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#378E: Could iterative refinement of governance philosophy, from to-date "subtraction" principles to future "addition" trends, prevent the Tytler Cycle from occurring and what benefits could such refinement bring to all of us, also where and how could the implementation of this refinement be attempted in practice?

Jak zawsze, polskojęzyczna wersja tego angielskiego wpisu #378E z jego częściami #2A do #2J jest też opublikowana jako polski wpis #378 poniżej tego #378E
(As always, the Polish version of this English post #378E with its parts #2A to #2J is also published as Polish post #378 blow this #378E)

Summary of this blog #378E, the content of which was adapted from parts #2A to #2J of the "chapter #2" in the web page "2026totalizmparty.htm" available at addresses provided at the end of this post. The blog #378E and its parts #2A to #2J briefly, initially and generally try to explain the "intentions" and philosophical foundations, as well as engineering procedures "how", for democratic attempts to achieve "adding" group of goals specified in "part #1A" from the web page named "2026totalizmparty.htm". (The content of that web page is to be written down gradually in the form of a report from the course of life's path in the author's attempt to implement these goals. Extensions of these explanations will be gradually developed, NOT only in blogs of totalizm, but also among others, in chapters #2 to #9 of the same web page "2026totalizmparty.htm" and in blogs of totalizm with addresses from its part #10E .) Due to such formulation, the web page named "2026totalizmparty.htm" becomes similar, for example, to reports from the life path of old-time researchers trying, for example, to reach the North or South Pole of the Earth, while subsequent posts to blogs of totalizm will be like letters posted from stages of their journey. These researchers also knew how small the chances of achieving their goal were, and how great the challenges of their path leading to it were. In spite of this, with a pure determination to open new horizons for humanity, they have persevered in the intention of achieving their goal. In order to leave for the rest of humanity factual reports of their actions, their most important baggage was always a diary or notebook from the way along this path - in which they systematically wrote down what happened. After all, regardless of what the further course of their fate and the results of their efforts were to be, this notebook was to reveal to the rest of humanity "what" and "how" they experienced. For me, as for them, the goals that I describe here are equally difficult, and the role of their diary or notebook for me is fulfilled by this web page. The task to achieve with the descriptions from this blog #378E and from "chapter #2" of the web page "2026totalizmparty.htm" is to reveal to the reader by means of the shortest possible description, "what" and "how" is intended NOT only in the realization of a series of difficult goals described in "part #1A" of the above indicated web page, but also in the preparation of this web page which is a report on the findings during the realization of these goals. In other words, these parts #2A to #2J explain "what" and "how" I am trying to determine, and then objectively describe whether in the realities of today's situation in the world, ordinary people with only incomes of the order of those characterizing retirees, are able to find and implement in their lives a democratic way of changing the course of the already tragically directed fate of the sovereign nation of New Zealand, previously one of the most effectively operating democracies, onto a path of changes that would allow that nation to move from the path of "subtractive" monopolistic proceedings to an "adding" philosophy of truth, growth and top-down competition, allowing it to avoid experiencing the downward part of the "Tytler cycle" explained in videos searched using e.g. the command: . This post #378E is intentionally written as short as possible, but at the same time fulfilling its task of giving the reader a general understanding, because from my experience as a university lecturer I know that if such understanding is NOT achieved before going into details but immediately moves on to discussing details, then the reader usually gets lost in those details. That is why, after this ("chapter #2"), in the remaining chapters of the web page "2026totalizmparty.htm" I am gradually providing more detailed descriptions and developments of the subject matter. It is also worth noting that periodic expansion of the web page "2026totalizmparty.htm" will be undertaken from time to time over the next 2 years - i.e. for the duration of the implementation of the goals adopted for it.

