, while simultaneously also checking engineeringly below whether it meets the requirements of the definition of "absolute truth" discussed in this item #D1. I am also providing here an extension to this verification, in which I am to use as a "contrast" a related statement (mine) belonging to the same "cause-and-effect chain" and revealing that (2) "the Polish 'grass snake' remotely hypnotizes frogs in order to contrary to what they know and feel, they themselves jump into this snake's mouth - just as my personal observation of this hypnotizing is described in blog #176E and in #F2 from my web page "stawczyk_uk.htm". About the fact that the Polish "grass snake" hypnotizes frogs in this way, I personally know it to be absolutely true because I have seen with my own eyes both the process and the effects of such hypnotization. Such ability of this particular snake is also well known an in the folklore of Polish nation. So let us compare both of these definition headings and the descriptions of both these statements linked by their headings to the previously given requirements that every totaliztic definition of "absolute truth (Ω)" must meet. And so (Ω1) during periodic verification, the ideas expressed by their above definitions still maintain their correctness and validity despite the passage of a considerable period of time (e.g. around 70 years from the time of me seeing the snake hypnotising a frog) causing, among others, the progress of human knowledge and the precision of the words of the language used to formulate them; in fact, for both of the above ideas (1) and (2), my repeated testing of them by listening to the opinions and research results of a number of other people confirms that they are correct; these definitions (Ω2) clearly and unambiguously consolidate and document those aspects of both ideas that allow them to be clearly distinguished from any other ideas with which they may be confused - which requirement is already met by the above headings with which I titled both these ideas; and due to the formulation of their definition and their consolidation, the ideas expressed in it are already and probably will remain (Ω3) open to repeated and long-term insight by all people interested in them (which requirement was met by both of the above ideas thanks to their publication in my web pages - although it is NOT excluded that some 'powers of evil' in the future will try to destroy or hide their original definitions; moreover, the definitions of both of these ideas also (Ω4) objectively reflect the already known fragment of the procedure of its programming by God into the operation of the reality surrounding us - after all, e.g. the so-called 'natural evolution' is NOT able to create the phenomenon of hypnosis in people or animals; and both of these ideas (Ω5) were (and are) also noticed by other people thanks to the unique manifestation they create for them, which has already been empirically noticed before; and also it is already recognized and described, for example, in (Ω6) folklore and proverbs, and is also researched and used by (Ω7) many hypnosis therapists who report the manifestation of hypnosis; and for the manifestation of which hypnosis it is possible to indicate (Ω8) the existence of two closely related and at the same time mutually opposed 'contrasts'; one of which 'contrasts' (Ω9) comes from God and has the potential to eliminate evil that plagues people, e.g. by treating people with hypnosis; another of these 'contrasts' (Ω10) comes from the 'power of evil' and is characterized by forces with negative consequences for people and nature, such as hypnotic spreading lies, blocking, collapse, suffering, suffocation of life, etc.; and, moreover, which kind of hypnosis is characterized by its (Ω11) attributes that allow it to be additionally noticed and broaden its understanding by people examining it; and the research already carried out on it resulted in the formulation of its definition in a way (Ω12) that is consistent with the engineering procedure 'how' - e.g. see the above descriptions of Darwin's 'discovery' (1) which are additionally extended by publications of this author, while my statement (2) about the Polish 'grass snake' is additionally described in blog #176E and in #F2 on the web page "stawczyk_uk.htm", and moreover, about both of these statements in my other publications, an engineering foundation is provided explaining for (1) 'how' UFOnauts carry out secret programming of statements made by people (e.g. see blogs #363E, #348E), while for (2) "how" folk knowledge explains hypnotizing snake victims along with examples of such hypnotizing; and this "how" is already clearly (Ω13) built into links in my definitions of the ideas described above; and both ideas expressed in their definitions are actually (Ω14) one of the links of the longer so-called 'cause and effect chain of truth' which I describe in my publications indicated in this #D1; and which chain (Ω15) begins with an objective statement about the 'Ariadne's thread' that leads me throughout my life; and hence (Ω16) which is the first link in this chain of truth; and each (Ω17) next of which statements (i.e. links of the chain of truth, actually constitutes for me the 'Ariadne's Thread') which inspired me and resulted from one of the statements preceding them (also links of the same chain of truth; all of which (Ω18) after being combined together, form the so-called 'skeleton of knowledge and truth' described in my publications) and at the same time, each previous and subsequent statement is also confirmed by these three most important 'witnesses', including: (Ω19) one of the scientific theories that also fulfil this definition of truth - i.e. including my "Theory of Everything from 1985", and my "Theory of Life from 2020"; (Ω20) empiric evidence repeatedly observed in the reality surrounding us - as I have already indicated in this #D1; and (Ω21) deciphered God's statement which for the phenomenon of hypnosis begins with a link containing a statement inspired by God and described in the Bible, which is encoded in verses 3:1-7 from the biblical "Book of Genesis", and which reports the temptation of Eve in Paradise by the serpent to eat the forbidden fruit. Although these verses do NOT directly mention the word hypnosis, the fact that it was used there by a snake provides a coded message that it was based on hypnosis (as snakes are symbols of hypnosis) and the same also implies in the Bible the situation that Eve's original intention to fulfil God's command was suddenly and easily defeated by a few words of this very snake, and in addition, breaking this command Eve also easily passed on to Adam, and in addition, hypnotizing people by UFOnauts (in the Bible called also with the word "snakes") is additionally confirmed in the Bible e.g. with verse 19:15 from "John" about Jews shouting to crucify Jesus, which shouting I discuss in more detail, among others: in the caption under the above-mentioned Fig. #J1a from the web page "bandits.htm" and in item #G1 from the web page "artefact_pl.htm".
