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#379E: Every improvement that yields "adding fruits" (e.g. of methods of governing) revives and eliminates the threat of self-destruction by generating "moral energy" that satisfies the spiritual thirst described in verses 4:13-14 from "John" of the Bible which pushes people to increase their power, material goods and money

Jak zawsze, polskojęzyczna wersja tego angielskiego wpisu #379E z jego częścią #3A jest też opublikowana jako polski wpis #379 poniżej tego #379E
(As always, the Polish version of this English post #379E with its part #3A is also published as Polish post #379 below this #379E)

Summary of this blog #379E, the content of which was adapted from part #3A of the "chapter #3" in the web page named "2026totalizmparty.htm" available at addresses provided at the end of this post. This part #3A tries to explain the key information and indicate the justifications based on existing evidence and on behaviour of the reality surrounding us and thus verifiable by everyone, as well as confirmed also by the most important "three witnesses", why regular implementing improvements of the "adding philosophy of governance", including the improvements discussed on the web page "2026totalizmparty.htm" and on the blogs of totalizm in posts #375E to #379E, is extremely important for our entire civilization and will be the fastest method of "top-down" acceleration of the development and well-being of countries that undertake this implementation and will systematically implement it. After all, this improvement from the above-mentioned blogs #375E to #379E explains "why" (and in an engineering way also indicates "how") the monopoly of a single government of a given country which decides about everything and is therefore exposed to numerous temptations of corruption, can be changed into competition of several governments operating simultaneously and with this competition naturally improving each other in their efforts to serve the nation by competitively implementing individual projects by each of them, thus generating "adding" fruits of growth, increasing the wealth of the country and expanding the freedoms of its citizens. It has been known for centuries that every monopoly, including the monopoly of government, science, education, health service, etc., generates "subtracting" fruits, such as, for example, corruption, increase in costs, decline, the so-called "Tytler Cycle" changing democracy into tyranny, and in times of the existence of e.g. nuclear weapons, even the danger of total destruction of entire civilisation. In turn, each peaceful competition generates "adding" fruits - the exact opposite of the fruits of monopoly. It is therefore in the interest of every citizen to replace the to-date monopoly of one large government with competition of two or more smaller governments.

Part #3A, blog #379E. Only in a true democracy does every citizen have the free will to choose and to practice one of the two existing types of "philosophies of life" (i.e. "adding" or "subtracting"), which lead to one of the two existing "ways through life" (i.e. "growing" or "falling"), while those ways will cause around the people practicing them the formation of opposing realities, of which only the "adding" one causes the growth of increasingly better "fruits" from which everyone is to benefit. It is therefore in the interest of everyone - including those practicing the "subtracting" philosophy, to ensure that the action of the so-called "Tytler Cycle" has NOT resulted in the replacement of true democracies with tyrannies - in which there is NO possibility of such a choice, and everyone is forced to practice a "subtractive" philosophy which produces increasingly worse "fruits" for everyone and, in combination with the existence of nuclear weapons, which leads to the self-destruction of the entire civilization in which there are already nuclear states practicing these "subtractive" tyrannies.

Motto: The discovery of totalizm that the adding "improvements revive", indicates a method by which the continuous improvement of democracy towards the "adding fruits" described in the Bible and explained by my "Philosophy of Totalizm" is to prevent the reign of "subtractive tyranny" imposed by the "Tytler Cycle". After all, tyranny ultimately leads to the self-destruction of humanity. (About numerous cases of such self-destruction we know from examples of human civilizations from the federation of our cosmic ancestors which blew themselves up - as it is described e.g. in the Polish treatise from the web page "tekst_3b.htm".)