Part #2A, blog #378E. The situation and conditions for achieving the goals reported in "part #1A" from my web page named "2026totalizmparty.htm".
       The author of this web page has the exceptional fortune of living in the country of New Zealand (NZ), which still enjoys one of the best democracies in the presently falling apart world. After all, it was in New Zealand that he had the opportunity to live and work, and hence to observe and experience, under the rule of, according to the author, the most effectively "adding" leader, from the group of 10 countries in the world in which the author worked in his productive life. This leader was Sir Robert Muldoon (see ). He was extremely wise and experienced politician, who probably just from his intuition, or from the Bible (in times of his rules the Bible was available for reading in every public waiting-room), knew requirements of "adding" behaviours. These requirements my philosophy of Totalizm formally and scientifically determined only in 2020. For example, due to my discovery of similarities existing between "adding" behaviours of people and productive operations of machines and technical devices, I determined that for any human behaviour to be truly "adding", it must fulfil all the requirements of "adding philosophy" that represent abstract proxies of engineering requirements which must be fulfilled in order to build any well working machine or technical device. The most vital of these requirements are discussed in part #3A from the web page "2026totalizmparty.htm". This is just because of the fulfilment by his government of all these requirements, that his opponents to justify somehow their plans to remove him from power, unleashed the propaganda of accusations of dictatorship, although under his rules the country was milk and honey flowing, almost everyone had job, there was no crime at that time so that New Zealanders maintained the long tradition of leaving their homes unlocked for the duration of their absence to make them welcome possible visitors, the health services and education were for free and open for everyone, NZ dollar was equal to USA dollar, politicians have NOT yet invented these additional taxes that were introduced by later governments and there was NOT even the GST tax (i.e. the NZ equivalent of VAT), the insurance companies (with affordable fees) used to acquit of their obligations, even most ordinary citizens had more privileges than so-called "party members" from communistic countries, in turn if I knew the future and predicted that still during my lifetime the prices of houses "shoot up through roofs" so that only well earners with great difficulty can afford to purchase present "home made of cheapboard" for equivalent of almost entire lifetime savings, then at that time I could purchase a house walled from real bricks for less than my yearly salaries. Unfortunately, for some mysterious reasons I noticed also, that many people fast forget of whatever was good for them, while long remember of whatever they considered to be bad for them (it cannot be excluded that remembering only bad is the outcome of secretive programming by "forces of evil"). A perfect example of such fast forgetting is the NZ miracle from 1840, when from under the sea level was uplifted the flat land for construction of NZ cities of Wellington and Petone. The uplifting of this land I described in INTRODUCTION to web page "petone.htm" and in blog #368E. Since my discovery of its occurrence I repetitively convinced myself, that in spite it is commemorated "in stone" in these Wellington and Petone, today even among people living in cities constructed on so uplifted ground almost no-one remembers about that particular miracle, thus they are surprised when I remind it to them. Similarly is with the accomplishments of Sir Robert Muldoon. In my life I met only around three inhabitants of NZ, who remembered how fruitful and positive were times of his rules. All these who remembered were NOT local but emigrants that arrived from other countries. Locals in turn remember and believe only what the propaganda of his opponents claimed. But completely forgotten how at time of his rules looked the true reality in NZ. On the other hand, the most vital lesson that Sir Muldoon created for posterity during his rules was that his government thoroughly fulfilled the requirement of "adding philosophy" that government is to practically implement the serving of its own nation, not just to multiply written laws and prohibitions and to distribute money of tax-payers. This is why his government e.g. constructed numerous river dams for power generation, factories, highways, settlements, etc., which until today serve the nation and enrich elites. His extremely wise and highly effective "adding" rule over New Zealand the author summarized in several of his works, e.g. in #B1 of the autobiographical web page named "pajak_jan_uk.htm", and also summarized in {1#C3} from "chapter #4" of the web page"2026totalizmparty.htm". Remembering from his rules what can be accomplished when the government and the nation in agreement implement in life principles and requirements of "adding philosophy", it is easy to predict, how the well-being of people would benefit in the country, which would implement the "adding" reform described here, which would stop the to-date collapse of democracies caused by "subtracting governments".
       At the same time, the author's development of his own "adding" and modern "Philosophy of Everything from 2020" called "Totalizm2020" and described on the web page "totalizm2020_uk.htm" as well as his scientific "Theory of Everything from 1985" (also of his authorship), described on two web pages, i.e. "dipolar_gravity.htm" and "1985_theory_of_everything.htm", causes him to discern and gather the knowledge described below about the reasons and symptoms of the rapidly approaching fall and change into tyranny of probably all democracies on Earth, caused by these democracies practicing exclusively "subtractive" philosophies of governance for too long - which caused the fall part of "Tytler's cycle" to initiate its operation. The current conditions of New Zealand are therefore ideal for attempting a top-down redefinition into an "adding" philosophy with the actions and goals described below, and also for historical reporting to future generations of humanity of the course and results of this attempt to top-down redefine of the principles of governance into such an "adding" philosophy. After all, even if the intention and efforts of this redefinition do NOT succeed, still from this report future generations of humanity will be able to learn "why" they are forced to live in the conditions that will certainly prevail by then.