To sum up the above verification, both statements linked above with their headings completely meet the totaliztic definition of absolute truth. To be honest, the claim that the Polish "grass snake" hypnotizes its victims, rejected by the "official atheistic science", has more similar animal counterparts, e.g. in domestic cats and in sharks. For example, I also had the opportunity to observe that when birds notice a cat sneaking up to catch and devour them, then they make loud noises and fly nervously, highly frightened, thus also warning other birds. However, when the cat catches one of them and painfully injures it with its claws and mouth, e.g. by stripping its feathers along with its skin, then this bird behaves docile and motionless, is silent, and seems to be hypnotized for NOT feeling pain. Similarly, in literature and on the Internet one can read that when a shark secretly and normally painfully bites off a part of a person's body, then that person does not feel any pain at all. This pain appears only some time after his/her rescue, when the hypnosis caused by the shark begins to disappear - for details and examples see item #F4.1.1 from my web page "stawczyk_uk.htm". Unfortunately, in order for someone from the readers or the public to recognize the truth of the above statements, he/she must first be able to overcome the prejudices caused by the programming of his/her own views by UFOnauts and monopoly of the official atheistic science, and also find the courage to claim the absolute truth in the present times when almost everything that is officially claimed is a huge "cocoon of lies" imposed upon humanity by "forces of evil". If the reader has difficulties with accepting the above verification, then I suggest him/her trying by oneself to verify with the "definition of absolute truth (Ω)" provided in this #D1, or with my "contrast" method, at least one of the remaining false, although so-called "fundamental" theories of today's science, e.g. the "big bang theory", the "theory of evolution", or the "theory of relativity", to be able to open one's eyes to the bitter truth "why", led by the distortions of today's "official atheistic science", our entire civilization is now on the brink of the abyss and extinction.
I am extremely surprised by the passivity with which today's people accept the actions of evil UFOnauts that are destroying the entire humanity. What kind of "hell on earth" this destruction of humanly characteristics of our civilisation leads to, is relatively well documented by the English-language approximately 9-minute free video titled "People are Collapsing Spontaneously all over China! Why?", distributed free of charge at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wjj_mkc6b6s . I am horrified by the fact that such behaviours are now becoming increasingly common practically all over the Earth, NOT only in today's China. I wonder if inhabitants of Western countries have already noticed that even in the circles of people they know, this type of behaviour is beginning to emerge, but so far it has NOT become as visible in there as in China, where it is exaggerated by the existing Chinese laws. Eye-opening examples of distortions of such a growing situation in today's humanity are quite well encoded, for example, in the topics and comments of approximately 30-second-long English-language videos entitled "You won't believe what this bus driver did to this grandma" from the address https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WKhHFHz_kfE or "Super petty or totally genius?" from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BMr6hvq4HuA . In this way, various announcements of these distortions become increasingly clear, e.g. see also marital problems described in #V2 and #V1 from the web page "humanity.htm", and partly also in post #365E to the blogs of totalizm. Their well-hidden example can also be, among others, consequences of secretly entering by a UFO starship into a building housing an electronic devices called "routers", known for its sensitivity to being blocked by the magnetic field of an invisible UFO, which in turn probably was the cause for the blocking of the operation of a large proportion of computer devices in Australia on 8th November 2023 (see https://www.google.com/search?q=Optus+network+outage+Australia+2023 ), and if so, also of course caused huge economic losses resulting from this blocking. How invisible UFO vehicles destroy or block our electronics, I document, among others, on the example of burning of my photo camera by an invisible UFO, in the caption under Fig. #K2b and in #K3 from my web page named "petone.htm". In turn how UFO starships quietly and secretly penetrate into the interior of human buildings is well illustrated by our short video titled "How big is the Magnocraft" distributed for free from the address https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hkqrVePSj6c . (Only that in this video the Magnocraft starships shown in there stopped their flights after magnetically sticking to the outer walls of the building facades, instead of telekinetically penetrating into interior of these buildings in an invisible to human eyes the "state of telekinetic flickering".) And from the engineering point of view of "how" I explain comprehensively these telekinetic penetrations into buildings and into human bodies in posts #363E to #360E to blogs of totalizm and in the publications from which these posts were adapted.