       The Bible reveals and my Totalizm independently confirms it that there are really only two ways through life (see Bible, Matthew, 7:13-14). The first of these two existing ways through life is (1) the "adding way". This one was first revealed and explained to humanity by Jesus, and is described in the most detail and fullest only in the Bible. Historically and in accordance with naming traditions, it should therefore be called (1) the "Jesus way". This way is so wisely designed and supervised by our true God, who created us and knows everything about us, that the individual people (or so-called "group intellects") who voluntarily chose to follow it, would generate mainly "adding fruits" through their actions. In return for choosing it and obediently fulfilling its requirements, God rewards these people through letting them to experience the rewards promised in the Bible. (In this experiencing He also rewards with the possibility of physically earning still in this physical life such an amount of "moral energy" that it allows, for example, to experience the miraculous phenomenon of happiness of nirvana, or, for example, to acquire one of the miraculous abilities described in {1#D1} from item #D1 of the web page named "2026totalizmparty.htm" or from blog #377E, as well as from a different web page named "totalizm2020_uk.htm" - i.e. experiencing miraculous phenomena formed by "moral energy" - by the Chinese, among others, called "chi".) However, in order for these people NOT to cause the generation of "subtractive fruits" by their actions contrary to God's will, those who chose to follow this (1) adding "way of Jesus" are obliged to fulfil a whole range of strict requirements, specified in the Bible and explained in more detail in today's language by my " Totalizm2020", i.e. by the "Philosophy of Everything from 2020" described in #A1 from "chapter #4" of the web page "2026totalizmparty.htm". For example: they should fulfil all 10 of God's commandments; avoid lying; and in their views, speech, motivations and actions they should demonstrate the decisiveness, precision and unambiguity required by Bible verses, e.g. "He who is not with me is against me, and he who does not gather with me, scatters" from Matthew 12:30, Luke 11:23, Mark 9:40; "let your 'yes' be 'yes', and your 'no' be 'no', so that you will not come under judgment" from Matthew 5:37, James 5:12, 2 Corinthians 1:17-20; "because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spew you out of my mouth" from Revelation 3:15-16. Of course, there are many more of these requirements and to learn how to fulfil them all takes one's entire life of learning to be obedient to God - and typically some of them are still broken by us. That is why learning to fulfil the requirements of the Bible turns every one of our daily experiences into a school of "adding" life and gathering experiences, in which only if we are willing we can learn how to achieve happiness and fulfilment that will leave us with memory and knowledge for all the incoming eternity. Therefore, we should NOT allow in life, for example, that "subtracting" authorities, neighbours, or our own habits or thoughts, turn our own mistakes and failures that are supposed to teach us, into a kind of court-case in which only is sought "whom among other people we should accuse that this time is at fault". This is because the key to "adding" learning is to find what good has come to us from the mistakes of our way of life. In order to make our learning more effective and easier to distinguish good from evil, if someone among individual people (or from "group intellects") breaks any of these requirements of God, then he/she is inevitably punished for it and justice is restored, while our memory and knowledge are enriched - about which, for example, the verse 34:7 from the "Book of Exodus" of the Bible reminds us that every sin will be punished (it therefore describes the moral "Boomerang Law" by Totalizm also called totaliztic "karma" - see (A"') from blog #375E), while e.g. "Apocalypse" 21:8 and 22:15 admonishes, among other things, that for deliberate and chronic lying, e.g. the second death is threatening - i.e. deleting the programs of the soul. This is, for example, why, even if the population of a given town or country considers itself to be Christian, but does NOT fulfil the commandments of the Bible, then it breaks these requirements and must suffer the consequences when comes a hurricane, flood, frost, robbers, war, tyranny, etc. The same consequences await followers of any faith - after all, God warns that only the Bible describes the truth about the requirements of physical life imposed on people by Jesus. (I.e. only the Christian Bible describes the philosophy of life that Totalizm revealed as the only one on Earth that produces mainly "adding fruits" and is precisely described only in the Bible in its entirety along with all its requirements, while all other sources describe only "subtracting" philosophies forced onto humanity by the "powers of evil" - the empirical proof of which is, among others, that the "powers of evil" attack mainly and almost exclusively the Christianity and the Bible.) Similar consequences await when a wife or husband breaks their wedding vows and either ignores verses 5:21-33 in "Ephesians" and 7:3-5 in "1 Corinthians" from the Bible - discussed in blog #370E, or cheats on, or divorces her/his husband or wife. While in the event that the majority of the country's population allows their government to violate the requirements of the generation of "adding fruits", then tyranny comes to this country. Having an engineering education and experience, I know and explain this in my philosophy "Totalizm2020" (see #A1 in "chapter #4" on the web page "2026totalizmparty.htm"), that the requirements of practicing the "adding" philosophy must be just as strict, and their fulfilment just as precise, as strict and as precise are the requirements of the design and construction of any complex machine - e.g. a car or an airplane. After all, when in any machine a wheel, shaft, clutch, bearing, screw, etc. is damaged, thus breaking the requirements imposed on its operation or use, then also the entire machine may undergo a catastrophe sometimes at the most crucial moment, killing many people and possibly causing punishment to its builder or user.

       The second of the two existing ways through life, which in a true democracy everyone can also choose for their life, is (2) the "subtractive way". This one was historically first described in the Bible as being followed by Satan. Hence, in accordance with naming traditions, it should be called (2) "Satan's way". I discovered its existence completely independently of the Bible in 1985, when I was creating the first version of my "Philosophy of Totalizm from 1985" published on the web page called "totalizm.htm". That is, I discovered this "subtractive way" at a time before I had EVER read and analyzed the meaning of Bible verses. So for me, just those discoveries were the impulse that later inspired me to get interested in Bible verses, and that were leading me through way of life - like a kind of "Ariadne's Thread" (see ), ultimately to the discoveries described, among others, in on the web page named "2026totalizmparty.htm" - see there part #3B (note how indescribably wise and creative are God's ways of inspiring people to depart from the "subtractive" and enter the "adding" way of life). That is why at that time I called this "subtractive way" which I just discovered with the name "parasitism" and published it on the web pages called "parasitism.htm" - i.e. the English equivalent of the Polish word "pasożytnictwo". It was already then that I also was aware that my "totalizm" is a stable state of "achieving a level of life certainty" through trusting God and learning and implementing in my life the spiritual truths of God - which gives us a sense of inner peace and fulfilment that we do NOT have to seek this certainty any further, but only expand and deepen our knowledge of its features and principles of operation, and fulfil its indications in our lives. At the same time, I also became aware then that there is also an opposite to my "totalizm" which is a parasitic process of constant searching for this certainty of life along the wrong way of the "world of matter" to which someone is pushed by the physical feeling of uncertainty and lack of satisfaction. The wrongness of this opposite way is caused by the wrong search for this certainty within our material reality instead of in the spiritual one. Meanwhile, certainty is a spiritual feature, NOT a material one - as Jesus assures us, for example, in the verses 4:13-14 from "John" in the Bible quoted below. Hence, certainty can never be found in the material reality, although there are hints in there that it should be sought in the spiritual reality. So due to the lack of results, this search for certainty always gradually wanders or is directed towards forcing the seekers to use increasingly radical and evil-doing methods of conduct in order to find this feeling of certainty and satisfaction. Due to the methods of conduct that over time dominate people who practice this wrong process, I described it under the English name "parasitism" also from 1985 (which in Polish means "pasożytnictwo") and then I published it on the abovementioned web page named "parasitism.htm". After all, because in 1985 I had NOT yet learned the texts of the "Bible" and hence also I still did not know that it is the Bible that describes the requirements which distinguish people who follow (1) the "way of Jesus" because they meet these requirements from the Bible, from people who choose (2) the "way of Satan" because they do NOT want to meet any requirements to which they were NOT physically forced either somehow or by something. This "parasitism" therefore depends in doing only what the practitioners are ordered to do by the needs of their biological bodies, or by someone who has some power over them. Hence, apart from many sufferings, unsatisfied desires, and uncertainty of tomorrow, it allows at most to experience rare physical pleasures (e.g. sexual, eating, wealth, or power over others), which is the opposite of spiritual happiness, fulfilment, certainty and a sense of satisfaction.