Part #2B, blog #378E. What this post #378E to blogs of totalizm informs about.
       It informs that a political party named "Totalizm", which just has been reborn from inactivity, intends to propose its candidates in the 2026 NZ parliamentary elections. If this intention is accomplished, voters can recognise candidates of Totalizm party by their logo shown below in Fig. #2B1. Although as for now the "Totalizm" party has NOT been officially registered, because it does NOT yet meet the requirement of having 500 paid members, but it will try to change this by the 2026 elections. (The ideology of Totalizm political party was being developed from 2006, inspired by capability of exceptionally justly served by God miraculous phenomenon of the "happiness of earned nirvana" to replace the presently already outdated "money" in some distant future - see web page "nirvana.htm". In turn as an unregistered political party Totalizm has existed since 2011 - see its previous statute available on the web page named "partia_totalizmu_statute.htm", which however also requires improvement and rewriting to the concept of "adding" government and governance described here.) This requirement of having 500 paid members in January 2025 was explained on the web page . (Note that the names of both the "Totalizm" party, as well as the "Philosophy of Everything of 2020" on which findings this party is based and thus also called "Totalizm", is always written with the letter "z" - to be able to easily distinguish it from the other "totalism" always written with an "s" thus searchable e.g. with the command because it represents only a misleadingly introduced shortened name for "totalitarianism" searchable e.g. with the command .) So let's get to know the newly improved concept of government, the "adding" contribution of which for the good of New Zealand the reborn from inactivity party of Totalizm intends to introduce (of course, provided that at least one of its candidates manages to win the parliamentary elections in 2026). I believe that also you the reader, independently of the country in which you live, should promote this concept of "adding" government among people of your country, for your own good, and for truth and peace. This is because it has a lot of advantages. For example it has only 7-members (i.e. like governments of Switzerland, which uplifted that country to the leading level of well-being on Earth). This in turn means a huge savings on salaries of government members, who traditionally have the highest earnings of given country, and additionally spend country money on multitude of helpers and on various other own activities, e.g. numerous so-called "inquires". Moreover, it makes sure that all its members truly and effectively think and advice each other how to lift up the well-being of their nation, and NOT do as in these hundred-member governments, where sometimes only individual leaders are thinking, while the rest is just hand-clapping for them and sometimes vote, but simultaneously tries to invent the ways how to use their positions for their own goals. In turn where many counsellors mutually advice each other to find salvation for problems, their accomplishments are rising fast - about which fact, predicting the opponents of reforms like this one described here, God reassured us in the Bible in verses 11:14 and 15:22 from "Proverbs". So if you agree with advantages of this newly improved concept of government and want to support it with action because you stand for truth, progress and "adding behaviours" of people, then become a sympathiser or even a member of party Totalizm, and if you also meet the requirements to run for parliamentary elections as a member of the Totalizm party, then also add your own contribution to the development and future good of your country by running as a Totalizm candidate in the parliamentary elections of 2026. Note here that NZ law requires that membership in any political party only counts if its members are paid members, and that from necessity, all actions of Totalizm will be carried out on "zero dollar" principles - just as the author of this blog acted when in 2014 he first put forward his candidacy to the NZ parliament - see "Part #A", "Fig. #L1", as well as items (2014/3/25-6) from #M2, #N3 and #N4 on the web page named "pajak_for_mp_2014.htm", or in post #246E to blogs of totalizm.

Fig. #2B1 is at:
Fig. #2B1. Logo of totalizm. If the party "2026Totalizm" described here manages to officially register, then this logo will appear on the 2026 ballot paper for each candidate of the Totalizm party.
       The above logo of totalizm has a lot of symbolism encrypted into it, and already has a long and rich history described in detail in totalizm publications. For example, the colours white and red used in it symbolize the purity of totalizm's intentions and the requirement for active behaviours. It also has the first letters of the name "totalizm" encrypted into it, and contains the motto of totalizm stating "knowledge is responsibility". The appearance of this logo, illustrated by anonymous individuals, is provided in Fig. #5D1 and #5D2 from the web page named "2026totalizmparty.htm".