Truth is the root from which the fruits of all good grow, i.e. grow love, knowledge, progress, experience, justice, wealth, happiness, etc. In turn, lie is the root from which the fruits of all evil grow, i.e. grow hatred, ignorance, fall, greed, injustice, poverty, suffering, etc. In today's situation, when the deliberate and official spreading of lies initiated the current "neo-medieval" era giving birth to the fruits of evil which, through their collective responsibility, are forced to reap increasingly more nations of the Earth, it is high time for us to return to the unwisely abandoned traditional prayers (e.g. see the prayer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pJsMABcyek0 or read my own prayer from item #W3 in blog #333 or from the web page "humanity_pl.htm"), Bible study and loving God, neighbours and nature, constantly counting on and asking God that doing all this will NOT be too late for us.
Fig. #D1a:
Video "Future Propulsions":
Fig. #D1a: Here is a highly symbolic and beautiful scene of the "Sunrise of Magnocrafts" shown at 29:56 minutes of our free half-hour video entitled "Future Propulsions" the English-language version of which is disseminated from the address https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TxSWDbFopak . (This video is just one out of many similar based on outcomes my research - e.g. see web page "djp.htm"). In the 1980s and 1990s I posted to hundreds of institutions world-wide the proposals and detailed descriptions of the "Magnocraft" starships that I had invented together with their propulsion devices and energy accumulators called "Oscillatory Chambers". It is pity that the decision-makers of these hundreds of institutions, stubbornly refused to give me a chance to build for them and for humanity (with God's help and inspiration) the flying prototypes of these advanced starships of the future. After all, about at least two of these institutions, i.e. about: the Wrocław University of Science and Technology in Poland - which according to my personal opinion verified by myself at 10 different tertiary educational institutions of the world, was the best university in the world of that time (see item #E1 from my Polish web page "rok.htm" summarised in English version of it named "rok_uk.htm" as well as see items #J1 to #J3 of my English web page "magnocraft.htm"); and also about NASA - the building of rockets by which speaks for itself, I am absolutely sure that they had everything necessary to help me build flying prototypes of my starships Magnocrafts. After all, where, regardless of the appropriate conditions, one also obtains God's help and inspiration, then, as this wise Chinese proverb states, one can overcome and accomplish as many as "10 impossibilities". In turn, if I had been allowed and helped to build Magnocrafts by one of these institutions, and if the then potential and enthusiasm of a given institution had been put into this building, to this day scenes such as the one documented above would probably be seen by people from the decks of our telekinetic Magnocrafts when the flotillas of these starships instantaneously travelling via counter-world would study distant galaxies, stars and planets of our "world of matter". (Click on the links to these illustrations to view them or to watch a video showing them.)
Copyrights © 2023 by Dr Eng. Jan Pająk
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The above post #366E is an adaptation of the content of #D1 to #D1a from my English web page named "wtc.htm" (update of 25 November 2023, or later) and is available, among others, at the following addresses:
Notice that the above web pages are my main publications updated many times later. On the other hand, this post #366E to blogs of totalizm is only a "harbinger" of publishing the presented here results of my research - which later is NOT updated. Therefore, these web pages typically contain texts that are more improved than this post to blogs of totalizm, with the elapse of time they collect more evidence and fewer research mistakes or writing errors, and because of their repeated updating they also contain the latest findings of my continuously carried out research.