       All philosophies lectured to-date at universities and in schools, result from the culture based on parasitic knowledge forcibly imposed upon humanity by "Fallen Angels" since ancient times - which imposing I confirm with examples of empirical evidence, e.g. in part #9A and in "chapter #8" near the end of the web page named "2026totalizmparty.htm" . This is why all philosophies officially taught at universities describe to us only this "subtracting" way of life number (2) forced upon humanity. They also do NOT impose any "adding" requirements on the people practicing it. However, if they imply that something should be fulfilled, they do NOT emphasize that the requirement is that it should be absolutely in accordance with God's commandments described in the Bible. Such a lack of "adding" requirements disqualifies all philosophies formulated by people so far as "adding philosophies". Hence, the only "adding" philosophy on Earth is still the one described only by the Bible, while my Totalizm explains it with today's concepts and terminology. As a result, people who are tempted to follow this (2) "way of Satan", with the passage of time begin to practice an increasingly deeper form of the "philosophy of parasitism" which I described on the web page "parasitism.htm", while the fruits of their lives become increasingly "subtractive". This is why God emphasizes in the Bible that He rejects, "spits out", and that He will severely judge all who undertake to practice it - for example, see the above-quoted admonitions of the Bible: "he who does not gather with me scatters" from Matthew 12:30 (which is practically a statement "he who does not add, subtracts" from the philosophy of totalizm expressed in the language of the Bible ); "lest you come under judgment" from James 5:12 (which totalizm would express e.g. with the words "for you will be punished by God"); "I will spew you out of my mouth" from the Apocalypse of St. John 3:15-16 (which totalizm would explain e.g. with the words "for this God may deprive you of your privileges" - as I described it in blog #362E and in #I1 to #I5 of the page "bandits.htm" (e.g. God may stop defending you against attacks by nature, weather, "evil forces", criminals, neighbours, bombs attacking your place of residence - just as defended my father, who as the only one from the entire POW camp, was protected by God from bombs in the rocket Peenemunde - see #B1 on the web page named "2026totalizmparty.htm"), etc.

       Intelligent beings (e.g. people, or UFOnauts) following one of these two existing ways of life, always display behaviours characteristic of this way. For example, those following (1) the "way of Jesus" are characterised by truth, spirituality, tolerance, peace, forgiveness, willingness to learn, "adding" actions, a large amount of personally earned "moral energy" and thus also a high level of satisfaction with own live generated by this energy, a broad knowledge of the full picture of reality, and several others that result from learning the behaviours recommended by God in the Bible. In turn, those who follow (2) the "way of Satan" display all characteristics opposite to those of path (1). Examples and consequences of their aggressive and parasitic behaviours I describe in "chapter #8" of the web page named "2026totalizmparty.htm" - and as a highly telling example of them I suggest reviewing those discussed there in part #8F. And so, for example, people commenting in English on the 53-second video shown there about a Kungfu master who developed a method of using his "moral energy" to simultaneously levitate two bricks and then smash them without touching them - see his video at , in the comments under this video "subtractively" accuse him of fabricating his show using modern software, e.g. AI, or fraudulent filming, etc. - see part #8F on the web page named "2026totalizmparty.htm". Meanwhile, his factual show illustrates the natural abilities that people may learn through their physical work and properly conducted wise training how to use the intelligence of "moral energy" (called "Chi", "Qigong", etc. by the Chinese) to perform actions that bypass the limitations of the laws of physics of our "world of matter". These abilities, because of the indications of my "Theory of Everything from 1985" published on web page "1985_theory_of_everything.htm", I was able to identify, describe in detail and document with filmed evidence in {1#D1} from item #D1 in blog #377E and in the web page "2026totalizmparty.htm", supporting them in there with additional documentation from the experiences of my own process of generating the miraculous happiness of earned nirvana in 1998, as well as from a whole range of other authentic videos documenting the earned by Chinese Kungfu and Qigong masters some natural human achievements, which today are still incorrectly considered to be "supernatural" - for more details on this subject see the recommended part #8F of the web page named "2026totalizmparty.htm".