Part #2C, blog #378E. Let's get to know the philosophical foundation of the principles of governance that the "2026Totalizmparty" intends to try to implement in the NZ parliament.
       The "adding" working truth that is the foundation of the political principles for the "2026Totalizmpartia", and thus encourages our attempts to implement its conclusions in the election campaign discussed here states that: only everything that is continually improved and repaired over time, works reliably, while everything else quickly degenerates and collapses! It is precisely this lack of improvements and repairs to governance that, as we know from history, even the best democracies always collapse after a relatively short period of time in accordance with the so-called Tytler Cycle, well described on Google and searched for e.g. with the command: . (We are just seeing a series of these incoming collapses in our present political world. Some countries are still trying to defend themselves from them the "hard way" by destroying lives through initiating wars.)
       Fortunately, the engineering education of the author of this blog, Dr. Eng. Jan Pajak (see web page "pajak_jan_uk.htm"), his publicly defended doctorate, professorships at 4 universities in the world, plus lecturing and conducting research at 6 other tertiary educational institution in the world, innate curiosity, the lifelong habit of personally and for no gain doing of NOT only his research, but also any physical work that comes up and in an "adding" way serves God and others fellow humans, as well as a lifelong search for truth, caused him to discover a whole range of life truths and invent many previously unknown technical devices.
       Hence, for example, according to the estimation of Totalizm philosophy (see blog #376E or C1 to #C5 of the web page named "2026totalizmparty.htm"), the functioning of the principles of governance and democracy of each country should be independently and thoroughly verified, improved and repaired after a maximum of 3 terms of its government. (Although the political system and the principle of government operation do NOT degenerate or collapse so quickly, people who get into the government are able to learn even after such a short time how to realize their personal goals within a given method of government operation. This in turn forces that in such a responsible institution as the government of a country that later is imitated "top-down" by many, the principles of operation should be improved every relatively short time, otherwise such realization of private goals by some members of the government "from above" will disseminate in the nation the opinion, examples, as well as motivations for acting, e.g. that the government only cares about its power, income, and maintaining itself above the law - at the expense of truth, justice, the standard of living of the nation, etc.) Thus, although in the opinion of author of this blog and the web page named "2026totalizmparty.htm", democracy and philosophy of governance in New Zealand are still among the best in the world, they already require urgent verification and improvement. In turn since every such action is difficult, costly and in a sense forces the citizens of the entire country to change their habits, thus when the improvement of democracy and methods of governing is already being carried out, then it would be best if the philosophy of this governing was immediately transformed into the currently most perfect model of democratic government and governing that exists and that was developed by the philosophy of "Totalizm2020" described in more detail below in items #A1 to #D3 and in totalizm blogs numbered #377E to #375E. This currently most perfect model of governing was already published on 2024/11/1 in post #376E to the totalizm blog from the USA with the address , and also in items #C1 to #C5 of the web page named "2026totalizmparty.htm", as well as of the web page "totalizm2020_uk.htm" - while briefly is summarized below in the next Part #2D of this "chapter #2".