At each of the addresses provided above, I also try to make available the most recently updated versions of all my web pages. Therefore, if the reader wishes to learn from "first hand" the truths explained on any of my web pages, then either at the above addresses he/she may start the web page "menu2.htm" that contains green links to names and topics of all web pages that I developed so-far, then in this web page "menu2.htm" can select the link to the web page that he/she wishes to view, and through clicking the "mouse" start that web page. For example, in order to start this "menu2.htm" from the above-indicated address http://pajak.org.nz/wtc.htm , it is enough if in that address the name of the web page "wtc.htm" is replaced with the name of the web page "menu2.htm" - then to the search engine will be entered the new address http://pajak.org.nz/menu2.htm obtained in this way. In a similar manner as starting this "menu2.htm", the reader can also start instantly any of my web pages, the name of which he/she already knows, because e.g. I provided it in the above post or because it appears in the "menu2.htm". For example, in order to run any other web page of mine, the physical name of which I have already given anywhere - e.g. to run a web page named "tapanui.htm", let's say from a web page with the address http://pajak.org.nz/wtc.htm , it is enough that instead of the previous web page address, he/she entered the following new address http://pajak.org.nz/tapanui.htm in the address box of a search engine.
It is also worth knowing that almost every NEW topic which I already researched for the "a priori" approach of the new "totaliztic science" and presented on this blog, including the topic from this post #366E (i.e. my own translation to English from the Polish post #366), I intended to publish on all mirror blogs of totalizm which until now remain accessible by me and on which I am still able to publish my posts. Until 2022/10/30, as many as 8 such blogs of totalizm were established and maintained for a short time, out of which only following 3 out of these 8 blogs of totalizm still remain working, accessible, updatable and possible to use for publishing my posts. These 3 blogs of totalizm still accessible for me can be found at the following addresses:
https://totalizm.wordpress.com (in "Small Print" 12pt: posts starting from #89 = i.e. since 2006/11/11)
https://kodig.blogi.pl (in "Large Print" 24pt: posts starting from #293 = since 2018/2/23)
https://drjanpajak.blogspot.com (in "Large Print" 24pt: posts starting from #293 = i.e. since 2018/3/16) also available via NZ address https://drjanpajak.blogspot.co.nz
Fortunately, the impossibility to further publish my posts on 5 of these blogs of totalizm did NOT cause the loss of their posts. This is because after complementing with illustrations, colours, underlining and working links of all my posts that I published so far on blogs of totalizm, including this post, I systematically make them available also in my free electronic publication [13] in a safe PDF format and in normal size 12pt (formerly up to the post #360E in two sizes of print, i.e. also in large size 20pt) - which everyone can download for free, e.g. through the web page named "tekst_13.htm" available on all the web sites indicated above, including, for example, at http://pajak.org.nz/tekst_13.htm . Almost all posts to blogs of totalizm published in Polish are also published in this [13] after my translation of them to the English language, and thus I hope they should be understandable for inhabitants of countries other than Poland.
Other posts extending and supplementing this #366E:
#365E, 2023/11/20 - hidden invasion of UFOnauts on the institution of marriage, requirements of the defence strategy, symbolism of the baobab flower (#V1 to #V1a of "humanity.htm")
#364E, 2023/10/21 - Evidence of a hidden invasion of UFOnauts-giants on Petone in NZ (#K5 to #K5e from "petone.htm")
#363E, 2023/9/1 - "how" people are possessed by material UFOnauts from Orion through synchronising minds by technical telepathy after telekinetic entering to their bodies (#M1 to #M4 of "evil.htm")
#362E, 2023/8/1 - the method of "termination of privileges" for reforming the human administration of justice, and four-propulsor UFOs hijacking our planes and ships (#I1 to #I6 from "bandits.htm")