       Each of the "ways of life" described here exhibits a number of unique features resulting from the work of life philosophies that are implemented by given people. For example (1) the "way of Jesus" depends on the so-far unconscious accumulation in one's soul of the intelligent so-called "moral energy" (i.e. this moral energy which is described in #D1 to #D4 from blog #377E and from chapter #4 on the web page "2026totalizmparty" - about it below is explained that Totalizm identified "moral energy" as the "water" that truly quench thirst from the Bible verses 4:13-14 of "John"). The more of this moral energy someone manages to accumulate, the happier this person feels - as this is explained in the result of my empirical experience in item #D3 from the web page named "nirvana.htm" and from blog #318E. (After all, "moral energy", like every form of energy, fulfils the "principle of conservation of energy ", i.e. "in doing what we intend to achieve we are NOT able to put more of this energy than we previously generated for ourselves". Hence, for example, if someone throws a stone or some object using "moral energy" - in Chinese, among others, called "chi", then how far he/she can throw it depends on the amount of this moral energy that he has accumulated in himself - e.g. compare two videos: 50-second long at , with 40-second long at .) Similar conservation of energy rule applies to achievements in everything that is intended, among others, to the use of intelligent "moral energy", including to accomplish nirvana - see #D3 from the web page "nirvana.htm" or from the blog #318E. In turn, this spiritual happiness induced by "moral energy" makes the person experiencing it completely fulfilled, satisfied with the life they lead, assured and NOT looking for anything more - e.g. for satisfaction of internal carnal desires felt by people who do NOT generate the moral energy. It is about such satisfaction through the unique "water" created by God - which the philosophy of totalizm calls just "moral energy", that the Bible writes in verses 4:13-14 of "The Gospel according to St. John" - I quote "Whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never thirst, ...". It is also about such satisfaction of the "inner emptiness" and desires felt by women who avoid accumulating "moral energy" in themselves that today's marriage counsellors warn - which in my opinion is best described by the host of the podcast "The Happy Wife School" with the address . This is perhaps mainly why, for example, today's women, whose very nature is already "subtractive", and whose current lifestyle additionally reduces the already small generation of "moral energy" through physical work due to their typically "sedentary" jobs, can persevere in happiness and live without divorcing their husbands almost only if they practice the principles of spiritual marital life derived from God, commanded, for example, by the above-mentioned verses 5:21-33 from "Ephesians" and 7:3-5 from "1 Corinthians" in the Bible - for example, those that I discuss in blog #370E and in #I1 to #I2 from the web page "bible.htm", and which are recommended on the Internet by women (e.g. the above-mentioned "The Happy Wife School") describing to their neighbours their experiences resulting from their acceptance of the role as a biblical wife (see ). This is probably also why God generously rewards wives who fulfil their duties, by causing, for example, that one sexual intercourse is to burn in a woman (and thus is to generate an equivalent amount of "moral energy") the same number of calories as 7 hours of physical exercise - if I remember correctly, done in a gym - as I report it in #I1 from blog #370E and from the "bible.htm" web page.

       In turn, for example (2) "the way of Satan" is typically limited to atheistic accumulation of more and more power, material goods and money - the features of which the Bible describes, for example, in verse 6:10 from the biblical "1st letter to Timothy" - quoted in the "motto" to part #B from chapter #4 on the web page "2026totalizmparty.htm" ("For the love of money is the root of all evil"). Meanwhile, this power, money and material goods give people only short moments of physical pleasure, not long-term spiritual happiness. Moreover, they cause that the more of such material wealth people accumulate, the more and more of it they desire. As a result, people who reject practicing the "adding" philosophy described by the Bible and by my philosophy of totalizm (see "chapter #4" on the web page "2026totalizmparty.htm"), practically all their lives feel thirsty for something more and are never satisfied in their desires. In other words, they feel exactly what Jesus warns about in the above quoted verses 4:13-14 from "The Gospel according to St. John" in the Bible - except that what I call "moral energy" Jesus calls it there "water" (because in fact the "God Drobinas" that are carriers of "moral energy" behave like an eternally mobile fluid - e.g. like "water"). So instead of spiritually satisfying their desires by taking up the practice of an "adding" philosophy and generating "moral energy", those eternally thirsting for "more" and for "new" attempt to satisfy their carnal desires by undertaking lifelong campaigns of e.g. conquest, war and subjugation of other people to rob them of whatever they believe may satisfy their unquenchable thirst. (Women tormented by such a physically unquenchable desire are currently called "narcissists" - see or see , while are known to gradually let their destructive instincts for "subtraction" go unchecked and then continually persecute, emasculate, disrespect, cheat, and sometimes even beat their husbands, which behaviour usually causes them to get divorced over time and spend the rest of their lives in solitude. Meanwhile, in order to experience an "added" transformation, they mainly need to accept the role of a wife in accordance with the commandments in the Bible, plus work out (earn) for themselves the "moral energy" they lack (including through regular intercourses with their own husbands) in such a way as to NOT break any of God's commandments - as explained in items #D3 and #D2 from my web page "nirvana.htm. Thus wives, please listen to advices, which wives more experienced in maintaining the happiness of marriage do NOT hide - see around 9-minute video at .

       To summarise the above, this never-ceasing lack of satisfaction of one's carnal desires causes that the participants of "powers of evil" that secretly occupy and robb humanity while atheistically practicing one of the parasitic philosophies from the "subtractive" (2) "path of Satan", constantly use war to try to increase the power of their material empires (see around 5-minute video at ), and their cosmic federation (see around 5-minute video at ). This creates for them the illusion of getting closer to the satisfaction of their carnal desires. At the same time, however, it forces them, among other things, to fight and destroy anyone they consider to be their competitor or opponent threatening them in any way - including even their competitors from their own planet. However, our secretive UFO occupants already know about the operation of what totalizm calls the "Boomerang Principle" or "karma" (the possession of this knowledge was already proven to us by UFOnauts while atheistically explaining to Miss Nosbocaj abducted to a UFO how this "Boomerang Principle" supposedly works - which I described in (a"') from item #A1 of blog #375E and the web page named "2026totalizmparty.htm"). Therefore, on Earth, UFOnauts typically do NOT carry out this combating and destruction with their own hands, but for this purpose they use people hypnotically programmed or telepathically controlled by them - who voluntarily do harm to their fellow humans without realizing that it is them to whom karma is later returned for the evil that they have done. After all, the majority of people typically do NOT know or DO NOT believe in the truth of the quoted in (A"') on the web page "2026totalizmparty" the verse 34:7 from the "Book of Exodus" in the Bible, nor in the operation of the totaliztic "karma" - which Totalizm initially called the "Boomerang Principle". Thus, when the return of "karma" hits people back for what they personally did some time earlier (typically around 7 years earlier), they usually blame God for supposed getting injustice treatment. Since the Bible and my Totalizm2020 ask that every event that happens to us should be treated as a lesson given to us for voluntarily learning "adding" principles of life, and that it should NOT be turned into an attempt to judge the teachers who served us a given lesson, I will cite here an example of one of such life lessons, revealing how many truths I could later find in it when the philosophy of totalizm allowed me to understand the importance of voluntarily learning from life and from the Bible.