Part #2D, blog #378E. A short summary on how Totalizm proposes to "additively" improve the governance of New Zealand.
       The philosophy of "Totalizm2020" proposes (see blog #376E or #C1 to #C5 on the web page named "2026totalizmparty.htm" or web page "totalizm2020_uk.htm") that the monopoly of one government be replaced by the competition of two, three, while in large countries even several governments ruling simultaneously. Hence, governance would then take place on the opposite principles than at present - when one monopolistic government has NO competition, thus it may quickly change the principles of governing onto such which best suit mentality of its members - e.g. even in NZ after abolishing the government of Sir Robert Muldoon the fast return to ordering the entire nation what it should do. For establishing such competition of several governments, for each problem that plagues the country, while by its nation has been chosen for solving urgently in a plebiscite carried out every half-year via Internet, each one of those governments operating on the opposite principles than before would develop its own engineering procedure "how" it will eliminate given problem and how much it estimates the costs and time of this elimination will be. Each government would also publish this procedure "how" on the Internet and in government publications. Then the nation in next half-yearly Internet plebiscite would vote to choose for implementation this procedure "how" that appears to serve nation the best. After being selected to implement its procedure, a given government that designed it would also implement it, and as a reward for being selected would receive a certain number of "merit credits". However, these credits could be later reduced if it failed to implement its "how" by the promised deadline, exceeded the stated implementation costs, or the fruit of its work was a poor quality. At the end of the cadence term, the government that had collected the most credits would remain in office for the next cadence term (after all, it proved to be the most effective and the best in that cadence), and the remaining governments would be dissolved and new ones would be elected in their place, thus implementing the canon introduced by Jesus about "government serving the nation" described in Part #2E below.
       I understand that each one of us has a fear about incoming something new. Furthermore "powers of evil" probably as usually will scare people to hold back the arrival of progress and growth. On the other hand, what I propose here is just an improvement of democracy. And only true democracy does NOT force anyone
to anything. The forcing characterise only all other political systems, including these that imitate democracy - not without a reason e.g. the second name for communism and for socialism was the "dictatorship of proletariat". Furthermore, democracy may also continually keep growing better - if it remains "adding" and still being improved. In NZ, with the help from God such growing was already proven by Sir Robert Muldoon. In turn just for whatever he accomplished it still makes worth to implement the improvements described here. Especially that these improvements allow to foresee accomplishing even much greater results - although because these will come due to natural competition they will NOT arrive instantly.

Part #2E, blog #378E. The idea of the above competition of several governments is encoded in the Bible in the canon of Jesus stating that the "government should serve the nation" - while the true fulfilment of that canon in governance is what makes the major difference between the "adding" government that Totalizm intends to try to introduce in NZ, and the "subtracting" governments that dominate most of the world's governance to this day.
       The most important details and data on this subject are provided in part #3A from the web page "2026totalizmparty.htm". This difference between the future "adding" government that Totalizm intends to try to introduce in NZ, and the all previous "subtracting" governments, comes down to the philosophy of governance. Namely, all previous governance on Earth was based on the canon of ancient philosophies stating that "the nation should be the servant of its rulers and elites". If we also review history, although this is NOT openly admitted today, all current governments force their people to fulfil this particular canon. As an example, consider the compulsory military service enforced by governments if the rulers of a given country decide to join another unnecessary war although the country is NOT aggressively attacked by anyone. Other rather shocking example is discussed in around 5-minutes video entitled "They Are Coming For Your Chickens!", at the address - it is also worth to see meaningful and interesting comments under this video. Still another example are the "evil forces" forcing into present humanity the collapses of families with so-called "hookup culture" - the drive for which is the propaganda of "feminism movement", which encourages women to be unfaithful and to divorce their husbands. In turn the excuse that feminism uses in its propaganda are, among others, verses 5:21-33 from "Ephesians" and 7:3-5 from "1 Corinthians" in the Bible. Feminism claims that supposedly wives are treated in these verses as less worth than husband. But in reality it is the Bible that reassures the humanity that all people are equal. Simultaneously Bible reminds us, that what totalizm calls "group intellects", means more that one person harmoniously acting as one synchronised institution, from the life necessity always must, as in army, have someone in the highest rank of the "leader". In turn men, especially those believing in God, go through a hard upbringing by life for the role of leaders - about which fact remind us e.g. verses 10:21-22 from "Matthew" in the Bible.
       But returning to the stubborn practicing of this ancient canon by people, it is because of it and also because several other bad habits of politicians that too will be eliminated by the described here competition of several governments, that all democracies always collapse - as it is perfectly described and confirmed by the so-called Tytler Cycle, well illustrated on YouTube at . So we continue to practice this old canon that leads to certain downfall, although about 2,000 years ago Jesus commanded us to fulfil a completely opposite canon that comes from God and states: "Rulers (and also all others of any power or affiliation) have an obligation to serve their nation!" More details on this subject, including Bible verses confirming the above, are explained in item #A1 on the web page named "2026totalizmparty.htm".