#361E, 2023/7/1 - the dissemination of truth in the role of defence against raids by invisible UFOnauts on our flats (#L2 to #L3a of "evil.htm")
#360E, 2023/6/20 - my Magnocraft as a source of keys to knowledge and truth worked out on Earth (#D1 to #D1cd from "military_magnocraft.htm")
#359E, 2023/5/21 - secret "sabotage loop" from the microprocessors in our PCs (#J3 to #J3a from "faq.htm")
#355E, 2023/1/20 - trail of propulsors from the shoes of an over 3-meter tall UFOnaut, telekinetized into the asphalt of NZ Petone (#K3 to #K3i of "petone.htm")
#351E, 2022/9/20 - how the laws governing problem solving confirm the presence of God's living intelligence (#C9 to #C9a of "nirvana.htm")
#348E, 2022/6/30 - powers of a mini-UFOnaut from the "nightmare" race (in Polish "zmora") revealed by engineering analysis "how" of video from Aceh (#K2 to #K2b of "petone.htm")
#347E, 2022/6/10 - footprints of a female UFOnaut with 3+1 toes and height around 80 cm, embedded in the hard asphalt of a NZ footpath (#K1 to #K1c of "petone.htm")
#346E, 2022/5/12 - how the "[Ω] Seal of God" from the Bible, replaced scientific speculations about time by knowledge of truths about the universe and time (#I5 from "1985_theory_of_everything.htm")
#345E, 2022/3/21 - there is NO "time" or "elapse of time" in the counter-world, hence telepathy and telekinesis have infinite speed (#I1 to #I4 of "1985_theory_of_everything.htm")
#343E, 2022/2/20 - the roles of "what" God and "how" of people in the implementation of the ideal "nirvana system" (#C8 to #C8bc of "nirvana.htm")
#341E, 2021/12/27 - why avoiding doing "manual work" results in the inability to develop an engineering procedure "how" and a lack of competence (#G3 to #G5 of "wroclaw_uk.htm")
#339E, 2021/10/25 - the recipe of totalizm "how" to learn to love all neighbours permanently (#A2.12 of "totalizm.htm")
#337E, 2021/8/1 - "free will", knowledge, truth, "skeleton of knowledge and truth", and "reversible software time" that God manages (#B1 to #B3 from "will.htm")
#335E, 2021/6/20 - let's replace money with the happiness of nirvana explained in our video and it will eliminate most of evil and all greed (#L1 to #L7 z "smart_tvs.htm")
#330E, 2021/1/1 - how three independent "witnesses" (the Bible, empiricism and my theories) confirm the same essential truths about God, the universe and time (#I2 from "pajak_jan_uk.htm")
#328E, 2020/11/17 - summary of the features of the "nirvana system" eliminating "money" and "forced work" (#C7 of "nirvana.htm")
#327E, 2020/10/17 - mysteriously disappearing skeletons of human-looking giants from Timaru, NZ (#I2 of "newzealand.htm")
#326E, 2020/9/1 - the subtracting female "God Drobina", which is the opposite of the adding male "God Drobina" (#K2 of "god_exists.htm")
#325E, 2020/8/17 - features, appearance, structure and operation of adding male "God Drobina", which is also "drobina of counter-matter" (#K1 of "god_exists.htm")
#324E, 2020/7/25 - a quick method of distinguishing fakes from real "perpetual motion machines" and "clean free energy generators" (#B3 of "fe_cell.htm")
#322E, 2020/6/7 - material evidence for the secretive formation of hurricanes and tornadoes by giant UFO starships (#J1 to #J5 of "hurricane.htm")
#320E, 2020/3/17 - let us implement an ideal "nirvana system" that rewards "moral work" with the phenomenon of "earned nirvana" pre-programmed by God into people's souls (#A1 to #A4 of "partia_totalizmu_uk.htm")
#316E, 2019/11/17 - information encoded in the Bible that after creating the human race, God improved it many times (#A1 from "evolution.htm")
#278 (in Polish only), 2016/11/23 - an unusual earthquake with a magnitude of 7.8 that struck NZ near Kaikoura at midnight on November 13/14, 2016 (#R2 of "quake.htm")
#256E, 2015/3/10 - on 2001/9/11 humanity entered the "neo-medieval" era, the coming of which I announced 12 years earlier (#K1 of "tapanui.htm")
#176E, 2009/12/2 - supernatural abilities of Polish snakes "grass snake" and "smooth snake" - in Polish: "gniewosz" (#F2 and #F3 of "stawczyk_uk.htm")
#151E, 2008/5/15 - why our official science lacks competence for substantive research on UFOs and other creatures superior to humans that do NOT cooperate with scientists (#B1 of "ufo_proof.htm")
#135E, 2007/9/30 - formal scientific proof of totalizm that "God exists", formulated using the method of mathematical logic (#G2 of "god_proof.htm")
Let totalizm prevail,
Dr Eng. Jan Pająk
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