       So although it took me quite some time to discover that throughout my life I have been fought and destroyed in above ways by the "powers of evil", I most painfully experienced the open version of being persecuted by them in the times described in items #B5 and #B5.1 from my web page named "tapanui.htm". At the same time, however, it was that experience that made me realize the most of philosophical truths. Here I am to provide two examples of these truths from a whole series that I learned, some of which I also discuss on the web page named "2026totalizmparty.htm".

       The first of these truths is my realization that (a) our "true God" is the God of truth, peace, balance, equilibrium, justice and everything that "adds". And so, after noticing that currently the balance between good and evil diminishes, our God initiated discreet restoration of the required equilibrium using devoted Christians as His tools - this life lesson I explain in more detail and support with evidence in part #9A of the web page named "2026totalizmparty.htm". For example, one of the manners of discreet encouraging people who believe in God to undertake fight with evil is the wise and inspirational raising of their awareness and appealing to their believes by indication of attributes of character to the achieving of which people who stand by their faith should strive - for an example, how far-sightedly it can be induced: see around 12-minute video from the address . In turn an example how part of this restoration is to work, can be seen in around 9-minute video from the address .

       The second example is the truth that (b) every evil unjustly served to us, God transforms into the next step of a ladder-like situation, which elevates us to a higher level - which truth I am to briefly summarize here, while it is explained in more detail when discussing the moral "Law of Partnership Ladder" described in #6C from subsection I4.1.1 in volume 5 of my monograph [1/5] distributed for free via the web page named "text_1_5.htm". And so, in times of the situation discussed here when the "powers of evil" hurt me very painfully and unjustly for behaviour that should have been rewarded (and NOT punished), I lectured computer sciences and conducted research sufficient for later employment as a professor of computer science in the field of so-called "Software Engineering" - in which I specialized since becoming a scientific advisor in Poland in a computer factory called "Elwro". At the same time, having engineering experience, independently of "Software Engineering" I also openly researched starships called "UFOs" hiding from people - and in particular I researched the site of a powerful explosion in 1178 AD of a cigar coupled from as many as 7 K6 type UFOs, located near the township of "Tapanui in New Zealand" (see the web page named "tapanui.htm".) The "UFO" starships work and look identical to the starship that I had previously invented and called "Magnocraft" (see the web page named "magnocraft.htm"), and which my friend and I illustrated in flights and close-ups on several of our videos, e.g.: on the half-hour "Future Propulsions" distributed free of charge from the Internet address ; or on the 4-minute "How big is the Magnocraft" disseminated free of charge from the address . Furthermore, at that time I was also researching "clean free energy generators" (see the web page "free_energy.htm") and I intended to start building them at the university where I was lecturing at that time. After all, it was then that I was the only researcher on Earth who was developing the idea of my "telekinetic battery" (see the web page "fe_cell.htm") powered by the "wind" unknown to the "official atheistic science" until today, which I discovered and called the "Telekinetic Effect". Interestingly, from my experiments in childhood with a "crystal radio" working on a "galena" crystal, practically all my life I was aware that a crystal radio is a model and a ready-made solution indicating how to reconstruct it into my "telekinetic battery". After all, in order to release the "Telekinetic Effect" that generates the useful electricity, there is necessary some stream of impulses of low energy which through this effect causes the generation of electricity of high energy, while in the crystal radio this stream of low energy is provided by radio waves that it receives. For the scientific reliability I described this in detail in my publications - e.g. see #J1 to #J3 and #H1 to #H4 from the abovementioned my web page "fe_cell.htm", or see posts #212E and #84 to blogs of totalizm. (Apart from the Telekinetic Effect, I later discovered several other "winds" still NOT known to "official atheistic science", which allow people to build "clean free energy generators", e.g. consider "God Drobinas", corpuscles of cold rays sent by e.g. the Moon, corpuscles of heat rays sent by e.g. the Sun, vibrations, telepathic waves, and several yet another phenomena until today blocked by "official atheistic science" from being learned by humanity, which I am describing in my publications.) Unfortunately, both of these additional directions of my multidisciplinary research, instead of being appreciated or at least tolerated by the university at which I worked, because of the secret persecution of me by the "powers of evil" from UFOs that programmed the professors and authorities of that university, were received there with hostility and increasingly fiercely criticized. After all, having "time vehicles" (the operation of which I also invented and described, among others, on the web page "immortality.htm"), these "powers of evil" from UFOs sent their "couriers through time" (in Polish: "kurierzy czasowi" - their descriptions are linked from my Polish web page named "skorowidz.htm" and available in English version of web pages indicated in there) to the future so that they could find out e.g. which ones among my inventions harmed their secret occupation and exploitation of humanity, and after the return of these "couriers through time", they found ways to prevent me from building these inventions. Although from childhood I was trained by my "golden hand" father, as a person who practically builds, the powers of evil from UFOs caused that the only thing I could do to help humanity was to theoretically teach others through my publications - the learning of which UFOnauts also effectively block even until today. As a result, in spite of the fact that in compliance to God promise from verses 10:26 "Matthew" and 4:22 "Mark" of the Bible by this day the secret activity of UFOs on Earth is increasingly fully documented by people (e.g. see the 12-minute video at or the 19-minute video at ) and that in February 2025 in Africa a certain Maxwell Chikumbutso from Zimbabwe (see ) started selling a car that does NOT require fuel because it is powered by a "clean free energy generator" similar to the one that I intended to built (for more details see part #9A on the web page named "2026totalizmpartia.htm") the "powers of evil" managed to program the authorities of the university where I was lecturing at that time, to make me an "offer I could NOT refuse" in order to cause me to be removed from work with a so-called "wolf ticket" see . (This "wolf ticket" meant that I was NOT able to get a job in NZ at that time, so I had to look for a job as a professor at universities outside its borders.) This removal from work at that time was very painful for me. After all, I was a poor immigrant from communism in a capitalistic country I still didn't know much about, I had almost NO savings, so the lack of work and unemployment benefit threatened me with the necessity of, for example, living "under the proverbial bridge". So I started an energetic job search outside of NZ, as a result of which I held three university professorships one after another. Unfortunately, during that third professorship, the "powers of evil" found another way (this time a "financial crisis") to break this cycle of my professional successes, but that is a topic for another article. After all, people should know that the already revealed truth about secretive persecution of myself by our relatives from Orion, who believe that they own our Earth, for sure is also repeated for thousands of other inventors and scientists on Earth who try to advance our civilisation - no wonder that what in past I called "curse of inventors" by now almost completely managed to freeze the progress of humanity.