Part #2F, blog #378E. What "adding fruits" this "2026Totalizmparty" is trying to generate with its efforts through the attempt described here to get involved with its candidates in the New Zealand parliamentary elections of 2026.
       There are a whole range of these fruits. However, I will describe only 5 here to show what their examples are. And so, (1) by factually and objectively writing down, among others on the web page "2026totalizmparty.htm", all the most important experiences it encounters on its path, it will form a kind of historical report addressed to future generations of people, which will reveal to them the picture of the political situation in NZ during one of the most groundbreaking periods in human history (which is becoming the current period). Since it will implement the totaliztic principle of "zero-dollar" behaviour, additionally (2) it will reveal to the most ordinary inhabitants of Earth that there are methods of democratic behaviour which, with God's help, also lead to achieving "adding" goals, without the need to possess and use the power of wealth, authority, or evil-generating "money", nor without resorting to "subtractive" behaviours such as rebellions, revolutions, or sowing destruction, which always generate "subtracting" karma (see web page "karma.htm") that later, according to verse 34:7 in the "Book of Exodus" of the Bible (quoted and explained in (A"') from "chapter #4" of the web page "2026totalizmparty.htm" and in blog #375E), must be painfully repaid. Also, for example, (3) it will make the most ordinary people aware that they do NOT have to be always "givers" or "servants", because according to the commandments of the Bible, as a group they are to be "receivers", i.e. those who can demand to be "served" by people in power or wealth. In addition, e.g. (4) through experiencing and revealing how far this party will manage to reach on its path to its goals given in #1A of abovementioned web page, and e.g. what causes, or powers, have blocked its further progress, it will reveal at what stage of transformation starting from actual democracy, through imitation democracy, to achieving actual tyranny, the nation currently finds itself. Of course, we can also hope that (5) it will confirm that God justice do works in this matter as well and that God discreetly helps creative people who do NOT limit their lives to "consuming" only, but also undertake actual "creative and adding" and well-thought-out actions in accordance with God's commands - just as the author of the 4:58-minute video "you've consumed enough God wants you to start creating" spontaneously and innocently makes us realize at the address .

Part #2G, blog #378E. How to add your contribution to the implementation of the above "adding" idea of governance.
       If you recognize the value of the above idea of governance and wish to help implement it, then contact Dr. Eng. Jan Pająk, and explain how you would like to help. After all, there are several options for help, e.g. (1) as a sympathiser and supporter but NOT a member of the party, (2) as a formal member of the Totalizm party, (3) as a Totalizm candidate for parliament from the constituency in which you live. After agreeing on your role, you will be able to start your helping in the 2026 election campaign of party "Totalizm". Email addresses of the author are in #L3 of his web page "pajak_jan_uk.htm".

Part #2H, blog #378E. Further information on the "Totalizm" party.
       For the older version of this party (i.e. dated from 2006 - still modelled on the concept of "subtractive" parties) information can be found on the web pages named: "partia_totalizmu_uk.htm" and "partia_totalizmu_statute.htm" as well as in several other publications of totalizm. For the new (this) version of this party such additional information already are described at the web pages: "2026totalizmparty.htm" and "2026totalizmpartystatute.htm".

Part #2I, blog #378E. Further information about the creator of Totalizm party.
       Dr Eng. Jan Pajak - the creator of the "Philosophy of Everything" from 2020 called "Totalizm2020" and the ideology of the "2026Totalizmparty" discussed here, is a Polish-born citizen of New Zealand, and currently a retired researcher, discoverer, and inventor who emigrated from Poland to New Zealand after the fall of "Solidarity" in 1982. His full life story is described in a Polish-language autobiography in PDF format distributed free of charge on the web page named "tekst_17.htm", while is briefly summarized below in part #3B and on the autobiographical web page named "pajak_jan_uk.htm", as well as in numerous videos - the links and start displays of which are provided on his web page named "djp.htm" - e.g. see: our half-hour video in three languages, Polish, English and German, titled "Dr Jan Pajak portfolio" the English-language version of which can be viewed for free at ; a half-hour video in Polish, English and German titled "Future Propulsions" the English-language version of which is distributed for free from ; or the half-hour, Polish-language (but with English "cc") video entitled "Świat bez pieniędzy: Ustrój Nirwany" (which title means: "World Without Money: The Political System of Nirvana") available for free at the Internet address , or the video "Zagłada ludzkości 2030" (the title of which means: "The Great Purification of 2030s"), distributed for free at . By profession, Dr. Eng. Jan Pająk is an academic lecturer who has taught students and conducted research at 10 tertiary educational institutions around the world, at four of them achieving the position of university professor. Professionally, he lectured there on a whole range of subjects from two different disciplines, i.e. the discipline of Mechanical Engineering and Machine Design first at his native Wrocław University of Science and Technology - see , and then at universities in New Zealand (Canterbury), Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur) and Borneo (Kuching), as well as the discipline of Software Engineering and Programming Languages at four universities in New Zealand (i.e. Invercargill College, Dunedin University, Timaru Polytechnic and Wellington Institute of Technology) and at universities in Cyprus (Famagusta) and South Korea (Suwon). At as many as four of these universities (i.e. at universities in Cyprus, Malaysia, Borneo and Korea) he was employed as a university professor.