       Philosophically, that most unjust and therefore most painful dismissal from work also turned out to be highly educational for both the "powers of evil" and me. After all, the "powers of evil" who have time vehicles and thus, due to sending their "couriers through time" into the future, can check what current events will change the future to their disadvantage, starting from then on, they already used more "neutral" excuses for dismissing me from subsequent employments in NZ, probably counting on the fact that the moral Law of Partnership Ladder that I discovered works irrationally, just like the laws of physics, hence for such supposedly "natural" and "neutral" excuses this law will NOT work. Practicing atheism, however, they did NOT take into account that the operation of all "moral laws" is based on the omniscience and intelligence of the living God, hence God's justice does NOT work irrationally like the laws of physics - which by the way can also be made to work intelligently if they are triggered by an intelligent so-called "moral energy" and NOT intentionally programmed by mindless physical force and power - general guidelines on how to learn to make the laws of physics work intelligently are described in blog #377E. In turn outside of NZ, the "powers of evil" have never caused me to be removed from work (it seems that God has already begun my defence in there). However, even there, all the time in various ways, they have proverbially "put pigs in my way" (in Polish: "podkładały mi świnie") to undermine my authority and good name - e.g. consider those many hours of conversations held by "mysterious individuals phoning at night to Poland and to NZ from my places of work" (to the descriptions of which link e.g. Polish key words: tajemnicze osobniki telefonujące nocami do Polski i NZ z miejsc mojej pracy - from the Polish web page "skorowidz.htm"), although apart from me no one else with ties to Poland and to NZ worked in there - I described in depth the satanic nature of these night phone conversations e.g. in {2#M2} from blog #374E and from the web page named "god.htm" and in publications linked from the web page "skorowidz.htm". Note here that UFOnauts have a whole network of their secret agents in all countries of the world (including your country), hence if they want proverbially to "put pigs on someone's way" then they have these agents and they know who to call, and also note that I am too busy with research to waste my scarce time on long phone calls (also on writing to anyone whom I do not know).

       In turn, for me, that job loss and its highly painful consequences allowed me to empirically confirm many philosophical truths that are encoded in Bible verses, and theoretically also result from my "Theory of Everything from 1985" (see the web page "dipolar_gravity.htm") and from the "philosophy of Totalizm" (see the web page "totalizm.htm") - that is, these truths which already have confirmations from two out of the most important "3 witnesses". However, in order to find confirmations for these philosophical truths also from the last of those most important "three witnesses" leading to absolute certainty (see: najważniejszych trzech świadków - in my Polish web page page "skorowidz.htm"), I needed to identify some events from my own life (hence events which I later could publish without multiplying my enemies and worrying about copyrights) that also confirm them with empirical evidence. And so, for example, I confirmed empirically that this dismissal from work actually promoted me to a higher level, but for the university that dismissed me, and hence for NZ, it turned out to be a loss of an important opportunity - which is confirmed by both the Bible and the moral "Law of Partnership Ladder" derived from the findings of my totalizm. After all, if I had NOT been dismissed from work at that time, then probably some time later I would have built my "telekinetic battery" at that university, which would have given to it the world fame as number 1 in inventiveness. After all, thanks to my childhood experiments I carried within me an effective plan of how to build a "telekinetic battery" of my invention, using the knowledge acquired in childhood that the "crystal radio", described on the above-listed web pages and blogs of totalizm number #212E and 84, is a working model for the principle of operation of my "telekinetic battery". So if I had NOT been fired from my job then, to this day (i.e. after over 30 years that have passed since those events) NZ would probably already be the world's leading manufacturer of "clean free energy generators", and perhaps even cars that do NOT require refuelling - like the aforementioned car from Zimbabwe described in part #9A on the web page "2026totalizmparty.htm". On the other hand, I myself probably would never have been promoted in there, and someone other than me would still be making a fortune from my inventions - after all, I had NO capital to start production of my inventions. Meanwhile, that dismissal of me from work at that time resulted in me holding four professorships at universities outside of New Zealand, where I lectured in a large number of new subjects and researched a lot of new topics, which taken together raised my knowledge and experience to the current level. (For example, in NZ I lectured at tertiary educational institutions where a smaller number of different specialist subjects were taught than I have lectured in my life.) As a result, who I became and am now and what I have been able to intellectually create, I owe, among other things, to that dismissal of mine - that is, it caused me to be promoted thanks to it, while the university that dismissed me experienced a huge loss about which it was not and is not aware of. Now, for the sake of the philosophy of Totalizm, I still need to investigate why all of those dismissals of me from work took place only in NZ (perhaps the intentions that I report on the web page called "2026totalizmparty.htm" may help me in this investigation).

       Chapter #9 and chapter #8 from the final parts of the web page named "2026totalizmparty.htm" also describe other ways in which the "powers of evil" have been forcing the population of Earth into a culture based on erroneous knowledge of "materialist reductionism" (see ) and the "subtractive" philosophy of "Fallen Angels" for thousands of years - e.g. see item #D1 from blog #366E or from the web page "wtc.htm", revealing that Pontius Pilate, who crucified Jesus about 2000 years ago, was also a UFOnaut, while my Totalizm noted that in the Bible that Pilate is discreetly described as an example of someone who practices the philosophy that orders him to doubt that the son of God could know "what is truth" better than Pontius Pilate himself. As we can notice it from the entire history of humanity, the "Fallen Angels" are also "angels" of continuous wars, conquests and destruction. So there will be NO peace on Earth until the time when Christians believing in true God of love, peace and forgiveness retake the governance over the Earth from these our soulless relatives from Orion and establish the "adding" governances based on the peaceful philosophy of our true God - one of the steps in this direction is to implement the philosophy of governance described here (but this is the topic for my next article). After all, the goal of UFOnauts for at least these two thousand of years has been to use wars and violence for eliminating the "adding" truths leading humanity to peace, truth and towards infinite development and progress. They also intend to return people back to caves and trees - so that the descendants of these "Fallen Angels" could continue to secretly occupy us and exploit the resources they need (e.g. "moral energy" - see also blog #377E , sperm, ovule, etc.) for the next thousands of years. If humanity perseveres in fulfilling the requirements of the "adding philosophy" that we are taught by the Bible and Totalizm, including peace and fulfilling the requirement of "forgiveness" (see blog #357E or #N1 to #N3 of the web page "cielcza_uk.htm"), then our spiritual, scientific and technical development will be accelerated to such an extent that we will soon free ourselves from this secret occupation and exploitation by the parasitic federation of UFO civilizations, and at most we will allow descendants of our ancestors from Orion to openly visit us only on the basis of short-term guests and relatives staying with us, e.g. for the mutual exchange of "adding" achievements of our cultures.

       So if the population of a country and entire Earth wants to live in continuous peace and quickly, because "from above", enter the "adding" way of growth and universal prosperity - only which leads to achievements that we cannot even dream of yet, the first step in this direction is to implement into the "philosophy of governance" practiced in it the truth discovered by my totalizm that "improvements revive". That is, to implement the improvement of governing over its country, by replacing the current collapsing monopoly of one government, with the competition of several seven-person governments, described in #C1 to #C5 web page called "2026totalizmparty.htm" and in blog #376E, that naturally is to act opposite to the monopoly because it has the self-improving mechanism already proven to work in it. Thus, if such improvement is implemented, it will open "from above" the door for the citizens of this country to further improvements, gradually leading to the development of what the Bible describes in verse 2:9 from "1 Corinthians" - I quote: "eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him."

Copyrights © 2025 by Dr Eng. Jan Pajak

* * *

The above post #379E is an adaptation of the content of part #3A from "chapter #3" of my English web pages named "2026totalizmparty.htm" (update of 25 February 2025, or later) and already available, among others, at the following addresses:

Notice that the above web pages are my main publications updated many times later. On the other hand, this post #379E to blogs of totalizm is only a "harbinger" of publishing the presented in it here results of my research - which later is NOT updated. Therefore, these web pages typically contain texts that are more improved than this post to blogs of totalizm, with the elapse of time they collect more evidence and fewer research mistakes or writing errors, and because of their repeated updating they also contain the latest findings of my continuously carried out research.

At each of the addresses provided above, I also try to make available the most recently updated versions of all my web pages. Therefore, if the reader wishes to learn from "first hand" the truths explained on any of my web pages, then either at the above addresses he/she may start the web page "menu2.htm" that contains green links to names and topics of all web pages that I developed so-far, then in that web page "menu2.htm" can select the link to the web page that he/she wishes to view, and through clicking the "mouse" start that web page. For example, in order to start this "menu2.htm" from the above-indicated address , it is enough if in that address the name of the web page e.g. "2026totalizmparty.htm" is replaced with the name of the web page "menu2.htm" - then to the search engine needs to be entered the new address obtained in this way. In a similar manner as starting this "menu2.htm", the reader can also start instantly any of my web pages, the name of which he/she already knows, because e.g. I provided it in the above post or because it appears in the "menu2.htm". For example, in order to run any other web page of mine, the physical name of which I have already given anywhere - e.g. to run my web page named "pajak_for_mp_2014.htm", let's say from a web page with the address , it is enough that instead of the previous web page address, he/she entered the following new address in the address box of a search engine.