Part #2J, blog #378E. The democracy of our countries needs to be saved, especially if they are already showing symptoms of the "Tytler Cycle" or tyranny - thus proving that they are tormented by the diseases of passivity, monopoly of government, "subtractive" procedures and lack of improvements.
       Healthy democracies are currently the highest political achievement of humanity. Apart from them, there are only tyrannies. Unfortunately, like everything that lives, they are also susceptible to various diseases, of which the "Tyler Cycle" is threatening to kill them, or even annihilate all of humanity. Therefore, it is high time for "people of action" to stand up for it. The replacement of "monopoly in government" with "competition of several governments governing simultaneously" described here promises to be the best and currently the only known medicine capable of curing the "Tyler Cycle". For the good of yourself, your neighbours and your descendants, I therefore advise people of good will to get involved in saving democracy, humanity and your country. It is best to start by translating the web page "2026totalizmparty.htm" into the language of your nation and then contact me for advice on "what" and "how" can be done further. After all, nothing that truly produces "adding fruit" will come into being without putting effort, wisdom and good-will into it. Good luck!

Copyrights © 2025 by Dr Eng. Jan Pajak

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The above post #378E is an adaptation of the content of parts #2A to #2J from "chapter #2" of my English web pages named "2026totalizmparty.htm" (update of 7 February 2025, or later) and already available, among others, at the following addresses:

Notice that the above web pages are my main publications updated many times later. On the other hand, this post #378E to blogs of totalizm is only a "harbinger" of publishing the presented in it here results of my research - which later is NOT updated. Therefore, these web pages typically contain texts that are more improved than this post to blogs of totalizm, with the elapse of time they collect more evidence and fewer research mistakes or writing errors, and because of their repeated updating they also contain the latest findings of my continuously carried out research.

At each of the addresses provided above, I also try to make available the most recently updated versions of all my web pages. Therefore, if the reader wishes to learn from "first hand" the truths explained on any of my web pages, then either at the above addresses he/she may start the web page "menu2.htm" that contains green links to names and topics of all web pages that I developed so-far, then in that web page "menu2.htm" can select the link to the web page that he/she wishes to view, and through clicking the "mouse" start that web page. For example, in order to start this "menu2.htm" from the above-indicated address , it is enough if in that address the name of the web page e.g. "2026totalizmparty.htm" is replaced with the name of the web page "menu2.htm" - then to the search engine needs to be entered the new address obtained in this way. In a similar manner as starting this "menu2.htm", the reader can also start instantly any of my web pages, the name of which he/she already knows, because e.g. I provided it in the above post or because it appears in the "menu2.htm". For example, in order to run any other web page of mine, the physical name of which I have already given anywhere - e.g. to run my web page named "pajak_for_mp_2014.htm", let's say from a web page with the address , it is enough that instead of the previous web page address, he/she entered the following new address in the address box of a search engine.