It is also worth knowing that almost every NEW topic which I already researched for the "a priori" approach of the new "totaliztic science" and presented on this blog, including the topic from this post #379E (i.e. my own translation to English from the Polish post #379 published below this one), I intended to publish on all mirror blogs of totalizm which until now remain accessible by me and on which I am still able to publish my posts. Until 2022/10/12, as many as 8 such blogs of totalizm were established and maintained for some time, out of which only following 2 out of these 8 blogs of totalizm still accept my new posts, while 3rd, namely (publishing in "Small Print" 12pt: posts starting from #89 and finishing on #374 = i.e. since 2006/11/11 to 2024/10/12)
still remain working and accessible for reading but disallow me to publish my new posts or to update old ones. These 2 blogs of totalizm still accessible for my publishing can be found at the following addresses: (in "Large Print" 24pt: posts starting from #293 = i.e. since 2018/3/16) also available via NZ address (in "Large Print" 24pt: posts starting from #293 = since 2018/2/23)
Fortunately, the impossibility to further publish my posts on 6 of these blogs of totalizm did NOT cause the loss of their posts. This is because after complementing with illustrations, colours, underlining and working links of all my posts that I published so far on blogs of totalizm, including this post, I systematically make them available also in my free electronic publication [13] in a safe PDF format and in normal size 12pt (formerly up to the post #360E in two sizes of print, i.e. also in large size 20pt) - which everyone can download for free, e.g. through the web page named "tekst_13.htm" available on all the web sites indicated above, including, for example, at . Almost all posts to blogs of totalizm published in Polish are also published in this [13] after my translation of them to the English language, and thus I hope they should be understandable for inhabitants of countries other than Poland.

Blog-posts linked here, or extending and supplementing this #379E:

#379E, 2025/3/14 - why does every improvement in "adding action" (including ruling) revive and eliminate the threat of destruction by generating "moral energy" that satisfies the spiritual thirst described in verses 4:13-14 of "John" in the Bible and that pushes people to constantly increase their power over their neighbors, material goods and money? (#3A from "2026totalizmparty.htm")
#378E, 2025/2/14 - could iterative refinement of governance philosophy, from to-date "subtraction" principles to future "addition" trends, prevent the Tytler Cycle from occurring and what benefits could such refinement bring to all of us, also where and how could the implementation of this refinement be attempted in practice? (#2A to #2J from "2026totalizmparty.htm")
#377E, 2025/1/14 - "moral energy" (Chi) and the intelligent "God Drobinas" that carry this energy, our learning to use the power of which advances the fate of each person and everything that exists at our planet (#D1 to #D3 of "totalizm2020_uk.htm")
#376E, 2024/12/12 - perfect "adding" governments, without flaws and evil, designed by the Philosophy of Everything called "Totalizm2020" (#C1 to #C5 from "totalizm2020_uk.htm")
#375E, 2024/11/12 - the engineering "how" that turned my Totalizm1985 into the "adding" Philosophy of Everything from 2020 (#A1 and #A2 from "totalizm2020_uk.htm")
#374E, 2024/10/16 - although the "false prophets" scare us with the "end of the world", what has actually come is the punishment of the "destroyers of the earth" announced in the Bible (#M1 to #M3 of "god.htm")
#373E: 2024/9/5 - how in engineering way I distinguish between "adding" Acts of God and "subtracting" harm done by hidden "powers of evil", e.g. when I perceived very painfully the "fruits" of whatever happened and hence I want to remember these teachings in the future by establishing the truth on "who", "how" and "why" so painfully experienced me (#G1 to #G3 of "rok_uk.htm")
#372E: 2024/8/1 - my discovery from 1985 secretly fought against, denied, ridiculed and covered up stating that only from "God Drobinas" and infinity of 4-dimensional [1] "counter-world" God wisely created: the timeless [2] "virtual world", finite 3-dimensional our [3] "world of matter", and the passage of "reversible software time" for people's travel through time (#I1 to #I5 of "parasitism.htm")
#371E: 2024/7/1 - how to defend ourselves against enslavement, rape, robbery and killing by UFOnauts parasitizing on people (#K1 to #K5 of "aliens.htm")
#370E: 2024/6/1 - the role of "moral energy" in methods of ensuring love and durability (or rescue from divorce) marriages threatened by divorce (#I1 and #I2 of "bible.htm")
#366E, 2023/12/24 - evaporation of WTC by UFO and "what is truth" of UFOnaut Pontius Pilate, contrast method, calculating the probability of truth, examples of truth and untruth (#D1 to #D1a of "wtc.htm")
#362E, 2023/8/20 - four-propulsors UFOs built to hijack our airplanes and ships, and for example how the reform of the justice system based on the principle of "taking away privileges" could help to completely remove the evil UFOnauts from Earth (#I1 to #I5 of "bandits.htm")
#357E, 2023/3/20 - don't fight evil, but "turn the other cheek" as the Bible recommends, because this evil will be dealt with by the principle of "self-regulation" that God builds into everything He created and manages (#N1 to #N3 of "cielcza_uk.htm")
#318E, 2020/1/23 - the illness of soul called "depression" and the premises for its treatment with "moral work" which increases the resources of "moral energy" of the patient, suggested by the indications of my scientific Theory of Everything from 1985 and confirmed by the results of my empirical research on the "totaliztic nirvana" which I personally experienced for about 9 months during my professorship in tropical Borneo (#C6 and #D3 of "nirvana.htm")
#212E, 2012/1/2 - hooray: measurements have shown that the efficiency of the crystal radio "astronomically" exceeds 100% (#J1 to #J3 of "fe_cell.htm")
#84 (only in Polish), 2009/4/18 - crystal radio as a prototype of the telekinetic cell of my invention (#H1 to #H4 of "fe_cell.htm")

Let totalizm prevail,
Dr Eng. Jan Pająk


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