It is also worth knowing that almost every NEW topic which I already researched for the "a priori" approach of the new "totaliztic science" and presented on this blog, including the topic from this post #378E (i.e. my own translation to English from the Polish nearest post #378 below), I intended to publish on all mirror blogs of totalizm which until now remain accessible by me and on which I am still able to publish my posts. Until 2022/10/12, as many as 8 such blogs of totalizm were established and maintained for some time, out of which only following 2 out of these 8 blogs of totalizm still accept my new posts, while 3rd, namely (publishing in "Small Print" 12pt: posts starting from #89 and finishing on #374 = i.e. since 2006/11/11 to 2024/10/12)
still remain working and accessible for reading but disallow me to publish my new posts or to update old ones. These 2 blogs of totalizm still accessible for my publishing can be found at the following addresses: (in "Large Print" 24pt: posts starting from #293 = i.e. since 2018/3/16) also available via NZ address (in "Large Print" 24pt: posts starting from #293 = since 2018/2/23)
Fortunately, the impossibility to further publish my posts on 6 of these blogs of totalizm did NOT cause the loss of their posts. This is because after complementing with illustrations, colours, underlining and working links of all my posts that I published so far on blogs of totalizm, including this post, I systematically make them available also in my free electronic publication [13] in a safe PDF format and in normal size 12pt (formerly up to the post #360E in two sizes of print, i.e. also in large size 20pt) - which everyone can download for free, e.g. through the web page named "tekst_13.htm" available on all the web sites indicated above, including, for example, at . Almost all posts to blogs of totalizm published in Polish are also published in this [13] after my translation of them to the English language, and thus I hope they should be understandable for inhabitants of countries other than Poland.

Blog-posts linked here, or extending and supplementing this #378E:

#378E, 2025/2/14 - could iterative refinement of governance philosophy, from to-date "subtraction" principles to future "addition" trends, prevent the Tytler Cycle from occurring and what benefits could such refinement bring to all of us, also where and how could the implementation of this refinement be attempted in practice? (#2A to #2J from "2026totalizmparty.htm")
#377E, 2025/1/14 - "moral energy" (Chi) and the intelligent "God Drobinas" that carry this energy, our learning to use the power of which advances the fate of each person and everything that exists at our planet (#D1 to #D3 of "totalizm2020_uk.htm")
#376E, 2024/12/12 - perfect "adding" governments, without flaws and evil, designed by the Philosophy of Everything called "Totalizm2020" (#C1 to #C5 from "totalizm2020_uk.htm")
#375E, 2024/11/12 - the engineering "how" that turned my Totalizm1985 into the "adding" Philosophy of Everything from 2020 (#A1 and #A2 from "totalizm2020_uk.htm")
#374E, 2024/10/16 - although the "false prophets" scare us with the "end of the world", what has actually come is the punishment of the "destroyers of the earth" announced in the Bible (#M1 to #M3 of "god.htm")
#373E: 2024/9/5 - how in engineering way I distinguish between "adding" Acts of God and "subtracting" harm done by hidden "powers of evil", e.g. when I perceived very painfully the "fruits" of whatever happened and hence I want to remember these teachings in the future by establishing the truth on "who", "how" and "why" so painfully experienced me (#G1 to #G3 of "rok_uk.htm")
#372E: 2024/8/1 - my discovery from 1985 secretly fought against, denied, ridiculed and covered up stating that only from "God Drobinas" and infinity of 4-dimensional [1] "counter-world" God wisely created: the timeless [2] "virtual world", finite 3-dimensional our [3] "world of matter", and the passage of "reversible software time" for people's travel through time (#I1 to #I5 of "parasitism.htm")
#371E: 2024/7/1 - how to defend ourselves against enslavement, rape, robbery and killing by UFOnauts parasitizing on people (#K1 to #K5 of "aliens.htm")
#370E: 2024/6/1 - the role of "moral energy" in methods of ensuring love and durability (or rescue from divorce) marriages threatened by divorce (#I1 and #I2 of "bible.htm")
#369E, 2024/3/15 - let us improve our fate and life by improving our morality to the one commanded by God in the Bible, which softens the behaviour of nature and inanimate objects that always copy the resultant morality of people who live at their mercy (#N1 to #N3 of "newzealand_visit.htm")
#368E, 2024/2/1 - the birthday gift of God to New Zealand of 1840 that uplifted from below seal level the flat land for building the capitol Wellington and industrial town of Petone and historical examples of the "creator" and later the merciless "destroyer" with the features of the second Genghis Khan that completed the Tytler Cycle and returned the era of truth and moral growth (Fig. #F1ab and #F1 to #F5 of "pigs.htm")
#246E, 2014/7/10 - the example of personal delivery of election leaflets used as an illustration of choosing the solution to the problem that climbs the steepest up the "moral field" and thus generates the most long-term benefits and the least undesirable "side effects" (#N4 from "pajak_for_mp_2014.htm")

Let totalizm prevail,
Dr Eng. Jan Pająk


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